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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.1] Whom fortune favors - Recon

Murr followed suite into her own Stako. That Keyul, with his tough rep, cared about her enough to listen and helped in time of need. She liked La'ta for the ability to share by mind link and also being there. And Memi who stood guard when he could've slacked off. She felt strengthen by their assistance and doing their job.

She finally gave her report via radio text messaging confiming what La'ta had sent to Keyul. Sending a private text message to Memi, "thanks for standing tough in overwatching us."

As much as she wanted to face her demons, looking over the group, Murr didn't want them to be hurt. She signaled she was ready as she finished stowing the excess equipment she took with her her outside the Stako. She closed up and switched from standby to full operations.
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Keyul considered the information that they had gained. Defilers were present at the site. Not pretend ones because the plants would have made that distinction. He checked his communications system, and performed an attempt to link to the Yome Ismâopate via network and got a negative contact. He figured that would be the case, their descent into this region cost them their LOS with the ship.

Opened up a channel to the others, text only. "Switch to Tactical Mode on your Comm System. Repeat tactical mode now." was the message. He then tried hailing the XO. "Tin-To'a Sejgui, this is Sâvyjo-Aaeas. We have a situation." he waited and got no response. "Gudar" he said swearing to himself. If they have entered the structures we can not reach them via radio. They do not know about the threat. We are going to have to take action. He thought waiting to see that the others had switched their comms.
Murr's symbol in Keyul's Stako lit up signaling she was on the same tact freq as he was. Then came the two rapid click/breaks in the static from her. Soon followed by text message :: All system green, weapons hot. Claws Sharp. Murr. :: She moved into position, She was ready.
La'tâ switched over to tactical protocol on her comms and primed her weapon as she spoke on the comms quickly "Sâvyko-Qoji all green and combat ready." She ceased all her scans as well to minimize her signature to any detection equipment and cleared the display of anything except for what she needed for combat and monitoring her team. While on foot 100 meters would have probably been the edge of reasonable combat distance, withing the Stako it was a trivial matter to place an accurate enough shot to hit a target at this range, so La'tâ had to be alert and couldn't afford any distractions, even if the targets were infantry.
Once the comm was switched over Memi sent a quick affirmative to Murr. He had continued to stand guard, his weapons systems nervously snapping to target every movement or sound out there. He was totally out of his element and wasn't sure what to do. but he figured if something attacked at this point he was surly dead.
Murr catching the rapid movement of Memi. She moved her Stako to the other side of him, placing him between her and Keyul. Allowing La'ta to have her spot to the right of Keyul.

Murr sent a quick text message to Memi:: Calm down, my friend. I am to your left and Keyul the Hunt Leader is to your right. I'm scared also. Murr. :: At the end of the text message was a little smiley face wearing a helmet and below was an oversized rifle with hands the same color as the smiley face. She was thankful she was mute cause definitely her voice would be very high pitch with dread.

She definitely was gonna give everyone a hug when this mission was over with and safe aboard the ship, Even Veteran Keyul whom everyone was afraid of, was gonna get a hug. Military Protocols be damned!

Murr focused on the job at hand. She let Keyul know where she moved to by text message. Maybe her Elders were right that she should've forgone the rights of passage into adulthood and stayed on the farm being a farmer and never be allowed to legally mate. And miss this excitement which may get her killed? At least she had experienced the freedom of making her own choices. Where others had never made it even this far.
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Keyul pondered the situation. He was put in charge of the group because of his position, but he held the same ranks as everyone here. The installation and the surroundings which moments before had seemed an exciting adventure. Now it was a clear and present danger. His personal sense of honor drove him to do what he could to help the others.

"Okay here is the sitrep.

We are out of contact with the ship. The only way to get a message to them means sending someone back over the rise. Since we know there is a threat, I can not send one person, minimum would be two. That would half our force here at the installation. Furthermore it would take time for any reinforcements to arrive. The Tin-To'a and the others are not responding to communication. The most probable reason is they entered the installation and can't hear us.

