Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

"Hey Shas, nice to see at least one of us returned to normal. Sorry about you having to see that.", Mark said mildly surprised, his words genuine as he was happy she had come back to her old self.

He gave the Neko a timid thumb up as he finished his brief greeting, and apology before returning his attention to Riku.
Wyatt's helmet pivoted around to the neko and a very audible sigh could be heard, "as far as I'm concerned you had a minor lapse in judgement that was out of your control before your weapon misfired harmlessly into the environment, we keep that odd dependency of yours in line and get the mission done then there is no reason for me to complain let alone hold resentment" Wyatt spoke in response once Mark had gone back to his own conversation. He really didn't have any issues with Shasse, but he hoped that if it came down to it, she may forgive him if she put him in a position that required... physical means to resolve, the minkan cracked each of the knuckles on his free hand with his thumb.
Dolphin was fine. An animal that relied more on trickery and teamwork than brute force. Kyoi felt the name was nice, as she hopped into the pilot’s seat.

“No additional supplies, then.” Kyoi stated as her team filed into their seats. She checked over her HUD, the names expressed very simply with armament data. She felt a small adrenaline rush — most infantry reported either that (or peeing their pants) on their first mission out — as she checklisted the systems, reciting each part to the team.

“Clear to go. Dolphin Kuma, ready to launch.” she ended as she sighed, tapping the controls gently. “Let’s hope I haven’t forgotten how to fly a CFS.”

Such a statement was useless. She never forgot how to fly a shuttle, or a Fuji, or an anything. It was simply an attempt at humor...and to freak out the ones who didn’t know how Nekovalkyria minds functioned.
YSS Kaiyo

Nope, Walter has lost all faith that this mission would go nice and normal. Why didn't he push to keep his position on Ayenee when he had the chance? Why didn't he even do his research on this dumb ship when he had the chance? He had too many chances, and he wasted them all just doing the routines he liked.

You know what, no. Walter Hyde did not want a repeat on last mission, especially around people he didn't even know, let alone understood. He's going to make his voice heard, and these two will understand every word he says. His fists clenched so tight that his Mindy suit faintly creaked from the stress that Walter put on it, before finally splaying his hands on his knees. The larger-than-average Minkan sat straighter, his hands on his thighs, and turned his head right to his squad leader. Walters expression is obscured by the Mindy's helmet, but his blazing orange eyes are staring holes right through her.

"Mitsuko-juni, can I suggest that you stop talking down to a Nitô Hei for choosing to be almost six and a half feet tall? It's like me saying that you shouldn't be wearing a battered Mindy II because it isn't better than the Mindy IV." Walter motioned to her battered armor and unexceptional loadout, and crossed his arms. "Or, you could say it's like the pot calling the kettle black."

Walter glanced back at Miles, lifted the faceplate of his helmet just to give him a eyeroll, and then shut the mask. "At a later time; I'm under the weather."
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Orion got himself into the shuttle, after awhile of waiting. Finally, at least something was going to happen. He decided it would be best not to interrupt the current conversations going on simultaneously inside the shuttle, so he looked around briefly and picked a corner to stay in. Of course, the hawk winged Elysian couldn't bare not to eavesdrop on the rest of his teammates.

"Dolphin? ....It couldve been worse..."
The Elysian thought to himself as he waited in his corner, like the old antisocial days.
YSS Kaiyō II

Something was wrong. The monitoring room wasn't keying in to be able to command the weapons. Thinking it a technical problem, Taiyou Hoshi called to MEGAMI.

"Boss, please have an engineer go to the monitoring room and alleviate Iemochi-heisho's technical difficulties."


Boss said to Kikios, "The Chusa will need you in the monitoring room now to, as she put it, '...alleviate Iemochi-heisho's technical difficulties.'" As that was said, a bit of steam pushed out of a pipe and up into Kikios' uniform while ruffling her feathers.

