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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 4.1] Repairs and Recreation


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The Heitan entered the Veronica star system along with its escorts. Enroute they had been joined by some of the other surviving 2XF ships. with the heavy damage and losses, Sorano ordered the ships to go to their two star fortresses, Libra in Daichi, and Chiharu in Veronica. It was for Chiharu that the Heitan was head for.

The Heitan still bore the scars of the battle, but all the fires had been extinguished and the venting compartments sealed off from within.

Atsui had spent most of the return trip between checking on the pilots, visiting the injured soldiers in the medical centers, and on the bridge checking on the status of the ships.

Once the Battle Group passed the "Guriddo" Defense System perimeter she ordered all ship to stand down to Condition 4. Once they arrived at Chiharu all the ships went to Condition 5.

Elisto sat in the lounge of the Heitan; having already submitted his AAR, detailing everything about the mission, from the bombers, to the discovery of the mines, the damage to his fighter and needing to abandon it due to the unexploded missile in his wing. He had relaxed a bit during the journay back but his workaholic nature was ever present on the edge of his mind. He wanted to do some work, try and figure out those mines from the previous mission and also examine any wreakage they had possibly recovered during the battle.

But, that battle had exhausted him mentally and the reprieve was a welcome. He decided to just wait a little bit more, with their leave time, he figured that he had enough time to grab hold of Anne and the two could lock themselves up in a room somewhere to examine every ounce of sensor data and possibly even formulate a way to detect those mines.

Staring out the window of the lounge, at the sight of Ronica below, he sipped his cup of coffee almost absentmindly and continued to think long and hard. To his left was a volumetric display, it didn't show much of anything, except small details related to his fighter. Anything related to the mines and bombers, he had locked away in an intelligence file for later use.

Then, after a bit more thought, he sent a text message to Anne.

To: Anne
From: Elisto
Subject: Sensor Data on Mines

Hey Anne-hei, didn't get much of a chance on the flight back, exhausted and worn out. You mentioned you wanted to look through the sensor data on those mines, and we also have data on the bombers to. I know we are on liberty, but I'd like to try and figure this mine and bomber out before our next mission. We have 'a lot' of data. Let me know what you want to do.
Errowyn finished up the last of her reports on the action and the loss of her starfighter. She sat there after the last of the reports were done, rereading them through and making minor corrections to the spelling and clarifying some points within the report.

Was she trying to hard to be accepted within the group. Or was she just a loner by the quirk of fate. She looked at her meager belongings and it was dominately taken up with military uniforms. Her only civilian outfit was still packed away in the bottom of her dufflebag.

She hit the send button and sending the report to Ramirez inbox on his computer for his later reading. Then scheduled simulator time for herself in the bases Simulators for practice and to hone her skills.

She wondered if she would be lucky to survive the next encounter as she shut down her computer console, then checked out her uniform before leaving her assigned quarters.

Errowyn moved through the station station and could pick out other pilots that had lost their ships due to the battle with the NMX and seeing how they acted. To some it was nothing but the course of things that happen.

Errowyn entered the Mess Hall and made her way through the line to get her food, waiting for the dreaded summons to see the Tsai about the lost of the kawarime. At least she could show she was taking appropiate steps to improve on her skills and increasing her chances for the next encounter.
Having finished his after-action report and awoken from some much needed shut-eye, Kenshin was now seated at the desk in his assigned billet, pouring over electronic tech manuals in addition to making notations with suggested modifications to a copy of the design schematics he had received from his sister Emiko in the latest batch of mail. Emiko had apparently just shipped out to her first posting on the Densetsu, within the 7th Fleet.

Though his sister was a better engineer than himself, the siblings often collaborated in their personal projects -- asking each others opinions on their ideas and trying to bring the most out of their work.

Satisfied he'd done all he could -- he composed a new message, attached a copy of the modified designs and a short congratulatory message for his sister, before applying an encryption program and marking it for transmission in the next batch of outgoing mail.

