Hangar 5
Walter Hyde leered at the L'Kor vessel, analyzing what he could look at. Come on, come on, give me something, what are the shields supposed to be?!, he thought, gritting his teeth teeth in worry, doing what he can to keep himself together.
His eyes look over at the engines; they emitted a bright, blue energy, growing in power. Alright, this most likely runs on Aether power; therefore, the shields of this vessel must be of the Spacial Distortion variety. A good all-rounder with the cost of being the most power-consuming of the three known shield-types. That being said, I could leave this job to the Kaiyo II, but...
"This is going to be a tricky job, Miles. It is most likely running on Spacial Distortion shielding, judging from the engines alone, so we need to bombard a small area with both physical and beam attacks!", Walter said through his power armor. His hybrid weapon swapped into Sword Mode, his Aether cannons were primed for fire, and he flew right at the shield. "Fire at the area around me!"
Walter's cannons fired away, bombing the shields of the gunship, their spread becoming tighter as he got closer. His NSBs flew around the Saber, and they proceeded to fire as well at the same spot. Using the maneuvering power of his suit, and the literal fire power of his femtomachines, Walter began to spin at a high rotation per minute, colliding with the Distortion shield.
Walter Hyde, the human drill, is now giving everything he has over one small section of the gunship; right over the area of the closed ramp.