Power Armor Bay

"Team Dolphin, your designation is verified. Iemochi-juni, please respond," Eden-shosa said over all team comms. Over private comms to herself and the male scientist, she added, "I have asked for your designation and status twice now. What's going on? This isn't the way I wanted to start up again." Absentmindedly, she checked her forearm weapons' alignment on her wrists and stretched, free of handheld weaponry save for a Ketsurui Fleet Yards aether katana that had a kikyō flower adorned tsuba between the grip and blade. She jetted up to the open power armor bay doors so she could look out to the starry space above them. She couldn't see the planet that was below the ship, but she was itching to get to a place where she could.

"Team Kraken, line up at my position," she added aloud to her team to buy time while she waited.

"I hope everything's okay," she added to only the scientist, looking now towards the wall that separated the shuttle and power armor bay.
YSS Kaiyo II
PA Bay

Riku began to speak to Mark again when Eden issued her team to her position. He looked back to Mark, “Well, looks like it’s time to get to work.” He said, giving the man a fist bump on the armor’s right shoulder, striding to where Teiien Eden stood, joining her line. “Hai, Teiien Eden.” He said over team comms, standing at the ready next to Kraken Team’s lead.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Teien Eden looked away from the wall between the shuttle bay and power armor bay doors and quickly but thoughtfully patted Riku on the back once he was close enough.

To him over private comms she spoke, "Mark is a good acquaintance to make a friend. Don't let me stop you from some pre-mission chat, Santô Hei."
YSS Kaiyo II
PA Bay

Riku nodded as Eden spoke. “Thank you, Eden-sama, but I’d rather begin to get into the right headspace for the mission. There will be plenty of time afterwards to talk and make friends among the crew. And,” he added, “Orders are orders.” He replied over private comms with a friendly inflection. And it was true. He needed to be in the right mindset before missions, otherwise he could put the entire team in danger by not fulfilling his marksman role to the best of his ability.

He filed away all non-essential information to areas further back in his brain. He then mentally ran through the process of targeting and firing his shoulder cannon and missile pods at essential targets, using his Aether Rifle to melt enemies to slag with the powerful beam. It may not last long, but it sure was deadly for the 8 seconds the beam could be fired.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Lining up with the others under Eden's command, she was thankful that the XO had come to take control, and offered her a warm salute as she approached. In all reality it felt like an empty gesture, though she kept such thoughts to herself as she glanced about those present in their group. She knew Mark and Eden, and that was simply it, neither of which she knew very well. With Mark, she felt as if he felt closer to her and understood her better than she felt towards him. It made her feel awful, how someone could become her friend and act like he knew her when she felt so little towards him. He was a friend, one she did not know well, and it ate at her core that she could not force herself to feel more.

At first she suffered with dealing with the feelings and problems of sapience, but in recent times they faded, as if the problems had consisted of a single wave and concluded shortly. She knew it was not such a case, considering her problems shifted as she enacted more subroutines towards what surfaced in her body. She shut down so many paths of feeling, so many emotions from arising to a visible level, though at first she still felt them. But as time passed she felt them less, and here she felt them as if they were behind a foggy wall that she'd have to actively push through to truly feel. Was this better? Was feeling so little truly better than feeling too much? She didn't know, but people relied on her, and shecould not be weak in a military, she could not falter.

On the crew were some she did not know, and she felt some sanctity in knowing that it wasn't due to a lack of her attempts unlike the rest of the crew. Riku was new, as they had clearly stated, and appeared eager, both to know the crew and to serve his role well. How much of it was an act? How much hidden fear was behind that smile? Considering he was in Yamatai, it could be that he held no fear depending on how much he believed in the soul transfers and other medical technology, or if he was less trusting, he could be terrified. He was new, so maybe it would show in his actions.

Hanna was another that caught her eye, though she would be lying if she said she claimed she knew a single thing about the girl. A cyan haired neko, and one that, she noted, she almost never saw in the time she had been on board. That could be a mix of her own routine schedule that rarely left certain sections of the ship or a lack of presence of Hanna, or simply a mix of both, but the brief times she had seen her, she had not shared a word. Perhaps it was time to change that.

