Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

Kraken Team
Surface of Planet H

To say that she had been taken by surprise by Traumapatcher-Heisho’s apology would have been an understatement. Quite simply, Hanna was aghast at being so thoroughly understood by her commanding officer. The Freespacer had thought that she had done something wrong! Of course, other than the anxiety-induced paranoia within the woes of her own imagination, Traumapatcher-Heisho had done nothing wrong. Regardless, Hanna was obligated to correct the issue to the utmost extent. She could not let her anxiety get in the way of her professional relationships.

“Traumapatcher-Heisho, I am not offended and you have done nothing that would warrant such a response from me. I was simply...lost in thought. won’t happen again, ma’am!” She responded dutifully, utilizing the same two-way channel that the Freespacer had opened previously.

Hanna had not heard the Shosa’s orders directly, but the AIES quickly updated the cyan-haired Neo on her assignments. After responding to Eden with a brief “Yes ma’am.”, Hanna jumped into the air and set course to fly over the hill. However, upon noticing Shasse’s rapidly approaching location tag, the cyan Neko let gravity push her back down to the ground. It was then that Emiko-Hei’s sliding form come to a stop at her exact position.

“Orders have been executed ma’am.” Hanna said softly, as she processed Emiko-Hei’s disoriented state and bent over to collect the blue-skinned Neko from the ground. With Shasse in her arms, Hanna carried her armor-clad form to a flat spot, before gently laying the Neko on her back, while holding her head up with her left hand.

“Impact locations on her CFS are near the head, Traumapatcher-Heisho. I think that she has a concussion. Should I take her helmet off, ma’am?”
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Kraken Team
Surface of Miyabi

As Care took to motion once more to enact Eden's orders to make sure Shasse was alright, she listened to the message of Hanna, fully tempted to respond in the private channel. It was a short trip from where she was to where Shasse had landed, but it appeared that Hanna had arrived first, moving her into a standard recovery position. She approached, but more importantly she scanned the horizon, their surroundings and everything about it. There were too many unknowns about this situation, and she could not risk several of them falling into some trap or situation because they were too focused treating a wounded member to realize a threat.

She shook her head before responding, her own suit sending a ping to Shasse's, requesting and receiving the hemosynth information, as well as pretty much as much as she would need from the crash till now. She would be able to tell from how the hemosynth acted if Shasse was damaged, blunt force trauma and other wounds tended to spark a reaction, and the level of reaction would give her more insight on it that any form of help she could give her. "No, leave the helmet on." She directed simply, "There are hemosynth connections in the helmet and due to the missions active status it's best that we leave treatment to the suit." There was little she could do outside of the suit without removing Shasse from the field entirely.

She had little worry, while hitting things like trees tended to be more damaging to the trees than to the wearer of a MINDY, even if there was damage she could not really expect it to be of any danger. What damage that could be done given the circumstances should be able to be treated by the hemosynth. Between the MINDY and the fact that Shasse Emiko was a Nekovalkyrja, she figured that there was minimal need for outside medical assistance. "Shasse, report any pain, disorientation, or damage you are aware of, any motions you make coming to stand should be done slowly." She spoke clinically, cold. "If you feel that you are unable to stand without great effort then do not stand."
Planet-H Surface

Upon Emiko’s arrival, Riku diverted his course to join the others at the caves after giving his own “Acknowledged.” His legs pumped as he raced to join the other purple dots on his HUD, watching as Eden streaked towards them. Dirt and a few pebbles here and there flew as his armored feet pounded into the ground, slinging him forward. As a Minkan he could just “fly” there, or even using his suit, but Riku enjoyed the feeling of running, even though it was much easier in power armor than it was out of it. He could also see the small group by where Shasse had landed, hoping she was okay. He had his own impact earlier, but nothing as bad as hers. The MINDY-clad soldier continued his pounding of the dirt and foliage as he blasted forward, weaving between trees, closing the distance between him and the others at the cave.
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Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

"I don't know how often she throws a fit, but she was expecting that I was just pulling her leg." Walter Hyde shifted in his seat, his arms remaining crossed for a moment longer before he drops them down.

