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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 2.1] Squids Come Calling

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Watching momentarily with baited breath as the Aeon and Integrity pummeled the unprotected enemy ship with all due aggregation, the vibrant readout at Ko's console gave him all the confirmation he needed.

"T-that's a confirmed hit." reports the fiery-topped science officer, performing a few keystrokes to initiate a secondary scan through MEGAMI for confirmation. "Critical systems failure. Multiple internal explosions showing up on scanners. Mishhuvurthyar v-vessel is in a cataclysmic spiral and heavily venting plasma." spouted the Santô Hei as clinically as he could muster, voice rife with minor fluctuations.

"There are no signs of attempted correction. Enemy destroyer is disabled."
Kame bowed to Ittô Hei and said, "Yes mam, I will explain as I walk, so I'll keep the com between us on. However, I did add a short sub-route that when Eternity commands it will tell the system to redirect power from Wardroom, recreation area, to just the outer(*) upper conduit along the deck 4 maintenance conduit so the engines will work as we cut off power to the cargo hold. I left an option in there so, that once we start, you can shut down power from the fabrication bay and cargo lift once we get the cargo lift in place, and redirect the remaining power." She adjusted her communicator to act as a voice relay.

She then patched in, with a bit of searching assistance from Eternity, to Tomas Anderson ""Anderson-Hei? Hello, I am Kame, the engineer working with. Skipping the pleasantries, told me you where the best man for the job. A piece of mishhu rock or something else in our cargo hold is causing dangerous power fluctuations that if we do not solve in... 59 minutes from now the engines and lower secondary weapons are going to shut down followed by the rest of the ship."" By this time Kame had walked over to the nearby locker and opened it up searching. Yep out of Utility Goo, still I need something for wielding and patching.. ahh here it is.... She grabbed the Aether Generator that she hooked to her belt, extra long power cables, rather large portable repair kit and continued her dialogue,
With the aether generator strapped to uniform and power cords wrapped around her body, Kame exited engineering and floated across the gap to the Fabrication bay. Entering into the Fabrication bay, she quickly dashed across and scanned that she had enough scraps to line the sections she needed. "Ok the general plan is to trap this thing by turning off the power and add layers of armor to specific sections of the ship so we have minimal loss to the entire system. Then once it is contained we can turn other part of the ship back on as the system will be able to gain back power."
Finding some of the better large scraps that where .5 m x 1 m wide, she set the portable repair kit down at the end of the fabrication bay and rushed back and forth-carrying sections to the end of the fabrication area. "Heard of Hall Effect?," young gray haired engineer continued, "Strong Magnetic field induces a Hall voltage on a moving current. Based on what Eternity showed, I think our mishhu rock actually interfering with power system due to Hall effect. Though some still wrong, since Magnetic Fields do no work. B-Fields usually required the presence of nearby electrons (OCC: to do work), but that room lacks the density of atoms in air have enough electrons to support the Hall Effect we are detecting. In fact, it even more bizarre that it feels like it is alive and able to react to find charge and focus on other power lines if I shut one down.” Kame sweated her brow as she dragged the last of 30 pieces over to the fabrication bay. Then stealthily as she could then quietly tip toed over grab her and put the portable repair pack and the 30 scraps.

In a rush it possible she could have missed the best ones or something else about the Fabrication bay or Cargo Hold door that she should have notice but she was in a rush and didn't. Attempting to be a least slightly stealth she quietly plugged in the aether generator waited until she had reached medical before speaking again. "Anyways, I thought about using shields, but EM shields would only enhance effect. We cannot use gravity shields or we risk disabling the FTL drive. That and the fact that we cannot get to the tape is the bad news. The Good news is we can either create an armor encasing around the hull or flush it out sending it and the rest of cargo into the nearest sun. Therefore, you and I are going to need to first with armor the bottom and one side of the both of the two Deck 4 maintenance conduits." Since I do not think we can rule out that these thing self-defenses or is guarded somehow, I believe that one of us will need to run distraction and provide cover fire as the other wields and shuts down the conduits. For distraction, my Ittô suggested we could grab Submachine-guns from the armory. I already have an aether generator, power cords, and scraps ready, so all I need are the guns and an extra aether generator for back up power.
Reaching the top of the cargo hold toward the armory, Kame had finished her long-winded plan, “In conclusion mishhu rock in cargo is draining power, need distraction and as we add armor to deck for maintenance conduit and wield the front door.” She as she finished her gray hairs pricked up as she sensed someone from behind.

