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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 20: Baka yarō

YSS Kaiyō II

((OOC: The moment where time stood still for twelve-ish paragraphs of dialogue. Just look up your character's name in full and in parts on this one... so many questions from you guys x.x))

“Convincing, Santô Hei,” Eden said while looking through lidded eyes as Hsohi outwardly appraised the Sprite with open blue eyes. “Though Leinve will be talking with a device they store in their robes. Creating this simple handheld device will not be hard for your volumetric skills. Such information and approximated schematics on it may be found in a small info packet on the Leinve I am sending you…” Eden seemed in thought for a moment.

“Which reminds me. Everyone, we have been doing some jobs that were more under the table but we have information from SAINT, these are orders from command, supplies and resources from logistics. We have been doing so well lately, it is true, so try to actually keep the Star Army in the back of your head, if out. We have regulations, rules, all the like, but if you’re on that planet acting like a businessman or trader, barterer or buyer of Kuvexian goods, I want you to be thinking of being there- being present as your role. Thinking with your Nekovalkyrja or Yamataian instincts could keep the skin on our necks but thinking how we are Yamataians, Nekovalkyrja… It could get a lot of us killed and make a lot of others mourn. What I mean to say is, the woman we helped on the station is an acute empath, like an Iroma but on a Nepleslian drug drink. Her grandaughter was bought by Kuvexians, high ranking ones, probably to be trained to be under the Kuvexian’s employ. If they employ other species like them that know when we are stressed and think something like ‘Oh no, the caught me!’ or ‘What do I do if they know I just lied?’” Eden paused and a disgenuine smile formed until falling to a flat line after she ended with, “I guess, simply, don’t think like that for this mission.”

Hoshi looked shortly to Dalida, “You are in the field,” she growled. “Surveillance in the field.”

Eden told the new addition in an honest tone, “Mathews-hei, if you have a problem with it I don’t have a problem finding you in as a slave. Either are options for you right now. Which actually leads me to say to Wulf Soban’s question, we know what Kuvexians dress like, heavy robes sort of like Leinve, but they have more jewels, more gold, the like. Slaves, we don’t know. Make something up. If you can’t use your imagination, leave nothing to the imagination.” Eden said, “Kiyomi, you ask good questions, I have sent a bit of info on Kuvexians including some known names for them ((OOC: Make up whatever.)) and by the way, Kiyo, you can use your Jay persona at the station and should. But at the station you can do whatever you want, so you can go back to that very fun disguise, especially if we have more business to do with the station and our go between we met with as those disguises. I quite liked mine!” Eden’s hair had gone light pink quickly before her smile turned to an outright blush.

The XO turned her attention the technician that had made everyone coffee tonight.

“Sjet-hei, not going to hide away this mission, are you? We need you doing surveillance this go around. You’ll be roving surveillance so a speechless Leinve that’s very lost. You could even take Mathews-hei as your… I don’t know, whatever you want. Pet, friend, slave. Try to just be very very lost. No translator, etcetera, but do have out sensor equipment when you need to take scans on our teams. I want roving techs like you to be surveillance that can alert me or the other muscle if there’s an issue floor-side and we can back up our main players. Main players being those playing Kuvexians that are at the stock market or buying Kuvexian technology for us to go on to their open sites and networks and to talk to other Kuvexians about our stocks.”

Eden collected her thoughts, still looking to the cute technician, “Unless Wulf is assigned elsewhere? And…to answer your previous question, it did give command and Star Army higher ups a lot of information, it didn’t give us that info. Don’t worry, it’s safe in the Kikyo Sector as it got a more direct flight from us than regular cargo. It helped a lot, though, as will this mission.”

Eden kept going, “Does any other technician want to be a roving technician like what I just gave Sakura? They will need someone with them like I assigned Alexander Mathews to Sakura, in case they get distracted by sesnors or what have you. We all know technicians.”

Surprisingly, Eden just kept going, ”Those like Dalida-hei, Sjet-hei, Kikios-heisho, hmm... Indira-heisho...and others working surveillance," Eden said with a cough. "I want you to let me know what you need before going in as cargo. I'll be able to do rounds on you guys if things are smooth and quiet to stock you with anything as a backup, even weaponry, but I am still limited in what I bring in, so. I can try for snacks, too," the black-haired Neko said with a smile that twisted up to her elven ears and revealed her spiked canines with a shadow and glint beneath each, revealing a second pair of pearly canines.

