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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Natsumi's Group

Watching Sienna's actions towards Kale caused the scientist's face to twist in anger. Then when the civilian had started bouncing off again with Natsumi, and watching their antics together. However Kale's action surprised Chieko the most, and she cursed under her breath as she shook some of the fog away again.

The academic went for ran at Natsumi and attempted to pick her up, hoping to get her just in time for the shock to keep her from resisting much. "Don't worry Itto-Hei," she smiled through the fog, "we can build a pool in the cargo bay. I'm sure the Shosho will be fine, and Kale-chan said he'd help."
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

Hanako looked to Akane and explained: "At first I was concerned that we would be ripped off because we do not know the value of currency around here; however, we have three reasons to be thankful: we can ask the friendly merchant that sort of thing; we can replicate more money anyway, and finally, we have an advantage in that most of these people are intoxicated and we...at least some of us...are not. I was thinking that once the intoxication matter is settled, Victory and I can say here and do business while the others scout further on."
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

Listening to her Commanding Officer explain the benefits of their situation put Akane immediately at ease. Nodding, the young Infantry Valkyrija took in the explanation.

"I understand now, ma'am. I'll do my my very best." Akane saluted again and set to collecting the excess materials she could carry into the market.
Natsumi's Group

Despite feeling hot herself, Deziarra kept her mask firmly in place. Even partial protection was better than no protection at all. When Kale said her name, she looked up from the data that she really had not been paying much attention to anyway. Somehow, she had been daydreaming while standing upright. The others were going hyper while she was simply trying to stay awake. Falling asleep would just mean prolonged exposure to the fog which was about the last thing she wanted to do.

She wanted to help Chieko in case Natsumi gave her some trouble, but she knew Kale was right. She needed to get back to the ship. Once she rescued herself, she could better plan how to rescue the others. Then she remembered Qaktoro, apparently forgotten by the others, who appeared neither hyper nor sleepy. She stood there observing the chaos around her. Deziarra was still suspicious of Qaktoro but they needed help, wherever they could find it.

"Qaktoro, please help Chieko and Natsumi," she said.

Fighting the urge to sleep, she ran back to the ship with an ever quickening pace. She at least would make it back safely.
Sune, Bors, Misato and Murakami

Mitsuko, still supporting Riko, grumbled at her roommate's antics. "You're not fine, Suzume-chan." She made a face as Misato continued to play with the odd little lizard. She didn't want to make any rude comments about it out loud, but she wasn't convinced it was safe for the creature to be crawling all over the Neko. "Did you bring another AMES for yourself? The others are getting masks right now."

She looked at Sune, now. Mitsuko wasn't sure if he'd brought any of those with him. She was also hoping he would handle introductions and negotiations with the alien, as the friendly creature continued to be left hanging while she argued with Misato. "You're acting like Klein-Chusa on vacation." She grumbled again, not sure why the other Neko was having such an extreme reaction.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group


Sienna's short yelp of surprise didn't register in her head for a few seconds, nor did the fact that she had been literally swept off her feet and was now being carried. She bounced rather uncomfortably about as Kale ran along, and her surroundings blurred into an incomprehesible haze. She somehow felt like they weren't actually moving that fast, but for some reason she felt a rush like she was riding in a dune buggy with her head stuck out the top of the roll cage.

She grinned and looked ahead, watching their path, even though she couldn't see very well where they were headed, and snaked her arms around Kale's neck for support. Wheee... this is fun! she thought to herself. Although something did feel just a bit off about it, she simply chose to enjoy the relaxing, yet somewhat exhilarating ride. The cool breeze in her face felt nice, too.

Kale's voice made her look back up at his face, and she grinned seductively, her arms locked firmly around his neck. "Thank you for what, exactly?" she asked in a leading tone.
The Eucharis Loomed in the distance, a large black shape in the fog. Getting closer rather quickly due to Kale pushing his Inertial compensator for as much as it was worth. (About 65 MPH while weighed down)

He raised an eyebrow at the question. Squashing any embarrassing thoughts to the side of his mind he replied.

"For helping try to get you back to your normal self, ne?"

With a flip of inertial polarity Kale came skidding to a stop. The sudden force sending his hair into disarray.

"Phew, what a rush. Haven't done that in a while."

Walking up the ramp he started towards the Medical bay. Still holding his "Precious Cargo".
Natsumi's Group

Natsumi did not resist as she was swept off her feet by Chieko and laughed as she was carried along back towards the ship. "Ohh think we can make a pool in the ship?" she asked and grinned, wiggling her feet back and forth as they moved along. "Yay!"

