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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 9.2] Salvaging Parts and Hearts

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"My apologies, Shosa, for not being more professional back there, I will strieve to do better. Also, the shuttle appears to be in good working order, as long as there is no combat, you shouldn't have any problems," Takeyu bowed and then moved out of the way of the shuttle. He knelt down beside a crate, just in case, and watched it carefully.

After a moment he felt that keeping the shuttle bay pressurized was a good idea, though he toyed with the possibliity of using his power armor, but then again it did have some damage to it from the mission and he had to wonder if it would be feasible.
“Eh, whichever you prefer, really,” replied Junko with a shrug. She bent over for a moment, snatching up the repair kit she had taken from engineering, before looking back up at Kumiko. “And really, if you are feeling like you can participate in repairs, feel free to do so. I just wasn't sure of the extent of your injuries. At any rate, I'm going to start by checking Power Systems. I don't really want to get hit by a rogue surge while playing around inside the rest of the equipment.” Settling the AMES helmet over her head and sealing it to the suit with a twist and flick of the locking mechanism, she turned to exit the compartment.
"I can only assume that you and the crew are fully on edge from the last mission. Your leaving the room, the indecisiveness of the crew in general, the confusion...what you all really need is a chance of some sort to unwind. I wasn't there, so I'm hesitant to criticize your actions. Just set things straight with anyone you might have offended and remember that we have civilians present and watching our actions, as well as the CO of a different ship...a CO who will likely be filing her own report of all of this. Our conduct is being watched very closely." Yaichiro responded over the radio as the ship left the cargo bay. He then matched the Eucharis' drifting speed, got out in his AMES, and connected the tow line to the shuttle to reel it out as he went along.

As he did so, he connected to Charisma, and had it access the last known location and velocity of the emptied escape pod husks he'd had to leave behind earlier. It was a simple matter to extrapolate and locate the extremely close-by escape pods, which he had Charisma track. Actually, they were less than 200 meters from the ship.

"Everyone, Charisma has the location and trajectory of the hollowed out Escape Pods from the Fredrick. Whoever launches to salvage, feel free to pick them up. Their contents have already been removed, so we can carry them as containers for salvage to boost how much a Power Armor can carry, and can use them in the fabrication bay as raw materials after we've unloaded their contents."

The craft moved slowly once the soldier returned aboard and started for the DOC, while Yaichiro looked around for anything that looked worth picking up. He saw what looked like an utterly thrashed Mindy 2A, the bulk of which was not salvageable from the way it looked. He could tell there was not a pilot inside, and they were lucky not to be inside their unit at the time. All but the Torso and the Butt Pack of the actual Power Armor had been riddled with shrapnel and explosive force, though an intact Aether/Scalar Submachinegun was barely held in place by a hand connected to the torso by a battered strip of Yarvex and Durandium shrapnel that once served as the Power Armor's limb. The massive damage seemed to be localized to the front, though, because the Power Armor had a P2902 Wing Pack on it which seemed reasonably intact -- likely protected by the Power Armor itself.

Yaichiro stopped the shuttle and went back out through the airlock in his AMES, carefully bringing the Power Armor back in the same way. He then restarted the shuttle's movement and proceeded toward the DOC again to secure it and bring it back toward the Eucharis. He kept a careful eye on the tow line's length, ready to let it go if it ran out before he reached the DOC. Of course, he was also moving more slowly because he didn't want to get too far ahead of Nika-Hei.
While Sune waited for Hanako to maneuver their fighter close enough for him to safely EVA over to whatever object needed tagging, he checked the sensor scan. Since he knew Hanako was reviewing the closer items, he set his screen for long range. It took a few sweeps of the RADAR before the targeting system started identifying things. While the system was doing so he noted the launch of the T8 shuttle.

Can not be too careful, after all look what happened to the Frederick. If there are other Mishhu out here best we find them before they find us. he thought. Sune watched as a group of blips on the radar turned yellow. Well, it would appear that we are not the only folks investigating the debris field. Whoever they are they're on the far edge of the field, no identity. No active ships in our immediate vicinity, that's good.

Looking up from his screen, "Taisa, it would appear that there are other people doing salvage work. Targeting has them painted as Neutral they are on the far side of the battle site from us. I can not get a clear look at them due to the amount of debris and wreckage between us and them. Most likely civilian salvagers." he suggested.
“Elysians, right?” Hanako asked Sune, while gathering up a duffel bag and clump of rations with her grappler. She stuffed the food into the bag and then put the bag down into the lower part of the cockpit, preventing it from escaping with her foot around one strap. “I will send them a request for ID.”