The amber-eyed Chusa went on, “Fujiwara-heisho, you are a non-commisisoned officer, yes. No, you will not have people under your command until I say so or one of the other two commanding officers here say so. There are warrant officers here that you are dating that have not had command of many troops, if any. This is war, things happen faster not because you’ll be taking care of every medic out there as a squadron of medics but because we need you to be ready to be a captain if the war drags on for another few years and will have more ships than people like you that will be able to sit where Hoshi-dono and I sit, alright, Saya? I guess where Belmont-taii will be sitting, too, but let’s not get that mixed in with setting the bar high. Oh…” Eden looked about, to Saya, “And I do mean that in the future tense because you’re not there yet, alright. Keep at it, champ. We’ll have opportunities in the future for leadership roles but not now while a lot is at stake and training is not in session. Speaking of… Mikael’s qustion and just general info on the guy.”

Eden looked to Mikael, then Wyatt and kept up the talk, “Ketsurui-taii was trained in SAINT operations and will be commanding the next small team mission after the one this briefing is on. I asked her to tell us more about the operations that your small SAINT mission will open the doors to, though. I think planetary scouting is the best way to put it,” Eden said with a wink to Mikael’s direct line of sight, “to the curious of your bunch. I think you’ll bring along Saya for medic qualities and another support, though Wyatt’s got the engineering niche down so it’s up to Aiko from there. Get acquainted with her to get to know her command style this mission so the next one is a success. More info on that mission later,” Eden said with a jaw jutted forward, “But it is a good excuse to get out the Tarsa for Wyatt, isn’t it? That new personnel equipment is nice but reminder that a lot more standard issue or general purpose equipment that you did not personnally request over year end will not be here since it’s coming in with larger shipments after that SAINT intel mission I Ketsurui-Taii is commanding. On to, Mikael, generally…”

Eden looked to Hoshi, who growled low to Alastair and nodded then stoo to look to Mikael. “Congratulations on becoming a graduate of the School of Advcanced Infantry Combat’s extension course that was taught on this here ship. I know that it was done mostly to get yourself, Harris-shoi, to be an officer, but like Eden-chusa mentioned, we need officers. Especially,” Hoshi said with a low bow that she held at its lowest point for a marginal moment before she lifted herself from her low position. Her hair was loose and she had lift her hand slightly to hold some of it from keeping to her shoulders and sides, but the way it slipped off of her type 35 uniform’s clunky paneling made it obvious that she was using a volumetric projection and had not even moved on to the new duty uniform with that.

“I hear you will be commanding years and years worth of people,” Eden said with a smile to Hoshi.

“You could even say a century of time’s worth, but who am I to know?” Hoshi responded to Eden with an open smile to match. “I wish for you, Harris Mikael-shoi, to come to me next with a higher rank, more experience, and to have put to use all that you have perfected through practice here. May Yui and all her sisters remind you of the skill and strength you have to defeat any opponent.”

Eden cheered violently behind her with a push of a fist, “Any opponent!”

Hoshi gave a stifled laugh through her nose. “Eden is better at the grand speeches but they resonate with me. I hope my little bit helps. I hope you stick around to the end of the war to stop killing Kuvexians and take it easy for a small time before it all sort of-…!” Again Hoshi laughed but this time, she put her hands up, as if denoting some future thing she couldn’t really speak on. “That does go for everyone here,” she spoke up. “Whether you stay on the ship like myself and many of your crew or leave to different ones, it doesn’t matter. Stick around to kill every last Kuvexian who thinks they should invade our home. We know what is happening. We are far from where the worst of it is, but guess what?” Hoshi turned, looking to everyone once more as she had when prowling after Alastair. “We’ll make the worst of it happen here, soon, in their land, breeching their borders, and making their land ours until they ease back from our home, our sector…” Hoshi paced and looked angrily about until she shook her head and stopped to look at her crew, “They have no right, but we will right their wrong, have no doubts, Kaiyō crew.”

