Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 17: Reikoku

Deck 4
Team Lolita

'Likewise.' Gravity snarled mentally at Elenor. The tiger girl's tail flicked, and she hefted up a massive spear that she'd picked up in another dimension. It was allegedly good for killing hydras, so the logic was that it was good for killing kuvexians. In her other hand, she carried her NSP, and Starlight rode on her shoulder. It gave her the look of a mystical, battle-hardened, yet adorable Valkyrie.

At Saya's comment, Gravity blushed deeper and shifted closer to the medic, keeping her spear pointed at the doors to the zero G passage way.

'Stay safe.' Gravity instructed Saya before nodding to Alastair. She was ready to go on the attack and get these bastards off her ship.
Deck 4
Diversion team

Saya smiled a little as Gravity whispered to her, but she nodded a little and let out a breath as she looked between her team staying with her.

"I only have my pistol, I-I didn't bring any spare ammo..." Saya carried the bare essentials for weaponry normally, but she could still offer something. "If need be, you can use my gun if it comes to it. It won't be of much use in my hands truthfully."
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4

Alastair looked to Saya and then back at Elenor as he formulated what to say to them. He knew Elenor would have no issue fighting these PA kuvvie. She had the training to deal with this. Even if she had to crush them with her powerful thighs, he counted on her getting the job done. Saya on the other hand was another story. He knew this was sending a rabbit to fight the wolves. Was a better chance she would kill them with cute before a round from her gun. Either way this had to be done and took faith in his crew to get the job done.

He then looked to William and Klaus who had also taken up arms. He was proud to see his finest fighters ready to jump head first into most certain death. He had much faith they would cut down many of the PA kuvvie. William had that look in his eyes, same look he had when Alastair would check out the princess. He knew he meant business and was ready to get mopping the floor. Klaus he knew was always ready for a fight.

"Alright team, I am glad you are better at fighting than you are at counting else we might have a problem here." He said with a chuckle. "Though I have a solution for this, two pairs." His clapped his hands together and rubbed them for a moment. He expected much kuvvie blood to be spilled shortly. "Once you jump we shall make our way to our PA bay for some gear."
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 1 - Science Lab


Indira Vaikar, Ivuori Iroma and Science Officer Santo Hei, was in love. The Kaiyo II's science lab and fabricators seemed able to accomplish nearly anything she set her mind to. Power armors? Sure. Torpedoes? Why not! Even better, the diagrams for many of these things were available for review and modification. The universe brimmed with possibilities.

What it did not brim with was adequate time to remain awake. She could only 'dose' herself for so many days before she had to sleep. That, too, was typically chemically-induced. Her symbionts would produce the right balance of chemicals to knock her out cold. At a specified time, they would release the chemicals to counter those chemicals and she would wake up from her near-coma, recharged and ready to go. It was her normal way of things.

What was not her normal way of doing things was to be awoken by klaxons and warning lights. Stirring, muscles not quite ready for movement, she haphazardly slid out of the chair she'd passed out in. On the way down, she dragged enough datapads with her to make a thorough mess. Her face was cold against the floor, her eyes barely open, as she struggled to get her senses together enough to give the mental commands that would rebalance her internal chemistry enough to let her process what was going on.

"... deck two and deck five. Crew on two and above, protect areas forward of the dojo as an organized unit immediately. Zero gravity passageways are shut off deck by deck ..."

She groaned inwardly, peeling her face off of the floor and wiping a bit of drool away. 'We've been boarded?! How?' Indira got to her feet. Awareness surged back into place at last. The alarms, the message, the noise of distant blast shutters slamming closed. She pursed her lips. 'Does the captain really expect me to go down there, guns blazing?'

'It's..what the message said,'
she considered. If hostiles were on the ship, there was no use in arguing. She looked longingly at one of the datapads on the floor, a copy of 'Transformational Relativity and Continuum Distortion Propulsion'. It looked back at her, accusingly.

"I'm sorry, book-san," she said as she gathered up the datapads and placed them back on the table. "I'll read you more later."

The diminutive Iroma moved on, slipping into her AMES and gathering up her gear - a science kit, personal firearm, and so on. The last thing the crew needed was a bystander. They needed a Science Officer. One who could solve this problem.

YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 2 - Dojo and Adjacent Corridors

Academically, the alien invaders were all very interesting. Power armor of unusual design, new and unusual biologies, and so forth. They would all be great subjects to study if they would just stop moving. To that end, she and a handful of others were doing their level best to repel the Kuvexians and their grunts with whatever small arms they'd managed to pull together.

Indira had all the right training for the situation. She had not enjoyed the training while she was taking it - physical efforts took time away from reading and experimenting, let alone the strain on her body. As Kuvexian blasts streaked past her, she mentally thanked her drill instructor. She watched the other crew members nearby, waiting for the right time, and then returned fire with the rest of them. Against power armor, she knew her small gun could do very little - but they didn't expect to win, really. They needed to keep the enemies distracted enough that they weren't able to get into MEGAMI and life support.

For a while, Indira lived in a haze of shouted orders and practiced drills. There was little time to think when you were being shot at. Which was a problem, really - thinking was the main thing she did. Why she was here in the first place. As the realization set in, she looked at her hands, at the gun, and shook her head.

'Not efficient, Indira. There must be a better way than this.'

As if on cue, her vision began to light up with instructions. A few pioneering crew members had decided to flood the deck and vent it all at once. She wasn't sure it was a good idea, but it was better than anything she'd come up with so far. She needed to fix that. When the plan was complete, the power armors would surely still be here. A readout told her that other members of the crew would soon have their own power armors, but by then it might be too late.

'Then what? Back to the basics, Indira - why are they here?' She winced as a blast came much too close, but stayed focused. 'In terms of technology, the Kuvexians appear equivalent to the Star Army in most respects. The MEGAMI would be a prize, however, as would the rest of the ship - but they probably want military intel. Otherwise they would have destroyed the ship instead of going through all this hassle.'

She willed a handful of schematics onto her visor, skimming through them. Then, she called up standard procedures for when a ship had been compromised. The enemy would likely know those procedures at this point.

A proposal was sent over the ship's network containing the basic outline of her plan.

From: Science Officer Indira Vaikar
To: Taiyou Hoshi, MEGAMI "Boss", Teien Eden, Alastair Belmont
Subject: Unwelcome Guests
Three Files Attached.

As she ducked into the dojo, blast doors slamming heavily behind her, she saw the affirmative response from the Captain and Boss. Once she caught her breath, she turned to face the others who had gathered there.

"We need to blow up the ship," she said, in a voice a bit more authoritative and cool than her rank normally warranted. "Not all the way, of course. If we bring the aether generators into an overcharged, near-critical state, we should be able to convince the Kuvexians that we would rather destroy the ship than let them have what they want."

Indira paused, letting that sink in. "We also need to keep them from calling our bluff."

She waved a hand, calling up projections to outline the ship's layout and general crew positions. "In other words, we need them to feel like they've won enough that they can retreat and feel victorious. I'm not sure what we have that we can safely give away, but it needs to appear worthwhile. We'll have a short window of opportunity after the flood to make this work."

Indira didn't wait to get confirmation of her plan - of course they would all see the merit in it. So, she moved on to finding and messaging an engineer on the ship who could oversee the risky process of nearly blowing up the ship.

To: Engineer Kikios Leka
Message: Leka-san, please assist Boss in bringing the reactors into a near-critical state. It needs to appear that the ship is ready to self-destruct. I fear this may damage some sub-systems; if so, I apologize in advance. Attached are my projections on acceptable power curves, timelines, and general expectations. I hope they're helpful.
Three Files Attached.
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YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Eden fell back with her crew, pulling herself into the dojo as one of the last of the poorly equipped but more than capable fighters and strategists of this ship- the one that had not seen a boarding action once in its life. Eden had, though. The memory in the small moment of reprieve as the doors and then bulkhead to the dojo closed behind her washed over her in a single dose, much unlike the waves of torrential water pulsing through the halls mere milliseconds afterward. She let the many chaotic emotions a Nekovalkyrja can feel when confronted with their past combat failings come, but more importantly, she let them go. Now was time to hear a plan that reminded her of a different memory as captain of the first iteration of this ship. The main aether array of the Kaiyō I had been disassembled and reconfigured while in a combat situation to get them out of hostile territory. That had led to the decommissioning of the ship as a whole. The plan had worked, but it had pushed the ship past military standards for operation.

Out in the middle of unknown space, on the edge of hostile forces, and with everything to lose, she wondered if they could they pull off such a feat. And when she knew, she asked herself if such an act of defiance to the destiny of a death at the hands of the enemy was worth it. Then when her mind was made, she asked Boss and her captain their thoughts.