She remotely tapped into the Eucharis’ communications systems and had the ship transmit her speech in the directions of the unidentified craft. “Attention unidentified vessel: This battle site is a restricted area. Only licensed salvagers and designated starships of the Yamatai Star Empire are authorized to enter and/or retrieve items. As such, we request that you immediately identify yourself.

"Charisma, translate my message and repeat it in Trade and Seraphim," she added.

While waiting for the response Hanako scanned area of the Detachable Outer Container that had been jettisoned by the YSS Frederick. No sign of battlepods, luckily.
Yaichiro noted Hanako's message, and the blips which had arrived. That was all the more reason to speed things up with the DOC -- he didn't want some contest over the items selected, and he also needed the parts in said DOC to get started on certain repairs. Unfortunately, he couldn't make his final approach toward it yet.

"Irenika-Hei, what is the delay? The Taisa said we were to operate in pairs. You said you were ready to go, didn't you?"
With the shuttle gone, Takeyu went back to work. "Charisma. Decompress the shuttle bay please. Seal off all maintenance conduits into the bay and disengage the containment once decompress is done," he pushed off the deck and up to just a foot or so away from the containment field.

"Also, automatically pressurize the bay and reengage the containment field when someone needs to come in here, but let me know please and inform anyone who tries to enter the shuttle bay that it's decompressed," he asked and Charisma went about decompressing the bay while also sealing the door into the power armor bay.

After a moment, the containment field disactivated, but again it flickered several times before doing so. He then reignited the electric wielder and continued his cutting.
"I do not believe they are Elysians Taisa, the tactical system would identify them as allies. So they must be independents or something the system has not encountered before." Sune took the items he needed to mark one of the nearby scalar mines as a hazard.

Releasing his harness he stood up. "I"m going to mark that mine as a hazard so our crew will avoid it ma'am." he said launching himself in the general direction.


Gago Geimi the Ta'a of the Hatakur'a-class ship Dougia Sou was in the Daho'ka Ruo'sa, or battle room. He was monitoring the salvage work was doing when the synthetic brain signaled an incoming message.

Transmission detected.
Origin: Poku Amaty
Translation: Attention unidentified vessel: This is a restricted area. Only authorized starships of the Amaty Clan are authorized to enter and/or retrieve items. As such, we demand that you identify yourself.”

Gago had very little understanding of the alien language so he was forced to trust the translation. With his only arm he rapidly punched in the commands to review the sensor logs. The Quantum Flux Detector logs showed only two recent intrusions into this space. And there was a significant explosion a short while ago. So the Poku Amaty chased a prey into this region, and destroyed it. Now they want to stop us from harvesting what Siamaka has provided. I do not think so.

He turned to his communications person, "Instruct all ships to enter stealth operation. No transmissions except via secure mode." Gago said, then picked up the intercom and signaled to the bridge. "Assume prowl mode, engage stealth shield setting. Proceed to the coordinates where that message originated."

"The Tonai has said we should avoid the Poku Amaty, but we are talking a single ship. Once we confirm that there is only one, we will attack. I will not be told what to do by a vonai'bu, regardless of who they are. Jendo Sou will follow us. Plot our course to make the most use of the debris. Once there we will decide how to best deal with this. Ruoka Geimi will have victory this day if I have a say in it." Gago said to the tactical station operator.

Within seconds all of the clan ships had switched to laser communications, but continued the collection of material that could be used by the clan. The Dougia Sou and Jendo Sou set forth to find the ship manned by Warrior Women and Siamaka willing it would be a good hunt.
"They are up to no good," Hanako said as the ships went into hiding. "Eucharis crew, this Taisa Hanako. We have detected possibly hostile ships. Those onboard the Eucharis should reactivate all working ship systems and be prepared for combat. Salvage teams, hurry it up and get those repairs going, starting with the turrets. They are modular so it should not take long if you use a paa-Zem pod to replace them."

Next, Hanako sent a request for assistance to the Star Army Tenth Fleet, since it was in the immediate area, using an encrypted narrow-beam transmission so the shady salvagers would not hear it.

"Sune, it would probably be safer on the ship," she said. "Do you think I should return to the ship or stay out here to provide fire support?"
Sune stopped his motion using the thrust cans. And returned to the fighter. He gave the sensors a quick look as he strapped in. Ships hiding could be hostile or afraid of our presence. Given all we have been through, best to error on caution.

