Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 17: Reikoku

Deck 5

"Surprise, motherfucker!"

That enraged roar was followed by gauss rounds raining down from above on the Kuvexian that was lining up on Will and Alastair.

Gravity had arrived on the field of battle, wearing her seldom-used Mindy which had been outfitted for air superiority. Hence why she danced above the battle like a valkyrie.
Deck 5

As William came upon the lifeless corpse of Mikael, time seemed to slow down. 'That fool. I am going to kick the shit out of him.' He thought as his PA's eyes began to glow brighter. "I was mad before, now I am PISSED! I am going to rip you into tiny pieces!" He screamed as the jets on his armor began to flare and his fusion lance began to glow.

In the fraction of a second his armor propelled itself forward. The lance drawing back and slamming into the nearest enemy PA's chest. With a flick of William's wrist he slammed the lance sideways and slammed the Kuvie into a bulkhead. As he moved past the laser battery in one of his shoulders moved to his side and fired a high concentrated blast right into the enemy's head.

His lance was already moving to stab at another target as he lead the way forward for the rest of his teammates. His armor providing a shield for them to fire at the enemy. "These wretched vermin need to learn the error of their ways in blood." He said to the team as he continued his onslaught.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 5

The gunfire and fighting had caused Saya to lock up for a moment. Hands in a white-knuckled grip over the handle of her handgun, her eyes were wide and fearful as she saw her friends fall. Everything seemed to slow as both Elenor and the suit had fallen in battle, but the pain from the backwash of heat from William's jets made Saya both yelp, and thankfully snap back to the world.

She realized she had work to do...

She scrambled over to the pocket where Elenor was and quickly began to assess the damage of the Neko. Her eyes traveled over to the fallen power armor but knew the suit would fix anything it could and do a better job than she could if the pilot survived. If not... Well, she prayed they had a recent ST like they were supposed to. After a quick worried moment, Saya focused back on Elenor and began to look over her body to find out just what was wrong and what needed to be done immediately. The damage was extensive, that much was for sure if it put down a Neko and took her out of the fight, so Saya could tell it was bad enough that she needed immediate work. She winced for a second before she bit the tip of her thumb and took a decent chunk of skin off to let herself bleed out onto Elenor and use her hemosynthetic blood to help jump-start her healing process. Her breathing was a bit heavy as her hands shook, but she began try and get into the medic mindset to hopefully bring herself under control. Her hand's shaking slowed after a few moments and eventually she took a breath before she looked around and tried to find a way to get Elenor to the medbay without getting them caught up in the fighting.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 3
Engineering Bay
"Dangerous, but possible" Kiki commented on Indira's plan. "We would need both a diversion to keep the hostiles from checking outside where the torpedo will be moved, and we would need to keep the torpedo far enough away that it doesn't cause any additional collateral damage to the ship. We need to be very careful about partially venting the reactor, it's going to cause a hull breach and the aether could potentially damage more than just a small area on the decks directly below the reactor." Truthfully, the crested engineer worried about a plan that would damage the Kaiyō II since she had been trained to undo that.

Deck 5
The weapons-carrying gynoid located the power armors over the sensor, deciding she needed a plan to get them far enough away from the blast door that she could use the SLAM. The robot's metal feet clanked excessively loudly towards the door of the armory nearest to the action because of the added weight from the weapons. Over the ship's sensors, she noticed that other crew members had begun to attack the Kuvexians in power armors, and use this to her advantage. To everyone in the hall on deck 5, she sent a message with her electronic mind, somewhat randomly stating "Please escort the hostile power armors to a location where it is safe to launch an explosive rocket at them."
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 1

"Fuck!" Hoshi said, slamming a tiny, pink, balled fist against the edge of her console. A puckered dent had formed and she stared at it with unease when she had lifted her hand.

Asuka had turned around, concerned and unnerved by the outburst. "Captain..."