Kenshin stretched his stiff limbs, yawned once, and then decided he needed a walk to ward off the temptation to curl into a ball in his bunk and waste his leisure time listening to music. It occurred to the Yamataian that the Safety Valve would be open at this time of day, and he could go grab a drink and perhaps play a hand of cards to kill some time before the carrier docked with the Chiharu -- assuming the lounges normal hours of operation hadn't been affected by the damage the Heitan received during the recent battle. Kenshin got up out of his chair and began making his way through the bowels of the ship.
Like Anne though, she was not really needed on Infirmary. But she still was useful. She was given smaller tasks. So she cleaned wounds and applied ointments to minor burns. Things like that, mayble inferior to some but she still felt needed. It was nice to be helpful and to work for others. It had calming effect on Anne and helped her dead with what happened today.

She was very glad that they did not loose singe member of their squad. And only two fighters were really destroyed. Althoug Yaeko's might be beyond repairs. Anne was walkin for mess to have something to eat, when she got Elisto's message. She carefuly read it and replied.

To: Elisto
From: Anne
Subject: RE Sensor Data on Mines

I would be delighted to look upon that data sir. But right now I would like to have something to eat. I hope you could join me in mess, where we can have a lunch and then proceed to look on the data. You are right, it would be better to look at it together and compare our findings.
Elisto gave a nod of the head at Anne's response and got up, he walked over to a window and passed his dirty coffee cup to the person inside before leaving the lounge and heading toward the Mess.

He was wearing his full uniform, black panels and all. There really wasn't much reason, typically he didn't like to show off or show what he truly was, but onboard a ship he felt there wasn't much of a problem doing so.

When he arrived at the Mess hall he looked around curiously for a moment, he wasn't hungry, not yet anyway. So instead he found himself a place to sit next to the window and waited curiously while watching for Anne to arrive.
Anne walked in the mess few minutes after Elisto. She just made a quick stop at her quarters to change. She changed into her long-sleeved duty uniform with long skirt. She liked it a lot. It had teal coloring as she was still medical personal. And skirt made her feel more girly.

When she walked in the mess she could see Elisto sitting next to a windown waiting. She walked up to him, bowed slightly and smiled. "I hope you are not waiting very long?" She asked then.
Mess Hall

Elisto gave a smile and got up. "Nope, just got here not long ago myself," he said and offered her a chair. "Go ahead and eat first, I've already had something, though perhaps its not a bad idea for me to eat something else to keep my mind rejuvinated." He pondered that idea for a moment while waiting to see what Anne would say next, while also eyeing the food in the distance.
"You can eat with me then. Something lighter? Salad maybe?" She asked and smiled some more. "I am hungry to tell the true. I was helping out in infirmary since we landed." She explained to Elisto. She then went for tray and to get something to eat. She had full plate of Pork Curry, which was food quite liked in Yamatai. She learned to like ti too, especially the more spicy version of it. She then came back and sat to table by the window.
"Aye, salad sounds nice," smiled Elisto before he headed over and grabbed himself a tray. He picked out a large plate and loaded with a semi-large salad, putting on all sorts of items such as onions, meat, cheese, even some pork. Picking out some ranch that he drizzled over the top and then some salad salt and pepper.

Then he grabbed himself another cup of coffe and returned to the table.
"Sho I wash thinkhingh," Anne started talking with mouth full of curry and rice when Elisto sat across the table from her. "Ehm Sorry. I was thinking. Those mines were phasing righ? But even so since they are still visibile even while phased them must leave some sort of... particles in this space too. If we were to find out what partice it is we might be able to detect them next time. Even use it on other NMX-phase tech. That said it is my first time ever facing it and I bet other tried before us. Let's disscuss it with ships AI and try pulling out what we can on phasing?"
Elisto took a bite out of his salad while he listened, after he gulped down a bit and cleared his throat he said. "We'd have to isolate the phase field itself, figure out what it's made out of, before finding out what trace particle we can exploit. Not to mention, there has to be other ways to detect these. Mmmm..." he took another bite before sending a message off to Atsui.