"Nitô Hei Hanna." She spoke briefly to the Neko lined next to her. "If it does not conflict with future orders, would you mind if we preform as a duo within our team?" It was an odd request, but it was something she was hoping on regardless. While she would do anything to assist her team she felt more comfortable operating on a smaller scale, and having someone on a similar wavelength to directly interact with and preform would ease her spirits. Her voice was artificial as always, but there was an odd tinge to it, not just a kindness, but a tinge of hope, as if she was asking for something she wanted, but did not quite believe she could have.
Mark had lined up with everyone else, and he sneezed as if someone had said his name. Right, that was just an old wives tail though. The young man Riku, was endearing, as he reminded Mark of some of the men he had served with back in the old days.

"Hai Shosa, lights green drop.", Mark said to Eden on a private channel before switching back to Riku on the squad channel.

"Aye, but remember to keep your head on straight, no need to get complacent. Even if a mission seems easy, chances are, something with find a way to make everything go to hell. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I know it sounds cynical, but it has merit, keep that positive attitude up. It will keep you aware and ready for the unexpected.", Mark said returning the fist bump with a pat on the shoulder.

He took a straight stance, one practiced through years of service, his shield held close to the right side of his torso. His rifle held in his left hand rested the barrel against the side of the shield, allowing him to move comfortably without taking up to much room in formation.
Power Armor Bay

It seemed everyone on Hydra was ready and set, though Eden's worried tone sprang from the speakers in his helmet. "Apologies, Eden-shosa. I don't think I was in my Mindy when you asked. Seinosuke's squad is 'Hydra'. We're having some difficulty with William's dimensions, it seems he can't fit inside the shuttle. Beyond that, all green and ready to deploy." The voice of the scientist spoke clearly over the general comms.

His hand firmly gripped his metallic Xiphos, glancing to the others as he stood by the exit to the bay, where there shuttle was sure to be waiting. "Form up on me, Hydra. Closer-quarters weapons at the front, let's keep those with non-infantry occupations towards the rear."

The Elysian added privately to Eden, "Sorry about that, I'm too preoccupied with jumping straight back into things. I though there'd be a little time to adjust - I'll be fine."
Power Armor Bay

Hanna promptly formed up with Eden upon the Shosa’s command, while silently listening to the conversations occurring among the members of the team. Unsurprisingly, there seemed to be a slightly palpable tone of anticipation within their voices, something to be expected given the circumstances. Hanna preferred to stay silent when nervous and set on edge, but she knew of many others who preferred to talk their feelings out, sometimes incessantly. Fortunately, there did not seem to be anyone with that type of habit on the team, or she might have temporarily muted the communication channels.

To ease the tension settling within her limbs, Hanna hopped up and down a few times, in a manner not unlike that of an athlete preparing for a game. If there had been enough space, she would have done a stretching routine as well. Even so, Hanna was quite literally jumping with anticipation, anxious to jump out so that she could compensate for the failure of her last mission.

Hanna let her heels touch the ground when she registered Traumapatcher-Heisho’s voice within her sensors. The cyan-haired Neko turned towards the Freespacer and listened intently to her, while also paying attention to the Shosa, in case the signal to drop was given.

Hanna had never met an officer who asked their soldiers to execute orders, rather than directly telling them to perform them. Traumapatcher-Heisho’s strangely beseeching manner did not erode Hanna’s confidence in her as a leader, but it did catch her unawares. Regardless, Hanna treated the question as a direct order, rather than the request it was worded out to be. With officers, it was always better to be on the safe side and Hanna saw no reason to not “accept” Traumapatcher-Heisho’s request.

