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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 13.1] Ghost Towns

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Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Eucharis Bridge

Sune was monitoring multiple channels, the away team had been attacked, and Hanako was injured. He resisted the urge to pound the console in frustration.

"Nayacesen-Juni, I do not know what the hold up is with the medic, but we need to get those people secured. Go to my power armor, there is a PMS-1 with extra vials of inject-able nanomachines. Get it and inject each of the refugees. The hand unit is programmed to look for parasite infestation. Once they are clear get them into the lounge and secure it. Since the medic is taking so long, take the wounded to the medbay. Hakujou-Juni can treat them there.

The Shôshô has been injured, we're lifting ship to rendezvous with the shuttle." Sune said as he sent the command for the cargo doors to close.

"Tachihara-Hei, track the planetary bombardment, and keep me apprised of anything heading our way. Anti-Armor weapon systems are at your command." He said as he crossed the bridge, he paused for a moment considered briefly taking Hanako's station but remembered her reaction the last time he was there.

He crossed over to the primary helm station. His hands flew deftly across the console, and he felt the gunship lift in response to his commands.

"Jalen-Taii to Away team, planetary bombardment is continuing, we have a fix on your position and are bringing the Eucharis your position to expedite." He sent on the away team channel, as he swung the ship around and accelerated towards his crew mates.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Cargo Bay

"On it Taii."

Takeyu gave a nod and beckoned to one of the nearby survivors to keep pressure on the girls wound, then he got up and rushed into the armor bay to Sune's armor and retrieved the vials and injector. Then he headed back into the bay.

He went to each of the refugees, and began to inject each one, then waited to see what the results would be before moving on to the next patient, hoping that he wouldn't find a parasite in any of them.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Eucharis Bridge

"Affirmative, Taii." said Reika, acknowledging Sune's instructions. The neko turned her full attention back to the Eucharis' bridge console. Her gaze narrowed upon the feeds from the warships MIES sensor suite, identifying the enemy ordnance headed for the mission zone, calculating their probable impact locations and blast radii. So far, nothing was headed too close to pose an immediate threat to themselves or the away team -- but that could change with very little warning, so the operative kept checking the readouts every few moments as she worked.

The neko also activated a control window for the ships set of quad AA turrets, in preparation for covering the retreat of the remaining members of the away team still planet-side. Though the NMX didn't appear to have many remaining troops in the area, it was possible that they'd detected the Eucharis or the away team's shuttle by now, and would make the attempt to take one of them down en route, despite the fact the planet's surface was half on its way to becoming a radioactive, unlivable wasteland.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Cargo Bay

Most of the scans were completely clear. Takeyu had one false positive when the scanner started to indicate a parasite, but then informed him that the woman in question was pregnant. But then as he continued the scanner without any alarm or flashing indicated that the patient he had just scanned was infected.

Reika's sensor scans after a bit started showing a new set of signals. A series of clustered objects were streaking down from orbit, one of which was heading towards the Tokyo district. As they got lower in the atmosphere the cluster started breaking in to smaller groups. The tactical system identified them as battlepods. One of the smaller clusters was on an intercept course for the Eucharis.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Hakujou burst into the cargobay, a deranged but happy smile on her face.
"WHO ASKED FOR MEDICNE!?" She shouted, probably alittle too loudly, since she was almost flooded by the refugees, most complaining about minor injuries. But being the crazy, and sometimes awesome, doctor she was, she managed to make her way through the mess of people and stumbled towards the child she was notified about as an A class emergency.

Dropping the kit and her medical bag, Hakujou retrieved a surgeons cap, mask and eye shield. After donning the items, she opened her medical bag, exposing her private collection of instruments and shooed the people away, except one, which she kept as a gofer and sponge nurse. The other person administering to the child was given some of the medical kit from the med bay and instructed to handle the light injuries, and was told to bring the Teenager with the slashed calf.

She then removed the bandages, and after gauging the damage, she pulled out her suture and a two way IV cable. She didn't bring any plasma either, but she figured her Hemosynthetic blood would work as a go between as well as kick start the girl's body to quickly replace lost blood. After plugging her arm into the girl's arm, she got to work sewing her back together.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Takeyu glanced over at Hakujou. "We have an infected here," he commented worriedly and in a low enough tone so only she could hear it.

"The Taii wants us to place all non-injured in the lounge and secure them there while taking all injured to the medical bay," he said before sending off the message of the infected to the Taii.

Taii, we have an infected indivisual here, we also had a false positive, turns out a new life will be born in the coming weeks perhaps

He made a gesture at the child to make certain she was still with them, a wave of the hand just two feet from her face brought a pained expression, with a faint smile hidden by his helmet he looked up to address those in the bay. "We're going to move those of you with no-injuries to our lounge so you can rest and be safe. Those of you injured we'll take to the medical bay for further treatment."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Hakujou looked at Takeyu with an expression that was as close to sheer happiness, and a smile that was so wide, he could tell it there since it pulled her mask out to the sides.