To: Numa Atsui-taii
From: Tereane Elisto-Hei
Subject: Intelligence Data on Mines and Bomber.


Ma'am? My apologies if I'm interrupting anything. During the last mission, Anne-hei and I collected a plethora of data on the mines and bombers, we plan on trying to figure out those mines and look for a weakpoint but also investigate those bombers and build a database on them. The thing is, we'd need access to the ships AI, I'd feel more comfortable analyzing and picking through intelligence data in a safe and secure room and not the mess hall that myself and Anne-hei are in. 

With your permission, can Anne-hei and I use one of the briefing rooms that had survived the battle? It's a secure place, harder for someone to easedrop on intelligence. Plus, it'll allow us to use the AI. However, I'd also like to request that any other sensor data collected by the other squadrons also be made available, they may have seen something our sensors did not.
Yaeko could be found sitting in the corner of one common bars just outside of where the Heitan was docked. She was wearing short skirt as well as a very tight blouse that didn't leave much to the imagination. She giggled slightly as she drank her martini and flirted with a rather cute looking Yamatain that was at the other side of the table.
Anne looked Elisto in the eye and replied while he was typing a message. "Well that is true. But I think if we would concentrate on why it is still visible while phased, it might help us a great deal. I if it is phased it is basically in different universe right? That is how it passes solid material. So if it is in different universe, why is it still visible? That is what my point is Spook-san."
To: Tereane Elisto-Hei
From: Numa Atsui-Taii

Request granted. Hiromi will supply directions to the designated briefing room


Kayo walked into the bar, she stopped and let her eyes adjust to the light. She saw Yaeko who appeared to be engaging in a discussion. Looking across the bar, a purple haired Neko waved at her. She waved back and made her way through the bar. She repressed the urge to say hi to Yaeko, and settled for a brief wave.

She gave the purple haired Neko a hug. And sat down, the two of them started talking like old friends.
Elisto gave a nod and smiled at the reply. "It's possible that they were only visible due to movement, as in they were changing locations to better account for where we or the gunships were going." He took a bit more of his salad and sat there for a few moments in thought.

"It's also the NMX just haven't perfected the technology yet, while they are phased we may still be able to detect them but that doesn't nessecarily mean we can 'hit' them."

"Let's go ahead and finish eating, we can continue this elsewhere," said Elisto as he went to eating his salad.

To: Numa Atsui-taii
From: Tereane Elisto-Hei
Subject: Reply: Intelligence Data on Mines and Bomber.


Thank you ma'am!
"I personally think, they are visibile all the time. After all it is hard to see anything in space." She said to Elisto and then returned to her food. He had good point, she would rahter had a computer by her and less ears around. She could not concentrate enough. She quickly finished her curry and then picked up her tray to return it. "There I am done, let's move." She then said to Elisto.
Elisto gave a nod of the head and tossed his trash; then he casually pointed toward the door and asked Hiromi, the ships Megami, for directions for the briefing room that Atsui had chosen for them.

When he arrived at the briefing room he glanced about it for a moment, before heading inside.
The room was your typical Star Army Conference room. A large table dominated the room, with a number of control interfaces built into the table.

The room was empty, clean except for a few items in the trash can.

Hiromi spoke from the speakers, "Good day. Is there anything special you require?"
Elisto gave a nod of the head in approval and placed his ICP, which he had on him just a bit out of sight, on the table. "Good day Hiromi," he spoke as he opened up the ICP and started it up.

"We'll be needing your help with some intelligence anlyzing, can you make sure this room is secure from outside easedropping please? Also, can you try and locate any sensor data from the other squadrons on board in relation to our previous mission and transfer it to me please?"
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