Hoshi shook her head, "I wouldn't do that if the rest of the crew were here. Sorry, Asuka," her eyes didn't meet the baby blue ones looking at her across the bridge and the redhead stood, walked briskly to the captain's chair and without looking away from Hoshi, made a few swift movements on the console in front of the Chusa to be sure that she kept up with all that needed to be done by her in a time like this, even away from her post. "It's just," Hoshi said after Asuka had approached. "It's just, I don't like losing people. When a SAINT becomes a saint... a martyr. When they die. When a SAINT dies I don't ever think that is a good sign. I'm sorry," she shook her pale blue head and her bangs fell over her lidded eyes. "I'm just mad."

"You're scared," Asuka corrected. Hoshi looked away from her, to the console.

"Both," she said through downward sloped lips, looking back to Asuka. "I am both, but I do have hope..." she looked to the readout on her console. "And I do have confidence in those that are also very likely scared and mad right now. There would be no shame to all wake up in hemo tanks on Yamatai, but there is no victory in it, either."

Deck 3

Eden's gilded eyes had been set hard on Indira as the Iromakuanhe spoke, boring into the scientist with an unconscious look of vague concentration. When Kikios spoke, her sightline flicked off of Indira to settle on the consoles in front of her. When she spoke next, she was looking at the reactor in the core of engineering bay.

"Are all Iromakuanhe as crazy as you, Santô Hei?" Eden asked while she trained her eyes back on Indira's. "Or did you find your way here because this ship's crew is just as insane as you are?" She breathed out and nodded, "These plans are obviously what they are, but they're what we need to do to survive this. The death toll is low, now, but there is one. I don't want one sacrifice to become many, including you here. Make it so, Vaikar-hei. Leka-hei, work with her on that but I want you to be working on something crucial that you mentioned as a necessity: a distraction.

"Our fabrication bay has a wealth of nanomachines that, if released into the ship, could cause havoc. I know you can access those from this console or with Boss' help, but there is something I need to do while you figure out such." She nodded to the crested engineer and Indira respectively before turning her attention away.

The Chusa trained her eyes on the Separa'Shan nearby and walked down from the command tower to the door they had entered the engineering bay through. "Abart, we're set here as far as defenses go. Checking in with Boss shows no enemies are headed to our position, but deck five is being overrun. Take the cargo lift down there and enter your Mindy through a hole in the PA bay's wall from the cargo bay. Your team will need you." She steadied her gaze. "If I could make a hemo clone of myself to go with you, I would not hesitate for a moment. And I didn't even make a clone to stay with my family when we left for Ayenee, so I believe that says something." Her complexion had grown both delicate and supple as compared to the harsh gaze she held moments ago while discussing wreaking nanomachine havoc and venting plans. Her eyes were wet and she frowned against the pressure of her face to contort into more emotion. "Enough talk from me. You've been with this ship long enough to know your way around alone. I know no enemy has both such an advantage and such skill as you, Abart." She took a step back in order to bow graciously at Abart and set her hand on the manual control panel, ready to open the blast doors at the first sign of his readiness for her to do so.

Deck 4
Medical Bay

The blonde put a hand to her forehead sharply and saluted before stating: "Santô Juni Masuku Penny." Her type 35 uniform with its appropriate ranking appeared on her nude body as she said so, showing an orange paneled jacket and a tight pencil skirt. "Pleasure, Kiyomori-hei. I may only be a quartermaster, but I am the highest ranking member of this group, am I not?" She looked to Wyatt and spoke quickly, "I will be needing some defensive weaponry, if any can be spared. Otherwise, I will operate without it. I will lead this team to victory regardless. What was your objective to complete after activating me?" She looked towards the door of the medical bay and began walking towards it while looking between the members of Team Wolf for an answer. Her eyes hesitated and mouth took in a breath while she looked at the hemosynth tank that held the growing bits and pieces of Mikael, but said nothing as she closed her mouth, looking again to Kiyo and Wulf who had already spoken to her.

