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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Mitsuko planted a kiss on the back of Misato's hand, as she finished the treatment. "There." She was blushing. "All better." She shared the load of weapons with her roommate, arming the other Neko with a LASR, now that she could fire it. The door was closed behind them soon enough, and she began carefully picking her way past the piles of no longer functional drones on her way to the

Cargo Bay

There had definitely been some sort of commotion. She had heard weapons fire on the way, and there were at least two deactivated drones visible. Somehow they had missed the others leaving the area, but she was glad the fighting seemed to be over.

Sune made a final sweep of the cargo hold with his scanner, while the drones were disabled he was checking for anything out of the norm. The Essai had proven themselves to not be above brute force, and he was not going to overlook sabotage or planted explosive charges.

Once satisfied that the area he was clear, he made his way up to the bridge. He took his seat at the Systems Monitor station, pulled the displays to see how the ship was operating.
Outside the Bridge

Unsure of how sensitive the NSP pistol might be to open flame, Sienna kept it clear of her burning shirttail as she slapped at it with her free hand. When it became apparent that it wasn't curbing the flames, she looked up at the wall next to her, and rammed her hip into it, rolling herself against the surface back and forth. Chills ran down her spine when it didn't appear to be helping at first, but with a few repetitions, she managed to smother the fire, and exhaled in relief.

Glancing up toward the now-open bridge entrance, she hurried to catch up with Natsumi and do whatever she could to make sure she was able to get them out of this freakish place without further attacks.

Bridge, moments later

Sienna stood by the door, her borrowed pistol steadied in both hands but aimed at the floor, watching for any more drones that might pop up unannounced. Occasionally she glanced back over her shoulder at Natsumi as she worked, or rather, could only assume she was working. Since the Neko was interfaced directly with the ship, it was impossible for her to know exactly what the operator was doing at any given time, if anything at all. All it looked like to her was that she was simply sitting rigidly in her seat, only moving her head once in a while. Chieko and Deziarra were inside as well, but she wasn't familiar at all with their jobs or the design of the Eucharis bridge, so watching them didn't give her any further clues.

She kept telling herself that Natsumi knew what she was doing, but standing there in the doorway while the Neko gave her no obvious outward sign that she was actually doing anything was starting to drive her crazy. Her steely exterior gave way to antsy fidgeting as she became more and more impatient to hear, see, or feel some indication that they were making progress. The fact that no further drones came skittering up was a welcome development, but the lack of activity only aggravated her further. She was not used to standing by and relying on someone else.

Finally, just before she could hold her tongue no longer, she heard the operator speak the phrase "Stand by" out loud. She looked back intently at Natsumi, eyes wide. Stand by for what? Did that mean they were about to leave? That there was a problem? That they were delayed?

Her questions were answered when she felt the deep, far-off thrum of the reactor and engines powering up, and she felt the aftward list of the ship even out as the anti-grav systems kicked in again.

When Hanako and Sune strode purposefully into the bridge right past her, she judged by the looks on their faces that things were at least on even ground again, but they weren't out of the woods yet. She said and did nothing to attract their attention, electing instead to stay near the door and out of the way, but she relaxed her stance slightly while still keeping an eye on the door.

As she got more and more power to work with, Chieko checked the field around them and confirmed it was the Learned Bear keeping them from sinking too much. She was thankful and hoped that eventually she would get the chance to convey that thanks some time. The scientist then started scanning about for anything visible or invisible around them, as well as any energy signatures that would indicate the potential for attack.

"Looks like the Hidden Sun have our backs," she commented to Natsumi, just before Hanako entered. Chieko listened to what the Shosho said before saying anything more. The Academic then looked back.

"I'm working on seeing if the Essai have any more tricks up their sleeve. Cloaks, movement, energy signatures - anything we need to worry about before we get underway."

Natsumi observed the ships power levels going up and up. She took little note of the others at the moment as she prepared the ship to engage her anti-gravity drive. The timing with getting the Learned Bear's tractor release would be close if they needed to jet quick.

Then all of the status indicators winked green in her mental ship's situation display. "Main power reading nominal!" she announced. "Engaging anti-grav now!"