The operator looked up at the Minkin now carrying her through the drug induced haze and grinned, throwing her arms around Chieko, then pulled herself up close to green uniformed scientist "You're pretty.... pretty..." she laughed, then planted one firmly on her lips.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Area

Sienna grunted with a soft "oof" as they thudded to the deck of the Eucharis's cargo bay. Her head lolled forward, her own hair falling forward to partially obscure her face as well, and she laughed a throaty, chortling laugh as she held onto his neck.

Lazily lifting her head back up to look up at his face, still with a big grin she clucked her tongue. "Obviously that ain't all you ain't done in a while, ya prude," she teased him for either dodging or entirely missing her oblique proposition. Continuing to grin with a combination of extremely relaxation and risque allure, she held his eyes while her other hand slowly slipped off his neck, traced around his collar and before he noticed what she was doing, gave his backside a firm, surprisingly strong pinch.
"GAH! Cut that out!" Kale gasped in surprise at Sienna's actions.

'Kale to Medical Bay. We need someone to run detox for five or six people.'

Sienna giggled pervertedly again, staring at him with what he thought were vultures eyes.

'Ummm... on second thoughts can we make this quick? before things get out of hand?'

Kale sped off up the zero-grav hallway and up to the doors of the medical bay.

Despite the awkwardness. I think it might actually be somewhat entertaining to see what happens post-detox. Especially if she actually remembers all of this.
Wovoy looked around at the Yamataians. Apparently our allies are having mixed reactions to the gas.

"Miobo, we should probably take them back to their ship." However before the two Qaktoro could pick up Chieko and Natsumi. Chieko grabbed the female and flew off. Wovoy's eyes went wide at the site of the Yamataians flying without assistance.

She turned to Deziarra to ask a question, when she saw the woman run back towards the ship. "We should probably follow her to make sure that she arrives safely.

Miobo nodded his agreement and the two Qaktoro started following Deziarra.


Sune looked at Mitsuko as he checked the fit on his filter mask. "How are you feeling Mitsuko, this chemical seems to have one of two reactions so far. Take Misato over to the truck, to have her transported back."

He looked at the Alien merchant, "I presume that creature is either your pet or something you are looking to sell? I presume that it is not venomous."
Natsumi's Group

Chieko watched unhappily as Sienna wrapped her arms round Kale far ahead, almost to the point of a low growl staring in her throat while she watched them get further and further ahead. She knew it would be better to set a safer pace, but her teeth ground together and she sped up anyway to as fast as she could go. This would have been ok over the relatively short distance, however the young scientist was too focused on her jealousy to notice the next thing coming.

Natsumi's kiss was a shock, one she didn't need at the time; however she also ended up a little wrapped up in how surprisingly sweet it was. Too bad this took Chieko's eyes off of where they were going and how much altitude they were losing. The academic managed to slow down some before her legs impacted the landing area before the ship, due to the loss of concentration; but all that kinetic energy had to be dissipated some how.

The Minkan noticed too late the impending impact; however, from the pain, she curled around the Neko, taking the second impact on her mid spine, winding her. There was pain, then there wasn't, as she lost all feeling and control just above her diaphragm. Chieko lost consciousness as the two rolled up to the bottom of the cargo ramp.
Kale knocked on the door to the Infirmary, and got no response

"Hello? Anyone there?"

Kale sighed the medical personnel must have been called away to take care of another incident.

'Nothing to do but wait.'

Famous last words, since moments later there was a piercing scream from the Cargo bay.

'Me and my big mouth...'

The young Minkan found a convenient chair and deposited Sienna in it before Dashing back towards the cargo bay.

Ayumi looked up as the call to the medical bay came. Her stomach clenched with nervousness she'd never really experienced before. Had all her worrying come together in some sort of self fulfilling prophecy? With the slightest shake of her head she looked up at Izokia, her nerves not showing on her face.

"I'll set up the containment cells." She said, somehow keeping her tone even. Something else stirred within her, excitement... Excitement that she'd finally be able to put her medical training to use. She frowned slightly as she turned to the containment cells. 5 people? 6 people? They'd have to share cells, perhaps.

Without further words to Izokia, Ayumi set off setting up the containment cells. Her mind abuzz with all the things that these 6 crew members could need decontamination for, wondering how the rest of the crew was faring. Wondering what was causing all of these strange issues.
Outside the YSS Eucharis

Deziarra thought the extra load would slow down the Minkans, but she had underestimated them. Chieko carrying Natsumi easily passed Deziarra running back to the ship. As she ran, she realized she was taking in greater amounts of air meaning greater risk of further contamination. This may have been why she was showing the least signs of infection in her group. About half way to the ship she slowed down. She was tempted to rip the mask off her hot and sweaty face just like Natsumi did, but she had enough of her senses remaining to know her first priority was to get back to the relative safety of the YSS Eucharis.