"It won't be easy, before, during, or after... But she's right. We will make preparations to blow up the ship," Eden said aloud as the torrent of water pulsed through the halls behind her. Her fingers touched the door idly behind her back, feeling for some kind of presence of the water, like condensation or the cold of it, but she felt nothing but the thoughts inside her branching out into questions and answers for herself and the crew in front of her.

"Wyatt, Wulf, and Sutahira: you three will be led by Wyatt Alder-heisho in a misdirection tactic. The body we made that is in med bay's hemo tank- remember from the briefing last night- we need her and we need to give her to the boarders to convince them they've won something. It kills two birds with one stone as we were going to jet it to them, anyway. Let's hope none of their stones kill us in the process. I am counting on you guys. I can't say if deck 5 or deck 2 boarders will be the best options for pushing the body on, but let's stay in contact and make your best calls, Alder-heisho."

Eden looked to the engineer, scientist, and reliable infantryman, Abart, in the dojo with her.

"We'll need to quickly make our way down to engineering, separate from the med bay group I just mentioned. That doesn't mean we shouldn't leave together. Corridors are being re-atmo'd now, so we'll create two groups and leave out of both of the corridor doors to avoid bottlenecking and take the stairs down. We have a clear path and only two armors are left near MEGAMI and life support rooms on this deck. We'll be abandoning that area, but the armor units are showing low operating signals to Boss, so I think it's the right call. I know it is. Now, Alder-heisho, your team should take the more bow-side door, and I'll take the further door. Let's go," she motioned to those on her small team and headed to the door towards the stern, "Boss says it's clear. Abart, lead our team. I'll bring up rear."

Deck 5

Mikael's distraction had been just that- a very good distraction. It had also been very deadly. No Rixxikor was left standing. They were too wounded or, frankly were dead, to move about freely. Chlorate, on the other hand, was capable of moving about freely and was furthest from the onslaught of scalar death, thus able to avoid such a thing.

The Kuvexians had experienced and array of troubles which compounded with time and scalar shots from Mikael. Two Kuvexians slumped and fell within their armors before even Mikael had moved into hiding while a second seemed to be accurately following Mikael with some his body language and, a little bit too late, return weapon's fire. The weapon's fire ceased, became erratic, then stopped again as the missiles in the shoulderpods of the power armor were fryed by the scalar waves punched out of Mikael's own shoulder mounts and exploded. The resulting explosion burst forth from the top of the armor, looking as if ready to implode in on the armor at a fruitful point of the brick red and night black plume, when in reality it was only consuming enough energy to pulse with an even greater wave out, taking out a nearby armor with it while doing so. The other armors had been distracted by the opening door and hadn't acted as fast -maybe for the best as their ammo wasn't as live- and were gauging the scene, maybe unable to use electronics, unable to talk to their commander in the pod attached the the Kaiyō's underside due to the successful scalar grenade detonation there, or maybe they were simply enjoying the scenic explosion near them.
Suicide Squad
The lifts

William moved to the door of the lift, sliding the untaken pistol back into his holster. "Klaus! I'm going first, I have shields so I will tank." He said, leaving no room for debate. "Let's put on a show worthy of her Majesty and The Captain." He added before he forced the lift doors open.

He dove into the tube, ready to take on whatever tried to come his way.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 5
Holding the bowl of knives while rendering her body itself invisible, Chlorate hovered and proceeded to the anti-gravity passageway. Still clutching the bowl, she was unaware of Eden's plan and intended to reach the bridge.

Deck 2
Kikios gulped upon seeing Indira's message. She had been working to maintain the Kaiyō II ever since she joined the army, it felt wrong to deliberately harm it. When Kiki heard Eden's order, her wings tensed up. She was shocked by the idea, she'd certainly been asked to fix the Fuji before but she'd never been asked to break it. Even worse, Eden's phrasing made it sound like the intention was to totally destroy the ship. She quickly followed Eden, nervously asking "Chusa... we're going to be able to save the ship after this... right?" As a technician, Kikios was well aware of how dangerous this was and knew that one slip up could result in the second Kaiyō's permanent destruction.
Deck 5
Lone Wolf Actual

Mikael doesn't waste any time to allow the surviving Kuvexians to get their wits and reorganize since their return fire had stopped. He picks up his the scalar sub-machine gun leaning on the wall and resumes his assault. Optically cloaking himself to make it somewhat difficult to aim accurately if their counter measures are disabled, he walks down at a methodical pace so he doesn't miss any details. He uses his shoulder mounted weaponry to suppress them into place and the sub-machine gun to accurately aim at any armored foe or weapon that comes swinging around to aim at him. Aims downward at the hole and the fallen power armor if the shoulder weaponry neutralizes them though. Never know who might be faking.

