Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair smiled at Hoshi. "Aye, I take it that is your way of asking me to sit down." He said with a light chuckle. As he started to look away he noticed her eyes seemed fixed on something. She was either checking him out, looking at the slime in his hand or both. Either way this was working as intended.

He slowly walked over to the XO station and looked at the seat. This is where Eden normally sits. Her firm booty forming the seat into submission. He reached up and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. He then quickly snapped out of it and took a seat.

"Captain, anything you wish for me to be on the look out for?" He asked as his hands moved over the console.
Cockpit, Kuma Shuttle, Above Planet H
Dolphin Team

"When did you make the acquaintance of Nashira-Hei, Kiseki-Hei?" Mitsuko finally turned her helmet away from the displays to watch the pilot as she responded. Not that she could see much through the other's Mindy. She was not incredibly surprised that SAINT had some interest in the Elysian. Whether good or bad, she tended to attract attention.

A few moment's later, Murakami's attention was returned to the controls in front of her. "Picking up some form of disturbance." The Kuma's scanners were nowhere near as powerful as the Kaiyo's, so only the faintest hints of something unusual had been detected. After a few moments, she pushed the coordinates to Kyoi's half of the controls. "Prepare a course. Wait for confirmation from the Kaiyo before departing from our assigned scanning grid." She began to contact the ship herself, not knowing Mikael would be reaching out to them at any moment.
Kraken Team
Surface of Miyabi

Disoriented, small amount of pain, it's about what Care expected from the Nekovalkyrja. She acknowledged the guard of Hanna, and helped pull Shasse to her feet before her MINDY's wings shifted outward, and she took from the ground. "All present on me, we're moving to the Cave entrance, check your HUD for the ping location. Once there, take defensive positions as per Eden's orders." She directed and localized the message to those who had come to make sure that Shasse was alright. Though it was a minor setback, it was important to make sure that everybody was healthy and well during the missions, even if it was by an error that shouldn't have been made. Scolding or punishment could be made when they weren't in a situation, if any was to come at all, but in the moment it was best to secure the safety of those present.

"Santô Hei Emiko, send me any and all updates on your pain or any other side effects of your crash, even if they seem minor.This includes if and when all pain dissipates. She kept the message local between the group that was now accompanying her as she began to jet back towards the cave, making sure they all followed. Even if it was meant for Shasse more than anyone, it was important for the rest of those present to know what she expected of such situations. Furthermore she made sure that if a ping was not made on their HUD of their exact location, she would push an update towards them. In the unforeseen event that they somehow got separated once more on the short trip, a rendezvous point was important.

She had found that she had developed an odd habit, she shifted and expressed her motions with the wings of the MINDY more than necessary, as she saw many people use them with very minimal movements. As she arrived she would shift her comms once more to fill in the entire Kraken Team. "We've arrived at the cave entrance, setting up guard positions." She was quick to shift her voice to privately message Hanna once more. "I'm here if you have questions or need someone to talk to for anything, not just as a soldier to medic or what have you, as... Well, a person to a person." She wanted to say 'friend' but it seemed an ill time to say it. She had just met Hanna, after all. Was the image of Care as an NCO that spoke to everyone as equals, regardless of situation the image she wanted to portray? Maybe, it felt nice.
Team Hydra

William's black Air II cut through the sky and followed quickly behind Sacre. As she touched down, he made a much more forceful impact on the ground. "Oh man that is way to fun." He said, standing from the small impact crater he had created from his landing. As he strode towards Sacre, she could see that his armor had taken no damage from the landing and William seemed to be in a similar state.

At her question, the Nepleslian boy turned and looked at the crater. "Hmm... it looks like a maybe a piece of ship impacted here? Or maybe it was a large shuttle? It was something big to cause a crater like this." He offered to the medic.
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - Cockpit

“We has a few run-ins.” Kyoi replied. Her data was anomalous, to say the least. Tracing Meissa’s data proved difficult, an anomaly in SAINT’s data banks. And judging by Mitsuko-

Why did she even have such an interest in that Elysian, anyways? Why did she have the same sort of calculating mindset of a SAINT agent when it came to any of this?

