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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission San: Kaizen!

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Anastasia was prepared to leave as soon as Meissa announced the hull breach. She took partial lead out of the hole in the hull, being one of the few injured. She nervously kept quiet on her exit, looking back at the cries of the Neko infantry squadron over Miya's death, shivering. She warped forwards with the rest of the away team roster, to the safety of the controlled space outside the Kaiyō.

Anastasia took a moment to spin around on her suddenly, relaxing drift back towards the Kaiyō, watching the weapons of the Plumeria unload in a holy blaze of color and light. The battleship hell they'd just been through was now going up in an inferno as the metal beast collapsed and exploded, the reactor she may as well been hugging only moments ago destabilizing in a catastrophic crash. She let out a long sigh into her helmet, her diced right wing twitching.

She almost forgot about that.
Power Armor Bay

"No, you don't like my armor" Amanozako stated flatly, frowning as the voice of the ship's AI suddenly called out, ordering them to abort launching.

"And seems we're scrubbed anyways" she said, her frown deepening. She didn't even know why she had bothered. Though the thought of blasting out of the ship and taking her chances in escaping out in space momentarily tugged at the back of her mind. She sighed and pulled herself out of the Reaper and started dressing once more. Why had she even bothered, she again thought and eyed William.
Power Armor Bay

William was shocked at Amanozako's declaration, and he frowned. His eyes cast downwards and he began walking away for her to redress. He stopped at the door with his back still to her. "Please forgive me Ms. Amanozako... I will leave you alone... Thank you for attempting to show me how the PAs work." He said softly as he exited.

Now... how to find his way back to the bridge...
Power Armor Bay

Amanozako paused, watching William retreat back to the hatch. She sighed and rolled her eyes and grumbled a few choice things under her breath, then called over to him. "Get back over here" she said, her voice carrying across the bay. "I'll show you how these things work"
Power Armor Bay

William stopped and turned back around. He looked confused for a second, then he let himself smile slightly. "Hai..." He said returning to the bay and stepping up to Amanozako. "Thank you..." William replied, bowing ever so slightly.
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