“I want to end this long back and forth between the both of us,” Hoshi said with a smile and held Chlorate’s shoulder, “with good news! I will answer Chlorate’s question by saying, if Miko strands us all on this Kami-forsaken enemy planet we are going to then at least Chlorate will not be a part of that. I regret leaving Asuka beahind but I think if anyone besides Gravity and Nerai should be on the bridge to make sure Alastair doesn’t blow up my ship, it’s my love Asuka. Chlorate-sama shall be spared, though, as she will be utilizing her new occupation as a vehicle operator on the planet with me and will be driving her dream job, a tankette. There is a sensor pit on each of the spires and if we triangulate them, we’ll be able to get some data. We’ll take Muyomi and who else, Chlorate? Hmmm…”
YSS Kaiyō II

Mikael was quite visibly speechless and no amount of SAINT training was going to cover that at all. How he could have missed that on the diploma was highly embarrassing to him. But he did manage to keep that from visibly showing, he had a reputation to maintain, his orders made a bit more sense now. Since Hoshi and Eden were not done, he simply remained silent and returned a "I shall not let you down" kind of head nod.

Narumi, on the other hand, continued to practice her assigned role as part of her listened and recorded the briefing for later consumption.
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden looked to Hildr, "What was that question you had, Nitô Hei?"

"That's a very curt show of excitement, Mikael-Shoi. I must say, you were tasked with learning leadership, learning compassion. There is leadership in, what was that," the captain smiled, "a nod. There is leadership in a nod like that, white panel. Now, there is compassion in a goodbye toast. Show us the compassion you have learned with something as long winded as I have seen Eden throw around... Eeto..." The captain groaned, "Perhaps something not so long winded, perhaps, but compassionate all the same, Harris-Shoi. Consider that one of my last orders as your captain. Superior, even," Hoshi said with a light half smile.

Eden looked from Hoshi to Hildr, "Save your question for after Mikael's big speech, Nitô Hei."
YSS Kaiyō II

Mikael nodded again to Hoshi and Eden. He wasn't expecting to do this until much later, but there is nothing like the present for Officer Harris version 0.5 profile to be field tested. So once the two were done, he straightened his uniform and stood up to stand in between the two.

"I was not expecting to do this until the day before our scheduled resupply... but hey life is about how you deal with the unexpected." Mikael says, smiling a bit.

"I have not been on the YSS Kaiyo II as long as some, but I have been here longer than others. I have seen people come and go; people that have grown from their experiences on this ship. On the YSS Eucharis, I saw much of the same with the addition of an disgruntled crewmember that turned traitor. That I do not see here." He says looking at each of the junior enlisted.

"This is good, for I feel you will be needing each other as this ship serves at the tip of the spear that will drive in the heart of Kuvexian's war machine and make them regret their transgressions against the Yamatai Star Empire... Dark and stormy days are likely ahead of us as we the Star Army of Yamatai marches towards victory." he continued, his vocal tone dropping quite a bit as if he was struggling to say Kuvexian.

He waits a moment for that to sink in before continuing. "That is why maintaining the Kaiyo family will be important. You will give yourselves the numbers to be as strong as Zeusaium. Which will give you the foundation to have courage in the face of the adversary. But most important, it shall give you the resolve to have personal courage to do what is right." Mikael says, looking to each of the lower ranking members of the crew.

"I do not say this as a newly commissioned officer in the service of the Empress. I say this as a fellow Yamataian that once wore the exact or similar pair of shoes that you are wearing now. Each of you are prepared for this. So let us get motivated to screw with some economics..."

"Banzai!" Mikael suddenly expresses, bringing both of his hands up into the air. The hope he was having in this rather uncharacteristic gesture was to get the rest to hype themselves up and join in. Though the old young Shoi fully expected to look like a fool there.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hildr Shigefumi

Hildr had her mouth open about to speak as she was called on by Eden, only to be silenced by Eden again. As Mikael spoke, she slowly lowered her raised arm, looking at the blank sheet of paper she had pulled from the assignment box. "But, my assignment," she said weakly, pouting.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hearing that she got assigned to the planet side for surveillance "YES!" Got out of her with a fist in the air and a happy face. As she noticed some attention, she quickly lowered her hand and stuffed her face back into her tail and giggles quietly as her eyes looked at the interaction and nodded at Mikael speech in agreement and finally looked at Hildr that was wondering about her assignment "You can tag along with me? We were a good team in the last mission no?" She suggested.
YSS Kaiyō II

William sighed as everyone asked their questions. He was resigned to the fact that he wasn't to keen on this mission. Not enough killing for him. He wasn't one for stealthy missions anymore. However, he didnt voice any of these concerns. Quietly he waited for most to get their questions answered, and waited still while everyone began to pair up. He figured that he would be paired with the Princess or Rei. However, if neither went on the mission he guessed he would just have to pair up with whoever didn't have a partner before they left the ship.

He leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling, summoning a mental curse to describe his luck once again.

After each of the pep talks he did his best to smile politely and but his blood lust couldn't be quenched until little slavers' skulls were crushed beneath his boot heel, and their blood ran from his fingertips. He owed it to them. They were the ones who had killed him after all.

His blood boiled at that thought and began imagining many more gruesome ways to make the Kuvexians meet their end.
YSS Kaiyō II

Kiana was zipping up her bodysuit over her bosom when she heard Eden’s approval of her volumetric disguise. Her lips formed into a demure smile at hearing the First Officer’s praise, but ultimately, she knew that the quality of her disguise would be tested in the field. As such, she needed to do everything possible to ensure that it was flawless. After Eden transmitted the packet, Kiana immediately overclocked her digital mind in order to rapidly process the information in the file.

The device that the Leinve utilized to communicate with vocal species was an audio projector which translated keypad-inputted commands into a simulated voice. It was a slow, albeit marginally effective method of communication. However, she imagined that it left quite a bit to be desired regarding the conveyance of intonation and emotion. In order to effectively simulate the sound of the audio projector, she would need to speak in a nigh-mechanical and slightly monotonous tone. She did not think that would be too difficult, but she would also need to avoid making any errant sounds that could potentially compromise her disguise.

In focusing her attention on the information packet, the Sprite almost missed Mikael’s final speech. Nevertheless, his intense and focused gaze was enough to lull her into the rhythm of his words. His mention of the Kaiyō family made her think of Boss and the two executive officers that commanded the ship, each of whom had overseen her creation. Although she was the only Sprite on the ship, Kiana found the man’s emphasis on family to be something that she could relate to, given her intimate relationship with the ship itself. As a Nekovalkyrja, she was a daughter of Yamatai, but the Kaiyō was in effect, her true home. She had never thought of what would happen when the time came that she would have to leave the ship like Mikael. But, when it did, she hoped that she would have done enough to leave a good legacy, whatever that may be. If that came in the form of her death, Kiana hoped that it represented a true sacrifice and that she would manage to take down many Kuvexians with her, as well.

By the time Mikael shouted his final exclamation, Kiana joined in with a high-pitched cry of her own. At that moment, she was too full of energy and fervor to care if anyone thought her to be crazy. After all, the act of walking into the heart of the enemy with nothing more than a holographic illusion to cover her naked body required a significant amount of fanaticism and dedication. There was no place for hesitation or fear, especially when so much was being invested into the operation.

In order to ensure the success of the mission and the survival of Yamatai against the Kuvexian onslaught, there was simply no other option, but to wholeheartedly embrace insanity.
((OOC: Krothrol <--- Link and location- please click for wiki on planet, please. Also, this is a short time skip to later in the day. It is now dusk on the planet/ lunch time on Yamatai and withing the ship. It is also now mission time and we are skipping in to when everyone off ship has infiltrated to their locations or is en route.))

Planet Atmosphere

The joy of flight and the inherent danger in falling, coupled together as Hoshi made a steep descent through the skies of the planet. Her visuals picked up the spires of the planet, jutting against the horizon and on it at patterned locations on the rocky, desert-like landscape. Craggy khaki spears of rock rammed against one another and acquiesced to make a smooth surface between the jutting beige ridges that Chlorate's tank would have an easy enough time on, at least around here. The robot with her tankette had already been dropped on the ground as a unit and Hoshi kept a low position near the small but well built machine of industry.

Hoshi spoke on her comms with Chlorate, "I covered you up here but it looks like the planet's sensors and satellites really don't care about anything not happening at the spires. We'll need to get close to hopefully only three to set up a triangulated array, though, so we'll see what their ground defenses look like in time." The captain looked to her readout on the tankette and her girlfriend. "Doing good down there, Chloey?"