Cover’s blown, lie.

“She’s always been quite the odd one.” Kyoi stated. “Acted so...unlike the other Elysians. An oddity among the oddities, if you go by the disagreeable philosophy that only Nekos should be in the Star Army.”

But what did she have to lie about?
Get up on Team Hydras Back!

Kaori continued forward with an even stride, holding up the front end of the group- at least as far forwards as her rank and position could allow her. The dirt crunched rhythmically under the metal feet of the Santo Hei as she marched along with her scientific scanner. At first glance, the surrounding area didn't offer too much of interest to her- nothing jumped out. The bits of metal in the soil were the first thing that caught her attention, but it was quickly overwritten by the sight of the odd red... fruit resting within the crater. This demanded attention.

Kaori spoke firmly, looking down into the crater. "Moving in for a closer look." The little armored Neko paced carefully towards the fruit, examining them with her scanner for their true nature. She strayed not too far away from the group in the process, remaining vigilant of the ground around her.
Kraken Team
Surface of Planet H

Hanna formed up on Traumapatcher-Heisho’s position once more, before following her to the entrance of the nearby cave. This was certainly where the potentially most hazardous part of the infiltration began, aside from the erratically flying forms of incompetent Mindy pilots and what-not. However, it would do her little good to dwell on that.

After ascending the hill to the cave with a series of low-powered micro-hops powered by the turbo aether plasma engines within the wings of her armor, Hanna landed just outside the entrance, alongside Traumapatcher-Heisho and Emiko-Hei. Although she wanted to go inside the cave with the main group, Hanna recognized the Shosa’s intent behind leaving herself, Care, and Shasse outside. Medical personnel were not meant to fight within the line of fire, unless absolutely necessary. She had no doubt that Care could take care of herself in a fight, but for someone as paramount to the team’s survival as she was, passive patrol duties were the best roles.

“Setting up a sniping and observational platform from the far left side of the cave, Traumapatcher-Heisho.” Hanna settled onto her right knee, before raising her rifle to head level. She would have a partially overhead view of the forest area surrounding the hill, providing herself a good vantage point from which to detect foreign activity.

Hanna received Care’s transmission just as she finished lowering the bipod of her rifle onto a small boulder in front of her. Almost immediately, she felt the urge to say what had crossed her mind in response to Emiko-Hei’s crash. Hanna quickly swallowed her words, but even so, she felt a bitter taste arise within her mouth.

“Thank you, Traumapatcher-Heisho. Although I already have much to say, I do not feel comfortable making idle chat during the mission.” She answered in a soft, but assertive tone. “I intend to write a report, upon the end of the mission.”
Team Dolphin

"She was pretty good friends with the old Walter from what I understand, I guess she wanted to feel like she could keep that bond. As for things flying over her head she was pulling your leg just a little bit, the girl understands fine after all they were trained. But she likes to make a deal about it, something her being too short to understand big concepts." Miles laughed as he pictured this buff minkan trying to explain something to the deceptive little neko, with that look of naivety on her face.

Team Kraken

Shasse had recovered from her crash and had followed the other two with her back to the main group at the entrance of the cave, the little neko had thanked Care for her help and once at the cave had approached Hanna. "Hey, sorry for all the trouble with the crash had some unpleasant memories come up."

Shasse noticed the other neko had already taken up a sniper position, looking down at her own rifle she quickly changed its configuration to SMG mode. "And thanks for your help, I'm glad you had my back I'll definitely make it up to you later!" Shasse finished excitedly before hurrying over to take a crouched position behind a rock. "Emiko-hei in position covering entrance."
Wyatt gave one last look out over the treetops as the people who would be taking his place rolled in, he gave a curt nod to them and spoke briefly "stay frosty". The marksman continued walking toward the cave entrance with purposeful strides as he flicked his LATR from firing out of the lower sniping barrel to the upper, submachine gun barrel.

Wyatt ran his hand along the cool, oxidized surface of the archaic anvil, he deduced that either the cave was doing a great job of preserving something ancient, or a sub-par job of shielding a recently built forge from the elements and he had a gut feeling it was his second guess. Regardless of why the station was in the condition it was, Wyatt shouldered his weapon and began moving deeper into the cave.
Planet H

Eden spoke to Mark, “Permission granted. We will work with what you give us.” She added, “Move as a team, though. I’m at your back.”