*outer = toward the outside and the engines; inside = toward the cargo bay and center of ship
OCC: sorry for yelling this whole time guys, I didn't realize that bold text meant until Nash told me

Edit: OCC ok so it does also help to correct my grammer errors
Tomas followed the energetic female who was clearly on a mission in his AMES. "O'Kutsuu-Hei, while I am not familiar with this Hall Effect you speak of. I get the general gist of your explanation. So in effect you want to shield this object so that we cut it off from the magnetic field. Perhaps we could assemble an SSCC. Then put a non-conductive material on the bottom and push the object inside. Once closed we could then ground the SSCC creating a Faraday cage and cut it off from any magnetic field?" He suggested.
By Pseudo-Relativistic Theory, that guy's like a ninja ... and has such friendly…. deep, alluring brown eyes, Kame thought as she turned around and stumbled for words. She still stumbled as she replied, "Err... well I think the fluctuations may be the due Hall Effect base on what little information we have. Originally, I began to suspect that it wasn't regular electromagnetic induction since I thought the Science Officer did not find any highly usual nonlethal electromagnetic radiation. So then, I thought the fluctuations might be a giant conductive tentacle literally attached to the ship, but Eternity showed that the mishhu rock is literally still just sitting there. Therefore to only only thing that was left was something would cause induction on a circuit without being electromagnetic wave either a static or nearly-static electromagnetic field(*). Therefore a Faraday Cage wouldn't... Wait Isn't variation of normal Hall Effect an approximation only for ELF and SLF Radio waves. Baka, Kame!
"No wait, I was wrong... you are completely right a Faraday Cage would work(*). I forgot we approximate the induction due with that with the Hall Effect when super and extremely low Hz radio waves. Therefore we could modify the Faraday cage to take care of the radio wave spectrum. Thinking about this.... some more Kame turned around and tried to open the door. "Arg--Well my original plan did call for something that you could call a Faraday Cage, but more like a square conductive wall that we could slap down. However, just one sheet like you are suggesting might indeed be easier. The insulator of course would still be durandium scraps I brought for the cargo bay door. Thus, … Huff…. the only real thing we are changing is that there would not as many walls required than I planned for. … It’s much… Please open ><;… simpler.”
Finally, as she finished her last sentence while still pushing on the handle the cargo bay opened automatically and she nearly feel forward. Searching high and in the very well organized armor bay, Kame could not find the gun she was looking for. She did find however the power armor aether generator she needed from the locker. Turning around she said, Good, now I found the second aether generator that we can use as a backup for powering the fabrication bay and cargo lift if the Ittô-Hei needs to shut it down for more power to the shields. Now where are the--
Kame saw that Anderson-Hei had already found the guns and he motioned toward the lift. When they got there, the power armor door shut behind them. Kame switched the aether generators, hooked the old one back on her bay, and started the cargo bay lift. She then briefly glanced at seeing Anderson-Hei’s inquisitive, kind stare. Quickly she looked away began talking again, "However, I’d ... I'd like to believe it just a glowing rock sitting in the middle of the cargo bay and will not scream and attack us if we try to lightly push into an SSCC; therefore, Anderson-Hei let us try your idea of using SSCC first then fall back on mine."
Meanwhile as the lift went down and she, Kame focus not on what she just said but instead, she focused on more important things, such cutting the carbon nanotubes, into graphine and well as to send a message to Eternity to prep a large container at 1110 C full of vapor Silcon/Carbon oxide on and Epitaxial growth on silicon
(OCC: Sometimes I admits I want to slap myself >>;. also Edit:Removed Irdium since I thought I give you guys the choice See Discussion)
Another minor victory under the crew of the Aeon's belt, that incessant but familiar flashing again breached the monitor of Ko's terminal. At a cursory glance, the young soldier had taken it to be little more than the same warning from the previous Mishhuvurthyar attack against the Aeon, sans threat indicator.

Giving the console a few tender taps disproved this theory, as indicated by the furling of eyebrows by the Santô Hei as he observed the technical readout.