Spire Arushen

"We have made it inside, how about yourselves?" Eden asked of the two teams coming in. She could see the team coming in to cargo had passed inspection and were now in their final destination before a courier would come to find them in three to five hours. As far as those coming in from the ship they had borrowed recently, she did not know. A very thankful Reela Boyar had promised not to let her grand daughter out of her sight, but also made Saya and Muyomi promise to come see her, too, as the young Graal, Oleera, wanted to see the pair of her heroes again soon. The ship that had brought the team of those dressed as Kuvexians or their slaves to the top of one spire. Its point that they docked within sat outside of the thermosphere and sat between the thin boundary between the exosphere and the vacuum of space. Aboard was Hildr, who when she asked Eden again what her role on the mission had been decided on, was told to refer to her slip of paper or choose for herself from the given options.

The Kuvexian team of the Kaiyo had actually recently come to the front of the line to get their ship valeted down. Once they were allowed to valet and exit their ship, the team would then take a tubular port down the spire to the underground caverns- their true destination. First, though, they had to answer a question. As Sakura Sjet had opted into piloting the ship, she was one of those that heard it first in Trade after a comms channel was opened to their ship.

"Spire Arushen welcomes you. Fee, intents, and services provided, please?" was the terse question posed to them while they sat behind one other ship, which sensors showed had begun to move into an opened maw of the spire in the distance from Sakura's own ship.

Chlo wasn't just in the tank, she was the tank. While her body was still inside the cockpit, it was unoccupied. She had uploaded herself to the tankette's computers so that she had full control of its systems. She wasn't limited by the tankette's controls, and she could both drive and operate the weapons at the same time, unlike regular tank crews. She had a significant edge in coordinating the tank, because she did it all herself- she was the only crew member and didn't need to tell any other crew members what to do. She could feel every part of the tank, it was certainly a change since it wasn't humanoid in form, but it wasn't an unfamiliar feeling; every body she'd been in besides her regular one wasn't humanoid in form either. It reminded her of when she was in a Grunt drone, that too was a vehicle she used to occupy. "AFFIRMATIVE!" Hoshi could hear her respond over the comms. It was obvious the tank girl who was now in a body made of Durandium was excited to finally get to do this, she rolled along the surface of the rocks in her vehicle form.
Spire Arushen
Sakura Sjet

Sakura had her disguise going as she approached inspection. Opting for traditional gold robes with a ring of earrings in her volumetrics, adoring her neck would be a personal piece a gold necklace with a symbol of a pen. Though it was simple she was playing off the pilot of the ship so didn't want to be too fancy. As she piloted the ship she followed in the line of ships. The great cargo line and as they where getting ready to be valeted the comms was alive. Almost panicking abit she took a few deep breaths then hit the reply "Hello!" she spoke in trade. Keeping a smile on her face "Intents are simple, i'm offloading my passengers and there wares." . Pausing as she added "Then from there rest and relaxing and maybe check up on my stocks!"

The overly chatty neko then added "Services provided by my wonderself are cargo and passenger shuttling on a 5 star ratting ship of course!"

As she turned off her mic and waited for the reply she looked to the rest of the team. Giving a thumbs up "Best sales speech I could give !" the cheerful neko said.

Spire Arushen
Wulf Soban

Wulf had been standing by with the rest of the team. Though he wasn't fully comfortable being a slave even pretend he knew he could go along with it. As for his cover it was simply put forward by Sakura to be a body guard. Since like the empires or previous past fighting men and woman could be used as slaves and freedom through war this was simple and easy. In order to help him blend in as a body guard he had a red turtle neck with black dress paints, with a simple dress jacket. Lastly he had Sakura add blue paint to his face to similar styles of Kuvexian tattoos he saw in reports. Though he had a slight irritation to the paint he was getting use to it going down his brow and nose. He kinda of wish he had the Neko's ability to do volumetrics that would give him a easier time.
Spire Arushen

Kiyo stood beside Wulf, silently looking at herself through a reflective surface in front of her. She noted how she looked, and she could honestly say she preferred her usual Neko form. It may be because of her patriotic self, but she honestly thought she looked better as a Neko then this Kuvexian form. She glanced at Wulf finally and observed the markings. ‘You know” she said in a whisper “you know.. I’d seen some face painting of our past that might look cool on you, I mean if you want to continue with the face painted look.” She couldn’t help but say, though considering he seemed annoyed, perhaps it might be best not too.
Spire Arushen

William was silent during the ride down to the station, taking a knee as to fit into the shuttle. He had left a shirt on for the ride while he knelt next to Princess Aiko, but once the ship touched down he pulled it off left in only his black combat pants and boots. His massive chest and back was marred in scars running across his body like a road map. On his left shoulder he had an NSMC unit patch, a skull and crossbones. "Hoist the black flag and start slitting throats” was tattooed across his chest and on his other shoulder were two crossed katanas with a crown above them.

