Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi


Kaori let out a quiet grunt, observing the red fruit with a quick radiation scan. After a momentary pause, the botanist took out a plastic bag from her kit, undoing the seal and carefully picking one of the fruits off the vine. As she did so, she caught sight of the trellis standing in the midst of the overgrowth. She kept her gaze fixated on it, sealing the sample bag. "These plants match an earlier specimen. This may have been cultivated at one point..."

The small armored neko cautiously pulled back the overgrown vines and weeds, exposing the trellis to the world to see. It was becoming more and more likely that someone had lived here at one point. She spoke up again, looking up to the group leader. "Given the overgrowth, it's been quite a while since anyone's monitored it."
"I'm not get anything, it's weird." She said to William. Sacre nodded in agreement, with Kaori. "I wonder if we can trace who it was that planted them. If they are uncommon enough, we might be able to get a hit that way. Because I doubt that this place got a rock dropped on it just randomly." Sacre said, trying to query MEGAMI about cross-referencing people from the colonies that it grew on with people who had a reason to be on this planet.

Sacre refined what she was looking for on the scanner and switched it to directional to give them a bigger scanning radius. She swept the scanner around her, looking for signatures that were closer to that of the species represented by those colonies and more of the red fruit. Even if the fruit had decayed, seeds might be able to survive especially if they were in a house of some sort. "We'll want to drop some sensors so we can get a good read when the electromagnetic wave happens again.
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YSS Kaiyo
Monitoring Room

"Thank you, again. It does seem to be working." The little woman nodded to the technician as the screens briefly flickered, updating properly with data. She touched at the controls for a few seconds, rotating one of the smaller, defensive cannons in a full circle before letting go again.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi nodded tersely as Chlorate arrived, saying with a forming smile, "You will be sitting there, today. Iemochi-heisho will be pulling the levers and stepping on the brakes if you need it, so don't worry about messing up." She thought back to the blue sky universe in which Chlorate proved her worth and she nodded once more, "Take a seat. Boss?"

"Hai, Chusa?" Boss replied.

"Have two powered armored soldiers man a vehicle to be airdropped."

"Hai, Chusa," Boss replied before telling Katsu and Abart of their new orders.

Planet H
Team Kraken

"Mark-hei, let's check it out." Eden jogged into the cave further to see the hair in a pile, then took in the rest of the small room-like part of the cave before turning back to look at the hair. "Adler-hei, continue on into the innards. Mark-hei, no scans are necessary at this time."

She squatted and began bagging the full amount of hair, leaving none behind, in a few separate bags. She stashed it in her butt pack and then went on to picking up a few small items, examining them closely with her HUD. A small, wooden, and carved doll stood out to her with three fingers and raised ears coming out of a long crop of husky dried green leaves for hair attached to the faceless head. Next to it was a woolen, felted bear-like figurine. Eden idly held it in her fingers, then put both into her cargo pack, as well. She made her way to the innards of the cave, where Wyatt would notice absolutely nothing for quite some time.

"Make sure not to make a choke point out there and stay alert. Care-heisho, please see to that."

Team Hydra

As the trellis was exposed, a few large fruit-like orbs fell to the ground as they were disturbed and two completely exploded. Crimson liquid, pulpy with seeds, leaked from them. Iemochi's scans were niche and something specific to his own heightened technological understanding of the device's true potential. It showed no society of any real size had lived here at any point. Sacre's scans would show some sika deer.

Team Dolphin

The remnants of a SAoY issued base camp could be seen near the shuttle's LZ only after they had landed due to the nature of Kyōi's vertical drop. There were large scorch marks and a large depression in the mountain's rocky surface, which was halfway a crater and halfway a perfect rectangle, the same size as a SAoY Durandium barracks module. It was also cold.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Hai!" Mikael responded to her request to relay the information to the away teams. He made the proper steps that the information is encoded for the teams communications systems only. He would on occasion relay any information he deemed relevant along side the main packets of information.
Planet H
Team Kraken

Wyatt cautiously continued deeper into the cold, dark depths of the cave, the marksman was stepping lightly to reduce his noise.
"Nothing but stone, Eden Shosa, I'll let you know if that changes" He spoke into comms, carefully scanning all angles he could as he continued, the Minkan's mind was focused solely on what potentially was ahead of him, he felt ready for any surprises or curveballs this planet could throw at him.
Dolphin Shuttle - 50m

Kyoi held the shuttle at 50 meters above ground, looking down at the wreckage.