Further into the cave were more personal items. A cot made of one long soft cushion big enough for a typical Yamataian was in one corner and a shelf was somehow on a cave wall with various knick-knacks made from the surrounding area on it. There were two pairs of simple clothing on a wooden stool. There was also a pile of mid-length and very colorful hair and a shear knife sitting on a reflective stone.


The red orbs would yield results in the database as a fruiting plant that was known to be found on only two other remote colonies and planets, harvested for its pulpy innards. Kaori would see that there was a two foot tall trellis within the grouping of the red fruit that was hard to see, since everything was so overgrown.


The coordinates they were given would lead them towards the mountains, where the weather was much more unstable.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi nodded to Alastair, “We’re laying low and need to sit tight while we do so. If you’d like, we can pass the time before the gravitational flux that will occur in…” Hoshi looked up. “Boss?”

“Nineteen minutes,” Boss replied over comms.

Looking to Mikael, she said, “I need that information relayed to the team.” Back to Alastair, she said, “Would you like to play a game in that time?”

Monitoring Room

The comms and consoles were all functioning as they should, now, and Arbitrated would have no problem noting the state of the ship and whatnot.
Dolphin Whatever

Kyoi sighed. Turbulence was never fun to pilot in, so she instead opted to wordlessly display a "bad weather conditions" warning icon to the entire squad's HUDs. Yet, perhaps they could use the bad conditions to ground enemy aircraft, making an assault by land a much more favorable option.

"Moving to point, command." she replied, as the shuttle sneaked through the clouds, hurtling towards the designated point. "When we arrive at the point, I will perform a vertical drop into landing so as to mitigate as much weather instability as possible. Should we secure the high ground first or move directly towards objective?"
"We've got what appears to be living quarters filled with personal effects as well as the aftermath of a haircut, Shosa" Wyatt spoke as he crouched down to better examine the hair, he lifted it up to the small bit of light that filtered through to the cave as he memorized the colour of it, he knew hair decomposed at a much slower rate than other parts of the body yet he still had that feeling that everything they were seeing was recent.

The marksman stood up and let the colourful strands of hair fall back to the ground as he readied up to move deeper into the cave, making sure each corner was clear as he moved through.
"Hai Shosa, thank you.", Mark would reply before they opened the cave and traveled inwards. He too noticed that living arrangements, and how everything seemed recent. He switched his rifle to it's SMG mode as they went, also running a continuous optical scan as he did. It was part of the mapping process, and any recorded details might help.

Switching off his helmet's external speakers as to not alert anyone to there presence, he shared his opinion which would coincide with Wyatt's.

"Aye, and everything here seems very recent, just how recent would require a thorough analysis to be more accurate. But current state would coincide with the fact of how the rock failed to full seal the entrance. Hmm, could it be possible to collect a sample of the hair? If we can find a genetic match in the database, it might give us some answers Shosa."
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was listening to Hoshi while he punched in commands into the console. He looked up and over to her. "Sure we can play a game." He said with a curious look on his face. "I am just tracking the team and running calculations, some gaming be nice before we get down to business."

He moved away from the console and moved over to Hoshi. "So what game are we going to play?" He asked, again playing with the slime he had brought to the bridge.

Seinosuke seemed to be silently taking in the surroundings, chrome boots crunching gently against the foliage underfoot. Awaiting the entire team to safely arrive through the worrying gale, Mochi keyed his comms. "Kraken Actual, Hydra Actual, we're safely down. Securing and observing." He relayed hastily, reaching up to brush a few leaves on the nearby alien trees, curious. His leader module lit up with the various POVs of his team, satisfied that they were all doing their tasks perfectly.