He slowly extricated himself from the small shuttle and awaited the Princess as the other continued forward. He stretched, causing several joints to pop. He crossed his arms behind his back and stood vigilant, cataloging everything he saw into his mindware. As he saw the Kuvexians he made himself to take a breath, forcing his bloodlust down into his gut. 'Soon' He told himself, calming his nerves but still projecting an air of lethality. He was supposed to be a slave bodyguard after all.

He sent a mental message to Aiko. 'All set, Princess.'
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Alastair Private Quarters

After the briefing Alastair went to engineering to get his arm communicator fixed. Another reason he damaged it was that he wanted a few upgrades added too it. This took a little time but then he was off back to his quarters. Though he did have enough time to stop to give Dalida a quick pat on the head. He also promised they could go on a proper date once the mission was over. He gave no time for a reply and continued on to his quarters.

As he entered a let out a large sigh. The weight of what he was about to take on started to weigh on his mind. He has just been given charge of the Kaiyo for the mission. This was no small task and being honest with himself, not one he had expected to happen. Though he was also extremely happy to be given the chance. Since the mission where the ship was taken over, he felt the urge to be in command. It was not that he doubted Hoshi but he had to do better and not allow that to happen again. This was a prized ship of the fleet and one the kuvvies would not take. At least not on his watch.

After relaxing for a short while Alastair walked over to his warchest and pulled out a small box. He set the box on a table near by and open it. Inside was a note he pulled from the box. He open the half split note and looked over what had been written. "Remember leadership is not always about being in charge. With this role comes the understanding you are just one person yet have an entire crew who support you. Stand aside and let them reach greatness and you too shall reach greatness." -Dad.

A smile crossed his face as he put away the note. Though he knew this by heart yet it always warmed his heart when he would read it. He set the note aside and looked to the rank flag that sat on his bed. He paced in front of it a few times. He wanted to take in this achievement. This was a moment he has worked many years on to reach. This was to be his rank flag. He would wear it with pride. It only took him a few minutes to attach the flag to his cape he wore during the takeover of the ship. This seemed a fitting addition. The Belmont colors followed by his new rank flag.

He made his way to the bridge, his head held high. He looked to each of his crew with a new found love of each. They would do great things and as such they would reach great heights. He walked on the bridge and as he did so his cape fluttered in the wind. How wind was on the bridge one may never know. He walked to in front of the captains chair and looked out towards the stars. He pulled his sword, a Star Army Officer Sword, Type 40 and pointed it straight up. "Today we shall reach greatness. Do not believe in yourself, instead believe in those who believe in you. Team work, together we shall bet back the Kuvexian threat!!" He quickly put his sword back in the sheath and took a seat in the chair. He could fell his strong booty mold the chair into submission. Just like his mentor Eden.
Spire Arushen

Having spent almost the entire time in between the end of the briefing and the start of the mission practicing the holographic projections that would be her only protection in the field, Kiana felt apprehensive, but nonetheless excited to finally enter the underground caverns which would doubtlessly be full of sociopathic Kuvexian oligarchs. The mysterious somatic language of the Leinve was extremely technically demanding to manifest over her skin given the fact that she needed to rapidly translate thoughts into complex volumetric projections, then words. Over an hour of intensive practice, her digital mind had crafted an executable file which helped to speed up the process of searching the Yamataigo-Leinve translation dictionary, which allowed her to focus more of her attention on precisely manifesting her volumetrics in order to conceal or eliminate any potential irregularities.

Once she left the shuttle, Kiana filed in behind the Kuvexian-disguised Nekovalkyrja, but in front of the slaves. In taking on the illusory form of a diminutive female Leinve, Kiana hoped that her cover identity’s species strange and obscure method of communication would deter any Kuvexians from speaking to her. If she could stay inconspicuous, she would be more primed to process her surroundings, so as to capture any important information during the proceedings.

Appearing as a Leinve attendant who was subordinate to her Kuvexian employers, Kiana had projected a drab blue outfit over her skin that could be classified as semi-formal by Leinve standards. It was by no means a cheap-looking garment, but it was something that a woman of her cover identity’s social class could afford with a moderate amount of saving. Her only weapon, which she kept concealed via volumetrics over her left thigh, was a small survival knife that was repainted and modified to have all Star Army markings removed . If it was discovered, she would at least be able to pass it off as a regular knife, rather than something that would completely compromise the mission.