"Quarantine it," Hakujou whispered in respose. "I'll study it later."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Takeyu glanced at the infected patient and then up at those around, before turning back toward Hakujou and whispering. "We've best move the people now, we can place this patient in a containment cell and see about removing it there, it would be best 'not' to try and remove it here just in case it gets loose."

He waited to see what Hakujou would say, all the while his hand was close to his NSP - just in the case unthinkable actually happened..
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Helen moved as ordered, and when the parasite appeared, she leveled her NSP at it, only to watch it be blasted. She wondered if she was going to do anything productive at this point. Peering into the skies above, which had holes punched through clouds and atmosphere which allowed a glimpse into the blackness of space, Helen wondered just why the Eucharis was sent for a mission that clearly called for a Sharie, or an Eikan. A shrug left her, as she resumed being an accessory to Hanako's mission to retrieve a surprisingly docile and totally malleable VIP.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

"It would be best to remove the infected first, take it to a holding cell under the auspice of taking it to the medical bay, you can make up the reason they're going." Hakujou responded, mostly concerned with stitching the child in front of her up. "If you're insecure about it getting loose with you alone, take a couple sprites with you, I doubt anyone will miss one of them if you have to kill'em." She said off handily, waving one of her gloved hands, and splattering blood everywhere.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Although hidden by his helmet, Takeyu found himself disturbed by Hakujou's suggestion. While the Sprites could very well serve that purpose, he had no intention of using them as shields to protect himself, it just wasn't his thing - plus - they had no sprites available anyway as far as he knew.

Taking in a breath and exhaling slowly, to clear his head, he would not address this particular concern right now.

He gave a nod of the head at Hakujou's suggestion and stood up, before helping the man up, when asked where they were going Takeyu merely told him that with the number of injured in the room he had to get him out due to some internal injures that were more serious than the ones others had.

When he got to medical, he placed the man in an isolation room and told him that he'll be back shortly, he had Charisma keep an eye on the man and made his way back to the cargobay. "He's in, though we probably don't have much time," he commented as he looked around at the refugees. "We'll be taking all of you to the lounge in just a moment, those of you with injures will be taking to medical, once Hakujou-Juni is done here, we'll go." He looked down at the Juni.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

In short order Hanako and Helen had arrived at the location of Koharu's emergency bunker on the outskirts of the city, where they found her and a bodyguard waiting with her bags packed just inside the armored entrance door. After they had her aboard, they set course to rendezvous with the YSS Eucharis along with the other shuttles.

Once the shuttles were back aboard, Hanako went to the bridge. "Sune, take us up. We should add our firepower to the fleet."

In the Jiyuu system, the battle was intensifying as the NMX ships drew closer. NMX ships were also starting to launch asteroids at the planet.

"What is the situation with the survivors we picked up?" Hanako asked.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns


Sune angled the Eucharis flight path upwards while restoring full CFS shielding around the ship. "Eucharis is now on departure angle to leave the planet and join the battle.

Healthy survivors are being kept in the lounge which is being secured. We have a number of injured civilians which Hakujou-Juni should be treating. We have one civilian in a holding cell in medbay which was infected. Once Hakujou-Juni is done treating the injured, she will attempt to remove the parasite."

He picked up the handset and dialed ship-wide, "Attention all hands, we are at Condition 1. Repeat we are at Condition 1." he said, as he sounded Battlestations on the ship.

With the Eucharis on course, he quickly walked over to one of the lockers and pulled out an AMES, and put it on. Transferring his belt and its objects to the outside of the suit.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns


Reika, still at the sensor station on the bridge turned to Sune and Hanako saying, "Sir, ma'am... it appears that the NMX have begun dispatching battlepods towards the planet's surface -- and one group is headed right for us. They'll intercept us before we can escape the atmosphere and join up with the rest of our fleet. The Eucharis' sensors have also detected several large masses in orbit without detectable energy signatures -- so they're not ships. If I had to hazard a guess, I would judge from their behavior thus far that the Mishhuvurthyar are about to commence bombardment of the planets surface with asteroids captured in-system."

The SAINT operative knew that asteroid bombardment was a fairly effective tactic when laying siege to a planet when one didn't care about collateral damage. All it would take to cause a global extinction-level event was an impact from a modest-sized asteroid in the 1-2km size range, which would result not only in significant physical damage where it hit -- but could also result in a planet-wide dust cloud that would block the sun for years and kill off most if not all the planets native flora and fauna effectively as a nuclear winter.