"Let's gradually widen our search radius, if there was anyone nearby they probably saw us glinting so keep your eyes up." It seemed the ex-SOFT member was quickly picking up the reigns after so long in the civillian life. With a long moment sweeping his gaze across the ground, then to the sky, Seinosuke brought his science scanner up from a compartment. Taking a sample of the atmosphere around them, he stared at the readings, using the best of his knowledge to search for those telltale and almost undetectable traces. "I'm guessing we aren't the first people here, perhaps there was a civilisation here at one point.." He raised his head to stare deep into the gloomy treeline around them, his analysis ticking up results. "If there was, they didn't get very far."
Team Hydra

William turned and nodded to Seinosuke and looked around. "Roger. Beginning recon." He replied. William turned and strode off towards the treeline to the north. He produced his dual bladed lance once more as he walked, scanning for any abnormalities in range.

As he walked he opened a line to Sacre again. "Got anything on that fancy scanner of yours?"
Planet H Cave Entrance
Team Kraken
Cave Entrance

It was disappointing that Hanna did not want to talk all that much during the mission, but it was certainly something that Care understood, and she wouldn't push it if Hanna didn't want to interact with small talk. She obviously took the mission quite seriously, and trying to talk personally could be seen as taking what they were doing lightly, and even if she didn't see it in the same way, she respected Hanna's view of the subject, and concluded it with another one-to-one message. "Understood, Nitô Hei Hanna, do let me know if you need anything." She seemed like such a nice girl, and even if there were no dangers present she noticed that she was keeping a slight eye on her.

She switched comms to the general Kraken team as her eyes scanned the horizon, trying to catch.... Anything. The planet was habitable, that much was obvious from the plethora of trees and other flora, but either no fauna had been present or she had simply not noticed the animals of the planet. Surges of energy had come from the planet, and though they did not know what the cause was, perhaps they could study the effects and have an understanding of what it could do to organics. "This is Nitô Heisho Trauma-Care, if possible during this mission, keep your eyes open for any animals that may be present on the planet. If they are present, it could be possible to study or notice any adverse or anomalous effects to them from the Electromagnetic shockwaves. However, do not abandon prior orders or enter an unsafe situation to pursue this possibility."

Most would claim that an influx of waves of electromagnetic force would have null effect on the fauna population, but Care disagreed quite seriously. Many animals had been known to utilize some form of electromagnetic connection for small things, and others relied on it for aspects such as navigation, but such animals existed on some planets and not others. Hardly any truly relied on it for very important aspects of their lives, but given the lack of information, it could be a detail that could assist them.
YSS Kaiyo II
Monitoring Room

The tall and crested Elysian finished fixing the connections, then put everything back into place. "My pleasure, everything should be up and running now," she replied.

Chlorate clanked into the bridge and approached the weapons station. "Hello. I am here," she announced, stating the obvious. She glanced at Hoshi and gave a small oil-tinted blush before proceeding to the station. She did not sit down, however, but instead asked "Is Ittô Heisho Iemochi Arbitrated going to be sitting at this station?"
Cockpit, Kuma Shuttle, Above Planet H, Nearing Designated Coordinates
Dolphin Team

Mitsuko remained fairly quiet for their trip, letting out only a few polite comments like "I see" or "Is that so?" while Kyoi continued to speak. The pilot seemed more than willing to talk enough for both of them, expending more effort than was really necessary to explain the conversation she'd started. The Logistics Neko gave her little to work with in return, although it wasn't exactly clear if that was simple disinterest, distraction, or an attempt to see how much Kiseki herself would let slip if she kept rambling to fill the silence.

Once they approached the scene of the disturbance, Murakami became more focused, sitting up a bit straighter in the copilot's seat, hands going still for a moment. "Yes, Kiseki-Hei, find us a suitable landing spot. High ground, unobstructed...I am sure you know what to look for. Take us down slowly...I will attempt to plot the most efficient land route towards our objective." Her hands began to move across the controls again, as she began manipulating the incoming visual feed and sensor data to try to find a clear path leading closer to the odd readings, and hopefully the source of, or explanation for, the odd shockwaves.

"Dolphin Team, prepare to land and disembark. Expect...unfavorable weather conditions and low visibility. Approximately 17 minutes and counting until predicted time of next unexplained shockwave phenomenon." After Mitsuko finished her update across the team frequency, a little timer appeared in the corner of their HUDs, linked to the estimated time the Kaiyo had established from the earlier reports.