Her eyes darting up, Konoka began, "Well, actually, Yarani-Hei, I feel so selfish for getting hurt, since I couldn't help, but....."
Then, her 'concerned crew medic and friend' mode kicked in, and, in a fit of caring, she whisper-lectured, "Oh, you baka Yarani-Hei, why do you..and people.. always try to ignore your pain?! There's a reason nobody's evolved to having no pain receptors...They're like little alarms inside screeching, 'Oo, please, stop, slow down, get some help and don't be so stubborn!' I swear to fish, I don't see why this crew are always walking unwell...." She sighed. It was just like Konoka to lecture someone she was trying to help. "Listen to me...There is nothing wrong with feeling hurt. First, it shows you are still alive, and that should be everyone's very first goal. Second, in this kind of place, it probably means you were doing something useful, and fate just decided to be unkind to you today. Fate does that to remind us why it's different when we're happy, because if everything was always happy-skippy we wouldn't learn anything, or know the difference. You'll probably not hurt the same way, from the same exact cause, again. You'll learn. But at least before you were up and doing something of use....I've been knocked out until recently. Anyways, this proves you're not a rock. Congratulations, you'll never be a building material for houses. This is why you're better than that."
Then she sighed, realizing she needed to act of some use. "Oh, oh, Yarani-Hei, no worries, I'm right here. What seems to be the point of trouble?" said Konoka determined. Gladly, she was back to her dutiful usefulness. That was her happiness. Because for very point of trouble, Konoka would try to be a point of solution.
This was help, and helping was Konoka's life.