"Ise-Taii," chimed Ko, spinning around in his chair on the bridge to give the commanding officer her due respect. "There seems to be some... uh... unusual energy fluctuations in Engineering."
Trowa glanced at the scientist officer and asked, "You mean like power surges? Or have they been damaged?" The last thing I need right now is for the engines to give out on me. Trowa thought angrily. He didn't have time to think about it though. There were still NMX ships trying to blast them into space dust. Trowa turned on some speed, and hoped that the engines wouldn't give out.
As they descended through the elevator, Kame took the wielder and scope out of the premium portable repair kit and hooked them up to the aether generator. She then took one of the cords she had on still around her back and laid it on the ground above a durandium scrap piece. Grabbing her pistol she shot clearly through the cord in 4 places only 1 cm apart, barely scratching the durandium underneath. She used the blue laser welder to cut carefully through the insulator around the cable. Then, she was even more careful with the help of the scope cutting only halfway* through any of the carbon nanotubes. This was the hardest part of this plasma-based method unrolling carbon nanotubes into graphene. Without special care and the scope, she had a high probability of ruining the individual molecular layers of nanotube and probably getting highly irregular shapes. However when done correctly it left hundreds of tiny 1 cm thick graphine flakes. The left over cable was of course ruined until the crew could repair it a fuse the male/female connector back on, so she set it to the side as to not confuse it with the rest of the cables still on her back. She sighed to herself They were still not perfect as I hoped for but they will do.

When Kame and Thomas passed the deck 3/4 blast door, Kame made sure her Type 29 Communicator was still on and slowly said, "With you permission Thomas-Hei, I am sending a message to Eternity to double check with Usuagi-Hei to see if she wants to take power from the fabrication or cargo bay, then activate the subroutine I left. I am also sending a message to Eternity to please activate the main blast doors above us and any others that the Ittô Hei sees fit like the one's to Engineering, so the blast door keeps this problem from spreading anymore than it already has." Then, she hooked the welder to her pack lifted up the scope so see could look around as the began to cross where the deck 4 maintenance conduits lay as the lights flickered. "Ready when you are Nitô-Hei."
Tomas kept a running track of how much time had passed. The engineer seemed intent on pursuing her current patch, but he was growing concerned about the time factor.

"O'Kutsuu-Santô Hei, from your original message you made it clear that time was essential. I am concerned that we have been losing too much time following your current method. We should expedite our efforts. When we enter the cargo bay, we should combine the plans. We will first ascertain if the debris has somehow attached itself directly to the ship. Then you can place your plastic pad into the bottom of one of the collapsible SSCC's. While you do that I will use the cargo bay winch controls to put it in position to lift the object. Once lifted we move the SSCC under it, and lower it in. Then you can take whatever steps you deem necessary, and then we seal the SSCC."

Eternity replied to Trowa, "The power fluctuations are growing in magnitude, but at present are not affecting engine operation. Engineering is compensating to keep the engines operating at peak efficiency.
Scooping the hundreds of mustard-seed-like-flakes of graphene into her pocket, Kame smirked, Well, its good that he is ready. Replaying to Tomas Anderson, "Agreed Anderson-Hei. I will wait until we have the SSCC to finish the manufacturing process of the metal." She then spoke to Eternity, "Since we don't know exactly what this thing is, Eternity keep preparing the necessary large amounts of CO2 and CO for fabrication of graphene sheets, but please cancel the order on SO2 and SO." Then to Tomas she replied, I'll give you the other power armor aether generator us till we are finished retrieving the SSCC. After a quick check of the entrance of the cargo bay, we will carry the rest of Premium Portable Repair Kit (PPRK) case with us in"

As they continued the descent, Kame put the durandium scrap she had used as a cutting board with the other scraps on the lift. With the help of Thomas, they fused all into one piece to fit the bottom of the Medium SSCC. Once they reached deck 5, O'Kutsuu-Hei disconnected the aether generator and handed it to Tomas to attach to the back of his suit. She handed him 3 power cords to wrap around himself. She had 4 left cords around her body, the blue laser wielder at her waist, and another aether generator on her butt. Next, she grabbed the remaining PPRK suitcase put and it on top of the durandium pad. We really should get the backpack container instead of the suit-case for engineering, next time we are in port..
"Here help me carry this", the Santô Hei whispered. The Santô Hei and Nitô Hei carefully and quietly carried the 5 x 2.5 pad to the entrance and quietly set it down.

Kame then got into position with her back to one side of the cargo door; moreover, she checked her pistol as she watched Anderson he get into position the other side. She signaled to Anderson-Hei to cover her, and she then rolled to the center, crouched and flipped to the switch to open the cargo bay doors thinking, Honor guide me!!
"I- I'm not sure." stammered the green-clad officer, fiddling with the console hesitantly. Before a more astute diagnosis of the engineering crisis through Eternity could be performed, however, an unwelcome sight scoped its way onto the glowing MEGAMI computer.