“That’s...definitely not scary at all.” she mused. “This may mean the enemy has some form of...low altitude bombing?”

Low altitude bombing was always a risky thing in the pilot business. If someone spotted you, you’d be dead, no questions asked. You were in range of so many weapons that all they had to do was to look at you and there went your Ginga. But, whoever this was pulled it off.

Kyoi opened a channel to all the groups. “Something’s out here,” she started, sending a photo of the wreckage. “Command, I am requesting recent records concerning this location. All records I have privledge to access.”
Team Dolphin Is Finally Doing Something

"Yare yare daze, she was pulling my leg the whole time...?" Apparently Shasse was smart after all. Well, given how smart Nekos are, Walter should have known better. Now here he sat, feeling peeved for being so shortsighted.

The Minkan felt the shuttle move downwards, relieved that this operation was finally getting a move-on.Sounds like Walter didn't actually do much on the ship, but that's just me. "So, anything notable he did during his two missions being with the crew? Can't imagine he did a lot besides make a few friends."
Cockpit, Kuma Shuttle, Surface of Planet H, En Route to Designated Coordinates
Dolphin Team

Inside her Mindy, unheard, Mitsuko groaned. Data from the other team was closed with a final sigh.

Then it was back to work. All business.

"It is not possible enemies I am worried about." Almost all business, just a bit of grumbling to Kyoi. "Take us down, Kiseki-Hei." She almost ordered a halt to the pilot's request, but decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Either she would be allowed the data, or she would not.

A few moments later, Mitsuko exited the cockpit and entered the main area of the shuttle. "Exit and secure the landing zone, but prepare to move quickly. We will not be here for long." The team members received another update, her chosen movement path highlighted on their map of the area, passing by the impossible to ignore crater before continuing towards the apparent source of the disturbances.

"If you encounter any form of intelligence, do not, under any circumstances, engage in combat unless you have received explicit confirmation from myself, Hoshi-Chusa, or Teien-Shosa. Hold your position and call for backup, or fall back towards the shuttle until an Officer arrives to take command. I repeat, do not engage in combat with any sentient lifeforms until given a direct command."

Was she being too careful? Paranoid? Only if They weren't really out there.
YSS Kaiyō

Hoshi looked to Mikael. ""Any known recordings of recent and events in this location are withheld from this operation until we are sure of the present threat. SAINT to SAINT will make it softer of a punch to the Ittô Hei than from me. They are to proceed under the Ittô Juni's supervision."
Hoshi then turned to Alastair.

"When you put what you have over a surface, it will mold to the surface and if you pull it off quickly enough, you will have a casting of the surface briefly. Who will go first?"
Planet H Cave Entrance
Team Kraken
Cave Entrance

Care extended the wings of her MINDY as she floated a few feet of the ground, her head swiveling as she inspected the area. So far nothing was out of place, no animals, no anomalies, if it wasn't for the hourly bursts of energy it would be impossible to tell that something was wrong on the planet. To say the least it was frustrating, but it reminded her to check how long it was until the next energy burst. "Everyone keep an eye on when the next surge is going to hit. Do we have reports of how strong they are and what they'll do to us if they hit us?" She kept the question fairly open to the Kraken team as she looked up to the sky. "And do we know how far up into the atmosphere they go?" They didn't need to evacuate to beyond the atmosphere when it hit if it only went a certain distance upwards from the planet, but that idea wasn't very useful without the exact knowledge needed.

She shifted her communications to only send to the people with her outside the cave, her hands shifting her weapon patiently. "Spread out to get a better feel of the area, but remain within five seconds motion of the cave entrance." She pushed a vague map of the region to their HUD's, highlighting the rather large area that they could wander within. Given the MINDY's ability for instantaneous acceleration and its equally sudden ability to stop, five seconds was generous, even if it was limited to the traits of atmosphere. "Santô Hei Riku Tanaka, please remain at the cave entrance, I do not want anything that is not our team entering or leaving it."

It was a boring assignment compared to the others, she knew, but it was important to make sure nothing slipped in or out. She felt like she was repeating key themes of her statements, but she didn't dwell on it as her eyes continued to scan the horizon. Ideas brimmed in her head about what could be causing it. A failed experiment that was letting off energy that had no other means of escape? Or was the device, whatever it was, shut off and was reactiaved to pose as a very unconventional SOS? It was an odd idea, but the idea of someone going out of their way to seek help like that was amusing to her.
Team Dolphin
Miles chuckled, didn't do much was a funny way of putting it depending on how you define much. "Well let's see, in my first mission on Kaiyo I was partnered with Walter and we took down an escaping shuttle together, quite the lightshow watching him spinning endlessly trying to pierce its shields with his blades. And having to shoot past him and hit the point he was attacking as well just so we could break through? Now that was real team building fun right there, something is bound to happen to you too. Whether or not it's Shasse playing one of her major pranks she occasionally holds or a huge fight, you'll fit in withe rest of us soon enough."

