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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 15] Gifted

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Samurai Sector

Eucharis appeared in a flash of teal light in the midst of the heavily militarized Samurai Sector, followed by her squadron and starbase blinking into place not too far away. The ship was fully operational once more but still bore the scars of many battles of the war that was still raging across hundreds of lightyears as vast Empires battled for survival. The bloody battle at Yamatai had given Yamatai a new glimmer of hope and a lust for revenge against the perverse and cruel minions of the Mishhuvurthyar military. This ship had been a part of the war since it began and, though the hard work of her crew, might see it to the end.


"Attention Eucharis crew," Hanako called over the shipwide intercom. "The time is 1800 hours and we are at readiness condition three. Keep AMES suits within easy reach and secure loose items. We are briefly stopping in the Samurai sector. I want to thank you all for your hard work getting the ship repaired in Kyoto. The year is coming to an end soon and I hope that we can celebrate it after this mission. Hanako out."

Hanako turned to Sune. "I need a volunteer ground team pre-determined for when we get there. Also we need to determine the best way of reaching the system down there. It is in territory that is not well explored. We need to be ready for anything."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

Sune had been running a series of diagnostics on the Eucharis' tactical systems. He had no idea what their orders were, but he wanted to ensure that the ship if called upon would serve.

He turned to Hanako when she addressed him. "I will get started on gathering the volunteers. May I ask what mission you expect the away team to perform? " He asked.

He dialed the ship wide channel, "Attention all hands, we are putting together a away team, volunteers only.

Personnel wishing to be part of the away team should report to the Wardroom for briefing in ten minutes. I want a broad spectrum of skills, so if you want to participate contact one of the night shift to cover your duties. Jalen-Shosa out."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Akemi exited the power armor bay and went quickly to the wardroom, but not before ensuring her uniform was clean. After helping Takeyu with ship repairs she had examined each suit and piece of equipment and tended to them as necessary. On her way she contacted Mango to let her know she would be absent from the ship as part of the away team. While waiting for others in the wardroom she stood straight and still, a short ways away from the entrance.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Takeyu walked around the ships main reactor, scrutinizing it while thinking about the repairs that they had done back on the homeworld and then the additionals they had performed on the ship. He was, however, happy that Akemi and Ramiro had assisted with repairs, as it made it easier to get the ship ready for lift off.

"Glad all of the repairs are completed," he muttered as he walked up to his station and did a double check on the ships power levels, and made certain that the new relays were functioning right. "Seem's the new relays are working, conduits are clear, and coolant is running great," he tabbed through the status displays before giving a nod.

When he heard the call for volunteer, he thought for a few moments. "Cherry, I'm going to join the away team. Keep an eye on the ship while I am gone," he said before leaning into the displays and running a check the capacitors and getting a green light back, then ran a quick check on the fusion generators, and also getting a green light. With a satisfied smile, he turned and started making his way to the Wardroom.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Misato was unpacking her duffel bag into her storage compartment. H was glad that she had a place to call home for the foreseeable future. As she was unpacking she heard the message over the Comms about wanting an away team. “Well I minds well get my feet wet sooner the latter.” With that she threw the half empty duffel into the bottom of the closet and headed off to the wardroom.
As she entered the wardroom she looked around to see who all was here and if there was any one she recognized.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Still getting used to her upgrades, Tomomi sat somewhat uncomfortable in her seat while she looked over the Eucharis' MEGAMI programming structure from her station. Last thing she needed were surprises waiting to spring on her. And it was a good opportunity to finally answer's her commander's request for suggestions for upgrades.