"Trowa." chimed Ko, tapping the console gingerly again. "Sensors are picking up one of the enemy destroyers heading inwards towards the system. I- it looks like they're attempting to get out of jamming range of the 7th Squadron in order to transmit an alert."
"Oh no their not." Trowa growled. He brought the Aeon around and flew parallel with the NMX destroyer, keeping her stronger shields pointed towards the enemy. He flew a little closer with each enemy shot he avoided, then swooped down under the destroyer. The Aeon's top side guns fired at the destroyer as the ship fly underneath. Trowa swung the ship in a tight turn and went for another pass underneath. But this time, instead of simply flying underneath, Trowa through the ship into reverse, slowing it down, and then fired the thrusters. The Aeon stood straight up, with its main gun pointed right at the destroyer’s belly. Trowa fired the main gun and then put all power into the engines to get them out of there, dodging the destroyer’s return fire as best he could.
Trowa's acrobatic engagement succeeded in accomplishing two things. The fleeing ship was effectively filleted by the main gun after the enemy shields failed from the first barrage of the guns.

Unfortunately, the heavy demand on the engine systems, combined with the fluctuations in the power grid caused the several power conduits to explode causing a complete loss of power to the Auxiliary Engines causing the gunship to go into a slow spin.


Tomas meanwhile was assisting Kame carry her supplies into the Cargo bay door. When Kame opened the blast door to the cargo bay the piece of debris could be clearly seen, as well as a number of points on it that pulsed with light. There was no sign of any nefarious tentacles or other methods of infiltration. But a small armature could be seen moving the end of which appeared to be some sort of anti-personnel weapon.


In engineering Hisa let fly a stream of obscenities in Nepleslian as her board showed the energy system collapse. She quickly scanned through the power grid. The damage was bad but not enough to fully crippled the warships.

She grabbed the intercom and dialed the bridge. "Usaga-Hei to bridge, Auxiliary Engines are down. The power flux blew a junction point. I'm switching the CFS to enable CDD flight while I go and make repairs." she said quickly.

Before leaving engineering she sent a message to Kame,
Hisa said:
Auxiliary Engines offline due to power surge. I am enroute to make repairs. Get that problem taken care of ASAP.

Then grabbing her toolkit and some parts she left the engineering room heading for the nearest maintenance conduit by the damaged systems.


Katae bit back a curse when she sense the Aeon distress. "Roger that Usaga-Hei, do what you need to." after receiving Hisa's message she turned to Trowa, "Yamamoo-Hei, switch over to CDD propulsion, get us back to the squadron, and remember since we are using the CFS for propulsion as well, we do not have maximum shielding."
Trowa muttered a few words that would have made even his Nepleslian mother blush. He had pulled that stunt before, in a smaller ship. He should have know better than to do that with a ship this size, and one he had just been stationed on. Trowa had a feeling that, if they survived, he wouldn't be pulling that stunt or any stunts again. He'd be lucky to remain a crewmember.

"Aye, Ma'am." Trowa said as he shifted power over to the CDD propulsion. He frowned then added, "I'm sorry, Ma'am." He headed back towards the squadron at the best speed he could coax out of the damaged engines.
Kame immediately noticed the mishhu's Anti-personal weapon and it lack of tentacles. Dang I guess remembering the two fundamental guidelines I learned from my parents of carbon nanotubes was a bit silly... wait minute that an anti personal weapon. Graphene could still roll into a carbon-nanotube black hay(*) with that antipersonal weapon. I better hit this thing hard to confirm

Kame said:
"Acknowledged Ittô, good luck"
Kame did realize though, they would still need to stop the tail's Antipersonal weapon or their containment efforts would be in vain. Thus, she nodded to Tomas to cover for her and then quickly grabbed the PPRK behind her as she shoved with her back foot the durandium pad onto the rollers. She set her pistol to pulse and fired the one shot near the creature’s tail. She then ran sideways headway over to the Medium SSCC, hoping Anderson-Hei would cover her both before and after engaged the tractor beam. With this hope she covered for Anderson-Hei so he could run to as she ran and continued watching the object as she ran side-ways.

(*)Randomly forming Carbon nanotubes looks like soot in RL but in Scifi this would be more hay-like since the tubes would be longer.
The Aeon flew silently back to the 7th squadron, and once regrouped. "Yamamoo-Hei good flying back there. Lay in a course back to our shuttles. Hopefully the Away Team is complete, this little snatch and grab is getting riskier the longer we stay here. Monomonoi-Hei, keep a sharp eye out for any other signs of company arriving, until engineering can repair that power conduit that overloaded, we are not at full fighting trim. Also scan for any lowband EM transmissions."

