Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi


Seinosuke hummed as he stowed his equipment, having got the insight he needed. With the little message chirping in his ear, the Ittô Juni crouched and ran his armoured hand through the dirt as they continued their study. The message about not engaging didn't perturb him, whatever the case, if they were fired on he would act in preserving his unit with any lack of intel.

"If we get attacked, grab cover and suppress until I figure a egress, we can't not fire and let them close distance to us. If we get captured that's not a good thing, we have family to think about, just don't hit them. Don't fire the first shot." He buzzed to Hydra, brushing aside the top layer of soil and squeezing the soil between his hands. "While Mindies should be protected to some extent from EMPs, I want everyone to power down whatever they have with an antenna for the time being. If something happens just signal the old fashioned way - we have eyes and ears." With that he dusted himself down and stepped over to have a look at this curious exploding fruit himself. "Keep working outwards of you feel able to, just be sure not to get out of signalling range."

He allowed his science scanner to stay on, monitoring the electromagnetic spectrum before him where he kneeled, so he would know whether or not the incoming craft had done it's work. After hearing the other's responses he would power off his comms having done the same to his other tech.
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William listened to the reports as he searched the treeline. His eyes scanned the brush as he walked, monitoring for anything that could be considered a threat to him and the other members of the Kaiyo. As he did, he found his mind began to wander. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and try to keep on task, but he began to day dream shortly after.
Near Kuma Shuttle, Surface of Planet H, Hot Zone
Dolphin Team

Now that everyone had been herded out of the shuttle and secured the immediate area, they could properly prepare for the incoming shockwaves. Mitsuko hadn't discovered anything of interest herself, and the other team members had yet to report in. At the warning of an incoming ship, she assumed the worst, sighing to herself yet again.

"Shockwave imminent. Shields to full, sensors at maximum. Hunker down, but keep your eyes up for any unexpected visitors."

Murakami took her own advice, turning herself towards the direction the shockwave would most likely emanate from, shields raised as her helmet tilted to look upwards. It wasn't like the new ship was close enough to be seen, she just wanted to be ready. Behind the team, the Kuma shuttle raised its shields as well, at her command.
Planet Hay
Team Dolphin

With everyone out and about doing a search on the site, and Walter being made aware of the incoming shockwave, he had intended to stay by the shuttle in case something bad happens. However, his suit is detecting a faint signal that he couldn't turn a blind eye to. Walter maximized shield power, walked towards, and announced his findings to the rest of the Dolphin team.

"There's an active frequency coming from an antenna in the ground. I'm going to get closer to it, it might be important."

The technician encroached on the antenna, and began making a trowel out of solid metal as he had his suit try to decipher the weak signal. It certainly had to be something, and if Walter can't even anything out of it, he could just dig out the earth around the antenna. It would make the signal clearer if he done just that.

Just in case if something goes awry, he marked his position on the others HUDS; he could be on top of a mine, or the shockwaves might get through his shielding. Then again, who uses mines anymore?
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair looked for Hoshi for a moment, then gave her a salute. "Consider it done Captain. We shall be ready to launch at a moments notice." He quickly turned and left the bridge. He did a call out to team in the power armor bay to expect his arrival and to prep for combat. He at first was not really enjoying the bridge life but had started to enjoy it. Can't always be on the battlefield and keep sharp in your other areas you are expected to oversee.

Either way his mind was clear and ready to do what was needed should something bad happen. That was his crew out there and they would all come back if he had anything to say about it.

He pulled up the stats on his Mindy and reviewed the modifications he had asked for. It was a simple request and required the addition of four more mounting points be installed for his drones. This would not allow more drones to be added, just give another mount point for the four that are already attached to the armor. He also confirmed the directional fins had been added to the drones thrusters. A grin curled from ear to ear as he envisioned what this would look like. "This is going to be sweet." He said under his breath unable to contain his excitement.

In short order he made it to the power armor bay and started to give out orders to be ready to deploy. As he got into his armor he again smiled. He was getting far too use to this armor.
Team Hydra

Kaori let go of the bundle of fruit-bearing plants, letting them slide back into place as she deposited the bagged subject into her buttpack. It would have to be examined, perhaps cultivated, at a later time. Maybe even this evening. The nudged the mush of the fallen fruits to the side with her foot, dots of red juice splattered up her lower leg. The short Neko walked back towards the rest the group, craning her head to look at the sky for a moment as orders came in. Her response was limited to a quiet "Hai." at best.

