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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission San: Kaizen!

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Outside the Bridge

"I see" Amanozako hissed. Her red eyes would have burned holes through the guard if it had been possible. "I am not here to waste my time making idle chat with some door guard" she snapped, her fists balling up."You will let me through to speak with the captain" she growled. "Or get your captain and bring them out here, if you think your precious bridge is too secret for me to see"
Hearing Meissa's suggestion, Mat piped up. "If we want to we can cut through the hull. Or..." He said hesitantly, "We can look for the nearest gun battery with our NSBs and blow it up."
Outside the Bridge:

William took a step forward so that he and his mother were side by side. "Why don't you just tell me what you wish to tell the Captain and I go tell her? Because you are not going on the bridge, and the captain can not leave the bridge in a combat situation." He said in a disinterested manner, his face not betraying his true emotion. He was truly scared. She could take William out in a mere instant. His hand gripped his one of his swords, his other hung by his side.
L'kor barracks

Yoshida turned towards the others, and hummed quietly as she shimmied on by towards the barracks exit. As she checked her map, it appeared to be the one leading to the hallway away from the bridge, but would still allow them to reach the engineering room. She quickly peaked around the corner down the hall with her NSBs to check it out just incase there was an angry sniper waiting at the other end. "I don't think that we should take the hall to the bridge, It leads to the command center AND the engineering room, I'd put a lot more of my people there then on any secondary exits. We should take this hall instead! Or we could cut through untill we reach the engineering bay, I think it isn't too far from th ebarracks in a straight line."
L'Kor Battleship Albatross: Leaving Barracks Behind

Mitsuko winced inside of her suit as Yoshida immediately turned around and melted the doors to slag behind them. She had expected that would be the Infantry Neko's response, and had hoped to temper her enthusiasm with Carter's expertise. Apparently his mouth wasn't as quick as her trigger finger. She began leading the group further inside, towards the unidentified area of the ship between them and Engineering.

"Nashira-Hei, if the Kaiyo can fire through the enemy's shields to hit the ship itself, their weapons would do far more damage than ours. One extra hole would not do much good." There was a brief pause, as she tried to incorporate some of the eager soldier's suggestion into their plan. "...however, once we've reached Engineering and disabled their defenses, breaching the hull there would expedite our return to the Kaiyo." She'd ordered the doors behind them sealed, after all.

With the way behind them hopefully blocked, she maneuvered Meissa, Yoshida and Matsuvo in front. There was another door to open and a room to clear beyond, and she had a feeling it wouldn't be as empty as the last...
L'Kor Battleship Albatross

With the way behind them sealed, Carter shifted his attention forward, towards the next likely threat. "If we're going to engineering next. It may also be prudent to seal off the door leading from the bridge to this barracks, to cut off a potential flanking route." He pointed toward the doorway on the other side of the barracks. "Alternatively, we could leave an explosive surprise, and have one of Meissa's NSBs watching the door so that she can pull the trigger remotely if someone tries to flank that way. Either way, we need to keep moving before they can divert whatever other forces they have onboard to intercept us."
"Well, one thing's for certain. Engineering next?" Meissa asked. "We could just melt some doors shut and break them open later."
She continued dragging that dead body around, but now by the neck instead of skewered like a piece of chicken over a fire.
Exiting L'Kor Barracks

Anastasia followed in line with the others, listening quietly. She kept an eye out for anything that stood out to her, as if somewhat agitated. She kept a level head, and responded to Mitsuko and Carter. "Melting doors will slow them down but won't stop them. Last time we encountered their ship, they self destructed..."

Her voice trailed off for a moment.
"Should we be worried about that?"

The in-ship monitors quickly picked up activity inside of the barracks and soldiers were sent from the hangar opposite them that they had not come from as well as from the back of the ship. They didn't know that as they made their way through the hall to engineering, which was clear for them to proceed through. What was on the other side of the door at the end of the hallway was something that only their imaginations and NSB's could determine.

Outside of the Bridge

"You may speak to her through me," Rei said after asking the captain what she would like her to do. This is what Taii Teien Eden would agree to. "She says you are welcome to speak to her outside of a combat situation, that in the future she would like you to have more of a role in such matters, but at this time the situation has developed in ways she did not foresee and she can't add an unknown variable to the situation as it has progressed at the current time." Rei added, "Those are her words, not mine. Do you have any to offer her?"
Albatross-Totally Empty Hall

Yoshida kept a sharp eye out as the group marched down the hall, eager for the chance to do battle in the name of Yamatai. As she marched she decided to send one of the NSBs up ahead of them, checking out the, largely empty hallway untill they reached the door. Her tail swishing all the while, as she practically glided across the hallway, the tips of her toes barely grazing the floor like she was some kind of ice skater, she leveled her aether gattling gun on the door, but continued to advance, cautiously. "Loooks like a door, Who is going to do the knocking, Murakami-Heisho?"

