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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 16.1] Hanako's World

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Shuttle inbound to Beach

"Ain't that the truth," said a somewhat relieved Takeyu, who was looking forward to the treatment after so much combat. He laid back in his seat and looked up at the ceiling. "How I wish I could've brought my siblings with me, heaven knows they'd probably really love this," though he wondered how they were doing, it'd been several months since the last message he had gotten and it was somewhat worrisome. The last thing he had told them was the possibility of them going to a new school in Tsubomi, a city being created by Yaichiro, since then there'd be nothing. Wonder if they had already left, or just are to busy with school.. pondered a worried Takeyu.
Beach Bound Transit Shuttle

There was a soft humming from Helen as she produced a holographic projection above the palm of her hand, what she produced was a map of the area they were headed to, she then manipulated the projection to 'zoom in' on an overhead image of their destination. "Mmm, there seems to be plenty of shops in the area, no doubt you'll be able to find some sunglasses around there, and some clothing that is better suited to recreation." Helen explained, as a number of small shimmering dots appeared on the map, indicating shops which were aimed at the tourists which passed through.

"Speaking of clothing, you two should acquire some outfits for this occasion. Swimwear and casual wear would be ideal. Going around in uniform at a beach makes us look distinctively out of place." Helen explained, as she smiled at Mitsuko and Misato. "Since we'll be renting airbikes, we can find ourselves a nice bit of beach to relax on." Her gaze then went to Mitsuko; "Away from the hustle and bustle of the main tourist traps." Helen added, in hopes it would ease the nerves of the mousy Neko.

Within a few minutes, the shuttle touched down at their destination, before Helen stood up and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "Come on, we've got some shopping to do." With that, Helen led the way out of the shuttle before once again stepping out into the sun.

Beach Front

There was a deep inhale and exhale that sounded from Helen as she took in the scent of the air which came in off the sea, and a smile crossed her features before she turned to the shuttle hatch and spoke to her travel companions. "Follow me, I can see the shops from here." Helen spoke, before she turned and made her way from the landing platform, and along a walkway which led to a number of shops which lined the road which bordered the beach. As she walked, her gaze moved about the area, taking in the sights of the well kept terrain, and the vacationers which were all showcases of artificial body engineering.
Mitsuko found herself leaning in closer and closer to the projection Helen had created. Her eyes flickered across the image as she soaked in all the details. Why hadn't she thought to do this research herself? She had probably been too nervous about the trip to properly prepare for it. She wouldn't make that mistake again...but for now, at least she could copy what she'd been shown.

"...but...I've always had to wear my uniform before..." All of this change was hard to accept. A change of wardrobe on top of the change in scenery? She frowned, but didn't want to complain too much. She'd just have to make the best of it...those were basically her orders, after all.

Murakami toted her duffel as she followed the others, comparing the copied notes to the direction Helen had indicated. She'd never gone shopping, and her glasses were the only non-regulation thing she'd ever worn. She had no clue what to expect...but the skimpy clothing on the natives wasn't very reassuring.

"Yha non-uniform cloths, I'm hoping to find a nice leather jacket and some cool darkened goggles to go with it. on top of that I guess a swim suit, I take it Ma'am that you ware wanting to hit the beach at some time right." Misato Suzume said shifting the blade on her hip a little to make it sit better. She was looking around at all of the folks about and was wondering what life was like out side of the military. "Uhh I didn't didn't think about this, but do we need to cover our own food or is there military mess hall around? Not that I'm hungry but it would be nice to know before then."

Bors let out small laugh at Tomomi's comment saying "all in good fun Tomomi." before turning towards Konoka "Well lead on then, this uniforms starting to get a bit to hot for my opinion."

Natsumi quickly fell into step with her group. She had not brought anything with her save for the uniform she had on since she didn't have anything other than a couple uniforms.

Moving next to Konoka, she spoke to the pink haired medic; "What kind of clothes do they have at this shop?" she asked. "I've never had civilian clothes before" she added, a bit excited to see what non standard issue uniform stuff was available
Beach Front

As Helen led the way to the shops, she looked to Mitsuko and gave a shrug; "Look at it this way, over the last few years, our uniforms have changed plenty. Think of trying on new clothes as preparation for any possible uniform changes which could take place in the future." Helen suggested, since after all, she had been around for quite the wide range of uniform options. "I'm sure, one of these days, SARA is going to produce some sort of specialized uniform that would be little more than a bikini, likely for Power Armor pilots, or for enhanced SPINE interfaces or some such." What made Helen's words carry an impact, was just how serious she sounded about the possibility.