With that, she disabled all of her outward-facing communications and broadcasts, only shortly before pocketing her science scanner in favor of a more hands-on and EMP-hardened investigation into the environment.
The latest orders from Eden came through to his helmet loud and clear, so he answered with a simple yet effective "10-4" as the Minkan began to power down his capacitors as well as the fusion reactor that hugged his spine - he may not have been some master of electrical engineering but the marksman was pretty certain he was recalling the right details about a conversation he had heard in passing. Hell it made enough sense to him that turning something off could help protect it somewhat when the electromagnetic wave hit.

Mindy suits were tough as all balls though, he felt confident it could take the beating after some of the stuff he'd seen them survive - well... survive enough to keep moving at the very least. Wyatt kept on clanking forward into the depths of the cave, albeit at a slightly faster pace due to his most recent order.
YSS Kaiyo II

Meanwhile, Gravity stared at the unmanned vessel like a cat would a mouse.

How dare they?!

How dare those Nepleslian ass-clowns interrupt her calm?!

Her right eye twitched, and she had to fight from squeezing the trigger and causing a diplomatic incident. Fucking Nepleslians! Always sticking their noses where they didn't belong!

No! Bad Gravity! Focus on the mission.
YSS Kaiyo II
Monitoring Room

"No problem, I should probably be getting back to Engineering, unless I'm needed somewhere else... Boss?" Kikios responded, then asked Boss.

Chlorate sat down in the char and idled. But soon her artificial mind wandered, and a worried look came across her face.
"Chusa Hoshi, are the shockwaves capable of reaching the bridge?" she asked fearfully. Being fully electronic, the electromagnetic shockwaves could effortlessly shut her down and damage her, making Chlorate quite possibly the most vulnerable person on the bridge to the shockwaves.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

An assortment of three Nekovalkyrja and the younger Separa'Shan on the ship were at Alastair's diposal.


"It is possible," Hoshi replied to Chlorate, then added, "not much is known about the capacity of the waves." She stood close to Chlorate and put a hand around her shoulder, so that she had her arm draped behind Chlorate's head. "Protect a ship and she'll protect you, Chlorate. Trust in yourself and this vessel."

Then she said, "Harris-hei, update on the unknown starship?"

Monitoring Room

Boss replied to Kikios, "Having you back in engineering would be ideal." Then, in a different, softer tone, adding, "Unless Iemochi-heisho needs further assistance."
YSS Kaiyo II
Monitoring room

Asymmetrical eyes widening slightly, the redhead shook her head side to side briefly. "No, no thank you; everything seems to be in order now. Thank you Miss Kikios, thank you Boss!" Those colored irises focused on the screen in front of her, its normally-transparent display split into a series of lit and opaque 'windows' - monitoring the vitals of team Hydra, checking the status of the Kaiyo II's generator output and munitions, and tracking the current trajectory of the incoming vessel.

Outside of the Bridge

Surinus-Hei's mottled wings twitched behind her as she tapped her datapad out of sleep mode, checking for the third or so time this hour on the information she was being given about the mission and the away teams. She had close ties with some of the people down there, and without constant communication like the people inside the bridge would have this was about the best she could do to keep track of what was going on.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Aye, it took some digging since I wanted to be mostly sure. But it appears the ISS Palm is an old Starchaser Class Ferry set for scuttling. Though the IFF is malfunctioning and everything else on it is active. So this vessel is one of two things, someone seriously not doing their job correctly at the yard or someone likely has made a new home."

Mikael would say to her in response. He will send a image of the vessel, highlighting the recycle symbol he mentally placed there for emphasis.
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YSS Kaiyō II

While she let the slime move from hand to hand, Hoshi looked to Mikael with a stiff nod and spoke . "Boss, please go ahead and have the Shoi depart the ship to survey this vessel."

Asuka turned her head to speak.

Power Armor Bay

Boss said over comms, "Belmont-shoi, you are clear to survey the unknown starship. The bridge's findings on the ship are being relayed to you now."

Planet H
Team Dolphin

The antennae's base sparked abruptly as it was uncovered and scorched and long molecules of carbon formed, causing scorchmarks on the snow around Walter's hands.

A noise could be heard over auditory sensors, "Whumpf."

The movement of large masses of snowpacks was beginning to be seen all around and above the porpoise-like Team.