Not focusing to well to the other activities on the bridge, she only caught the beginning and end of both Hanako's and Sune's announcements.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

Ramiro sat at his station, piloting the ship as was his usual job. At the mention of the away team his mind jumped to the same question that Sune's did and at the mention of a varying set of skills he jumped to the conclusion that he would be expected to tag along. None the less, he continued to pilot the ship, silently eavesdropping on the conversation behind him before he would make a decision.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Off to the side of the action, clad in her AMES suit, Helen went about monitoring the sensors, remaining quite silent in regard to what was going on. They had just got there, and there was nothing to report. When the call for volunteers was announced, there was a distinctive mixed feeling in Helen's gut. Sure, part of her wanted to do as much as she could by heading out, but she also knew, she was an intelligence officer and she'd be able to do more from her position on the bridge... also, she was unsure if she'd even be able to contribute effectively to the away mission, since after all, there was little idea of what they were up against.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


After donning one of the spare AMES suits from the bridge storage cabinets, Reika resumed her previous place at the mission ops station where she had been familiarizing herself with the latest intel available. Mind drifting to the conversation nearby, she overheard the Shôshô's instructions to Sune and his subsequent announcement over the ships intercom. The operative's curiosity was piqued -- all the inhabited planets in the Samurai sector were presently held by the Yamatai Star Empire, and it wasn't immediately apparent to Reika just what task an away team from the Eucharis would be needed for.

Without any specific shipboard duties assigned to her, Reika decided she would add her name to the list of volunteers. Her skills would likely prove to be of more use on any away mission than aboard the ship where she was largely redundant.

The cyan-haired operative continued to listen circumspectly to Hanako and Sune's exchange -- waiting to hear what the Shôshô's reply to the nature of the away team's mission would be.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Hanako ran her hands through her luxuriant hair, staying silent for a moment before answering. "Being that territory has been untraveled by Star Army ships, it is very much unknown what we may encounter. We do know the Mishhuvurthyar were blockading the East Gate area of the Ketsurui Military Sector, so it is possible they will be in the area of the planet my other self is supposedly on. It could even be a trap. If the situation is as described, the plan is to reach the planet and conduct a rescue operation. We may also establish a small base camp there if long term searches are needed or if it would make a suitable colony or listening post site. My biggest concern is that the NMX are already occupying and defending the planet and have the other me in their most torturous and perverse custody."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

Sune did his best to mask his surprise at the revelation about another Hanako, and started to consider what this one fact would mean to the risk factor of the mission.

"So this other Hanako is either a prisoner or possible been coerced to helping them. If she is working with them, it creates a tactical risk. Being an earlier version of you, she might be able to anticipate whatever strategy you decide upon.

So we need to find the base, locate this other Hanako, assess her situation. Then either capture her or liberate her. Although to be brutally honest, we should error on the side of capture regardless. We have to presume is a risk.

Perhaps we should form two teams. Alpha team to launch an assault on the base, and Beta team to infiltrate the base. I would suggest that Klein-Shosa be put in charge of the infiltration team, and Nayacesen-Shoi, Tachihara and Kurita-Hei accompany her. that gives us two SAINT personnel, and engineer and a IT tech. They would be best suited for intelligence gathering, and locating Hanako-beta.

With your permission, I will lead the assault team with our infantry and Valencia-Juni."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Ears twitching when she heard her name mentioned. She turned around and listened carefully, rubbing her eyes. She had needed a break from staring at the coding for so long and a new distraction was found.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


'There is another Hanako?' Reika thought to herself, eyes widening with surprise. She wondered how that had come about -- possibly another was cloned while the first was presumed deceased during war, or there could have been myriad other circumstances that Reika could only guess at.

The operative imagined what kind of ordeal the alternate version of Hanako would be forced to endure as the NMX attempted to force her co-operation. Reika doubted any incarnation of Hanako would willingly aid the Mishhuvurthyar, though even the most hardened individuals would eventually succumb to the right kind of... persuasion... given enough time. Now that she thought of it, a broken or insane Hanako turned against the Star Army was something Reika hoped never to see.

Though she had already decided to volunteer for this mission, Reika now felt it was even more important to give whatever aid she could -- leaving 'Hanako', copy or otherwise, in the hands of the NMX was an unacceptable situation. Hopefully they would arrive in time to do some good.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

Helen had to suppress the urge to flinch when her name came up, last time she had led a team comprised of Eucharis crew members, it was a headache, to say the least. Though, her duty was her duty, and she was not the sort to ignore it due to a little bit of displeasure. However, there was one thing very much on Helen's mind, and she knew she had to speak it.