Although the idea was potentially disastrous in its implications, a part of her hoped that she would be able to use it. The prospect of goring a Kuvexian capitalist with a small, yet lethal implement that would necessitate a particularly intimate kill was all too alluring to her bloodthirsty Nekovalkyrja instincts...
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Spire Arushen
Sneeki Gang (Mikael and Narumi)

Sitting near a shadowed portion of the ship transiting to the spire, Mikael can be seen kitted up in his SAINT Operative Field Suit. Though he could forgive anyone for thinking he was brooding as his face was largely obscured by the mask, sunglasses, and hood covering his face.

He had already crafted his disguise in his mind, but he did still largely did not understand Kuvexian psychology. All he really knew from reports is that they were traders and the number of mates/slaves was an important status signifier to other Kuvexians.

Sitting next to him was the ship's clerk. Being really her time on a mission of this nature, he easily convinced her to be his understudy. Which was likely going to be quite a task as he needed to chip away a lot of the personality paper-pushers tend to create from themselves. He should know, he briefly had an intense relationship with a clerk once.

As he listened to the comm chatter, he knew they were nearing their destination. So he nodded to Narumi that it was time. "Remember to use that Giretsu discipline to keep your mind clear of distressing thoughts." Mikael said with a slight smile, though it is completely hidden.

Narumi nodded back and started to engage her holographic abilities to change into a white haired, purple skinned female Kuvexian. Complete with the proper amount of gaudy jewlery an assistant to a merchant would have.

Mikael, on the other hand, was quite glad he was able to get an Ke-M10-G4100 for Yuletide. He had a feeling the will have to engage all features of the suit if things go sideways. For Mikael's disguise, he took the form of an appropriately sized blue skinned Kuvexian male with the proper amount of gaudy jewlery and tight gold-trimmed clothing as SAINT has seen merchants wear.

The two exited with the others when permission was granted to disembark. Mikael intended to mostly observe and provide surveillance for the main actors of this group. Though if he opportunity to exercise his own hidden agendas presented themselves... what the sunglasses were partially for. All for the Empire!
Spire Arushen
Indira Vaikar

The short Iroma had been sitting in a crate for - well, longer than she liked. The protections they'd designed to trick the Kuvexian scans worked. They had landed safely.

And she was still in a crate.

"Well, I've had enough," she declared. She worked the mechanism that unlatched the hidden door in the crate and stepped out, feeling her back pop and her limbs ache as she stood properly. Indira looked around a bit, confirming what her datapad had already told her.

"It's safe to come out," she transmitted to the others.

Indira waited for the others of the surveillance group to exit their crates and join up with her. She looked from one person to the next with in her usual dispassionate way, then projected a set of 3D blueprints for their area. The blueprints were thorough; in addition to the normal halls and rooms, it also showed maintenance corridors, ventilation, plumbing, and so on. An orange dot indicated a room some distance away.

She tapped at it with one pale finger. "This is where we're supposed to be. And we aren't supposed to be seen getting there. Anyone have any ideas?"
YSS Kaiyō II

Asuka's propoganda-driven smile faded after she glanced from Alastair to her readouts. Prompty, the redhead twisted to look to Alastair.

" Belmont-taii, I am picking up something big on WARMS." her voice grew shaky as she spoke further. "The last time WARMS picked something up in Kuvexian territory, we were fighting them within the minute. But this is way bigger. It looks like a station is going to try to fold here, Captain. Soon. It will take some time for MEGAMI to analyze the wave front, but-" she trailed off, fingers and mind working overtime with Boss.

Planet Atmosphere

Hoshi looked to the sky, monitoring all she could from her position was tough, but she was going to do what she could where she could, and that also meant living out her girlfriend's dream job with her. Hoshi flew beside the tank as they made their way at the tank's pace to the spire they needed to attach a sensor box to with a smile on her Mindy-clad pink face. Hoshi let herself fall softly until she was nearer the ground beside the tank, far enough away though that any rocks or clods of sediment wouldn't flick off of her armor.

