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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

Freyja saw the little ship take a hit and start smoking. The computer analysis showed that it's powercore was overloading. With a few flicks of buttons she sent a message to the Aeon,
Ma'am I have a Ship that entered into the combat zone here and the NMX pods that I have been fighting, attacked it, my sensors show it is going down. permisision to break off leaving the other two shuttle to air support over the objective and preform a S&R for the pilot/crew of the ship. it never attack me or any of our assets
"Aeon to Transporter, you are authorized to perform search and rescue. Proceed with caution though, we have no idea if that craft is a friendly or a hostile. Use your best judgement and keep in touch with the other transporters once you leave yours. Also be sure to secure the craft to keep hostile forces from appropriating it. Aeon out."
Saki scratched her helmet in a thought, still holding behind the barrier. She was covering the corridor, while the team decided what to do next. How to deal with the Tanks? That was clearly a troublesome thing. If they had the thermic grenades STAG usually used, they could deal with them, but those were forbidenn. Maybe flamer?

"Kyoka," Saki asked her Kyoka, "do we have explosives? If now how about cooking them in the tank with flamer? Also maybe the tank has a function to kill the parasites. What we need to worry about is how to take over the tanks, without the parasites being released. If I had Ichigo-chan with me here, that would be easy......."
Aeon Team-A

Kyoka's group was able to see the equipment. The technicians were hurrying and their supervisor warned them that if they did not finish their work before the tanks were opened, they would become infected just like the rest of the occupants.

The tanks were actually very simple. They were remote activated, so to prevent the release all one had to do was cut the power to the tank. Explosives could be used, but had to be enough force to kill all the parasites at one time. The last alternative would be to engulf the tank once its opened in hellfire killing any parasite that left the tank.

Away Team B
The rest of the Aeon away team had located the second tank, and it was waiting for Kyoka's orders before taking action.

Misaki and Gambit had made it down the central corridor and were positioned by the entry way to the core, which would give them access to the prison systems, and staff. They were waiting for the other teams to neutralize the parasite contingency before breaching.

Roger that Aeon

Freyja's voice was calm a strong, almost a complete inverse of her normal demeanor, she was at home flying. Looking of a few displays she sent a message to the ground team and the other shuttle,

This is Freyja, breaking off to conduct a S&R operation for a downed unknown ship, I will keep comms open, give me a t-minus 10 minutes for response on extract.

With that she told the shuttle's AI to start running through the different forms of communications to get a hold of the crew of the ship that was going down. Looking over her sensor board she made sure to keep an eye out for any in bound enemy that would go after her or the downed ship. The engines of her shuttle blasted as it jumped toward the mountains after the falling craft.
Yoshiro followed Tsubei-juni and Saki. He sent out adrone to scout for access to a power grid to shut down the tanks so they could not be activate and destroyed. "Wouldn't it be a good idea to take out the power first? If we destroy one and not the other without shutting the power down people could be infected by those things." He said, as he continued to scan, being careful to avoid the techs and searching for back-up generators.
"We don't want to give them the chance to finish their preparations, first, Tanaka-hei. Aim and get ready to take them out. Mark your targets in the display so we don't shoot the same ones. Try not to hit any of the machinery so we don't accidentally release the parasites."

As Kyoka ordered this, she switched out whatever round she had in her launcher before with a SLEX round. If worse came to worse, that would do a damn fine job of obliterating everything in the room. Her NSB's prepared to swoop around the corners and take on any stragglers. The neko aimed her rifle at one of the engineers, praying that she wouldn't miss.

"And that's Tsubei-juni while we're on mission, Arai-hei. Ready to fire. . . and NOW!"
Kata'nova grimaced as her scout shuddered, she flew upwards over the mountain. When she was at the top, she entered her passcode, as four small doors opened up beneath her scout and a small cylindrical object fired outward.

Up close, it shined so bright that anyone within a mile would've had to shield their eyes - at a distance it would still be very bright, almost like that of a sun. The object fell toward the center of where the mountains all came together to form an isolated sector, the cylinder spun around, its containment field flickering as the internal build up of energy began to cascade and overflow.

When the cylinder disappeared beyond the mountains, it fell for another one hundred feet before the containment field finally failed due to lack of power from the main source. When the field failed, there was a sudden brightness as the sky lite up, followed by the clouds that had been over the mountain parting away.

The ground shuddered violently for miles around and small fissures along the opposite sides of the mountain opened up as the explosion was contained and forced upward into the sky. It was a brilliant display of purple and reds that discolored the sky and sent a blastwave through the air for several miles.