"Engaging the boarders on Deck 5. Rixxikor fodder and a number of armored Kuvexians have been neutralized. Moving to clear remaining Kuvexians. If Deck 4 wishes to move to the powered armor bay, now is the time.I do not know how long I can maintain this pace." He says mentally in a more general mental broadcast to the crew of the Kaiyo II. He then focuses more on the Chusa.

"If you are going to do the thing, now is the time ma'am. If I neutralize them down here they are likely to either pull out or focus the boarders above down to here. They do not seem to be the most experienced judging on the reaction of the survivors." He says to Eden via encrypted means.

Mikael ponders to himself as the shoulder mounted scalar machine guns sing their music. The boarder's objectives were a bit odd. Did they never encounter a Fuji class ship before? No, no...they seemed rather focused on gaining access to the powered armor bay. Which would mean they had to be guessing that a blast door meant goodies instead of just blasting their way through the weaker doors of the passageway. Highly suspicious... hmmm....

He redirects 2 of his drones to fly low and enter the boarding pod before to investigate. Or shoot anything to move as well should they make it down. Their batteries won't last long within the pod.
YSS Kaiyowo II
Deck 2

"Yes ma'am" Wyatt nodded sternly across to Eden as the coppery Operative's eyes cast back to the two personnel he had been assigned, both green-horns in relation to himself though no doubt at least competent in the field, they had made it through the torture of basic afterall and he knew from experience that both the rangers as well as medics were usually made from pretty stern stuff.

His tanned, rather breathtakingly chiseled body was still exposed for the most part however and so the NCO threw a volumetric shirt over his torso before speaking, injured arm charred and bleeding slightly as it was held tight to his chest with a stifled grunt, "Wulf-Hei, Sutahira -Hei we will push through deck two to get to medbay and hopefully decide what to do with the false-plant by the time we get there, I am open to any suggestions on the matter but keep your focus on what is in front of you rather than what is ahead, lick your wounds if you have any and check your ammunition - we shall get going shortly~" the ginger SAINT Operative spoke sternly and concisely with a nod before he reached over to a slightly sweaty sarashi someone had abandoned to the Dojo either before or during the attack but it would suffice, the salty wrapping stinging as it was wound tightly around his rather visibly damaged arm with another stifled grunt of pain.

He'd wait around to hear either of them out first, though if nobody had anything else to say, then he reckoned the trio was ready to move.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 2 - Dojo
Indira Vaikar

She studied the room with cool eyes and decided that things were going as well as could be expected. Mentally, she pulled up the ship in 3D on her glasses, so that she could see where everyone was at. Indira gave a satisfied nod. Either this would work or it wouldn't - but she felt pretty good about it. They just needed the enemy to cooperate.

'Well, my part is done,' she thought. No need to worry about something she didn't have any control over. She strode over to one of the dojo's walls and took a seat on the mat.

"Boss-sama," she said, waiting for a response. "Please give me everything that we have on the sensors and CFS, starting five minutes before the breach. I'm especially interested in any unusual fluctuations. Tag those for me if you can. If the Kuvexians have found a way to get through our space-time bubble, I need to figure out how."

This, at least, was productive. She didn't have her fancy lab equipment or anything else. All she knew was that if they all survived, this couldn't be allowed to happen twice.
Suicide Squad
The lifts

Hearing William's words Klaus's face grew an eager grin. "Understood!" Clutching an NSP in one hand and a katana in the other, he jumped in after William.

"Let's show these kuvies they choose the wrong ship to crash." he exclaimed
YSS Kaiyō II
Storming Deck 5

The team pushed into action to execute the plan. Alastair was streaming live information from deck 5. He seen the successful work of Mikael's distraction. This had killed a few which meant the odds were turning into their favor. "Tube team, get moving. Two enemy down but the remaining have our crew pinned in the breached armor bay." He shared over comms to keep them with the most up to date information. Alastair went on the move for his part of the mission, moving down the service lift and break into the armor bay.

