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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 4.1] Repairs and Recreation

As Anne ran off ready to cry a small paper aeroplane dodged and weaved through the corridor past here, swerving around obstacles and people with little gusts of air on its wings. It darted through the open door just before it snapped closed and made a crash landing on the desk, skidding to a halt in front of Elisto tilted to one side.

Meanwhile, the valiant little messengers creator was stepping out of customs of the spaceport on the surface. Another immunization shot for another colony, at this rate he'd be vaccinated against every microbial in the galaxy.

He looked around at the roads, hoping that Veronica might have more cars than Daichi. Perhaps he could earn a little pocket money from some rich brats who talked when they should be listening.
Briefing Room

While Elisto waited for his response, he had realized that in his effort to tell Anne that she wasn't responsible, he may have just done the opposite and let out a frustrated sigh.

He was just turning around to pick up his ICP when he saw the paper-plane perched neatly on the table, his eye-brow raised slightly at just how suspicious this looked. "mmm...."

Elisto carefully looked the object over, pondering whether he should open it up or not. It wasn't big enough to contain a bomb, but was small enough to contain any number of othe items that could potentially hurt him, not including the paper cut which he wasn't at all concerned with naturally. Throwing his paranoia aside, he carefully picked it up and looked it over before unfolding it.
Inside was a crudely hand drawn image of a Kawarime being shot apart by a pursuing NMX drone with a >:3 over its glowing eye, several more drones flew around the paper while the Kawarime had a cross hatched explosion on the rear half.

At the bottom was the subtitle: Explains everything!
Elisto blinked several times, a slight vain popped on the side of his head while he scrunched up the paper before shouting, and thankful that the room was secured from outside hearing. "VAAAAAAASSS!!!!"

With his shout out, he stood there and flexed his hand for a moment before stuffing the piece of paper into his pocket.
Seion moved easily down the hallway, her fit form barely concealed by the workout uniform she was wearing. Her raven locks were pulled up into a ponytail that bounced and swayed with each step she took, a thick towel draped around her shoulders. She was heading towards the gymnasium, planning on getting in some dancing and exercising before going out that evening.
After few minutes of sobbing into her pillow Anne finally could start think straigh again. She sat up and wiped the tears off her eyes. Another minutes she sat and blankly looked at the wall in her room. She needed to do something, to get off the stuff on her mind. She could open her Abwehran language guides, but she felt she would be too un-focused. In the end she decided to take sweat it out. She took off her scarf and replaced it with the collar. She jsut did not feel righty without anything on her neck. She then changed into her exercise uniform, took towel and her communicator, should she be needed.

Anne left her room She felt little exposed wearing only t-shirt and very very small pants. Perhaps she should have changed at the spot, but it was too late now. Anne sighed and left for the gymnasium.
To: Tereane Elisto-Jotô Hei-Jôtô Hei
From: Eika Konpeki-Ittô Heisho

I have received a subsequent communique from Headquarters.

Meet me in my quarters at 2000 hrs. Will discuss in person.

Tenbun Starport

"Hey there soldier, looking for a cup of coffee?" called out a voice that was familiar to Silic.
Yaeko, having downed the entire bottle of rum, made her way back to her quarters. She swerved slightly as she walked, but managed to stand straight and not get lost along the way. Once there she proceeded to begin playing some music and then collapsed on her bed asleep, still in her boots.
Seion reached the gymnasium and pulled the small T-shirt up over her head, dropping it and the towel into a soft pool of cloth on the floor at the edge of one of the large blue mats situated in one corner of the spacious gym. The tight black sports bra hugged her full breasts like a second skin, the tight workout pants molded around the curves and contours of her buttocks and thighs, outlining each smooth muscle to perfection as she began to stretch and loosen up.

Slowly Seion began to move and twist her limber body, her dark locks flipping and bouncing with each gentle sway of her body. She moved in time to the soft sounds of music playing in her head, her emerald eyes closed, her stomach pulled in, chest thrust forward, head held high as she began to shimmy and shake her body. Using her tummy muscles to lead her hip movements, she kept her upper body still as she began to move her hips back and forwards, twisting at the waist. She thrust her left hip forward and right hip back, then reversed the movement with the right going forward and the left coming back, her speed slowly increasing with each thrust, her lithe body moving in an alluring and exotic display of sensuality.