Kata'nova's scout was caught within this wave, the girl having though that going 'below' the top of the mountains would help shield her but it was of no use. Her scout was tossed about like a piece of flimsy debris, as parts of her wing tore off to repeal some of the internal circuits. The wave had also increased her scouts speed, not what the pilot had wanted as she was in the process of going for a controlled crash landing.

"Srisa...." muttered the girl as she gripped the flight controls in an effort to keep a level flight, all the while her flight panel was warning her of her speed and rate of decent.
"Sorry Tsubei-juni."Yoshiro said apologetically. He seemed to forget details like that in situations like this. He targeted a tech who had just finished checking the tank that she was working on. He sent the data with his AIES and made sure to look at the other's targetting data before locking on.After checking he locked on and when Tsubei gave the order he fired his plasma rifle at the tech. For father... he said to himself.
The technicians at both of the tank sites were decimated by the Away team. So swift that none of the techs were able to manually trigger the tank and release the swarm.
Kyoka directed her NSBs to shoot the remainder of the enemy forces in the room and charged forward, activating her Barrier once more. She directed Saki and Yoshiro to do the same. The neko was prepared to shoot any hostiles left herself.
Kurusu here, Gambit is ready to take the core. How long until both tanks are down? Keep those tanks secure so they can't be triggered, shift forces to reinforce the core, once we have the prison the gates are all going open, and we're moving them out. We can make sweeps through to clear out the rest with fire teams. Clear? Misaki sent to the other teams as Gambit set up for a full breach. Her pods were all out, and she had her rifle up, and all systems active to go through the door, ready to give a blast before sending in Gambit on top of it.

We are set here. Ready to go. None will survive.
As the shuttle's sensors alerted Freyja brought the shields up to full and tried to drop down to the deck. She knew it was to going to hit hard. She had been through simulations of nuclear blasts, they were hard to keep air born during, but it is doable. The thought crossed her mind of what the hell she was doing. She didn't know who this was or if they were even friendly.

As the blast rolled over her the shuttle almost lost it's position and altitude, but through shear stubbornness she kept it in the air. once she recovered she scanned for the other craft and hoped that she could pinpoint it before it went down.
It took a moment or two for the Tenba's sensor systems to reset. When it did the system showed a fast moving unidentified object on a downward trajectory. The energy output of the object was very low. The current flight path had it impacting several miles away from the prison.


The NSB's made short work of any surviving prison personnel. But they also alerted Kyoka to a threat, just before one of them was destroyed. It showed a clear image of a pair of KE-M3 Kylie Power Armor clad NMX approaching from a side corridor.


With the order given, Gambit hit the door with their weapons, each member of the team targeting a specific section. Within seconds the door was severed and Jacob ordered two of the squad to advance. They charged the door and hit it simultaneously in a flying kick sending the door crashing into the interior. The rode the door down and started firing at any armed guards present.
Rodger that, chusa. Just secured a tank, but enemy armor is inbound.
Yamamoto-Heisho, what is the status of your objective?

Kyoka punched out two messages, then headed to the side of the doorway where the Kylies were inbound.

"Arai-hei, assist me with these Kylies. Tanaka-hei, deal with the tank," Kyoka directed, popping out and launching a SLEX round at the two armor.
"Does anyone have a flamer that I could use or is plasma going to be enough?" Yoshiro asked. "As I recall the inventory only had two of them." He did not want to release any parasites and cause more problems than there needed to be. He debated firing his plasma rifle at the tank but he thought that he might release but if the plasma worked for what it was needed for then he could use. He wasn't going to use it though if it was going to release the parasites.
"Tanaka-hei, cut the power to the tank!" Kyoka barked. She had no time for these shenanigans with enemy armor incoming.
"Tsubei-Juni, our tank has been secured and we have disabled it from operating. The parasites can not be deployed and will die with the life support system shut down." Came the reply from Trowa.
Yoshiro cut the power to the tank by firing at the cords leading to the tank. He knew that he was going to be talked to after the mission but he had no time to be thinking about it. "Tank is secure and power is down to the tank!" He said over comms, frustrated at his lack of action. He promised the new XO that he would do his best but here he was failing miserably. He pulled out the cords that he missed with his hands.
Saki noticed the Kylies. "Shimatta," she said and took a cover behind corner to the hallway. She activated her missile launcher and peeked. She peppered left Kylie with her Plasma-rifle to weaken her shields thrashold and then fired two missiles.
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