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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fifteen: Harae

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YSS Akagi
Shuttle Bay - Deck 1
YE 40

Seeing nothing along her way to the shuttle bay and nothing to indicate any rush to get away, Elenor listened in on the call for those willing to go onto a planet. That was a job she was definitely more suited for, training-wise. "Hei Herrick here. Deck 1 seems relatively empty, and shuttle bay is still bottled up. Also, requesting permission for the planetary excursion. I figure my training would be more useful there than up here." She says, giving the shuttle bay one last sweep of her tactical light. She would wait only long enough to find out if she was given the green light to join the planet team, and where she needed to be to link up with them for the away mission.
YSS Akagi

Klaus listened to Belmont-chui's message, stopped moving and turned to his companion.

"Well, what do you want to do, sir? While I believe supporting the away team is important, my gut tells me there's something more to this "ghost ship." He said, frowning. Quite frankly the ship unsettled him. Like an explosive device that didn't detonate, the tension was palpable and getting higher. Klaus wanted to investigate the ship further to make sure it was safe.

"You are of higher rank than me. Whatever the call I'll back it up, Oaklen-hei." But Klaus was a soldier. And soldiers needed to trust their superiors.

Now an away team was being sent to the planet as well as the ship team? Still Ragnar’s number hadn’t come up. Bored of the reps and choosing to hide the dumbbells behind some heavier diagnostic equipment; the large medic had a fun idea but figured he’d get an official note in before committing to more foolery.

Turning the music off and keying the comms to include the medics and command; “Already got two meds on the mission, but do you reckon you’ll need a third on scene? Doesn’t seem like anything’s gonna happen on the ship.” He rasped into the comm trying to stifle the sounds of putting his uniform and side arm back in order.

Before waiting for a response he grabbed a emergency medkit and an empty duffel. More than likely he’d be told to stay behind because it only made sense to have a medic on standby; especially in wartime. Doesn’t leave many people in the halls, Ragnar thought with a childish smirk as he began a short patrol down the halls that would lead him past the dojo and training area.
"Not unless they need us. Again we're the only ones down here, and I'd rather not leave this deck unchecked. Let's start with the rec room. Then we'll go from there. The reason we're still searching is for that exact reason, this place isn't right, and I intend to find out.", Mark said with a shake of the head. He really wasn't liking this place, and he wanted to know why. But he had a terrible feeling that he wasn't going to like it, and that there was something behind the armory doors maybe.

"We should get moving. I want quick, but thorough sweeps. I'll take right, you take left, NSBs in first before clearing doors. We do this textbook.", He added before leading the way with weapons ready, "Oaklen to bridge team, checking in. Me and Klaus are heading to clear the rec room, then do the same with each room accordingly. Will give regular updates."
YSS Akagi
Kiki looked into the generator, taking notice of the dust that was inside. Strange, how did that get in here if the generator was sealed? Kiki thought. Even more perplexingly, it didn't look like anything was wrong besides dust having gotten inside, but something had to be wrong if it wouldn't start! "This one looks oddly normal, though somehow dust got inside of it," she told Odo. "I can't see anything else in here to indicate something's wrong with the generator." The birb responded to Alastair's comm message saying "If it's okay I'd like to stay on the ship as well, I don't know why these generators aren't working and how dust managed to get inside."
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi ignored a lot of people when she said, "Engineers on the YSS Akagi, this is Kaiyō actual. I want you to do a life form scan on this dust, or at least in its vicinity. Please do it on the filter setting for class of life form."

She tightened her jaw before she looked to Asuka and the Chusa narrowed her deep blue eyes at the adorable red-head.

Asuka spoke quickly after catching the glare from the captain, "I'm not getting anything new on sweeps."

"We have a stealthed eye probe out there, you might get point to point communications from it," Hoshi said after a deep sigh leapt out her mouth on a channel to the two white panels leading the planet's team. "Comm lines are to remain open unless necessitated. Now that you are moving crew onto the planet, the ship will move to a position between the YSS Akagi and the planet. Enjoy a safe voyage there and report back in when you're on the surface."

Hoshi cut the line out in her digital mind and looked to the blue one on the bridge and asked without looking away from a few clustered viewscreens on the bridge, "Helm, did you hear that? I want a variable route, as well. Don't hold any position unless the crew needs to come back aboard, okay, Grav?"

Her unsettled blue eyes darted from the screens to Gravity's face, looking into her golden eyes. The Chusa looked like she had brightened moods suddenly, but when her eyes met Gravity's yellow ones, she took in a breath and grimaced, then her light blue brows sprung together and, blinking, she looked away. Her pink lips opened and she spoke quickly.