Once again, she ran towards the ship. In the distance, she could see Chieko and Natsumi landing though she did not know how bad it actually was. She had to concentrate on running through the imaginary wall blocking her way which she knew was not actually there. Part of her had her doubts, but there was no impact. The familiar colors of the ship could now be seen. She looked behind her to make sure the Qaktoro were alright. They were following close behind to make sure nothing happened to her and she was grateful for it.

Gasping with exhaustion, she approached the ramp. Even then, she felt like loosening her clothing and wandering off in search of more illusions, but she kept her focus on the task. It was only when she reached the ramp that she slowed down to a walk and started weeping with joy. All she really needed, she thought, was some sleep.

"I can not build the castle while I am still inside it," she said sobbing. It was a reference to her dream but since not everyone heard about her dream she thought it was unlikely that they understood her. With that she sat down and closed her eyes.
Natsumi's Group

The whole world went tumbling down a few moments after Natsumi's lips had connected with Chieko's. The operations neko tumbled, she was padded from any serious impact with the Eucharis' cargo ramp by the scientist and eventually came to rest face down.

"Offhh watch out there!" she giggled a bit, her head spinning from the impacts as she pushed herself wobbly back to her feet and stumbled back to where Chieko had come to rest.

"Hey, are you okay?" Natsumi said as she got close to Chieko, who's lights were out by now. She dropped to her knee's next to the crumpled form of the scientist and poked at her shoulder lightly. "Hey wake up" she said and frowned.

Maybe it was the crash or the cold realization that Chieko was unconscious and laying in an unnatural posture, or a mixture of both that snapped Natsumi out of her drug induced intoxication enough to think properly.

Natsumi cursed then and shook her head hard, trying to clear her mind of the haze and think straight. "Hey, wake up" she said again, leaning over the scientist and checking her pulse. She was no medic, but this looked very bad.

Grabbing her communicator, Natsumi snapped it on to the emergency channel, "Medical emergency on the cargo ramp!" she yelled into the devices pickup, her bodies built in systems doing a fine job of overpowering the drugs now as the adrenalin rush surged through her. "Possible neck or back or head injury" she added as she did the best visual examination of the unconscious woman as she could manage.
Outside Eucharis Medical Bay - Natsumi's Group

Sienna partially reclined, partially slumped into the chair Kale dropped her in, still softly giggling to herself and shaking her head. "Coy one, huh," she muttered playfully as if he was still standing right there.

She was feeling quite relaxed at this point, and whether it was intended to be or not, the seat she was in was more than a little comfortable. She melted into the seat, and heaved a content sigh as she laid her arms down at her sides and closed her eyes. "I'll just wait here, then," she said, her voice airy and light. The seat may as well have been a huge down comforter as far as she was concerned, and she felt her eyes starting to get very heavy.

A dull crash and a blurred series of cries jarred her slightly, just enough for her to lift her head and open her eyes wide enough to see through the sleepy haze that everyone, however many of them there were, suddenly looked like they were scurrying about like panicked ants. Her neck felt like putty, and the weight of her head was almost too much for it to hold up. After a brief moment's effort, she dropped it back down into what felt like a soft, fluffy pillow, even though she heard a hard thunk and a dull pain reverberated through her skull with the impact. "Why's... everyone so... damn... serious... all of a..." she murmured, her voice trailing off.

Then she was asleep.
Kale came to a halt at the entrance to the cargo bay. He could see and hear Natsumi shouting into her communicator. He didn't however see Chieko. Still feeling slightly drained from his high speed dash he jogged over.

His eyes widened as he spied the Science officer bleeding from a nasty looking wound on her back. He glanced over at Natsumi with no small amount of dread.

"What happened?"
Dreamworld Market

The alien feed another one of the creatures over its own shoulder and then scratching the lizard gently with his claws.

"Indeed." The alien replied. "I keep a small brood to sell. But if it gets me passage away from this strange place, I will gladly part with it."

The golden eyes slid open and fixed on Sune. "Perhaps I can tempt you with something else?"
Team Smash and Bash

Misato was getting a bit upset, she was being betrayed by her roommate... One of the very few she could trust, or thought she could trust.

"I'm doing fine I don't want to go back until I find out what is going... "Though that whole though process was dumped when the Chelti mentioned selling the cute little lizards.

"Please Sir May i buy one... I'll make sure to take care of it and keep it safe and out of the way." She sounded like a little child begging for a pony or something. "I have my own money... And I can find out what it needs for food." She started scratching the lizard's head a bit more.

The th Chelti's comment and look happened, Misato just started giggling. her drugged up mind interpreted that the Chelti meant that he was offering some sort of sexual services.
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