Her movements became a fluid movement of sensual display, her shoulders beginning to roll, her tummy swaying in figure eights, her hair bouncing and whipping back and forth around her graceful neck. She moved around the mat, her body coated in a fine sheen of sweat, her eyes closed tight, her mind lost to the release and pleasure of the dance. She lost track of time and place, the delight she felt at using her nimble body keeping her going as her breath began to come in gasps until finally with a flare of her hip she stopped. Her full chest rose and fell in rapid succession as she drank in deep breaths of air, her emerald eyes flashing opening, a dreamy, lost quality mirrored in them.

She sighed and walked over to her towel, scooping it up and beginning to towel off. She leaned against the wall and wiped her face, sliding down to sit and rest on the mat.
Elisto leaned up against the wall, rubbing the bridge of his nose while thinking on what to do next. There was plenty of time, as far as he knew, before he would need to meet up with his SAINT Superior.

With that done, he decided to right a wrong. He found it odd that back when he used to command a ship he had little problems dealing with the crew, everyone understood and he had never misspoke or said something that could be interpreted as something other than what it was supposed to be - yet he felt it in his gut that Anne had actually misunderstood him.

He picked up his ICP and checked around to make certain he didn't potentially leave anything behind, then he left and went back to his room to change into something more casual and comfortable. Feeling a bit worn, and in need of an exercise, he decided to hit up the gym for a few.
Anne made it into gymnasium and threw her towel on one of the benches and started doing stretches. First stretching her arms and legs to get ready and warm up. Then bending over, putting her forehead on her knees. She was a dancer, so she was able to do so, but she did not have much chance lately. Military requires different exercised after all. After stretching she moved to groudn to do splits. Streaddle split at first, followed by Front split. She always loved that she made her body so flexible.

She then stood up and sighed and started walking to the nearest treadmill and started it. Walking at first but moving the speed up. As she jogged she could see a neko in the gymnasium. She was dancing, it was modern dance and her movement was very agile, as expected from Neko. It was different from dance Anne used to do for her misstress but it was nice nonetheless.

When girl was done Anne turned of her threadmill and walked to her. "It was beutiful," she said smling at the girl. She then raised her hand for a hand-shake. "I am Anne one of the pilots." She said to introduce herself.
Seion bowed deeply before taking the offered hand and shaking it smartly.

"Thank you very much, I am glad you liked it. I am Santo Hei Seion Ayumu, also a pilot and newly assigned to the 21st. It is a pleasure to meet you Anne."

Seion replied and bowed again after releasing Anne's hand.
Anne bowed back and smiled at the neko. "It is a pleasure to meet you Seion-san. Then perhaps we will be in same wing." She said and sat on one of the benches. "Tell me where did you learn to dance like that? I haven't seen such a movement. You dancing is very precise. It is pleases the eye. Only thing it lacked was music in the background, since I think dance and music are like... like a plane and pilot. Both are wonderfull but are not working properly without the other."
Elisto walked casually into the gym and stopped for a moment to look around, seeing an assortment of different machines to use. When he spotted Anne talking to Seion, he walked cautiously up behind Anne and gave a curt bow of the head toward the new girl but didn't want to disturb their conversation.
"The music is in my mind but I agree with you, music and dance go together very much like a pilot and their craft. I can hear the music and my body responds must as we respond to the subtle shifts and changes of the battle around us when we are piloting our fighters. I hope we do serve in the same wing, Anne-san, I feel there is much I can learn from you."

Seion smiled politely and bowed to the new arrival, motioning behind Anne to inform her of the man's arrival.
"Oh I would be glad to share any of my experience. But I doubt they would be about piloting if anything. You see I am flight surgeon. But I would be most happy to help you with anything other. And I play flute very well." Anne said and giggled. She felt nice now. Someone telling her, that she had much to learn from her was all the confidence boost she could ever get. Anne smiled, finally noticing Eliso standing nearby. "Oh, Seion-san, let me introduce you. This is Tereane Elisto Jôtô Hei. He is in my wing." She intruduced men staning neaby.
Elisto gave a second curt bow of the head. "Nice to meet you," he said respectively toward Seion, and then looked at the two. "Hope I wasn't disturbing anything, if so, I can take my leave."
"Not at all, Anne was just telling me that she plays the flute so I hope to impose upon her one day to play for me while I dance, it would be such an honor. Are you a surgeon as well?"

Seion smiled at the man standing before her, her attire and recent activities displaying her feminine attributes perfectly.
Elisto smiled, he didn't know Anne played the flute and that piqued his interest. He gave a gentle shake of the head, then said calmly. "No I'm not, I'm an intelligence operative for the 21st."

Thinking curiously to himself, he wondered how to approuch Anne about apologizing for earlier, though he was very curious as to what caused the director to give out that order.