Sorri shook her head. "I need to work quickly. Go see if the others are okay, please?" She glanced up at Talarin, her eyebrows raised as she made the request.
The tablet went down easy; it wasn't very big. The effects were swift, but still took more than just a few seconds to be felt. Sorri watched as the drug eased Aurelus...maybe making him a little loopy, but definitely feeling better. While she waited, Sorri began pulling whatever clothing or armor was around the slice away and rubbing some salve on the wound, both to clean it as best she could without water on hand and because that particular salve had a numbing agent. The needle was threaded and ready to go. Then she paused.
"On second thought, Talarin, just make sure he doesn't move," the quarterling said quickly, realizing that if Aurelus decided to move while she was working there wasn't much she'd be able to do about it.