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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

Just a heads up: I've taken note of Pitch and Pulse's arrival at the Gym, just with there already being NPCs around I don't think their arrival is enough to note for now. As such I'll be keeping an eye out and will make note of them in my next post should I need to.
Umm.. Thank you?

Just when I think I've seen everything, you continue to amaze me yet again. And cause me to spit out my drink... only that crazy Akemi would want to wear Aran'ya. Kinky Neko.

...okay maybe I do find the idea strangely attractive.

^ Similarly, I also notice that people have arrived, but I'm in the same boat as ol' Eistheid. There's enough NPCs in there that I'm waiting for something notable.
Awesome launch post Luca! I posted for Aran'ya as well, to hurry her and Akemi to the bar with the observation deck you mentioned. Would hate to miss the action.
Everyone wants to fight the Fyunnen, weh.

Also yay on getting our own subforum. We be official an' stuff nao.
I assume that Menelik's presence probably won't make the Val'ta explode.

Also, is the character list even up to date?
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alright people, line in the sand here, no more posts until I post. I need to get my shit together and read everything all of you have churned out.

The GM has not had a good last few days and he needs to wrap his head around all the bullshit going on in his life and everything you guys have written while dealing with more bullshit. I haven't been procrastinating, I've been dealing with, you guessed it - bullshit.

I'm planning to post this evening, and my next post next week will be the one that segues into Mission 1 on Tange. Also, this opens up the door to posting JPs that happen between Prologue and Mission 1. Main thread's getting incredibly busy. I think it's time to do separate SP threads for things between Prologue and Mission 1 because goodness you guys are way too fast and the thread's getting quite confusing because people are forgetting to put place names in their posts. Not rocket science, come on.
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