Deck 5

The power armored Kuvexians had begun to take a beating while serving one themselves. A pair of direct strikes by William had indeed made him the tank of the group, gaining the attention of the enemies of the ship while also gaining their firepower focused on him. Gravity's position was an annoyance to those below her and stole their attention away from William once in awhile long enough for them to realize she wasn't able to be seen and scoped as easily as they expected. With Chlorate's warning, though, the direction of the fight needed to become a technical direction and less about outright enemy bombardment. If the team on Deck 5 had needed Alastair's leadership at any point, it was now more than ever.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 4
Medical Bay - Team Wulf

Wulf was listening to Masuku Penny and as he heard her rank he snapped too and saluted back. As he listened to her speak he didn't want to have the narrative mess up. So as he was about to speak he made sure it was being relayed to Chusa Hoshi. "Ma'am yes you are the highest ranking personal here but our mission directives presently overrule any change from our parameters". Taking his helmet off for a moment to explain "We have been ordered to evacuate all surviving officers from the ship while elements of the fleet are enroute to rescue us". Closing his eyes for a moment while he rubbed his hair to ease the headache he was feeling "Due to the nature of the ships up coming mission and the fact the ship is being boarded by the enemy we have to prevent you from falling into enemy hands".

Opening his eyes to lock eyes with the Juni "Once we get you to a escape route we are to terminate the Megami system encase the engineering team isn't able to destroy the ship outright". Walking over to a console and pulling up a generic map of the ship "Now in order to achieve this that is abit trickier, at present deck 3 is currently in the middle of a fire fight, with deck 5 being almost overrun" as he spoke he pointed to each section. Pointing to deck 2's airlock "Due to previous efforts of our unit we have secured a enemy transport and we think we can use it to our advantage to get you off the ship" . Looking once more to to officer "They shouldn't fire on it and should give you and any other officers who make it there enough time to be rescued by friendlies".

Clipping back his helmet back on "So that's the operation's directives and i'm sorry we don't have any weapons to spar ma'am". Adding "so with that in mind we should move quickly before more hostiles arrive or we might all die before we complete our mission". As he waited for the reply he hoped mixing in some truth would convince Masuku that this was authenticate and would follow him. Though he still felt uneasy he also knew that when the time came to also prevent her from terminating her self he would have to stun her when they made it to boat or if they where about to be overrun. As those thoughts ran through his head he hoped that the what ever deities in the universe would forgive him and his soul for the evil's he was about to commit.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 4
Medical Bay - Team Wulf

The blue-skinned Neko saw the uniform appear on the woman’s body, a Santo Juni uniform. The woman introduced herself as one as well, and much like Wulf, she straightened up so fast it could have broken her had she not been a Neko, as her hand went to her forehead to salute the woman. She lowered her arm, but remained at the attention position, choosing to remain silent since Wulf was already explaining the situation to the Santo Juni. She decided since she didn’t have anything to add, she didn’t need to say anything at all.

She remained calm, her face betrayed nothing, just a calm, serious expression, likely due to the situation at hand. Her Aether Blaster Saber was behind her as she stood there. If they could get to the Power Armor bay, she wouldn’t have to keep her weapon with her since she will have a lot more weapons then. She still remained silent though ready to move when they had.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 4
Medical Bay

Penny nodded solemnly and looked to Kiyo, "Why don't you bring up the rear and the ranger and myself can scout the front as we move up there. Everyone else, fall in between. Ready when you are," she said, nodding to Wulf Soban as she pressed flat against the wall near the med bay's door, letting him take the lead in front of herself.

Boss told Team Wulf, which included the exception of Masuku-juni, that there were still two semi-operational power armor near the enemy transport attached to the starboard hull on deck 2.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 4
Medical Bay
- Team Wulf

"Copy that Ma'am" Signalling to his the squad to rally up with a hand signal he leaned against the door. Sending a acknowledgment about the hostiles to boss he spoke to the squad "Alright we will go the way we came in via the the zero-g passageways hopefully they are still clear". As he hit the controls to open the med bay door he was the first out pistol already level to just encase. As he swept the hall he called out clear before checking on the passage way hatch.