"Oaklen-hei, this is Kaiyō actual, I want the wardroom looked over. Will you be in that section of the ship in the next quarter of an hour? If not, delegate the task to survey the wardroom elsewhere. Please keep me updated, thank you."

Sighing once more in the past few string of orders, Hoshi's moved deeper into her chair, then said suddenly, "Kamikaze-taii, I want you on the derelict ship. Let Belmont-chui lead the team on the planet and have yourself command our crew on the YSS Akagi."

"Understood, Captain. I will be on the Akagi momentarily." Kamikaze went on inside of her Mindy 4 armor, "What would you like those I was to lead from the ship to the planet to do?"

"Belmont-chui will be contacting them shortly with my orders to assist him on the planet surface, still, Taii." Hoshi said

She then opened comms to Alastair, "This is your show, now, as Kamikaze-taii will be commanding the YSS Akagi away team. Those she was going to escort to the surface will be meeting you there, still, but will need to hear that from you. Your team on the surface is just that- your team. Make sure you bring them back, Belmont."

"Understand, Chusa," Kamikaze had said in reply, then over speaker and comms to those around her in the power armor bay, said, "I will be commanding the team on the Akagi. I believe Belmont-chui will soon be advising of the best route to his likely position, though. I'll wait around until he has touched base with you, it's not like that ghost ship is going anywhere."

Meanwhile, Boss replied to Odo, "I will have my avatar bring spare portable aether generators to your position."
YSS Akagi
Med Bay

Sacre kept the entire med team and everyone in the Med Bay in the loop as they worked. "We haven't found what actually killed them yet." Sacre cautioned Saya as they autopsies continued. "We'll need to work up a sensor profile for the dymylinization and monitor everyone for it. Even without killing them, it can do some nasty things. We can bring them back here to monitor them if it appears. I don't know how fast it worked, so we'll probably have to split up to monitor everyone."
YSS Akagi

Life form scan the dust? Surely they dont think.....that cant be the missing crew? He thought.

While he was setting the scanner to life form. he got a reply from boss. "Thanks." he replied, and turned his scanner on the dust, waiting to see what it would uncover.
YSS Kaiyo II
Shuttle Bay

"Acknowledged." Mikael simply responded from inside of his mindy. He didn't really have much to say beyond that. His time in the infantry got him prepared for "hurry up and wait" tasks. The not knowing is what did bother him. Despite being SAINT, he doesn't eavesdrop on all of the other channels. Though if he was able to find a way to split his consciousness and not get caught, he likely would. Would certainly save a lot of time and effort.
YSS Akagi
Bridge - Captains Quarters

Alastair let out a small sigh as he got the new orders that he would be going to the planet without Kamikaze. He was hoping to show off his mad leading skills but no biggie. He would lead his planet team to success.

"Taiyou-Chusa I shall do as commanded and bring the team back safely." He said in reply directly back to her. He then opened a private comm link to Kamikaze. "Take care on the ship, is some weird stuff going on. My away team is yours to command. Lets be sure to come back so we can have a celebration drink." She could not see it but maybe she could hear his smile.

He put back on his poker face and looked down the list of crew who were going to the planet. He opened comms to all of those who had signed up on this job. "Alright team, those on the ship going to the planet we are going to teleport outside the ship and fly to the planet. Those coming from the ship we shall wait for you near the Akagi. Hold till we all meet up outside the Akagi. I will be sending coordinates in just a moment. "Alastair let out a small sigh as he was a little relieved to be getting off this ship. Something about this place just did not sit well with him at all.

"Taiyou-Chusa do you have landing coordinates for us to follow to the planet?" He asked in a soft voice.

Saya nodded as she heard Sacre's words, and quickly she brought up the Mindy sensors for the rest of the away team.

"How do you want to split them up ma'am?" Already Saya was working through a way to monitor what they could in regards to the disease which seemed apparent in those that had been among the Akagi. She let out a small sigh as she wondered just what they had gotten into in coming to the ship as she looked back to the bodies on the tables in the medbay.

"Is there anything you would like me to assist in with the autopsies?" She asked Sacre after a moment, trying to find out as much as she could about dymylinization while at the same time trying to build a sensor suite to send to the other Mindy suits of the away team so they could be monitored. It was times like this she was thankful for the power of the Nekovalkyrja brains and their ability to multi-task.

Ignored, sounds about right. Ragnar checked in, no one had anything to say, and no one was dying in the halls. He was doing his job so no one could complain. Helped that no one was too keen in checking the heavier and no longer empty duffel. Sure the ship or anyone in security checking feeds would know he pilfered a few more weights and several curl bars; however Boss and the crew were much busier with the actual mission to bother with one bored medic on a mission to becoming an even more imposing figure.