“Yes ma’am, of course!” Hanna responded dutifully and without question in her tone. “Do you want the others organized into pairs as well or do you just need me as a personal escort?”
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Shuttle Bay
Kuma-type Shuttle 'Tsubomikaze'
Dolphin Team: Mitsuko-Juni, Kiseki-Hei, Strong-Hei, Hyde-Hei, Jones-Hei, Belmont-Hei

Murakami bristled at the comments from the Minkan. However, she did not interrupt him, letting him finish sharing his thoughts while she remained quiet. Soon the Neko had entered the shuttle, sealing the airlock behind her as she moved towards the cockpit. Standing by that entrance, she turned to face the four seated individuals, speaking over the team's shared communication frequency.

"Dolphin Team, I am pleased to announce that Teien-Shosa has allowed me to share some good news with you all. Hyde-Hei has volunteered his wide shoulders to carry the burden of all our standard cleaning and maintenance shifts for the next week." On cue, an update to the assigned duty roster for the week popped up in the corner of the HUD for the five others on board the shuttle. Walter's in particular was tagged with a difficult to ignore URGENT tag demanding he acknowledge it before it could be dismissed from his view. "I sincerely hope you do not find the maintenance ducts or scullery too cramped, Hyde-Hei. You will be spending a considerable amount of time there, after all."

"Furthermore, Boss will be monitoring all personal communications for the remainder of this mission. I suggest you all remain on your best behavior. I also recommend taking the transit time to our destination to review the Star Army of Yamatai rules and regulations for etiquette when addressing a superior officer." The emphasis she put on those particular words was very clear.

With that Mitsuko turned, dinged Mindy disappearing into the cockpit as she settled into the co-pilot's seat next to Kyoi. "Shuttle Bay entrance is clear. You have permission to launch, Kiskei-Hei. Head to the coordinates provided by Teien-Shosa. Remain at a high observational altitude."
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Care paused and tilted her head momentarily as she regarded the response of Hanna. She was dutiful, obviously, to the point where she took what she believed was a friendly request as a direct order. For a moment she was confused, but then it occurred to her that it was herself that was out of the ordinary. She rarely heard a question like that, that ended up not being an order during her time. Taking only that moment to think about it Care briefly shook her head. "The rest of the team may form up as they see fit or are directed." She clarified before pausing a moment more. Though she had already agreed it felt wrong to let it sit like that in her chest.

"-And it was not an order, Nitô Hei. It was a request, one you are free to deny." Perhaps that was too on the nose? She tried to phrase it kindly, but it felt too.... Direct, like she was breaking some unspoken rule. Thinking on it more, how would she make an order? Would she be direct and calculating, or would her words fumble as she tried to be polite? She hoped she could keep it phrased nicely without losing the authority of the statements she might need to make.

Hanna seemed so eager, so faithful in her own position and those around her. Did she ever think that maybe she was the most trusting of the process of those around them? Did she think Care was sturdy in her role as Nitô Heisho mentally? What would she do or think if she knew that she wasn't? She had to look the part, regardless, she had to give the impression that Care was sound in her role. Maybe she could mold her into someone who would be sturdy instead.
Power Armor Bay

Had she not been plugged so thoroughly into her SPINE, Hanna would have tilted her head as well. Almost immediately, Hanna realized that she had misread the tone and intent behind Traumapatcher-Heisho’s initial words. Although Hanna was glad that she had taken the “safe” route in responding to the Freespacer, it was embarrassing to be wrong, even if the gynoid had phrased her correction with the utmost kindness. In truth, she did not want to draw too much attention to herself, and the best way to do that was to perform her duties correctly and without complaint. In a spontaneous fashion, Hanna wondered if the Freespacer had recognized her name from the roster of the old SOFT team, or if she had read through the mission reports from the sole sortie that the team had undertaken. She wondered how many officers knew that mission’s extreme failure, and her own poor performance. Was that the reason she was being picked on? Was she being toyed with?

Hanna was beset by confusion and anxiety, but beneath her Zesuaium faceplate, her eyes were closed and her expression was neutral, on account of her SPINE link. Even so, there was a pause as the cyan-haired Neko sought to control her anxiety.