We can not leave the installation. The other team does not know about the Defilers, and since they had no Tula's there is no way they could. If we go to where the plants showed the Defilers are located. If they have detected the other group, we can come at them from behind and surprise them. If not we surprise them and attack them. The sound of weapons fire should be heard by the others.

None of us has been in combat against the Defilers, but we have been briefed. We have our Stako. I believe we can succeed. Is everyone ready to try."
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Murr sends her usual two clicks over the tact radio. Powers up her weapons to active, switching on tactical. Checking over her weapons to include her attached HS-EW1-1A Rotygo Acco Stako rifle. She gives a silent prayer to Siama Ryu as she powers up the Acco Stako rifle. She was about ready as possible. Just wishing that she wasn't so scared. Letting training take over. If she thought about it. She would be running back to the ship as fast as her stako legs could carry her.
La'tâ watched Memi fidget around constantly, realizing that he was probably getting anxious. She had to think about her words to come up with something comforting, but while she was thinking Keyul spoke up about their situation. Listening to it all La'tâ could only come to the same conclusion as Keyul, the only way to handle all their problems at once would be to attack. "Ready. I believe attacking the larger crab like ones first would be best. They should have the highest defensive ability, so we should take every advantage we can get against them."
Welp there it was, Memi was no completely sure that his ticket was soon to be punched. He wasn't going to run, but damn every atom of his body want to do just that. "We fight." He sent to the group trying to sound confident. the mech continued being jittery giving away his true feelings.

'At least it will all be documented if they recover the Stako.
Keyul smiled to himself, his fellow clans members were exhibiting the courage and determination that had kept the clan surviving for centuries in a strange region of space. Now he just had to do his job and make sure that he did all he could to keep them alive. He though about the tactics his brother had spoke of and what he had been trained in by his Jael.

"Sar-Memi, you are with me, keep behind me and to my left. If I shoot at something you either shoot at it, or make sure I do not get shot by something else.

La'tâ you backup Murr. "

He took a step forward and activated all the weapons his Matu'dahoka was equipped with. "For the Clan." as he set off heading toward the part of the installation that the Crab Defilers were last seen entering. Crossing the open terrain was easy, Keyul was more concerned about when the entered and had to deal with close quarters.
Murr charged forward staying online with Keyul, but far enough apart that one shot couldn't take both out. Scanning her sector. Moving easily, weapon at ready. Scanning her sector. Where her eyes looked, the business end of the weapon followed. She had a big responsibilty in keeping the Team's healer alive.
La'tâ moved in behind Murr, keeping a safe combat distance from her. Her priority was keeping everyone safe, but the best way to do that would be to eliminate the enemy as swiftly as possible to minimize injury. She wanted to say something but figured to wait till the enemy was located, not wanting to have her communication intercepted and ruin the ambush.
Sending the group leader a affirmative, Memi moved to cover him. he wasn't confident at all and still was jumping at every little mouse (like critters) and leave blown in the breeze. with the comm off he turned on the voice recorder and started talking.

"Ummm... Well I'm in a Stako... They tell me it's the scout variant. I'm carrying a gun and covering our group leader... Things are quite intense, we are hunting, or possibly counter-hunting some defilers. They are know to our allies as NMX... I can not pronounce the Mishu name fully, Though I feel I should learn I also feel dirty even knowing a few syllables of the words.... Two of the others in the group have preformed Vit'kata, as far as I know it is the first time in a combat situation it has been used, though I will have to do more research to verify that, I do know it has been used in the hunt for generations uncounted...

I fear that I have noted a deficiency in the chosen equipment of the scout Stakos. They do not allow for the ritual of Vit'kata to be preformed with in the mechanized armor. I view this as a weakness if the ritual is to be used regularly. though I do have full recordings of the whole process. I may forward it back to our home, Maybe someone of the clan will use the data collected to come up with a solution..."

He continued to walk forward scanning back and forth looking for any of the so called defilers, sadly he hadn't taken time to do much research on them so what they looked like were still foreign to him.