The Neko quickly copied Sune in donning an AMES suit -- ship-to-ship combat was imminent and she'd probably not have another chance any time soon. Once suited up, she returned to the sensor station, and prepared to engage the battlepods with the Eucharis' point defenses, once they closed the distance.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Helping Hakujou

Once Takeyu was done helping Hakujou-Juni with the refugees, moving them to the lounge to be secured and then to medical, he gave her a bow and wished her luck before he made his way back from medical to the power armor bay and placed his armor back on the rack, then grabbed an AMIS suit from the locker and headed back to engineering.

He wanted to stay and assist her more, but his station was in engineering and he had to be there in case the Shosho needed something.


When he arrived he took a seat at his station, the one once used by Yaichiro. He brought the console online, started bring up volumetric displays and monitoring the various onboard systems.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Ramiro, already in his AMES, entered the bridge just in time to hear something about being intercepted before they left the atmosphere. "Not if I have anything to do with it!" He briskly walked over and plopped himself down in the Starship Operations station, pulling up the helm controls and weapons systems in on-screen windows.

Double-checking that all if the systems on the ship were up and running, Ramiro rotated the ship so that it was pointing vertically at the group of approaching battlepods. "Preparing to engage hostiles with a frontal assault Shosho. Charging the main cannon for a spread attack."

Ramiro was about to program some commands into the Quad and Dual cannons, but saw that they were already open at sensor station. Ramiro glanced behind him and said, "Tachihara-Hei, from my experience shooting at squiddies, it's best to manually program the weapons so that groups of weapons will all target the same battlepods. The spread from the main cannon should do a good hunk of damage, so group the Quads and Duals so that each group can finish off a pod with 1-2 attacks."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

The ship raced out of the atmosphere and at the approaching pods.

"If the pods are here the ships must be overrunning us," Hanako said, checking the sensors. The First Expeditionary Fleet was already making a tactical retreat from the system to jump distance. They kept a sizable distance between themselves and the NMX forces to minimize casualties. "Back us off but keep moving and keep shooting," Hanako ordered.

"Torpedoes incoming," Charisma's voice warned, deploying the weapons pods to help take them on.

"Forward shields to maximum!" Hanako ordered.

Meanwhile, comm traffic was heavy: "Enemy flagships spotted! Tokyo City has sustained a direct asteroid hit! There's too many of them!"

Amidst the traffic, Taisho Yui could be heard asking the Lorath: "LSDF, what are your plans here?"
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

"Firing main cannon," Ramiro called out as he fired a spread shot from the main cannon. "Recharging cannon." As sensor data began to pour in and orders came through. He readjusted their course so that they would come out of the atmosphere away from the NMX forces. He then redirected power to the forward shields. "Forward shields at maximum, trajectory altered to come out of the atmosphere away from the enemy fleet." As he piloted the ship he kept updating his screen with the latest intel and information. "Shosho, it seems that they have spotted the enemy flag ship."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

As the Eucharis screamed out from the atmosphere of Jiyuu, Helen monitored the sensors and let out a troubled sigh at the situation. There was no way around it, things were going to become a mess and the Empire was going to end up with another front for their war, unless something took place to ease the strain, she figured she would have to end up arranging for a summer home on Nepleslia Prime.

"Shosho, tell me where you need me right now, I'm still in my armor, and am entirely willing to lead a defensive armor team if need be." Helen spoke through the Kylie's communication link, as she stood in the armor bay and was prepared to remove the machine, or remain in it in preparation for a confrontation.


Over the communication line, a voice speaking Yamataian with a distinctive Lorath accent spoke over the communication line. "This is General Heartbreak, speaking for the Lorath Self Defense Force and Lorath Matriarchy. Our forces are here on a humanitarian mission and territorial defense operation. We do not intend to allow invaders to displace these people from their homes permanently, our ships are here to join in repelling the NMX, and to prevent the loss of civilian lives while maintaining the best interests of those displaced or effected by the collapse of our allied nation."

"I do think it would be obvious, since we have not fired on your ships, nor have we made a move against the ship of the spy and criminal. Against the NMX, we are allies. Now work with us, or lose this system. It is your choice." Continued the Lorath, offering a distinctive opportunity to the Yamataian forces, just what they would do with the opportunity was another matter.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns


Sune was back at the Systems and Safety Monitoring station on the bridge. He was tracking the incoming projectiles as well as monitoring the vital ship systems.

"Automatic weapon turrets are targeting the inbound torpedoes. Turrets are firing at them. One torpedo has evaded the turrets.... brace for impact." he called out, as he sounded "Collision Alert" through the ship and ensured that his restraints were tight.
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