Being only one deck below did not take any length of time to get into position. "Mikael, we have a team coming from the turbo lift. I am in position to break into the armor bay." He reached for his sword and pulled it out of the sheath and flipped a small switch at the base of the handle. This model had a slight adjustment to it with the addition of a small Aether etched blade. While it was not standard issue, he was happy to have had this done since it would come in handy to cut into the armor bay. "Breaching..." he sent out to the team to initiate the operation.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Wulf felt abit uneasy hearing the plan. As he listened he slightly cursed to him self thinking about how one miscalculation could kill them all. As he listened intently to the briefing a few things made sense though the plan spoke of the desperation of the situation. He closed his eyes for a moment and steadied his breath, a habit he developed back home to calm him self even when there was chaos all around him. As Wyatt spoke giving his final orders mentally wulf clicked ready for the next round of combat.

Opening his eyes and slapping a fresh mag into his pistol he looked to the saint operative. "Sir permission to take point, i'm abit better equipped to take a round if we encounter hostiles on-route" he said as he tapped his armor he had on. As he double checked his equipment " I also have a few flashbangs and smoke plus I have some breaching charges sir so we have a few options available to us".

Stretching abit before he was ready to move out " As for what we do with the false plant, going to suggest we either leave them on deck 5 or send it out on a shuttle adrift there sir". Wulf was then silent as he wanted confirmation and was ready to go.
Deck 5

Hearing Alastair's message to him, but otherwise too occupied to really respond, a small portion of his thought process sends the officer a simple SMS with a thumbs up and a question mark. He also makes a simple request to Boss to highlight the pair of GP-12s and ammo he had taken out of the armory leaning on the wall near the zero-g corridors.
YSS kaiyowowo
Deck 2- Dojo

Having just come up from the deck below, Abart now had to lead their small group of 4 back down again. The icy cold water of the sprinkles was an absolute pain in the cloaca, making his movent appear stiffer than usual, but he still felt confident enough to proceed. Just brush it off, Abart, you've had much worse in training.

"Hai! Taking point!" With that, he got ready to storm out the Dojo at the same time as the Alder group, NSP at the ready, communicatorclasped tight, and big towel firmly wrapped around. The moisture of the sprinklers was helpful in keeping the humble flap of cloth around his serpentine taint.

Once the teams were both ready to go, Abart led the way through the hallways, wading through the water sloshing around on the metallic floors. They made their way towards the steps downstairs.The bottom of the stairs wold be going right by the last two armor's locations, so they had to be extra careful around that area. Signalling the people behind them to stop, he peeked around the corner of the staircase to find the distastefully gilded armors. He liked working with gold, but those kuvvie armor things were just too much...
YSS Kaiyo II
Storming Deck 5

Gravity followed Alastair into the lift as ordered, still keeping her gun ready for any undue surprises. When her commanding officer began cutting into the wall with his aether blade, Gravity waved at Starlight. What seemed like a disjointed series of hand motions, tongue-clicks, and whistles was actually a well-practiced code that the neko had taught the little dragon should she ever need to communicate silently.

Seeming to understand, the house cat-sized reptile trotted over to stand beside Alastair. It pointed its narrow snout at a point opposite from where Alastair was cutting, opened its jaws lined with razor-sharp durandium teeth, and suddenly began emitting a bright, blue spout of heat from its jaw. It was different from the usual unrelenting stream of fiery destruction that a drake could normally emit. It was a cutting torch, a lesser-known feature that came standard with all Havok-edition drakes.

The process of cutting into the armor bay would take half as long now.
YSS Kaiyo II

Sutahira nodded as Wyatt spoke, clicking in another power cell in his NSP, one remaining. He figured the Deck 5 invaders would be their best bet to give the body to, but he couldn't help thinking about what would happen next. Would that be enough for the Kuvies to back off, at least enough for them to drive off any remaining boarders? Would they stay and try to secure the rest of the ship? These were all questions running through his mind as he prepared to make his way to the med-bay. At least once he was there he could get some proper medical supplies to fix up anyone that was injured along the way.

