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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

Moon Drop-scale fuckup in public
[And this is a legitimate warning. Akemi's chances of survival socially are looking grim. First and only warning before consequences.]
<Eistheid> Kirk has the right of it. Porrim's response is super lenient. Most LSDF Captains would have had Akemi executed on the spot, no questions asked.
Is this actually known to be the case from @OsakanOne and/or @DocTomoe ?
Eistheid had to ask if what Akemi said was a big taboo and Osaka said in IRC most non-orthodox Lorath wouldn't care so how is this worth killing someone over "no questions asked?"
I find it strange when people act as if they have absolute certainty on this.
The ship's ARIA was already logging the incident down. Akemi's file had a red mark on it, a symbol that looked like an M and a T put together with a line through the middle.
On top of that an artificial intelligence is automatically determining this is a legitimate big deal.
Is there anything on the wiki about this and things of this level of severity?
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Akemi you might be forgetting the other part though, orthodox families raise their children from birth thinking it's repugnant. I don't think the insinuation itself is enough to get you killed, cept if you maybe insinuate that someone else does it and they challenge you to a trial by duel. But Akemi is on thin ice already, and to people who grew up with orthodox values, what Akemi said would be very very offensive.
Akemi you might be forgetting the other part though, orthodox families raise their children from birth thinking it's repugnant.
This also amuses me as I wonder if people truly realize the difference between IC and OOC when it comes to my character. I'm not saying you don't. I just find it to be a funny typo.
This also amuses me as I wonder if people truly realize the difference between IC and OOC when it comes to my character. I'm not saying you don't. I just find it to be a funny typo.
XD Sorry about that. Yeah, I don't actually know how to pronounce your OOC name, but I can pronounce Akemi, so that is the first thing that comes to my head when I'm typing. I have to slow down to remember to put your name, sorry bout that.
Umm, if Akemi is looking for true sympathy from Aran'ya for what he just said then I'm not sure he's going to find much of it. That comment is way over the line of trading light insults...
Ahahahaha. There's no problem to be sorry about. In my mind I am an innocent little cat person with a penchant for mischief.

Well write whatever you want to write man.

Not as bad as some execution crap or anything like that, but certainly she would be seen as a total bitch, would have that opinion marked on her personal record, and would likely end up being the subject of an intense bullying campaign, in conjunction with possibly being the target of friendly fire, or being put into some impossibly bullshit situations.

Recommendation: Magical Mew Mew needs to make an apologetic gesture, or at the very least, acknowledge that perhaps she is talking out her ass.
Well, it's clear that I fucked up.

First of all sorry to @Amaryllis for causing more trouble for Akemi than should have happened. I was looking at the structure of Lorath society, compounded with what Akemi is, and who they are which was looking worse and worse for them so I was honestly expecting a heavy handed response from any Lorath who cares about their culture.

For clarity I'll lay out my train of thought so as to not seem like I'm just back peddling; The Lorath are a Matriarchy. At their core is all things motherly, which places a huge value on all things child, in my opinion. An egg, even an unfertilized one, is sitting somewhere between the human equivalent of either menstrual blood, or an undeveloped child. This led me to the conclusion that the Lorath would consider egg related things serious. Moving on to the issues Akemi has simply for existing... Even if Akemi wasn't frequently irritating people verbally, he is one of the Yamataian races. The Empire that from the perspective of the Lorath dropped a moon on Lor within the last ten years. One could also implicate Yamatai in the Occhestian split and exile. So two things to hate the YSE for. Furthermore Neko are largely viewed as equipment rather than people lending to Lorath not trusting them and generally feeling distaste toward the artificial race. Beyond this Akemi isn't just a Neko, but a Neko that is for some reason male, this places Akemi's standing below that of a normal Neko because he is opposite of the gender that the entire race views as superior, possibly on purpose. Something that I do not believe would earn Akemi any love.

When I suggested that Akemi would probably be brutally dealt with elsewhere in the LSDF it was with that in mind. Akemi has a lot going against them just for existing from what I've seen of Lorath culture.

Now again, I was wrong and I want to apologize for that. I was just trying to help people who might not be too clear on the circumstances get an idea of how upset they would be in relation to Akemi's words IC.