"Taisa, if they are aggressors, and they plan to engage us, then we we are best off with you on the bridge of the Eucharis. A single lone fighter will not make a difference if was are going to be attacked by hostile ships. "
Yaichiro allowed the shuttle to increase speed gradually, to meet up with the DOC. To get the turrets, they needed the container, and he could no longer wait for Irenika-Hei. He tried to modulate the output of his systems to keep the unknown craft from detecting him too easily in the debris field, using maneuvering thrusters to reach the DOC and hook it with the tow line...the cable was long enough with maybe 15 meters to spare. With that, he sent a communication of his own to Charisma, quantum-encrypted narrow beam.

I've connected the DOC to the tow line. Reel in the towline, please.

Charisma responded promptly by doing as Yaichiro asked, reeling in the DOC at a steady rate of speed. Yaichiro, while this happened, matched speed with the DOC and landed the shuttle on it, magnetic landing gear adhering to the craft. The Engineer got his tools ready as well as a loop of power+data cable over his AMES' shoulder, and exited the shuttle via the airlock. He floated alongside the shuttle and opened a sliding panel, exposing a connector to which he connected one end of the cable.

Floating out from the shuttle's side, he started looking for a panel on the DOC to connect the other end to, eventually finding one roughly identical to that on the side of the Kuma. He plugged it in, and the panel lit up. The DOC's forcefield activated, allowing it to sustain atmosphere once the doors opened. With that completed, he sent a narrow-beam communication to Hanako.

Taisa, I had been planning to unload the DOC at the shuttle-bay per Gally-Shoi's suggestion, but it might be faster to unload systems for repairs and transport them inside the ship if it were unloaded into the Cargo Bay instead, especially considering the damage to the Shuttle Bay. The DOC's size should allow Power Armor to enter and leave it from the gaps on each side for retrieving the turrets, while we can unload other things into the Cargo Bay in a hurry. Permission to open the Cargo Hold?
"Okay," Hanako told Sune, turning the fighter back towards the Eucharis. They passed Takeyu on their way in. Hanako parked the fighter and hopped out, opening the blast shutter and passing through the air containment forcefield into the pressurized armor bay, heading straight towards the bridge when a holographic window popped up with Yaichiro's communication.

"Transfer everything but the turrets into the cargo bay," she told Yaichiro. "I will unlock the four damaged turrets from the bridge so they can be swapped with new ones."
"Understood, Taisa."

Yaichiro ordered the DOC open and peeked inside, while having the shuttle run scans of the interior. Finding nothing of note with the scans or by eyeballing the contents, he had Charisma open the Cargo Bay to space and set the robotic arms inside to automatic mode, to follow his voice commands. The Cargo Bay's own force field kept the contents and atmosphere from escaping.

The DOC docked in a semi-clumsy way, but given the DOC's massive size, it was the best he could manage in such a short time. He took his own salvage out of the shuttle and into the cargo bay first, so he needn't worry about it, then proceeded to unload the contents of the DOC into the Eucharis. He sorted them by repair components, personal belongings, etc relatively swiftly -- thanks to the robot arms in the Eucharis' Cargo Bay and the Zero-G environment of the DOC.

All the while, he kept himself as aware of his surroundings as the situation would permit -- if anything was in the DOC with him, he could always turn off the DOC's containment and expose the sides of the DOC doors too wide to meet the cargo bay's own field to hard vacuum. Modern NMX Battle Pods and Bomber Pods were automated and wouldn't show as life forms, after all, and he had already seen one today.
"Irenika-Hei, what is the delay? The Taisa said we were to operate in pairs. You said you were ready to go, didn't you?"

"Ahh! Gomen Shosa... I'll get right to it." Nika sighed, noting how often she had been spacing out as she made her way out of the ship via the shuttle bay. By the time she made it to the cargo bay, Yaichiro had already loaded the salvaged cargo into the bay.

The only thing left to do right now is to make sure the damaged turrets are being replaced...
There was a small, muted 'clang' as Takeyu cut away the shuttle bay door. "That's one," he said and thought for a moment, it had only taken him a few minutes to cut away the door and this one was the most damaged of the two.

He glanced over his shoulder for a moment in thought; though by cutting the door away he probably gave any potential hostiles a nice clean shot into the shuttle bay, then again, he also gave the shuttle itself much more room to get inside without worrying of scraping the hull.

With that done he hurried for the power armor entrance and passed through the atmospheric containment field, he dogged the electric wielder in the damage control center and started straight for engineering.
Junko stood up with a start, hitting her head against a pipe hanging from the overhead. Her final check of Power Systems was almost done but the Captain's orders were far more important. With most systems offline, the Eucharis had been caught with her proverbial pants around her ankles; in any case, she wasn't ready for a fight. Junko ditched the repair kit next to one of the capacitors and triggered the hatch back to the Mainspace. Diving through headfirst she made use – a rare instance, for her – of her innate gravity/inertia manipulation abilities, slowing and reorienting herself to land feet first on the deck below.