"I'm ready to move whenever, sir." He reported, calming his nerves. He hated engaging or even the potential of engaging enemies out of his power armor, especially without basic armor and with only an NSP. Luckily if the plan had worked there should be little to no resistance and he was with some experienced fighters to boot. They should be fine.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2 and moving on

Kiyo followed Wulf’s lead silently, ready to strike at her enemies that sullied her Ship. As her eyes caught a glimpse of one of the bug races her face turned disgusted as she sees what he did, when Wulf had warned of a flashbang, she covered her eyes until it was safe before she uncovered them and moving on. Her ears picked up on the plan, and she nodded her head silently, acknowledging the orders she had received. She wasn’t specifically given orders, so she thought it would be alright if she stayed with Wulf, but he thought it was important to ask. “Sir, am I to accompany Wulf-hei, or is there a different order?” the Infantress asked of him. She was willing to stay or go elsewhere, perhaps there was a good idea for her to do.

She wanted to make sure she was doing things right. Her voice, though sounded emotionless as she was on duty with a situation happening. Her tail twitched behind her as if it was feeling all the emotion she was pushing away.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Eden waited and watched for a clear from Abart as he was able to see the stairway was clear. Every passageway to engineering was, but Eden was happy that the precautions were being taken. In the lull of movement, the Chusa looked towards Indira to be sure her team was whole. She gave her a slow smile and nod, feeling the beauty of freedom of expression in combat when her face wasn't masked by a Mindy.

"You're the brains behind this operation. We're going to need you, Santô Hei."

Deck 5

The Kuvexian power armors before Mikael, and now William and Klaus, were almost wholly non-operational to both sensors on Mikael's suit and visual scans from the unarmored pair. The pilots inside were alive, though. There was less of a fight here than they had planned. Eden received Mikael's order and, was about to say something when she heard Hoshi's voice.

"If the plan of the body is to work out, we need to be sure that there are some to escape and that they have a vessel with which to do so." Hoshi breathed in sharply, "Check the boarding vessel for its flight abilities on deck 5 and I'll see what Boss can get from the one on deck 2. I am preparing to re-route the ship, but will only bring us near a good drop off point for the dummy Neko and for the enemy survivors when the plans to make that happen on our end are secured and moving forward."

Eden, having bee expecting to ask about the boarding vessels, also, gave Mikael a quick chibi version of herself nodding with a wink.

A short two seconds after Eden and Hoshi had sent their respective messages to the SAINT officer, a second group of fighters emerged from the vessel, having pushed their way through their dead comrades or dysfunctional armors in the boarding vessel to get to the trio in deck 5's hallway. An unknown amount of armors backed up a half dozen Rixxikor with guns and faces full of vengeance and mayhem. The Rixxikor had begun to shoot almost wildly while the armors were behind and below them, as the Rixxikors had pulled themselves and been hoisted up by the armors to enter first through the hole in the hallway. Gilded and moving methodically, the armors could be seen from above, at the unarmored and Mikael's position.

Meanwhile, the concentrated and combined efforts on the power bay and cargo bay's joining wall were coming along fast and a huge hunk of the hole had been cut, leaving perhaps a foot of wall uncut. The power armor bay was almost ready to be entered.
Deck 5

As Mikael continues his assault on the boarders, he notices William and Klaus coming out of the zero-g passageway with the drone still located there watching his back. There is a brief look of annoyance before he keys on Klaus to speak with wirelessly encrypted.

"GP-12s are to the left of you. Though you will be more effective if you go through the armory and suit up immediately while I can divert their attention.." Mikael said before seeing the 2nd group of enemies starting to crawl their way out of the little hole they made into the Kaiyo II. He stops and starts firing all of his weaponry as he starts to float backward to take cover on the other side of the door.

"before they tear into me. William will just have to provide as much firepower he can with the GP-12." Mikael says finishing his message. He then sends Eden and Hoshi a chibi of himself making the hand signal for an alert before relaying a video clip of the 2nd group of boarders crawling out like roaches. The Chibi then speaks a text bubble, "I will hold while I can."

It was all the mental focus he could muster at the moment as he continued firing on the group. Particularly the armored Kuvexians. He was sure he can weather the firepower of the bugs with some injury while he moved back, but the Kuvexians were the greatest threat to him. He makes sure his submachine gun is firing in heavy mode to get the splash damage upon impact and his shoulder mounted versions were in burst mode.

He needed some distance before he could safely use the 2nd scalar pulse grenade again. Though he was perfectly willing to use it and rush them to sacrifice himself with it if needed.
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