As he checked the the hatch to make sure the settings was still correct he switched to a internal comm to the unit. Making sure the line was secure and that Penny couldn't hear it "Alright squad once we get to the target location I will incapacitate our vip if the enemy doesn't snatch her first, make sure to keep up the pressure but they must be allowed there victory". As he watched everyone stack up ready tp breach the passage way "The whole operation is relying on us and our shipmates fight to protect our home so lets not let all this sacrifice be in vain today". Opening up the hatch he checked the passage way to make sure it was clear. Giving a hand signal it was clear he moved into the zero gravity passage way.

As he felt t gravity vanish he kicked off to start heading towards deck 2. As he and the united floated off to what would be Juni Masuku terrible fate he felt the knot in the stomach grow. To Wulf though warfare required deception and false flag operations even to sometimes one's allies to do so to a fellow solider of the star army felt so wrong. By his own very nature and upbringing he was taught that you must fight by those sworn as your brothers and sisters in arms and to betray one was to betray all that was right in the world. The other thing was that this person would be interrogated and who knows what methods the enemy might use to this loyal solider of the empire to gain information they wanted to give.

Though it was evil act he knew that in the end it could save countless more. That one solider's life and maybe a ranger's soul was worth it he knew in the afterlife he would pay for his misdeed. As he shook his head to clear these thought he knew he had to focus. Looking once more to Juni Masuku "We are almost at the target location please be ready to enter the craft as quickly as possible". Wulf drifted like the others to the top hatch and deck 2.
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Deck 3 - Engineering

With a firm push of the big,red, shiny emergency button, Abart'huse set off the ship's general alarms as instructed. With all of the cold water splashing about, he agreed that turning on more fire alarms was not a great idea. The cold was starting to creep into his lower body somewhat, making it a bit more sluggish and slightly numb, but right now was no time to complain. Rather, with Eden's heartfelt words, worrying was the last thing he could do. He akwardly scratched his head, as it'd been a long time since he'd seen this side of the Chusa.

"Ehe... please, i'm not that great... just doing my job and all, really nothing special,but...."His akward scratch quickly turned into a full blown salute, devoid of hesitation. "Nevertheless... i'll see it done." With that, he gave the much shorter chusa a headpat. Brief, but sincere. Normally completely inappropriate with a superior officer, but right now such formalities couldnt be any less significant. NSPstill at the ready, Abart set out to do his task, heading out the door with Eden's assistance and immediately bolting for the cargo elevator.

Deck 4 - Elevator

Instead of comfy elevator music, the slow ride down was filled with blaring sirens, rushing water and the thumps of the ongoing battle downstairs echoing throughout the entire hull.
He was halfway down untill the elevetor stopped again at deck 4, a bit too soon. The snake immediately sprung on high alert, plastering himself to the side of the elevator, NSP trained at the door. The doors opened, causing a fresh later of water to come gushing in. As soon as the shadow of a figure appeared in the doorframe, he sprung out of his cover to observe the stranger at gunpoint.

To his surprise, he found himself staring down the barrels of two NPS's himself, one trademakr SA blue, and one silvered civillian model. Right there in the elevator door, Abart'huse and Nera'tha Theisillis had spooked themselves into an Essian standoff. If it weren't for their excellent trigger discipline at least one of them wouldn't have felt so good.
"Abart wha the fUCK!!"
"Ner- wha- that's my line!"
"By Pythushun you scared the hell out me, what are you doing butt naked in the elevator!?!?"
"Wha!?" For a brief moment Abart had forgotten about his onsen-worthy attire. "I-i was taking a soak just now untill these kuvvie shits showed up, headed downstairs to grab my mindy, Eden's orders. Aparrently they're gonna syke the kuvvies into thinking we're detonating the MEGAMI."
".....Right... How?" The confused looking auntsnek slithered into the elevator,tagging along in his mission.
"It's complicated, i dunno. But iknow Chlorate is downstairs as welll so you might want to check up on her."
"Chlo-chan!? Goodness.....i hope she's alright....."
"Heh, if those feet are anything to go by, that gal's built like a tank... Anyways, heads up."