Turns out, Ragnar learned, if you look like you can toss a fridge with ease and speak in low growls it keeps liers and whiners away from medbay, mission essential resources, and most importantly; Ragnar. Stripped to the waist within a few seconds and music playing again, the big man returned to his working out and listening for trouble over the comms.
YSS Akagi

Huh... a life form scan? On this dust? Strange, but Kiki didn't know anything about the dust so Hoshi might have a more of an idea of what it was than she did. The cockatoo glanced at Odo, then took out her scanner and set it to life form, scanning the dust around the primary generator.
Mark and Klaus had no incident in reaching the rec-room, only to find it empty and dark. It was like everywhere else they had searched already, even though the number of searched areas was few. The only thing that was possibly even of note worthiness was the layer of oppressive dust coating the entirety of the compartment. "I really really am starting to feel uncomfortable about this place. Most of the ship has been searched and yet we still have found zilch in the way of answers.", Mark reiterated with a sigh.

Then the Captain's orders came over the comm line, at least relieving him of having to choose the next likely empty space to waste time exploring. "Klaus and I are on deck 2, just finished sweeping the rec-room. Still nothing, uncomfortably so. We can redirect to deck 1 and check it out. heading there now captain, Oaklen out.", he answered before turning to Klaus, "You heard the woman, back to deck 1 for now."

Mark gave the man a nod and a wave as he headed back out and towards the lift.
YSS Kaiyō II

Boss had done something different with her hair since she had last been seen by Kaiyō crew. It was streaked with pale fragments of blue within her deep blue locks and the ends splayed obtrusively outwards over her her shoulders and above her chest. Her Type 35's grey panels seemed unworn and not over-washed like some on the crew's uniforms. Her smokey eyes were closed as she walked from her MEGAMI room to the med bay.

Most of the time the Emma bots were able to keep the Fuji-class up to standards and the engineers of the ship were more than capable of taking care of the ship's needs for Boss. She had once been collecting dust of the standard variety on the outside of her coffin-like box in the MEGAMI room, but was now standing outside of the medical center, expressionless. At the opening of the doors, her lips pursed and her thin, arched eyebrows pressed towards her small and squared nose. Boss' fingers twitched in a wave before each of her ten toes flexed and contracted in her glossy black dress shoes, constricted marginally by her opaque cadet blue tights. The ship's avatar breathed in deeply and a bright smile quickly replaced the look of severe concentration on her face.

When her bright orange eyes had settled on Ragnar, she spoke, "I did that! I mean, I didn't utilize System Control. But I still did it," her diminutive eyebrows flexed above her bright, almond-shaped eyes as she went on, "with my body." Her eyes fluttered downwards and after taking herself in, she said, "I am Yontô Hei Boss, the YSS Kaiyō I and II's MEGAMI. I wanted to ask you personally what," a wide smile had crept across her face, "you are doing to my Medical Center."

YSS Akagi

Alastair received a voice communication from Hoshi, "Belmont-chui, I advise against flying in to the building at this time. The dense gaseous thunder hurricanes that are on most of the planet's surface have a potential to interfere with the Mindy's systems. We have the time to send our probe in the area in to the planet's tumultuous atmosphere to test that theory going around the bridge. Conversely, you can have a small group teleport to outside of the building or you could even teleport into it, though I would further like to advise you if you go with that latter option. If you have other ideas, feel free to carry those out, too. I am having a coordinate packet sent of the building and its surrounding areas."

Hoshi switched to Mark's line and said, "Good."

Medical Bay

Kamikaze had comm'd in to Sacre's armor and asked, "Is there anything I can bring for your medical team from our ship, Sanssinia-heisho? I am currently waiting for the ship's avatar and the paramedic. Maybe he's seen something like this during disaster relief, who knows? While I wait, though, anything you need?"


Science scanners showed there was life of the "Archaea" classification within the scanner's vicinity. If this filter's range was broadened, it would show that of all of the similarly identified classifications of the Kaiyō crew that were on the YSS Akagi, which were all within the 100 meter omnidirectional range of this type of scan, showed up, too. When the scan's range was narrowed to centimeters and put in front of the dust on surfaces, the Archaea class was seen. If Goda Odo turned the scanner on Kiki it would say, "Animal" for him to read.
YSS Kaiyo II

Just before William was about to launch, he stopped dead in his tracks as if possessed. In his mind, everything went black...