Her efforts failing, the only thing that the Neko could manage in response was a paltry and miserable sounding, “Oh.”
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Eden replied back to Iemochi Juni privately, "I'm sure you'll find some alternative. Remember, what goes down must go up. Have a contingency plan for getting William back up to the YSS Kaiyō II, as well as getting him down from it." With that, she turned to each member of her team and succinctly waved her hands towards herself until she had their attention.

"Form up," Eden said. "We're going in hard and fast. Kraken," she said and looked to Mark, Wyatt, Riku, Care, Hanna, and Shasse. "Depart!!" She flung her arm towards the power armor bay doors as she accelerated out of them. Slicing through space from the Kaiyō, she found getting into atmosphere to be much like many other power armored air drop. What came after while herself and her team were in atmosphere was a different experience altogether as heavy winds were thrown against Team Kraken's bodies. Teien Eden watched as she lost visuals on several members, only to be able to watch them on her HUD's tracker of their suits as they went downwards with her. She gauged where the tree line was around their approximated coordinated landing zone and thrusted efficiently and meticulously, calculating wind trajectories and variables all the while.

Noticing a large, rectangular, and open field with vegetation unlike that of the surrounding area, Eden marked it on team lead HUD's and noted to Iemochi and Mitsuko that there was the likely landing zone for Team Hydra. She continued on and found herself coming in close to a hilly extension of the landscape, which was the beginnings of a larger mountain chain beyond. She cut inertial dampers and let herself go down with the wind's control. She was pushed further from the large hill before being brought back, close to it. She was between the hill and the Hydra's possible landing zone, now.

"Expect heavy wind resistance, teams," Eden warned as she began the process of locating the members of her own team.
Mark filed out like everyone else, the feel of free falling a comfort to him. Most would not share such a sentiment, but he was calm and at ease of mind as began to reach terminal velocity. At the mention of heavy wind, he focused his attention. The feeling of atmosphere rushing against him like a warm blanket. Breaking the stratosphere he began to compensate with his thrusters.

Staying on course to land near Eden. With timed burns he began to slow his descent before reorienting his body to legs first. Giving a hard burn he landed with a thump softened to the point of being dull. Quickly he moved to the Shosa's side going to a crouch, planting his shield lightly as he readied his rifle.

"Oaklen reporting, made landfall, awaiting orders.", Mark said his IFF no doubt confirming the statement.
The order to depart came and Wyatt was ready for it, he soared through the open doors of the PA bay and down to the planet below. He had soared through atmospheres before but the sensation of it never lost its grasp over him, the feeling of all that speed just clicked with something deep inside him, he imagined it was the same kind of feeling that somebody who bought an expensive ship but never actually few it around would feel.

The wind began to buffet and pull at his form but he kept his silhouette tight as he dropped, although like the others he was still pulled off course a bit as the ground raced up to meet them. The marksman spotted a steeper, flatter, almost wall-like section of the hills ahead of him and decided that would be his method of braking, so his mostly vertical momentum transitioned into one with a bit more horizontal movement as he shot over the treetops.

Wyatt flew toward the flat section and threw his thrusters into reverse to slow his approach, it almost looked like he was sitting in the cockpit of an invisible craft with his feet out in front and his body leaning back as his velocity decreased. By the time the bottom of his feet came into contact with the vertical surface, his speed had been slowed down to the point where he made a small mark and a blunt thudding sound but nothing else, he pushed off backwards and executed a tight backflip before landing in a muddy stream, bits of muck and plant debris were scattered around the area as well as over his suit before he took a knee in the water and called in his successful landing, not too far away from Eden according to his HUD. "Alder-hei, boots are on the ground and I'm awaiting orders, over"

Once that was done, Wyatt began his short sprint through the treeline to meet up with the Shosa, he hopped over a log mid stride and emerged near her, looking somewhat like a swamp beast thanks to all the plant matter hanging off him.
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