With that she kicked in the Eucharis' anti gravity generators. The ship shifted upwards a couple of feet as her considerable tonnage was instantly negated by the anti-grav system. She was no longer sinking.

She immediately sent off a quick message to the Learned Bear:
Eucharis to Learned Bear; Our anti-grav is online, thank you for the assistance. You may disengage your tractor

"We are no longer in danger of sinking, ready to swing over and deploy cargo ramp once the Learned Bear releases us" she said out-loud at the same time.
Learned Bear Bridge

"Ta'a, the Eucharis has reported that their gravity system is restored. I have confirmed their status." Taliq announced from the speakers.

Sepop smiled, "That is good to hear." She opened the intercom to Enginering, "Lowadam, secure the Anoka Udano from grapple. Initiate cool down and reconfigure the Anoka Udano for tunnel drive protection."

She opened a channel to the Plumeria, "Eucharis, this is Ta'a Qoety of the Matu Giajodjo. You message received and understood. We are terminating our grapple. It was an honor to be of assistance." she sent in trade.

A moment later the gravity field holding the Eucharis terminated. Sepop then began moving the Matu Giajodjo to a higher position. She was not willing to break away from their allies until they had cleared the planet's influence.

"Prepare to raise shields and take us to the outskirts of the system," Hanako ordered. "But first, we need to pick up Akane and Yosmet. Also, assign some crew to throw the dead robot bits out the airlock."

Next, Hanako replied to the Learned Bear. "We thank you for your assistance. Your actions will not be forgotten. This planet is dangerous and intend to leave it."

Sienna tossed her head up once in a quick acknowledgement. "I can do that, Skipper," she volunteered, shoving the NSP in the back of her belt, just above and to the side of her hind end. "Just tell me where to go, and y'all focus on getting us the hell out of here."
There was nothing left for him to do in Engineering and so Kale backtrackedhis way to the lounge. The robotic bodies were still where they had been left. Well most of them. The droid that he had caused to go into emergency shutdown was beginning to twitch slightly.

Applying another bout of shock therapy the thing again fell inert. Kale dragged the bot over to one of the couches. He booted up his computer pad, which he had left there when the droid problems began, and began to hack into its operating matrix.

Sune listened to Hanako's instructions and her message to the Poku Degonjo Saeruo. He waited for her to sign off before speaking.

"Shôshô, regarding the status of this system. Perhaps we should arrange for this area of space be put under quarantine. Perhaps have a squadron of Scout ships to monitor and warn off other ships. At least until such time as an automated system can be put in place." He suggested.

Learned Bear Bridge

Sepop smiled briefly upon receiving Hanako's response. Well, this venture did not go as well as we could have hoped. But we did get to meet with some of the soldiers of Yamatai. Perhaps this will be the start of other joint ventures as we continue to explore. she thought.

She took the ship up to 1000 meters. "Kaliq, configure for high speed ascent and departure."

"Configuring shield and power grid Ta'a. Kasâvyjo Jaqego reports that the ship will be ready for Tinvyma Movidoanor at your command." came Kaliq's response.

Looking toward the Eucharis, Akane saw how the ship was close to being submerged. As a soldier and a member of the infantry, she did not like being ambushed, even if it was by the prying questions of some bystander. She liked the notion of losing her posting even less.

Slamming the pistol back into her holster and giving a slight sigh, she said, "Fine."

"Santo Hei Miyako Akane plus one other, en route to the Eucharis."

Grabbing the alien's clawed hand, Akane said, "Let's go." She flew up and soared toward the ship as fast as she could. With all the external strains on her, especially dragging the alien along with her, Akane started to loose all sense of time. She kept her eyes ahead, trying to make it to the Cargo Ramp.

Once they were close enough, Akane dropped the alien in the Cargo Bay and collapsed on the deck nearby.

Chieko noted the change in the various fields about the ship. "Confirmed release of their tractor field, Shosho," she called out, "We should be hovering on our own power now." The scientist then checked over the readings on the other active and passive sensors for any annomylies.

Now free from the tractor beam, Natsumi gave them enough altitude to get the keel out of the water and nudged the ship closer to their crew outside with several gentle puffs from the reaction thrusters. She had them on sensors and rotated the ship a few degrees to give them a straight shot to the bay.