After speaking of her wardrobe insights, Helen shifted her attention to Misato, and gave a nod. "You've got a hang of this vacation thing already it seems, I'm rather sure you can find the jacket and goggles where we'll be picking up our rental airbikes. As for a swimsuit... ah, here." Helen said, gesturing to a shop which they were about to pass, inside of which, were displays of beach towels, hats, sunglasses, mannequins with swimsuits for both male and female tourists, and a variety of other beach related merchandise essential to a day in the sun and surf.

Though, as Helen stepped in, she turned to Misato and Mitsuko both, and gave a nod. "While I'm sure we could make a trip to the local garrison, we're not going to. I've got a KS card brimming with a Shosa's pay, I'll cover your expenses while we're out today." Helen stated as she soon added; "Food, drink, clothing, and anything else within reason is on me." With that, Helen gestured her hand toward the shop; "Now step right in, and we'll get you two some civilian wear suitable for the beach and walking around in this weather... maybe some clip-on sunglasses for you Mitsuko." With that, Helen strode into the shop with hopes that the two young nekovalkryja would let themselves relax.
Beach Front
Swimwear shop

Suzume was floored when the Shosa said she would pay for the better part of the vacation. "Ma'am that is... well thank you Ma'am" she said with a deep bow. The shop was full of swimwear of all shapes and sizes she at first didn't know where to start, until she found pair of blue shorts with black vertical strips and a top that match, that would cover down to her mid drift. she grabbed what looked like it would fit her and headed to the changing room. On her way she grabbed a blue skirt that had bleached white flower print on it. it took her a few minutes getting everything on and settled into place, but once it was it wasn't all that unconformable. Her biggest problem was getting her tail to come out with out crushing it.

She stepped out of the changing room. Her pistol strapped to her leg where the skirt V'ed up to the thigh, her sword held in her left hand. "Ma'am, Mitsuko how does this look," she rotated around feeling a little self conscious.

Sune put his bag and other items in the storage area of the Zephyr. He keyed the door open and slid into the black leather seat. He watched as the car went through its initialization. "I just need to make a brief stop to pick up a few things, then we will be on our way to the retreat." he said looking at Cherry.

He secured his safety belts, and lifted off the ground. He gave the Zephyr as much speed as he could in the city limits. The car had fabulous performance and Sune was enjoying flying it.

Cherry meanwhile went through the the selection of music, she found a rock station to her liking and turned up the volume. She watched as her companion drove the car and his hand tapped in time to the music. All to soon the car came down the ground and parked in front of a store.

"I will be back in five minutes, go ahead and move into the driver's seat." He said as he climbed out.

Cherry moved over and adjusted the seat to fit her properly. She had her seat belts adjusted and was jamming to a tune when Sune returned. She waited long enough for him to get in and put on his belt, when she launched the car, going for maximum acceleration as she sang along to the radio with a mischievous grin.

Sune found himself held in place by the force of the Zephyr's launching. He watched in amusement as Cherry flew the car like it was a fighter, banking left and right as she wove through the buildings on their way out of the settlement. This promises to be an interesting trip. he mused.
Beach Front

Mitsuko gulped at Helen's serious tone. She found it highly unlikely she would be able to function professionally while in any soft of bikini. This thought kept her distracted as she followed the others toward the swimwear shop. At the Shosa's offer, she let out a little gasp. "Oh! But...we couldn't!" She seemed a bit flustered, following Misato's example, bobbing a few rapid bows, thanking the officer multiple times.

Soon enough she was inside the shop with the other two Neko, trying to take in all her options. The store was so well stocked, she'd have to take her time to make sure she didn't miss anything. Helen's comment caused her to pause, turning toward her as she pushed her glasses down a bit. "...I don't have to wear these. Just...on the ship, if the lightning isn't bright enough..." She trailed off, although even now her eyes were just shy of being called neon. Murakami pushed the glasses back into place before heading toward the nearest rack of clothes. "...sunglasses...um...would help, though."