Tomas cautiously looked at the cargo bay and the object that was causing so much consternation. He watch as Kame fired at the weapon. From his position he could see that the weapon was in some sort of mount. Probably some sort of internal weapon system for the NMX ship, perhaps part of an intruder system.

The weapon trained on Kame's initial firing position and hit the wall about two feet from where she had been standing.
Kame glanced at the scorch and marks on the door. As she continued running she though, Damn that was close, I hope the door is ok. Probably going to need to fix that later. However, this Anti-personal weapon doesn't like its would be to be the part that is emitting the massive the radio-wave fluctuations.. hmm.. If I had to guess I bet the waves are coming from those glowing "eyes" it has.
Coming to a conclusion Kame looked at Tomas-Hei and said, ""Anderson-Hei, lets spice up this meal with some Type 28 Submachinegun hotsauce"
Kame then switched to stun and fired 3 more shots with her pistol object as she continued running toward the SCC.
Trowa glanced at the Taii then turned back to flying. "Thank you Ma'am." said Trowa. But it didn't feel like he had done any good flying. He very easily good have gotten them all killed. Get a grip man! Focus on flying now, worry about your mistakes later. He told himself. You still have a job to do.

Trowa sat up straighter and adjusted his grip on the controls. "Aye, Ma'am, coming around to the shuttles now." Once they were in position, Trowa took a moment to flex his stiff fingers and hands. He hadn't realized how tightly he'd been griping the controls. He laid a hand on the control board and patted it reassuringly. Come on, Aeon. He thought, Hold together now.
Tomas took aim at the automated weapon while it was attemping to lock onto Kame. He fired several bursts from his Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Submachinegun at it. Then dove into the cargo hold in a forward roll, and came upon one knee and fired a longer burst at it. The weapon head shattered and flew away in a shower of sparks. "Thanks for distracting it. Now let's get this thing sealed up."


Hisa glided through the maintenance passage towards the blown power junction. As she approached she noticed some scorching present on the walls. Damn, the repair teams missed this and so did I, but then we did not have a lot of time before we left. We survive this mission I'm crawling through every tunnel on the Aeon. She approached the damage that crippled the STL engines. Surveying the fried components she was able to determine an estimate of the repair time.

She used her communicator to call Katae, "Ise-Taii, I'm at the damaged power junction module. It is a pretty simple repair. I should have the STL engines back online in 10-15 minutes ma'am."
Nodding to Anderson-Hei, Kame put up her pistol back in the holster and grabbed a folded medium SCC. Meanwhile, the durandium plate, with its longer side facing the Mishhu rock had barely tapped the creature and come to a rest. As she got closer to the object, she notice that the rock's hundreds of ""eyes"" all glowed yellow and natural sparks strayed across like they where radio towers. Well its down for now, but not out., the Santo-Hei thought and set up the medium SCC so the shorter end of the durandium plate could be slid in.

It was at this point that Kame overheard her Itto message to the Taii since her com was still technically open and probably being recorded somewhere. Oh Fudgestickes, the power adjustment I had Eternity activate must of been what caused the power junction to one of the engines to overload and die. Sigh, I will follow Tomas's advice just focus on getting this done then join her when I can. Kame quickly messaged a status update to Usagi thanks to the continued open channel on her communicator.

Kame said:
Usagi-Hei, Anderson-Hei and I are almost done in the Cargo-Bay and we will be heading toward the Fabrication bay to finish the containment box, which should only take us 8-10 minutes. I message you again when we have it contained.

With the lights still flickering and some sections toward the back of the cargo bay beginning to go black, Kame spoke, "Anderson-Hei ready for you to use the Aether Generator to activate the gravity beam. After this we will need to carry this thing into the fabrication bay and construct the graphene superconductor metallic plates. In fact, I am sending a message for Eternity to finish preparations."

Kame then quickly typed the following message:
Kame said:
Can you still reach the Fabrication Bay? Are any of the nanocolonies clusters off line? If so what % are online?

For any that nanocolonies that are online, please begin the growth of graphene sheets by giving the CO2 and CO to the nanocolonies. Then check to see whether or not we have Silicon Carbide. If you do have Silicon carbide available please feed it to the nanocolonies. If you don't have any Silicon carbide available, then please feed the nanocolonies weak acid solution with .01-.1 Molar red Cu(I) oxide
Tomas activated the Aether Generator, as soon as the device was lifted off the ship's deck the glowing lights faded.

"Energy fluctuations have ceased." came Eternity's voice through the cargo bay speakers.

"Well, it appears that contact with a conductive surface is part of the equation, let's get this thing crated up." Tomas said to Kame.
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