The Cargo doors were opened and ramp down, inviting them back to the ship and safety. And once they were aboard, Natsumi would rocket the Eucharis into space and get them away from this evil place.
Dreamworld -> Cargo bay

"Ach ach ach ach!" The alien yelped as Akane pulled it up plus cart, the alien hand stubbornly refusing to let go as it was hoisted into the air.

Whe it and cart both were deposited into the cargo bay it seemed the alien had not lost track of any time at all, growling as it stood itself upright; slowly it swung its arms back be behind it, up and then down with a pair of uncomfortable sounding pops from its shoulders. Grunting in satisfaction it turned its neck from one side to the other to test its relocated shoulders.

Medical check done it went over and secured the wheels of its handcart and grabbed something from it. It appeared that nothing had fallen out during the impromptu flight.

The alien turned to look down at the alien planet that had trapped it for so long before snorting and walking over to where Akane had collapsed, reaching down with its clawed hand to help her up.

"Not quite what I had planned, but thank you." It said to her.

"I agree with Chusa Jalen Sune's idea to put this system under quarantine," said Deziarra.

She felt her own heartbeat racing through her as she looked back at the planet they had just left. From a distance, Dreamworld looked peaceful. It was one of the more lovely looking planets. That was the nature of the trap. To varying degrees all of them had felt something was not quite right about Dreamworld, but that alone had not been enough to protect themselves. It was their responsibility to make sure others did not fall for the same trick.

"I would also like to volunteer to help throw the dead robot bits out of the airlock," she added.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko was examining the Cargo Bay, various weapons still carried along, as she noticed the ramp was still deployed. She didn't have much time to question this before Akane, the alien and his cart flew through the open door and promptly crashed to the floor. "Oh my!"

She hurried toward the pair, eyes wide behind her glasses. Her pulse rifle was lowered, but still ready. Just in case. "Are you okay?" There was a pause. "...we didn't leave anyone else behind, did we?" She was pleased to see the merchant had been rescued, though.
Misato blushed heavily she Mitsuko kissed her now bandaged hands. She slung the heavy machine gun onto her shoulder, as she followed the small neko out to the cargo bay. The larger blue neko was getting a bit tired from all of the action today.
Cargo Bay

"Hope i didn't miss out on too much fun." Bors said as he walked up to Misato and Mitsuko in the cargo bay. "Got a little side tracked doing some pest control in engineering."

Bors's attention was drawn to Misato, more so the large gun she had strapped over her back.

"So how was she? I've always wanted to shoot her off."

They were aboard. Natsumi had her direct link to the sensors and the security camera feed from the cargo bay up in her mental image from her SPINE link. She quickly retraced the ramp and sealed the cargo doors tight.

"They are aboard" the operator announced and rotated the Eucharis, making sure her escape course would not interfere with the Lerned Bear. She pointed the knife like bow to the sky and kicked the throttle to full.

The Eucharis' big engines flashed, jets of exhaust boiled the purple water under her hull as the warship rocketed skywards, clawing her way up to the cold black depths of space. As they ascended the shields snapped up, imposing the protective energy bubble between the Eucharis and any possible threat or attack that might be made on her as she charged spaceward.

Kale was tapping away at his keyboard. Looking through the robots neural network. Amazing piece of work here. Now if i remove that and that and perhaps add a safety clause here.... He was working on two things. one was to find out any knowledge he could that was stored in the robots subconscious. The other was to re program the AI somewhat. He had always wanted a useful pet, and so he had given it roughly the responsiveness and some of the mannerisms of household animals.

Kale was currently adding in something akin to the three laws but which had some exceptions. If it was purposefully attacked by someone it would try to run and activate its cloaking device to hide. If that failed it would stun its assailant.

Mostly however Kale was preparing to try to replace one of the gun arms with a nano fabrication module, similar to but smaller then the one that that idiot Rin had attempted to steal from him back at the academy. It would be more useful in the long run then having two tesla pistols.

With a little flourish Kale finished rewriting the droids control parameters and he triggered the things auto reboot/reset function. With an un-charictaristically happy noise the little droid came back to life.
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