While Misato seemed to grab the first thing that caught her eye, Mitsuko was determined to take in as much information as possible before attempting her first purchase. She was making a steady, careful circuit of the shop, cataloging the different types of clothing and other items available. As Misato stepped out, Mitsuko looked over her roommate. "...I um...don't think our sidearms go well with swimsuits. Also..." She moves to a different rack...searching for a moment before pulling out an outfit that seemed almost identical to the one Misato was modeling. "Um...apparently they have enough Neko customers to make variations on most of their standard clothing...you know...for tails..."

She would happily hand over what she'd found to Misato, still narrowing down her purchases. Large cat eye sunglasses, a big, floppy sunhat, a fluffy orange beach towel...she seemed hesitant to select any clothing. It was a big step. Mitsuko was lingering near the long skirts, although she knew they would be impractical on the air bikes, and probably uncomfortable in this weather.
Beach Front
"This is the shop where we went last time, guys," directed Konoka, pointing at a storefront in their path. "It sells casual clothes and dresses." She grinned. "I love shopping!" she smiled. Pointing to another nearby storefront, she added, "and that one sells swimsuits, which we'll need for the beach, plus more casual beach clothes." Looking closer at that particular store, Konoka spotted a nervous Mitsuko and an attractively dressed Misato. "Hey look it's Helen's group!" she smiled, pointing, and waved. "Looks like they had the same idea."
Beach Front

Tomomi walked with the rest of her group. She didn't say much as they followed Konoka to the store she had mentioned. She looked around at all of the scantly clad women along the beach. She did not usually care much for fashion, but for the next few days she wanted to blend in with the rest of the population.

"Well looks like I am going to both stores it seems." Tomomi said after Konoka.
Beach Front

"Which one should we go to first?" Natsumi asked Konoka, glancing between her, Tomomi and Bors.
Beach Front
Swimwear shop

"Oh yes that you." Misato grabbed the bottoms and skirt from Mitsuko, and raced back into the changing room. after a few quick minutes she walked back out with her tail feeling a lot better. She left the pistol where it was on her thigh. "Hows this look?"
Beach Front Shop

"Now don't be shy you two, feel free to experiment with a look until you find what you like." Helen advised as they started shopping. As Mitsuko and Misato began to shop, Helen did as well. Her attention though went to the skin diving supplies they had available. As a nekovalkryja, she knew she had the capability to go for extended periods without oxygen, and that fact was what made the prospect interesting to Helen, enough to where she began to look at swimming fins and goggles, though, her browsing stopped as Misato stepped out; "A nice modest look, for certain, that will be good for walking around the tourist spots." Helen chimed in, before she saw Misato grab the clothing from Mitsuko, and change into a properly altered set. "Even better." Helen added, before her attention went to Mitsuko.

"Mitsuko... my best advice I can give you as your senior, is to be bold at times in which you are encouraged." Helen spoke, as she stepped beside Mitsuko, as she held up an item in front of the mousy nekovalkryja; it was a one-piece swimsuit, black, with orange trim. Compared to the bikinis which were available, the one-piece was certainly a modest design. "Go ahead, try it out, I can guarantee nothing catastrophic will come of it." Helen spoke, as she set the article of swimwear in front of Mitsuko, before her attention was grabbed by someone on the approach who waved.

"Oh, its Konoka and the others." Helen stated in observation, as she raised her hand and returned the wave, curious if the other crew members were going to enter the store as well. Inwardly, Helen wondered just what the presence of more familiar faces would do to the pair of young nekovalkryja which she worked to try to get out of the confines of their on-duty shells.

After the wave, Helen gave a soft nod to Mitsuko; "Just give it a try." Helen spoke, before she stepped away and began to look at bikinis, some of which, actually caused the well seasoned woman to blush in contemplation of how they'd look upon her features, to divert her thoughts, she spoke to Misato and Mitsuko; "Don't worry about clothing for our airbike ride, no doubt the rental place will have a shop where you can buy proper riding clothes." Helen explained, as she gave a soft shrug; "And no doubt, we can find you two some more clothes at some shops away from the beach, since we'll have the airbikes for mobility. It gives us a good number of options for variety..." She smiled lightly; "Variety, is something you both may find that you enjoy." With that, Helen picked out a tiny looking neon purple bikini from one of the racks, and went to the changing room with it, but not before she also picked out a one piece plain white cotton sundress to try on as well.
Beach Front

As the group walked towards the store that Konoka pointed out, Bors hung out near the back, checking out the other shops and stalls that they passed. When they were in front of the other storefronts Bors decided to head to the casual wear store, figuring it would take him longer to pick out an outfit or two rather than a swimsuit.