Deck 5 - Cargo hall

The SnakeSquad(tm) Quickly exited the elevator with guns drawn, scanning the room before identifying the ever so obvious hole to the PA bay. They shared a nod before hightailing it inside, where Abart guickly got in his mindy, even if it was just to escape the icy chills of the flooded ship floors. He struck a sight of relief as the warm hemosynth covered his skin along with the night indestructable Zesu plating. Along with the trusty LASR-SLAG, he took along a Type 41 Turbo Aether Plasma Shotgun for pesky up-close calamari's. "You go find chlo, i'll help out the others in the meantime."

By lack of a customized mindy for Nerai, she made do with the equally as impressive Shibui powered suit, which shehadnt wornsince that mission to the icy ruins. Good gosh, she hated that mission, but the suit was by far the best thing about it. Even though it has been been months since she last had to use it, all of the rank badges were updated regularly, showing just how dilligent the engineering staff were in their jobs. "No, i'm staying here. Chlo-chan can handle her own just fine, we need as many hands down here as we can."

Soon enough the two snakes exited out the PA-bay blast doors, and were immediately greeted with their fellow crewembers exchanging fire with the boarders. Abart already took position alongside the others, taking potshots at the enemy armors all throughout William's fierce charge. While Nerai readied her aether beam saber rifle before speaking up. "Theisilis Heisho present, what's the situation people!?!?"
Deck 5 - Cargo hall

William's rampage through the hall was still continuing. His lance slicing through his enemies, while is autocannons thundered out their rapport. However the Nepleslian knew he was in trouble if they couldn't end this soon. The enemy were focusing their on him, which was his plan, but they weren't falling fast enough. He was scrounging for any spare energy he could find to throw into his forward shields. He was hit with several more blasts and it caused the massive armored man to stagger slightly before two lasers shot out from his shoulders at the offending enemies. He had to stop them. He had to protect the crew, Rei, and her majesty.

"Shields sustaining heavy damage. I am not sure how much longer I can keep them up here." He said to the crew honestly, still giving it his all. He grunted from exertion as he continued to move forward. "I can keep going though. I can't stop, not now..." He added, picking up a downed combatant and throwing the corpse at the enemy to put them off balance. Seizing the moment, he dashed forward and stabbed another Kuvexian while shooting with his cannon.

'I can't stop... I won't...' He thought.
Deck 5

Alastair had gotten caught up in all the action. He was enjoying far to much the killing of kuvvies who dare mess up his floor. After the initial rush washed over his focus switch to the task at hand. They had PA they could use but they still needed to cut off reinforcements coming from the attached ship.

"Crew, we are going to need to get that ship unlatched from our hall. Who feels like going on a space walk?" Alastair asked of the group to see who felt like playing the role of the hero. Though he knew outside the ship was going to be dangerous. Either way they had to get this ship filled with troops unattached.

He waited for a reply while he put his attention back down the hallway. He knew they would need to push and he had the build for it. Designed to be close in combat with his Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Saber-Rifle and forearm shield. "I am going to buy us some time." He shared with the team as he started to move forward to close the distance between himself and the enemy.
Deck 3

Indira nodded in response to go-ahead, though she had to admit she was more than a little surprised. Well, things were looking up. The fine tuning required for the CFS and the torpedo both would prove to be an entertaining challenge. She looked to the engineer. "Leka-hei, can I trust you with preparing for the reactor vent as well? My tasks require me to go to the top of engineering. I'm not sure if the system is designed for a partial vent; we may need to manually adjust the port. Once I've run my simulations for the torpedo, I will send you the specifics."

The Iroma turned to walk away, then stopped as something caught her eye. "Hm," she began, thoughtfully, "I may need assistance getting through the ECT's blast shutters, as well. The manual says they become activated when we've been boarded, which we certainly have. I believe that to be the best location to run our operation from. Do you have any suggestions?" She turned and looked at the engineer and commanding officer, eyes focused. Indira clearly didn't appreciate the delay in getting about her business.
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Deck 5 - Cargo hall

Klaus heart froze reading Mikael's message.