"I believe that if they want a Kyn Lumu'ai Jael to accompany the combat teams they should not count us as part of the combat packs. Instead like most observers we should be able to step back and stay out of the situations as a good observer should. though I fear speaking up with this one, for fear of others believing I am not brave enough or am dishonoring the clan and my family... Then again I fear that with every step I may fail my team and everyone else. To think I believed that I was brought on ship to record the happening and transcribe everything as fitting for the first ship of it's kind. <sound of him sighing along with a chuckle> Though I'm sure that most of my team wishes I was still locked safely in my cabin working on all of the stuff we have gotten so far."

Memi's Stako continued forward, with no sign of the monologue that was forming in side of it.
Keyul paused to look at the structure before them. There was a large opening in the side of the structure. It was easily large enough for his Stako to walk through. He could see an assortment of machines and other objects in the structure. He activated the visual sensors and enhanced the image. From deeper in the structure he could see a pair of the crab Defilers. He sent the image to the others, which arrived a second after he transmitted it, following by an update to the team. He checked the communications system and there was still no contact with the larger team.

Murr came up on the opposite side of the opening of Keyul. She was ready to attack. Seeing the Defilers, it was stuff of nightmares as she had been taught when she was young. And the reason why she was Mute, A Defiler had snuck in the dead of night and stole her voice. Maybe after she killed a Defiler Crab, Siama Ryu would grant her wish; Gift of Voice.

She smiled with excitement at finally able to lift the Curse of the Defiler off herself, yet filled with fear of the horror stories that history had taught of these creatures. The truth of the moment was fast approaching.

Murr just keyed her transmitter twice like she always had done so far. Her stako vibrated with anticipation? Fear? From her. Her Stako mouth opened and the plasma cannon barrel extended, primed and ready. Her Stako rifle held at ready.
A few years ago La'tâ would never have imagined herself in this kind of situation, after all she had wanted to become a retainer, and took medical courses to compliment her knowledge. However even though this was not the direction she planned for her life, she felt a sense of duty and excitement towards her current situation. If this battle went well it would not just be an achievement on its own, but it would mean she would be capable of protecting someone as their retainer as well.

Now that she was beside Murr on the left side of the entrance took a breath to relax herself, she had piloted a stako enough in training to know that getting tensed only makes the stako more jerky with it's movements.
Keyul signaled with hand gestures that he was going in. He charged forward into the structure for about 10 meters. Above him heading down the passage way were eight large pipes that vanished into the darkness. There were smaller ones probably conduits that ran with them. However, the large pipes had corrosion at places and dripped some unidentified green ooze from their joints.

He fired a three round burst from his Rotygo Acco Stako, and then fired both HS-MH3-W75400 Acco Rotysam (Coil Gun). at the closest crab. It was probably overkill, but the data on the Defilers clearly emphasized ensuring complete destruction of any of the Defilers.
As Soon as Keyul ducked in and started firing, Memi followed suit spraying the room with rounds. It was incredibly violent... His voice recorder was able to pick up a minute and an half long scream of fear and rage, as the rounds fired out of his weapon on fully-automatic spray.

this all would have looked pretty bad-rumped, all for the fact that every one of the forty-eight rounds hit pipes, walls, flooring, and the ceiling. Not a single round came anywhere near the defilers. But he was frozen in his scream and the trigger finger was still clenched around the now empty gun as it continued to swing around the room.

The funny part was the analytical part of his brain was taking notes on his own performance. Reports were already being drafted along with who all they should be sent to for proper documentation.
Murr watched in horror at Memi's wild firing. Her mouth dropped open as she froze in position. She watched pipes burst in green ooze explosions, Dust coming up off the floor from the projectiles digging into the floor and chips flying off the walls. If Murr could speak, it would've been "F************k!" at wild shooting of Memi.

She darted into the building as quick as she could, bypassing Memi. Letting loose with careful aimed single shots from her HS-EW1-1A Rotygo Acco Stako rifle into the Second Defiler. Then followed by her Stako Plasma cannon at the same Defiler she was shooting at with her Rotygo. She kept firing till the Second Defiler Crab was charred remains. She reloaded her Rotygo Rifle when it came up empty. Storing the empty magazine in the place she took the full magazine from.
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