"We talked about it, and now we're good. Although she did take a sip, if you get what I mean." He rubbed his neck with a free hand. "Shasse didn't take too much from me, at least. Still makes me wonder what she was thinking doing that."

Walter sighed, wondering what other people outside this shuttle were doing right now. Honestly, he wasn't in a rush to throw himself in front of aether energy, but at the same time he felt kind of useless sitting up here. This wasn't the kind of speed the technician was trained to be accustomed to, Mitsuko was taking things so slowly. Honestly, having someone to talk to was Walter's saving grace from falling prey to his weaknesses.

"So, what's this 'Miko' like? He called Shasse a 'bad girl' once, so I'm assuming he's like your other brother, Alastair."
Planet H - Surface

Shasse had shut her eyes just before the impact, but unlike last time when she'd had no conrol over her mindy or self this impact was more an injury to the trees than the little neko, in a slight daze she spun around and fell once before she was scooped up and carried to a flat area. Shaking her head a little as the noise filtered back into her mind she heard Hanna's voice describing her state, "Hey hey, I'm still ok just a little bump, ow ow." She replied sitting up and rubbing her head as the hemosynth in the suit kicked in and eased the discomfort associated with a crash.

Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

Miles laughed at the recount of Shasse's actions, ""Taking a sip" what did she bite you then? Because in laws of technicality that would make you the first one to ever get bit by her. And I'm not surprised she didn't take much, she isn't the kind of girl who would want to benefit by hurting someone else. As for Miko you could say he was raised by Alastair in a funny sort of way, annoying to be around those two sometimes but they were the best family I could have asked for growing up."

Miles sat back thinking for a moment before grinning at Walter, "So did she try to hug you or anything? Not sure if you knew but she does tend to get overly attached to her friends. Sometimes people find it a little off putting."
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

Walter chuckled, and nodded. "Yeah, she gave me a hug, curled me up on my lap, generally acting adorable."

"I have a weakness for hugs and general adorableness; something so genuine doesn't rear its head back at home."

Since everyone back in his home dimension more or less fell into less genuine character archetypes. It's hard to feel genuine love, considering how everyone around him always expressed it so differently. Walter had wondered why he noticed how shitty his home dimension was; maybe his parents were just so shit that they failed to inspire him with the same nationalistic pride everyone else has.
Mark used his thrust towards the cave, but did so as if he was doing it at a high speed hover, his toes only a mere foot off the ground. As Shasse came in hard he winced in response as he reached the cave just behind Eden.

"Hey Shas, you alright?", He asked before she had answered a moment later, even though it wasn't to him directly, it was reassuring.

He turned back to the cave as Eden finished shining a light inside, then asked for science scanners to be pulled out. As far as he knew, only Care had one on the team, and she was looking over Shasse with the Madsen woman.

"Well Shosa I don't have a science scanners, but. I do have the ability to do a optical scan until Care can do a thorough scan.", Mark said as he moved around and peeked into the hole. He switched to lowlight and began running a cursory scan. It probably wouldn't reveal much, but maybe some slight details.
Cockpit, Kuma Shuttle, Above Planet H
Dolphin Team

Mitsuko kept most of her attention on the screens in front of her, tracking the movement of Eden and the other members of the ground teams. Waiting for anything to stand out and catch her eye. Her face, or at least her helmet around it, stayed pointed forward without turning at all towards Kyoi while she was speaking. She wasn't ignoring the other Neko, of course. Just doing the proper research. "Ah, Nashira-Hei. Yes."

She had, unfortunately, had previous experience with several SAINT Operatives. Either this one was particularly bad at her job (unlikely), new and uncomfortable with her assignment (possible), or attempting to disarm her and deflect suspicion by acting this way (highly likely). Fortunately, Murakami (currently) had nothing to hide and no particular affiliation to Meissa Nashira, nor had she been given any orders regarding her by Eden or Hoshi. So, she answered honestly, after skimming the files of both Nashira and Kiseki, just to be safe. It didn't take too much time, although the pause was noticeable.