"Mikael? Mikael!!!" he shouted, blind firing to the kuvexians keeping them at bay. He glanced and saw Mikael's body, slumped on the ground smoking from the aether blasts.

"No." he whispered, his mind slipping back to the past. To the Yuletide Party his father never came back to. To the sorrow, the loss. "NOT AGAIN!"

With a wordless roar, Klaus joined William in his onslaught, taking down Kuvies that were too focused on William. Furious yet calm, he advanced firing round after round into the enemy. An enemy PA attempt to bullrush him, but with a judo flip Klaus slammed him down. Kicking the kuvie's weapon away, Klaus began firing his SMG one-handed, keeping the hostile from interfering, while he aimed his other arm down at the pinned enemy and blasted him with the Mindy's forearm weapon. Through all this, Klaus idly noticed Theisilis joining them.

"A crapton of Kuvies, that's what!" Klaus yelled back. Biting back a curse at seeing William being hit by multiple hostiles. Charging forward, Klaus tried to ease the pressure on him.

"William, I got your six! Let's give 'em Hel!"
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

As Musuku Penny floated through the zero g passageway, utilizing her own gravity manipulation systems while the internal corridor's systems were offline, she nodded to Wulf, then Wyatt. she was ready.

"Hai, ready to do so."


Eden walked back to the place where Kikios and Indira were working swiftly after seeing Abart out, head pat and all.

"All controls of engineering are at our disposal," she informed Indira after pressing on the console. Looking to both women present, she spoke, "Status update?"

Deck 5 Hallways

Hoshi used a secure comm to speak to the crew on deck 5, "You have to move the combatants into a group to be able to distribute the most damage from the SLAM- and get yourselves out of the way of it! That space walk, Belmont-chui; engineering teams are working on venting the core- or making it look so. It could be a dangerous undertaking. It's your call, Chui."
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Kiyo followed Penny silently, as she held onto Wulf’s body, giving aid to the floating as they crossed the corridor. She chose to remain silent during this journey as she focused on the flying, and making sure she didn’t let go one bit. She felt that if the Kuvexians touched her Mindy she will take pleasure in killing them. She tried to focus on something else and looked first to Penny, then to Wulf, she was holding onto being so near like this, she loved it, though she wished the situation as different and that they didn’t have Kuvexians to kill. She also thought about it and finally decided that should she survive this, she will be getting a Drake.

“Honey, remind me if we win this time, I want to get a Drake” she whispered into his ear as they traveled and floated along. Hopefully with Wulf’s promise on reminding her, she could not worry about things any longer.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 5
Team scared and bleeding.

Saya eventually pulled her hand back from Elenor as she felt her head get woozy. She took a deep breath to calm herself and forced her body to heal over the wound she had given herself to help heal Elenor. She looked over her shoulder at the battle that raged down the hall and winced as she feared just what would happen should she poke out from the small hidey hole she and Elenor hid in. But the woman under her needed to get to the medbay, and she needed to get her there. She was a medic, it was her job...

The Ragdoll looking Neko grit her teeth and hoisted Elenor into her arms as gently as she could. "I'm sorry Elenor this might hurt a little..." She whispered to the girl before she curled herself around her friend and lifted into the air using her gravity manipulation. She did as much as she could to limit the stress and jostling on Elenor. But hopefully she would be able to make her way to the medbay unattacked and get her some help.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2
As Wulf was floating in the corridor with everyone. Hearing kiyo right beside him he couldn't help but smile for the light she brought in his life. Whispering back to her"My wonderful angel its not if but when we win and I will buy you that drake". Hoping that will give a boost of moral to her as well as remind himself of the woman he was also fighting for.
As they reached the hatch that would lead to the port side of deck two he heard Masuku Penny's reply. His thought was simply I hope so Penny and I hope one day the crew of the Kaiyo and the empire can repay the debit it was about to own. Pausing at the hatch he quietly opened up the port-side hatch. His weapon raised he began to check the shrouding area. Glad to see it was clear he lowered his weapon and knelt near the wall.

