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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

In Er'red's group Ashlinn posed a question and I honestly didn't know the answer so I looked up the timeline and this is the best hypothesis I can come up with:

In YE34 the 2nd Mishhu war ended. After this point I would imagine that Lor, Yamatai, and Nepleslia were largely rebuilding and shoring up their defences while eying each other uneasily. When YE36 rolled around DATASS was signed and allowed the three Factions to turn their attention to things that were not the immediate threat of being subjugated by their nearby allies. As such I would imagine that from YE36-37 Lor was looking over its options and decided that their new shiny exploration vessel could make looking at the remnants of Tange (an old UOC system that fell during the NMX war) a part of its maiden voyage.

I suppose it is relevant that the UOC was an ally to Lor and their fall in the NMX war likely had Lor a little off balance in their activities which might also weigh in on the delay in checking on Tange.

TL;DR : Lor has been busy with other things so this is their first opportunity to send someone to check on the evacuated world.

I hope this helps.
@Eistheid That pretty much sums it up as far as I know. Lor inherited the largest part of the former UOC claimed territories and now that they are a full-fledged independent power (rather than a UOC protectorate) it makes sense they need to know what exactly it is that they "own" infrastructure wise and how it can be used. Also, if the NMX really are gone or some cleaning house is required.
>.> Hah! And here I was expecting a 'shut up, grunt, it's above your paygrade.' response IC. I have been reading over the history between all three and figured Ash would be too, hence her question. Seemed odd to her that the world could easily be rebuilt/populated and being so close, any not? XP thanks for the answer though, this had me a little stumped.
J'ann and the rest of Porrim's group are not at the farm yet. I mean, they're close, but Akemi is the only one with the robot presently because he ran ahead. Lllllogistics!
Meanwhile I just realised that I rushed my post and made Akemi look like a fool when he DID do his job.

Perhaps Porrim's on her period, she's still mad about the egg thing, doesn't like Neko, or I need a less stressful week.

I'll pay more attention next time. Haven't had the luxury of time this week with starting publishing communication. I have a manuscript to format and a parent-organised holiday on my heels.