"Hanako Shosho, Sune Shosa, with all due respect, if I am deployed on an infiltration operation, I would like to make it clear that I will not be soft handed on those which may be deployed with me. I have no aspirations to be sausage, breeding stock, or worse, and I would not wish that upon anyone I would be deployed with." Helen stated. "On that thought, as your intelligence officer, I advise that we should confirm that the other Hanako is even a viable mission objective by either contacting her, or gathering information from NMX assets in the area. That is If there are even any NMX in the area. For all we know, this could be the most easiest search and rescue in the history of the Star Army. I would recommend, first and foremost, that we know more before we commit to anything."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


"I agree, we need more intelligence," Hanako nodded, "And I am waiting on your suggestions on how to do that, Helen. I want your ideas for a plan on how to best recon the area."

Hanako turned to Sune. "Those teams sound fine. Make sure everyone has their power armor loaded up with the gear they want to take."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Misato sat down in a booth in the wardroom and waited. She put on her AMES suit on before she left her cabin, she didn’t want to have to drag it around with her, and so she wore it. It still seemed uncomfortable; she never did get used to it like the rest of the trainees. Maybe they just lied about it being like a second skin, hell she lied about it. It reminded her too much about how close vacuum was to her at any given moment on a ship. She knew there were a lot of things that could frighten her in combat and in space but she needed to distract herself from it all. So she pulled a pad out of her pocket and started reading an old story about a small unit breaking behind enemy lines to rescue a downed star fighter pilot. She would have preferred the real paper copy but when she got assigned to the ship she knew she couldn’t bring too many books so she loaded a lot of them on to this pad, and stayed under the personal weight limits. She read as she continued to wait for others to turn up to volunteer.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

"Sounds like my cue," Ramiro said once Hanako confirmed Sune's ideas. Handing over the controls to Charisma, Ramiro stood up from his seat and headed over towards the exit.

"See you in the armor bay," he said to Sune as the bridge doors closed behind him. While he journeyed his way over to the power armor bay he pulled out his comm and shot a message over to Blackberry.

TO: Blackberry-Chui
FROM: Valencia-Juni

I will be accompanying the Shosa on the assault team for the upcoming missions and will need you to cover my shift on the bridge. Hoping that there aren't many complications, this shouldn't take too long and I'll be back within a few hours. Thanks!
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted

A small exhale of amusement left Helen, as Hanako so efficiently placed a job in her lap. "Assuming we do not encounter NMX en route to, or at our destination, we could easily establish orbit, and conduct passive and active scans to get a detailed assessment of the terrain and perhaps easily find your other self, Shosho. However, if there are NMX present, my best recommendation would be to go to silent running, and conduct passive sensor sweeps while outfitting a squad-sized group of power armor with stealth materials over their armor and conducting a low-orbit unpowered drop, or, coating a shuttle in stealth materials and conducting a similar deployment operation. Then, conduct a reconnaissance operation, which could then lead to an infiltration and neutralization operation if need be."

As Helen came near concluding her recommendations, she gave a soft shrug; "That, or we could always point our quantum mirror and Lorath sensors at the system from about one light-month away and watch for any emissions which would indicate a NMX presence. Then, approach at continuum-distortion-drive speed while continuing to monitor sensors for changes or detectable events. Once we reach our destination, we can use encrypted broadcasts to ping your other self, she can respond and with the telepathic activity sensor, we should be able to detect her transmissions, even if we can not establish direct two-way contact."
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


"I like the idea of some sort of encoded telepathic activity device. Please have the technicians prepare one and have Kurita Tomomi program it," Hanako instructed. You also have my authorization to convert one of the Ke-T8 shuttles to a stealth version."

As Blackberry arrived on the bridge, Hanako told her to set course for the South using a high-stealth combined field.
Re: [Mission 15.1] Gifted


Takeyu walked casually to the wardroom, thinking hard on this mission and curious what it would curtail. He wasn't entirely sure what he might be able to do to help, but given what he heard Sune say in his announcement, figured that whatever this mission was about must've been important.


Guess I'll just wait and see, he turned the cornor then took the passageway up to the floor with the wardroom, then strolled into the room. He looked over at Misato and gave a nod toward the newbie, then walked over to the side of the table and waited patiently for Sune to arrive.
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