"She was particularly fond of explosives."

Was that it? Kyoi likely wanted more detail than that, if she was investigating the former crew member.

"She was not particularly fond of properly following the standard explosives safety protocols."

Yes, that just about covered it, she thought.
“Then she hasn’t changed a single bit.” Kyoi laughed. Maybe she was trying to deflect suspicion. Maybe it was because she knew the Kaiyo and its...bad history with SAINT agents deployed.

Wait, why was she scared of this again? Mitsuko wasn’t the scariest of commanders she could’ve gotten, but...still, she was irrationally scared of a something.

It’s probable Mitsuko would ask ‘Why do you ask?’ in which case Kyoi would have no response, to which she’d either need to rely on the good old ‘bodge it until you make it or break it’ technique...or...

Or just tell the truth that the subject in question was a fun little read in the SAINT documents. But that’s not an option? Or was it?

Lie or truth. She didn’t know which one to pick. Why was she even conflicted over this again?
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

Miles smiled and looked up thinking back to when they had first met and it had gone in a similar fashion, "Yeah that sounds just like her, always rushing to try and make good impressions. Since it sounds like you really impressed her what did you do? She doesn't always act like that and especially not after your first encounter, so what changed?" Miles asked intrigued as to how this minkan had managed to make it up to her well enough that she felt comfortable enough to do that.
Team Hydra

Sacre caught up quickly to the rest of the team. "Looks like someone doesn't like Pomegranates. I'm not picking up anything within fifty meters. Let's check out the crater." She said, starting to move in that direction. She spread out her NSB nodes to give her a better view of things around her, sending a few over into the crater before she arrived.
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Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - Hasn't Budged An Inch

"Honestly, I haven't done much. I just explained my story, told her why I kept my origins a secret from everyone, and I explained to her the context of Miko calling her a 'bad girl'. All that talk about sex just flew over her head somehow, and she put her sob story over mine in a heart beat. Yet she still hoped that I wasn't pulling some elaborate prank since mission eleven. She didn't like the fact it wasn't true, that I just came out of nowhere and replaced a man who probably won't come back. The least I could do was call her my friend for making me smile, and promise her I will stay and clear up the confusion." Walter let out a breath after he spoke, then looked about the shuttle before returning his attention to Miles and the others. A smile hid under his helmet.

"I don't think I got the memo, aren't we supposed to be landing with the others, or are we the reserve?" As much as Walter would like to keep up the chatter, he isn't good at casual conversation. If he's going to be staying up here in this shuttle doing absolutely nothing, then he...

... Well, upon further contemplation, the Minkan realized there was actually nothing he can do. Nothing he can do at all, except sit up here with six others in a shuttle that's many meters above the ground. That thought killed what anticipation Walter had about the mission.

At the very least, if they were going to be stuck up here until the end of time, at least Arete can be safely reassured that he's safe.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was pacing slowly back and forth like a guard dog in front of Hoshi. As he did so he was playing with what looked to be a slime ball that he was passing between his hands. From time to time he would stop and give it a squeeze. The ooze would partly squish out between his fingers, making a wet sloppy sound while doing this.
Team Kraken (Grumble grumble, bad name grumble Wyatt noises)
Cave Entrance

Wyatt continued patrolling around the immediate area, back and forth with his rifle lowered as he waited for the go ahead to enter the cave, he swept aside a bit of the swamp muck that had begun to settle on his visor before he flicked it to the ground. The marksman still somewhat resembled a swamp beast with the mud and decaying plants that were drying to his suit but he didn't mind, in fact it gave him memories from one time when he was a santo-hei, laying down in a mud-encrusted and half destroyed suit as shots rang out over his head.

The sound of a twig snapping brought him back to the present, it was close and he began looking around- It took a moment for him to realize that his own foot had broken a twig before he brought his eyes up and continued looking out over the treeline, watching the team's collective back.
Kraken Team
Surface of Planet H

Hanna watched quietly as Traumapatcher-Heisho worked to diagnose Shasse, taking a few steps back to observe their surroundings for any foreign activity and to stay out of the Freespacer medic’s way. Regardless, Shasse’s concussion seemed to extremely minor, and would most likely heal within a matter of minutes.