Once inside he walked down the racks of clothing, checking out the garb and such that the locals wore. After a few moments of searching he found a pair of denim pants and khaki shorts he liked, as well as a few t-shirts and went to the dressing room to try them on.
Beach Front Shop

Mitsuko stood up straight as she was addressed, nodding in response. "Yes, Shosa." She took the swimsuit, gulping uncertainly. She held it up to examine it...squeaking and hiding it under her towel as they were spotted by the others. Blushing, she waved back as well, before heading for the changing rooms. She snatched up a long, thin skirt as she dashed to safety, the last bit of clothing patterned with orange and yellow sunflowers.

Murakami took her time getting changed, several worried noises coming from her dressing room. Eventually she regained enough composure to peek her head out, checking for any more surprises before walking back out into the store. She was wearing the swimsuit and skirt, awkwardly belting her weapon to her leg in imitation of Misato, her uniform neatly packed away into the dreary duffel bag.

Plopping the floppy yellow hat onto her head and switching out her glasses for the cat eye sunglasses, she wound up carrying the towel over one shoulder. Her boots were stowed as well...so the Neko floated a few inches off the ground as she hunted for something to cover her feet. The tourists seemed to be wearing sandals, mostly, so a pair of those would have to do. Back on her feet once more, she cleared her throat before speaking to any of her companions that were available. "...is there...um...anything else we need, here?"
Beach Front

Natsumi waved at the others as she entered the shop full of swimwear and other beach things. She spotted Mitsuko dart into a changing room, then Helen select something white and vanish into another. For herself she decided something with color was needed to offset her almost albino skin and hair.

She started in, looking at what the store had to offer. She quickly found a few things to her liking. She selected a frilly summer dress with orange and pink floral patterns on it, a red and white striped bikini and a blue one piece swimsuit with silver flowers.

"What do you think of these?" Natsumi asked, holding them up for Konoka to see. "I'm gonna go try them on!" she added, then vanished into a changing room.

She wasn't sure what sort of swimsuit she would like and decided to try them first. She removed her boots, uniform and underwear, folding them up neatly and putting them aside. She tried the bikini first. It's red and white striped complimented her eyes and hair well, but it did show off a lot of skin. Next she tried the one piece swimsuit on. It was a lot more conservative and she liked the colors.

Natsumi wasn't sure what one she liked better. She would have to asked Knonoka or Tomomi which one they thought was better. Shrugging, she folded both of them up and put on the frilly summer dress. It was a little shorter than knee length and made from light comfortable fabric. She did a turn around in front of the mirror and decided she liked it a lot.

Changing back into her uniform and neatly folding up what she had tried on, she left the changing room, looking for one of her group to ask their opinion on swimwear.
Beach Front Stores

Tomomi followed Bors into the casual clothing store. She looked around for a few moments before she focused on where the summer dresses were. She searched in the racks, the varying colors not quite catching her eye. She finally decided on floral summer dress with a racerback and a white strapless dress to try on.

She went over to the racks with much longer and flowing skirts she was much more comfortable in wearing. Picking a few light colored skirts and shirts that go with the, Tomomi finally went to an open dressing room to try them all on.
Beach Front Shops

Following Natsumi into the shop where Helen's group was, Konoka noticed Mitsuko come out in a swimsuit and skirt. "Oh, Murakami-san, that looks so cute on you!" she smiled. She loved this sort of thing- trying on a bunch of cute clothes with her friends. To Natsumi, she grinned, "I think the bikini looked really nice on you. I wouldn't worry about showing too much skin, because everyone around here seems to be showing off a lot. If you got it, flaunt it!"
On that note, Konoka picked up a pink tankini with a red heart and a bow adorning the chest and went to change into it. "How do I look?" she smiled when she exited the changing room in it. To Helen, she smiled, "Hey since both of our groups are going to the beach, maybe we will see you there? It would be nice to hang out with you all."
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