Team Hyrda

The fruit jiggled twice and then fell from where Kaori had set them down gingerly. A slight tremor could be felt stemming from deep below them.

Team Kraken

Eden, Mark, and Wyatt would see some stalactites and loose rocks fall from the ceiling while Eden jogged them deeper into the cave system.
Planet H
Team Kraken
Cave System

Wyatt had been continuing his expedition further into the cave when the roof had begun shaking, the Minkan instinctively raised an armour-clad arm to shield himself from the incoming debris. Chunks of stone began to rain down and bounce off his armour, a few pieces cracked and broke before they hit the ground harmlessly. The dust and debris started to slowly settle around the marksman as he began to speak into his comms. "I doubt that was anything more than a precursor of the actual wave, lets hope the structural integrity of this cave remains sound".

Wyatt finished his short and monotonous bout of dialogue before he once again began to clank off into the unknown, LATR held firmly to his shoulder. Although his body was tensed and ready for the incoming shockwave yet his mind began to wander as he thought about what or who they'd come across if they ever did - the tools and workstation that they had passed on the way in made him think the person was fairly good with their hands and-

His footsteps slowed a fraction as he had a small realization, traps were always a possibility but the team had no idea how in-depth this person's knowledge with them was or how well they would be made, and you don't go hiding in some cave for no reason...

"Let us also hope that the person who lived upstairs didn't rig this whole place with explosives" he added as he began moving forward again, somehow even more cautiously if that was possible yet he wasn't moving so slow as to lag behind the other two.
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Power Armor Bay

Alastair was slightly distracted by the three nekos that had joined him in the power armor bay. Was always time to look over the crew. He was leaning to one side trying to get a better view when the call came in.

"Yes Captain, we shall check out the butts...ship...the unknown ship shall be surveyed." He replied with a chuckle trying to act cool. He was sure the crew around him were rolling eyes at him.

"AHEM, as I was saying we shall deploy immediately and intercept this ship. I will give more information enroute as I review the findings."

Alastair finished suiting up and pulled up the report Hoshi spoke about. He walked over to the bay doors and hit the open hatch button. As the doors did their thing he looked over the report to find out the details they had on the ship so far.
Team Hyrda

William was shaken from his reverie by the rumbling coming from underneath his feet. He stopped and looked around slowly, trying to identify where it could possibly be coming from. "What the hell was that...?" He asked the team. He took the opportunity to start hovering with his armor, flaring the thrusters to gain altitude and find the cause, or to keep from getting caught up in a trap.
Team Dolphin
Orion had quietly gotten off of the shuttle, as usual, heading somewhere not as close to Walter and Miles. It wasn't his antisocialism kicking in, no. He was just performing scans of all kind with his Mindy. The hawk wanted to make sure that there weren't any threats. His scanning was interrupted by both the shockwave warning, and the note on the new ship in the atmosphere.

Orion headed back and was currently standing near Mitsuko, head curiously tilted towards where she was looking at. Shields were at maximum, sensors online. Ready for action.
Team Hyrda

"What do you think it is?" Sacre asked, with a bit of sarcasm. "It's about time for the next wave, so this is probably the prelude to it." Sacre snarked at William as she calibrated the sensors. She had her teleport on a hair trigger, she really didn't want to get caught in some earthquake, but needed to be on the ground to work with the sensors they had placed.
Team Dolphin

Walter couldn't help but flinch; his ears rung from the sound that the lousy antenna made, which sounded worse due to his sensitive hearing. He had half of his mind to chop that antenna, but he did see snow fall, and was reminded that the shockwave has yet to come. The antenna could have been reacting to either his tool, a forewarning minor shockwave, or some combination of both.

In any case, with the antenna now uncovered, the Technician had his femtomachines break down the simple tool into the fabrication module, while checking the antenna to see if he didn't bust it to the point it couldn't send those signals.
Team Dolphin

Kyoi continued to keep watch, having moved to the open shuttle door, the muzzle of her LATR keeping watch staying just inside the shuttle. The snowdrift caused her attention to split for just a moment to her other sensors, detecting...


“Silly me.” she mumbled as her sight got back on level. “Just a pile of snow.

The fact the information was withheld frustrated her. Why was it hidden here? It would be useful to know what they were dealing with and why this outpost was destroyed. It didn’t make sense-stop questioning the leader-

It didn’t make sense, she firmly told herself. No matter how many ranks higher Hoshi was.