"Do you think you can race me to the first spire if I'm on foot, Chloey?" Hoshi asked,

Spire Arushen's Underground Facilities
((OOC: Spire location teams will have team names instead of locations this mission. Try to stick to these exact names until we establish them better then feel free to get creative with them lol))

Team Stock Market and Team Computer

Because Sakura had both answered the questions correctly and with an exaggerated and expected flair, the small group of disguised Kuvexians had been allowed to port, disembark, and meet a Kuvexian valet attendant team as they exited their ship. A L'kor worked with a Kuvexian to trade the metaphorical baton of the ship and though they were pleasant enough, they did not seem to hold much respect for the ship that was passed to them. Few attendants helped further and the group was expected to find their way to a lovely gilded egress, the only one in sight in the sparse but cavernous docking deck they found themselves in. A long red and purple patterned carpet of a short width led to that doorway.

Once there, the revolving door blossomed to life in a flourish of light and movement and in pairs or trios, they were let to pass through the doorway as it had automatically come to life. The quasi-Kuvexians that passed through made a small, soft sound like bells chiming, save for Rei, whose sound was slow and gonging. No change or interruption beyond the sound she produced came and the rest of the crew were allowed to pass through until they were all in a small holding room. The full group had passed through with no incident beyond the soft tinkling of bells with the one sole low gong tone and now, a double door set opened to reveal a new, more elgeantly clad Kuvexian that stood on a barstool before a mirror in a small 15 by 15 foot enclosed space.

"Going down?" he chirped to them in Trade. "Or will you be standing there staring at your own selves? You haven't been here before, huh? First cavern, then. You'll get cleared right up in the baths, trust me..."

Eden chirped into the comms of those in the elevator, "Stocks, take the offer. Computer team, split down to your destination in the fourth market district."

Rei responded first for the team setting out to buy stocks. For some of those there, it was the first time hearing the small samurai speak. Though now she carried a tone and appearance much unlike her own.

Raising a robed arm, Rei pointed from those nearest her like Aiko and William to look at Sakura and Kiana. "They will not be up to such an experience, no. They'll be going to the fourth cavern." Rei gave a soft nod with a smile that crept up to her bouncing four ears. "You do not know what fun will come out in baths, take us to cavern one." She looked from the true Kuvexian to Aiko with a jostling smile that pushed her bioluminescent facial tattoos around her face.

Within a dozen seconds after the Kuvexian attendant had heard the request, the double doors opened once more and a small wave of heat and moisture pushed into the elevator, though all those inside could see was a reception room filled with plant life and shining decor that caught the eye at every intersection of the peripherals.

"Us," Rei said in a monotonous tone as she stepped forward with a hand raised towards William, gesturing him forward as if pulling a leash he was attached to. "Oh,..." Rei said with a turn of her head to Kiana and Sakura, "Pay the steward for us, will you?" Those destined for the markets were carrying a fair bit of Kuvexian electronic coin to buy the computers and other fairs with, while those destined to sell stocks were prepared less in monetary resources.

The attendant turned to Sakura and Kiana with a gracious smile as the doors closed on the reception room and began going down, presumably to the fourth cavern.

Team Sneeki

Eden checked in with Mikael, "Can you give me eyes on the cargo kids? I want to make sure surveillance is operational."

Team Surveillance

"Are we going to need to use maybe some air shaft or vent system?" asked Lauren Strong. "This whole place is underground so it makes the most sense. Yeah, right there..." she looked to Indira's blueprints and showed a winding path from where they were towards the general direction of their orange dot destination.
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair got the message from Hoshi that something had come on WARMS. Lucky He had just read that chapter to remind himself how this system worked. In fact he could be found reading the ship manuals all over the ship. For he had been preparing for this moment for a very line time.

"Crew, brace for impact. We have something big about to land on us." He stood and in a firm voice. "Power the weapons!! Activate counter measures." He could not help but smile. He had hoped to blow up a few ships but an entire space station. Oh, now that would be a feat for the ages.
YSS Kaiyō II

The tight peach lips on Asuka's face split apart as her concentration moved from her panel and her mind's eye to look up from her work. In a split second, she had turned and her shoulders had buckled up towards her face.

"Sir! Repeat, a station sized object will be folding on top of us, Belmont-Taii, Sir!" Her blue eyes gazed unwaveringly at the white haired man, icy blues on icy blues. She closed her mouth, waiting for the man to acknowledge the information while she stayed poised and unflinching otherwise.
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