After all, while Akemi isn't a character that I'd personally enjoy interacting with due to their mouthy nature I don't believe in holding grudges against players or characters OOC. It is a waste of effort that can be better spent on having fun.
The Empire that from the perspective of the Lorath dropped a moon on Lor within the last ten years.
No need to apologize bro. What gets me now is did Yamatai really really drop a moon? Because I read DocTomoe saying they did but then if I remember correctly Wes said that Yamatai shot at the moon in defense of the planet and Doc got to decide whether there were remnants that could still harm the planet.
The official story OOC is that the Mishhu dropped the moon and Yamatai tried to stop it from hitting the planet. (This is complicated and I don't really want to go too deep into it because from what I can tell no one agrees on what happened.)

However IC the Lorath blame Yamatai for the moon drop incident because according to them if Yamatai hadn't been there then the moon drop would have never happened.

Think of it as a political spin on the story if it makes more sense to you. The bottom line is that as a culture the Lorath believe that Yamatai destroyed one of their moons and severely damaged their planet.
Yep that sounds about right to me. Let's also not forget the fact that Hanako just happened to ave taken the Matriarchy leader's virginity too if I'm not mistaken? They feel violated in so many ways as a culture as a result.

Also random question this whole egg thing raises... Could a L'manel bonded to an egglaying animal (birds, insects, etc) ever conceivably be able to pull off that feat -- without permanent damage?
I don't know if this is on the wiki and I'm doubting if it is canon or not, I can't remember but I want to say that Lorath lay eggs naturally...

A lot of revision and improvement on the Lorath pages are in planning stages so hopefully this will all have easily accessible answers in the future.
I never thought of them as actually doing that naturally! (don't only Gartagens lay eggs?) I always assumed they were reproductively like humans, since they had a eugenics caste mindset. Though if Helashio are thematically cats then they are the birds... So I guess it makes a degree of sense. I almost could see Lorath as harpy-like if this is true.
I remember asking Osaka and DocTomoe about this and them saying they produced eggs pregnant or not regardless of caste and that Lorath have super duper hips that can do Chris Angel Mind Freak contortion acts to get them out.

This is why my character is asking. He genuinely wants to try eating a Lorath egg, specifically Aran'ya's.

He'll eat the whole thing even if it tastes awful. In fact, he'll especially eat it all if it tastes bad to show how grateful he is.

Akemi will be accepting any and all apology eggs. She'll even cook you your own egg and serve it to you in bed.
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It's not some "story." It's what actually happened in the RP.

Lor was surrounded by a big Mishhu fleet and a Star Army fleet led by Hanako came to fight them:

At this point it's revealed the Lorath are consorting with the Mishhuvurthyar:

At great personal risk to herself (Having already been tortured and raped by the Mishhuvurthyar by this point), Hanako goes to the SMX ship to negotiate with Melisson.

Lorath orders at that time:

The Lorath Queen realizes that her coming to the Mishhu was a terrible idea:

Hanako and her away team arrive and tell the Mishhuvurthyar to go away.

Melisson starts the moon attack and Queen Destiny begs Hanako to help Lor:

LSDF Kathra Station reaction:

The YSS Sakura is ordered to get between the falling moon and planet Lor, but is attacked by Black Spiral traitors working with the Mishhu. Meanwhile, the fleet begins to attempt to destroy the moon in order to save Lor:

A power armor fight happens on the Sakura and the Black Spiral ship attacks Kathra Station and some transports. The SMX fleet departs. Meanwhile the moon continues to be pummeled:

The moon was starting to break apart into large chunks by now. Fragments and shards of all shapes and sizes were raining down on the surface below, filling the sky with flaming debris and trails of smoke.

"Destiny nodded to Kotori, and looked around for Hanako. She'd wanted to thank the Sakura's captain for saving Lor."

After this the Xiaah returns home to Lor, drama occurs over Mindy salvage, and Hanako makes some rice.

So that's the way it went down in the actual RP.

TLDR: The Lorath Queen thought she could negotiate with Melisson and it backfired and the planet got messed up for it. The Star Army did what it could to save the planet (and did), but couldn't stop major damage from happening. Anyone who says Yamatai didn't do its best to save Lor is a liar.
Thanks for the clarifications on IC events @Wes, I havn't gotten that far in the YSS Sakura logs so I couldn't say for certain what had happened.

I am however pretty sure that despite Yamatai's actions the Lorath still blame them for the event even though Yamatai did their best to limit the fallout and save the planet. I think this is IC politics twisting the events though.
I enjoy history, though as much as it displeases me, I think Five is on to something. Didn't all of this somehow get kickstarted by what he mentioned? OOC, I'd dig it so long as I could actually read the RP of that, even though my characters would bitch about it since they'd be IC.
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