The nepleslian blinked rapidly and looked around, only to find himself surrounded by a pool of water that seemed to stretch on into the horizon. He stood and looked around. Everything was pitch black around him, except for the water which seemed to almost glow. He called out. "Hello? Is anyone there!?" He began to walk, each step causing ripples across the pool of water that he found himself in.

As he continued on, he first found Eden. "Aunty?!" He cried. He ran to her, but before he could wrap his hands around her, Eden turned into water and evaporated before his very eyes. William collapsed to the floor and tried to scoop up the water. "No! NO!!! Come back, Aunty. Come back!!!!!" He screamed. He sobbed hard as figures began to appear around. People who he had once cared for, but who had either died or abandoned him again.

The Nepleslian wailed, slamming his fists into the water over and over until he felt sick to his stomach.

He finally came to, and fell out the back of his armor. He was covered in sweat and spewed his guts all over the deck. He gasped for air as he finally finished retching and found that he was alone in the bay.

"Shit... Damn shit." He cursed as he wiped his face of the bile and stepped into his armor. The Air 2 closed around him and connected to his ports once more. "William, deploying." He said as he stepped out into space and fired his thrusters.

He cleared his mind of any thoughts, only thinking of the mission. "Sorry for the delay. Who needs support? Otherwise I will provide overwatch outside of the ship." He said over the away team's squad channel.
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The music had gone from the random melodic beats to the more criminal verse based songs on Ragnar’s playlist as he finished a particularly challenging set of presses; standing straight up and thrusting 200kg over his head. Tossing the bar down in defiance and adopting an aggressive posture in silent victory he had not noticed the other crewmen walking up behind him.

Spinning around at the sound of her voice, barely registering her question at first. Only blinking three times while registering the situation. “Bwaaah!” He exclaimed before rushing to the door and quickly glancing both ways to make sure no one was coming down the halls. He turned back to the avatar of Boss while grabbing his undershirt and covering his pectorals much akin to a schoolgirl walked in on during a bath.

“No offense, Boss; but could you announce your presence a bit better?” He growled angrily while trying to hide steadily reddening cheeks. “Don’t know if you noticed bit fraternization is rampant on this ship; and cute thing like yourself may be spoken for so this looks seven kinds of awkward...” He blustered, honestly not looking for some misconception leading to crew bitterness.

Sliding the undershirt on and getting the work uniform secured, he cracked a broad grin before actually addressing the ship’s question. “It’s a damn good rig up, bud. However, it was a bit sterile so I got a few things ready in case of trauma calls or emergencies.” He said pointing to the stations he prepared for every medic to use in a moments notice; gloves, gowns, first aid rigs all laid out. Then changing a glance at the bar on the floor and the few hiding spots he’d chosen for other equipment, he winked at Boss.

“You gotta keep the other stuff to yourself. It’s good for physical rehab and I’m playing a bit of a prank for morale sake. With recent losses, the captains war cry, and constant stress the crews on edge. I’m in no position...yet, to address that as widely as I’d like.” He handed her the weight bar and gestures the room. “I’ll clean it all out if you insist; but I reckon you caring for this medbay personally like that you have an understanding of field medicine and how that’s no always pills and bandages. Give Sacre something weird to spot and a mystery for Saya, skittish and unfamiliar as she is. Might not fix the problem but it’s a step.” He hoped he was pleading a good case. He’d know if Boss helped hide away the bar or if she tossed it back and lectured him on protocols and codes.

Arguing emotion with a ship, that’s a new one.
YSS Akagi

Klaus followed Oaklen to the lift, feeling nervous about their findings, or rather the lack thereof. They moved to the hallway, sweeping every nook and cranny for some clue to what had happened. But they had found nothing so far. As the soldiers found the lift and punched the button for deck 1, they enjoyed a brief respite. Deciding now was as good as anytime to make small talk, Klaus spoke, hoping to clear the tension of this whole scenario.

"So have you seen anything like this before, sir?", he asked eager to know more about his fellow soldier.
YSS Akagi

The scanner came back with the classification of Archaea. He played around with the scanner, making sure that he was actually getting a accurate read.

How did the Captain know about this.

"Kaiyo, Odo-hei." He opened up a com link. "You were right, its detecting life. Im linking my scanner up and sending the data over to you. Can we get science to analyze it? Im sorry, im just a little out of my depth."
YSS Akagi

"We're going for a little bit of a drop, huh? Better than being this tomb's next victims," she says, feeling a brief surge of excitement. Even within the Mindy there was just something primal about being in flight in an atmosphere. Anyone could, and did, bob around in low grav. Even if the atmosphere would eat them without the armor it was still appealing to her avian sensibilities.
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