Quietly peeking down the corridor to the target area he saw two Kuvexian powered armored infantry currently walking back to there ship. Attached to each seemed to be a long tethered cable which he thought might be power cables. He also noted that each one looked damaged and that they ere refitting before moving on. As there backs was turned to the ranger and though his squad mates where not out yet he knew he wouldn't get another golden chance to hit them.

Charging down the hall with his weapon raised he tried to close the distance. As he closed the distance he fired a salvo of shots quickly into each cable. As sparks flew in the corridor they where already spinning around to engage the new comer. Having the advantage of surprise as the closest one crudely tried to use its rifle to bash but but thankfully wulf side stepped.
Pulling his pistol in tight he quickly fired into the kuvexian weapon to disable it. Unfortunately this left himself open as his opponent used his shield to bash and pin wulf into the wall. Gasping for air he could hear his opponent laugh "Thought you could get the drop on us eh?". As Wulf desperately tried to raise his pistol he could still hear it chuckle "Oh I'm going to take my time killing you I was abit bored".

As he was being crushed he could feel and hear the distinct sound of one of his ribs being cracked. Despite the pain his body screamed at him he finally was able to raise his pistol enough and he began to unload the pistol clip into his enemy. Seeming to shock the Kuvexian it pulled away from him and raised its weapon at him. As wulf slumped on the ground trying to breath he heard the distinct click click of a weapon that didn't work. Looking up he saw it tossed its weapon to the ground as the other one just stood and watched.

As he tried to stand up he saw his opponent was clearly agitated and took a step towards him. At this point Wulf was really hoping the rest of the squad was going to save the day.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 5

As William fought back the waves of Kuvexians, but it wasn't enough. They just kept coming. PA after PA streamed from the enemy ship. As he smashed another pair of PAs with his lance, he took two ore hits to his chest and his shields fell to 10%. He couldn't keep them from storming the ship at this rate.

It was then that he heard Hoshi give her order. To push them together to effectively use the SLAM on them. Time slowed as William processed the order... and he made up his mind. He opened a channel to all the crew members, including Rei and Aiko.

"Everyone... I know I'm not a true member of the crew, but I like to think that I am. I strive to serve to the best of my ability, maybe not for Yamatai, but for the people that I call my friends and family. I hope that is how you will remember this." He then spoke directly to the Princess. "It is a bodyguard's duty to protect his charge. I am disposable... But I will miss you princess." He then cut all communications to his suit and surrounded himself in silence.

His shields dropped as he put every single ounce of power into his thrusters, even drawing from his own augmentations to add some extra ompf to what he was about to do. The massive thrusters on his suit began to glow red as he pushed everything into it. "You bastards need to get off this ship!!!" He screamed as he held his arms out holding the lance before him.

In an instant he took off, as round after round slammed into the armor of his suit. Hundreds of rounds slamming into his unshielded body. But he was doing it. As he came into contact with an enemy PA he began to pushing them back. Soldier after soldier collided into each other as he pushed them back towards their ship. As he reached the end of the corridor he attempted to yell out, but then realized that he couldn't get air out of his lungs. He looked down to see blood pouring out from wounds all down his body. He then spat blood onto his HUD... things were starting to go dark...

With a final thought, he used his mindware to send out one transmission. "Do it..."
Deck 5

Gravity smiled like a mad woman as she tore into the oncoming armors with her gauss rounds. There was nothing like the rush of combat! The thrill of being locked in a deadly dance that had existed since the first sentient beings learned that you could swing a big club at another.

Then, she saw Will go down, and her world came to a grinding halt.

The neko didn't hear herself screaming his name as she rocketed to him. The cacophony around her became a distant rumble. She gingerly scooped the young boy into her arms and turned to snarl at the invaders, her tail twitching. Then she noticed a small robot holding a rocket launcher not more than five feet away. Holding a rocket launcher.

"Burn them all!" She cried out to Chlorate as she opened up again with a new volley of missiles, trying to cover the robot girl while she lined up the shot. Her voice was raged, feral as Will's blood began to mar her armor's pristine paint job.

"Let the gods do the sorting!"