She sprinted toward the main displays, skidding to a halt as she brought up the System Override screen. Her hands flew as confirmation codes were input and system boot queues were arranged. Prepared, she picked up a handset next to the display and triggered the ship-wide circuit. ”Attention, all hands. Standby for crash restart of primary systems. Those in contact with power conduits or machinery with exposed wiring are advised to immediately extricate themselves. Main power restart sequence will begin on my mark in five... four... three... two... one... mark.” Her hand hit the volumetric key and she stepped back, watching as the automated systems processes took over.
Once Hanako had landed the fighter, and cleared the cockpit Sune released his harness and vaulted out of the cockpit to land on the deck. He took off after Hanako, Other than these people are salvaging illegally most likely, and are interested in avoiding us, we still have no idea who they are. The Taisa is convinced they mean us harm, but their response could be defensive. Best case scenario a first contact, worst case pirates. And the Eucharis is far from battle ready. he thought as he made his way to the bridge.

He stepped onto the bridge, and removed the helmet from his AMES. He paused for a moment trying to decide which of the bridge stations would suit him best. Sune then went to the Systems and Safety monitoring station, and entered his access code and initialized the console. All primary systems are offline, we are dead in the water if the unknowns prove to be hostile. no... wait.. Engineering has initiated a ship wide system start up. That is a good start, now just need to wait to see what shape we are in once we complete power up. He crossed the bridge and took his place at the Science station. At the moment, information was the most critical to his way of thinking. Locating the ships, and determining their status were paramount for Hanako to make wise decisions.

"Commencing sensor array initialization, Taisa. Will commence full scan when main power is available." he called out.
Taisa Hanako shed her AMES suit and took her place in the familiar gray seat at the center of the small red bridge, monitoring the ship via volumetric display as the systems all came back on line. Things were not perfect, but they were not that bad either, thanks the to the efforts of Junko, Kumiko, Takeyu, and Yachiro. Slowly Hanako turned the ship to face the direction of the unknown salvagers.

"Sune, conduct a sector sweep. Yaichiro, report with a list of shuttles and repair pods still deployed and contact the rest of the crew, excluding the night shift, to see what everyone is doing and where they are. Aendri, perhaps you could talk to our special guest in the medial lab?"
"Aye Taisa," Sune called out as he initiated the requested scan. Meanwhile he pulled up the data from the Systems Monitor station. He had the system only show him the systems that were compromised, main cannon offline, port side secondary engine inoperative, majority of the Quad Cannons are offline, that leaves us with diminished maneuvering capability, and the positron cannons and Dual Gun Turrets, hull is still weakened in many spots. The question now was how many of the Quad cannons could the damage control teams swap out before we need them. Since providing the Taisa with consolidated information was now part of his job description, Sune sent the status summary to her station.
OOC: NMX-captured Type 30 Akira-class Hoverbike (S Elysia, TC: 44-60, IC: 2697-4377-99)

Yaichiro finished unloading the rest of the cargo into the Cargo Bay, save for the turrets, and gave a sigh. Something then drifted into the DOC, and clattered across the inside. Yaichiro blinked and looked at the item, one of the Akira hoverbikes that Gally-Shoi had pointed out before the Fredrick had been destroyed. He briefly inspected its condition for a brief few seconds, before quickly loading it inside the Cargo Bay as well. It was very strange that the last piece of debris he was going to salvage before that time would be pushed right back to him -- likely accelerated by the force of the Fredrick's explosion.

It was then he saw Irenika-Hei finally launch, and pondered for a moment. Though she was a Starship operator, all Nekos had Power Armor training. It was mandatory. He sent her a communication in reply.

"We've received an unknown contact on sensors, so salvaging's called off. I need to get the turrets left in this container swapped out with the damaged ones. Can you be my muscle moving them around and into position?"

As he got out of the Cargo Bay and back toward the shuttle, he received Hanako's message.

"The only craft outside the ship are the Kuma with which I secured and am powering the DOC, the DOC itself, and my Mindy 3A which I loaned Irenika-Hei for salvaging. She is with me at the moment, but I may require further assistance installing the turrets in a timely manner given the number of disabled turrets we have, if it is available. Cargo loading is complete. As for the status reports, I'll request them right away."

With that, Yaichiro then sent a message out to all crew not on the Night Shift, save for Hanako, as well as Irenika-Hei whom he was with.

"This is Kage-Shosa. The Taisa requests a status report from all of you. Where are you and what is your current task?"
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