Though even as she asked she was looking to Meissa, ready to watch as she would presumabely, plant some shaped charges and make the door fly at whoever was on the other side. Yoshida knew that they would only have a few moments before they and the enemey were thrust into the dance of death, with pretty lasers and tracer fire criss crossing the hall. "I wonder if we'll get to bring one of the L'kor back home with us."
Orion stayed near the back of the group, gun in hand, and visibly nervous,tapping his left foot on the floor to release stress. He just looked at the group while they were strategizing, analizying everything.
Outside the Bridge

Amanozako could tell when she was not wanted somewhere, that she was unwanted baggage that was better left bottled up in a dark corner unseen and unheard. She really was a prisoner, even if the door to her cell was unlocked and the shackles hidden away, the prison was still there. She wanted to charge at this guard who denied her everything. To throttle their neck and and squeeze the life from them with her bare hands. Then this boy, whoever or whatever he was, who had tried to sidle into the encounter, she wanted to smash his golden haired skull into the bulkhead and grind it into the hardened metal.

But that would get her killed. She would take out a few people, at least, before she was killed, but she would be killed. So no, she would not kill these two, for now, even though her fists shook with impotent rage and she ground her teeth in frustration. She turned away and stalked off, back to her prison cell, without another word.
Outside of the Bridge

"What do you want me to do about the NMX Neko?" Rei asked the captain telepathically.

"She has a Reaver we fixed up. She has a room. She can go to either as she pleases." Teien Eden replied.

"Yame!" Rei said aloud, opening up a hand, raising it, and pressing her palm into the air as she did. "You have a place on this ship, but that place is not yet the bridge. Would you like to assist in the battle in another way?"

Realizing she didn't know how to address her, she added, "What is your name?" Knowing to give the NMX Neko something in return, she said, "Watashi wa Rei desu. I am Rei."
Albatross Hallways

Anastasia continued in line behind most of the infantry, rifle at the ready by her hip. Her mind was continuing to wonder about the risk of a self-destruct, and it made her worried. She tried to block the thought from her mind, pressing forwards. She scanned the hallway for anything to take her mind off it.
"I have a stupid idea." Meissa quipped. She had no idea if this would work, but it certainly would rub salt in the wounds of their current adversaries. "What if we activate self-destruct procedures of this ship? Then we know when things go boom and we can escape on time."
Albatross, Outside Engineering

Mitsuko was certainly worried about the possibility of the L'Kor deciding to sacrifice themselves and their ship to take out the Star Army soldiers inside, and possibly damage the Kaiyo or other nearby ships. She was making a mental list of ways to avoid this scenario, or at least escape in time, but kept it to herself for the moment. Along with the lists of how they might be ambushed, or how things might go badly in Engineering, or how stumbling into this small fleet might have been a trap to delay them long enough for an even larger force to arrive, or the several other catalogs of worries she had running right next to her mental map of the enemy ship and its contents.

"Our drones do not possess the range or charge to act as lookouts for an extended period of time, unfortunately." Yoshida already had the right idea in mind. "Nashira-Hei will breach the door. Kokoro-Hei will lay down covering fire while we enter. Jones-Hei will bring up the rear." She paused for another moment, considering other suggestions. "We do not have time to understand their systems and learn to utilize their self-destruct procedures. However, whatever we find powering their ship, I'm certain our Technicians will know how to overload it." She sighed. "That will have to do..."
Outside the Bridge

Amanozako paused in her stalk back to her cabin and half turned, shooting an icy glanced over her shoulder at the guard.

"And how would you people let me assist in the battle?" she responded, though she did not let the guard know her name. She doubted they would let her have weapons.
"Breach the door, you say," Meissa replied. Her detonator finger was reaching critical mass, and her voice was reaching critical sass with all of that ego and...whatever. "How big of a hole?"
Despite all of that, Meissa still set up the explosives. Some on the door's frame to knock it off, and a good chunk on the center of the door to smack whatever unfortunate soul was stupid enough to stand in the path.
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Yoshida looked on and shrugged her shoulders, relaxing the muscles as she readjusted her stance into a wider, almost classic Gatling gun wielding stance while Meissa worked. She hoped the L'kor wouldn't react fast enough to fire through the hole in the few moments they'd have after the breach, especially if they were using heavy weaponry that could punch through sheilds. Not for her own saftey no, but for those around her once more.

She sighed a little and shook away her distracting thoughts of her friends coming under lethal fire, and wrapped her tail around her leg rather than let ot hang around. Nor did she stand on the tips of her toes- something like that would only make her a marginally bigger target at this point. "So how is everyone feeling?" She asked over the comms as she prepared to squeeze that trigger and rev up her weapon, waiting for the word from meissa.
"I'm gonna chuck this body through the door." Meissa replied to her Neko friend. "When the body goes through and shit hits the fan, someone should do the math and calculate where every enemy is. Then we launch a precise counterattack."

Meissa also took the time to draw a little bit of 'art' on the dead body she was hauling around. 'Art' roughly translating to multiple vulgar, obscene, and downright rude statements about the L'Kor and their mothers in Yamataigo.
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