The cyan-haired Neko wanted desperately to be at the cave entrance, along with the rest of the team. However, she was obligated to stay with Care, in order to act as her escort while she performed her medical duties. She could not help but to feel slightly annoyed at the blue-skinned Nekovalkyrja’s incompetence, demonstrated quite clearly through her careless piloting of the Mindy. It was one thing to fly into objects during combat, while maneuvering to establish an advantageous position over an enemy contact. However, it was quite another to crash during a non-combat period, especially when the weather was clear.

“I will watch your perimeter while you are occupied with the patient.” Hanna said via the two-way between herself and the Freespacer. She did not dare switch to the general channel just yet, for fear of saying something rash to the blue-skinned Nekovalkyrja. It would be more professional for her to make her thoughts known regarding the situation within her report. “We can rejoin the main group as soon as she is ready, Traumapatcher-Heisho.” Hanna added in the same line.
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YSS Kaiyō II

"You know, Shoi," Hoshi said to the man in front of her, "the XO station is always available to you. Beyond that..." Her deep navy eyes looked to the mass of non-Newtonian liquid with shadowed envy. "Nevermind. Chlorate...? Chlorate!" Hoshi looked about. "Boss? Where is Chlorate? Ala—" Hoshi caught her words and stopped, then said, "Shoi, please locate our in-training weapons operator. Boss?"

"Yes, Capta—"

Hoshi cut her off, "Is Kikios Lika-hei assisting Ittô Heisho Iemochi above us?"

"Checking now," Boss said.

Asuka chirped, "Captain Chusa!"

Hoshi stifled a laugh; Asuka never had a way with using the proper title with her. "Hai?"

"I am picking up readings in the mountains on the quantum remote scanner," Asuka told her. "Disturbances and variables are too high to get anything reliable, though."

"Harris-heisho," Hoshi said in reply, then looked to the SAINT agent, "please let Team Dolphin know and have them investigate."

Monitoring Room

Boss gently asked in the monitoring room, "Are you able to assist as well as control the weapons platform, communicate with, and also see the bridge, now?"

Planet H
Team Kraken

Inside of the cave there was what looked to be a workbench, old wood rotting in a cornered off pile, as well as a rudimentary iron anvil, and what could only be a stone oven. Everything had a dingy look to it and a film of dust.

Eden comm'd in to her team, "Commencing a sweep. Madsen, Care, and Emiko will fall to our position and hold guard outside of it while those already here, come on in."

Team Hydra

As Sacre looked over the crater and conducted science scans on the area, it would show trace amounts of metal alloys and other composite materials, made clear by some of the small and large shrapnel within the crater.
Team Hydra

Sacre looked at the destruction. Hopping down to get a better look at the devastation and if there might be anything of value that managed to escape what she was pretty sure was some kind of kinetic impactor. "This look natural to you? What do you think could have done it?" She asked William.
YSS Kaiyo II
Monitoring Room

Kikios looked at the much smaller Elysian. "I'm afraid not, the Chusa called me here to fix it." She looked up at the speaker Boss was speaking from and said "Not yet, I'm working on it." She walked over and accessed the electricals, attempting to fix the faulty connection.

Outside the Bridge
Chlorate stared at the door to the bridge and asked Boss "May I enter the bridge?
"Shosa I have what looks like old metal works equipment. Very archaic in design, mostly wood and stone. It's very old too, doesn't look to have been used for quite some time. Question is, why seal it up like this?", Mark said pulling his head away from the hole.

This cave seemed very odd. Old metal works station, sealed, and not to mention what could still be awaiting inside. For all he knew, there could much more cave then what was visible. He took captures during his scan and formulated rough models, forming a rough projection of this portion of the cave that was seen.

"I would like permission to map the cave as we go. Having a digital model for analysis later may prove helpful. But....I don't know, something about this place seems really odd to me. Who even uses this equipment anymore?", Mark asked before voicing his thoughts.