Gianate Ruo'sa (Eating Room)
Murr entered Giante Ruo'sa, seeing a few others already there. She gathered her tray and cutlery, before helping herself her portion of the prepped meal. Those that noticed her, yelled their approval at getting one of the new armors, The Dahome, destroyed, Putting her in the limelight as the rest looked at her expectantly for the story which sure was to be interesting to all.
Murr took her time in choosing a seat. Once her tray of food was on the table and paws free, to Paw-Speak. A lot of those present could understand her way of communication and would softly translate to those unfamiliar with
Murr launched into the story with full enthusiasm as she stood at her spot at the table, giving the accounting of facing a much stronger opponent and substance, reliving and retelling of her adventure aboard the now demised Ibaku.
They yowled and purred and growled as they gave their approval of such an honored telling of how in the process of saving two Baqli, Team Medic and the great teamwork the four of them bonded together to take down such a worthy opponent. Murr praised La'ta, Sogi, and Tota for their quick actions in preserving her life, making them heroes just as much as she was.
Even those that wished ill upon Murr for her handicap, they loved a good war story or two no matter where it came from, even though they went through the motions of making it look like she made the story up and gave open teasing insult but with the respect to a fellow team and crew of the Ismaopate which time and again Murr had proven herself in duty, being honorable and reliable in knowing she would give a paw in need regardless whom asked it of her.
Once the story was finished, Murr sat down and dug into the fast cooling meal. Even with her mouth full, she still could carry on the conversation through paw-speak, answering questions plied to her from various crew members that were presence.
Sitting amongst the group was an intelligence officer who kept quiet and listened with intensively. Every once in a while the Intelligence Agent would throw out a question to clarify a puzzling aspect of her story that wasn't covered in her submitted mission report. The Agent had learned not everything was remembered and knowing how troops like to brag on their prowess to their peers, came up with even more info that was forgotten, yet suddenly remembered in their storytelling in gathering such as in the mess and off duty lounge. He spotted the J-Vine on her wrist. Only other person to have one was Maili, the new pilot.