Miles saw the images of the wreckage appear on his HUD shortly after than and whispered some rather unsavory words to himself, "Hey Walter, you know how I was saying something would happen soon enough?.." the minkan left the rhetorical question hanging as he double checked the teams medical readings and initiated his medic HUD layout. It seemed like they may not be the only ones there, or at the very least there used to be others here and Miles couldn't say why but it gave him a tingling sense of excitement.

Turning his attention back to the minakn beside him he spoke in a lowered tone, "The other Walter had a knack for avoiding injuries, and believe you me it's in your best interest to only be injured around Sacre. That woman is leagues above me and I don't think I'd ever reach that same level in my lifetime. That being said she did give me a single eyebrow raise last time I tried her custom scenario training which is more than I've ever gotten before"

Team Kraken
Shasse had made her way to a short tree near the entrance when she moved off earlier and sat within its branches only a couple of metres above the ground, with her LATR in SMG mode she had swept over a 270 degree area with her back to the entrance. Hearing Care mention animals the little neko thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that the tree was not very comfy, animals were less interesting to her and to that end she had dropped down into a bush and stayed there instead.

Now that they had been given freedom the blue neko briefly considered her options, stay where she was and help guard from any possible hostiles, or go exploring for a little while. Like the upstanding soldier she is, Shasse took off, making it to the perimeter in just under 5 seconds noticing nothing of notable interest on the way. "So why are animals such a big deal again? I thought we had food on board the ship to avoid this kind of thing." She joked poking her head around another tree and seeing more... boring trees. This place was not only boring her but bringing back the horrible thoughts of crashing not so long ago.

Deciding that exploring wasn't anymore fun than guarding she quickly returned to the cave entrance and found Riku, "Hey anything interesting going on over here?" She spoke directly out of the helmet not bothering for comms when they were only several paces apart. "Cause I can tell you now, I didn't find a single giant moth out there so exploring is just a waste of time, you're not missing out on much."
YSS Kaiyō

Mikael turns towards Hoshi with the biggest grin on his face. "Way ahead of you captain!"

"The information goes to be segmented. The segmented becomes compartmentalized. Compartmentalization allows me to say need to know. Need to know makes them cry a lot. And that is the SAINT song!" ((OOC: Rythmn is like the Skeleton Dance song.))

Mikael sings to himself, loud enough for people to actually hear most of the words, as he makes Hoshi's request possible. He begins to use specialized virtual intelligences to sort and shift existing records and starts putting new data into a pool to be sorted as they go. He also analyzes the information for anything that might help the situation.
Planet H - Surface
Cave Entrance
Team Kraken

“Acknowledged.” Riku responded to Care over the radio, bringing his gauss cannon to bear and his missile pods ready. His barrier shield module also had a green status light on his HUD, indicating it was ready for activation. His CFS was already activated and protecting the marksman from most threats, but sometimes it was nice to have that backup, just as a precaution should he have to absorb some fire for an ally who had pushed themselves too far.

He watched Shasse run to the tree line and back, his sensors still scanning and his gauss cannon sweeping the trees as he swept the area with his eyes as well. Shasse ran towards him and stopped. He listened to her speak for a moment. He chuckled as she mentioned a giant moth, shrugging his shoulders. “Nothing much here either. My scanners aren’t picking up anything hostile. Good to know I’m not missing anything by not exploring though.” The Minkan also used his helmet’s external speakers, his radio still tuned into the rest of the team while his end was muted so they didn’t hear his conversation, useless banter not needed as a distraction when exploring cave systems.
Team Dolphin

"Yare yare daze. Whoever did this was either damn good or just stupid brutal. I'll try and get out of this without any extra scratches, or worse," Walter replied. He wondered just what in Eve's name could do something like this; what he saw on his HUD was just overkill.

The Minkan, receiving Mitsuko's orders, only mentally acknowledged her. "You might not be as good as Sacre, but you're the best medic we have on our team. Remember that, Miles."

He considered the possibility of there being absolutely nothing out there for Dolphin team to meet, considering that there appeared to be nothing out here.
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Team Hydra

Sacre was frustrated with the limitations of what she was allowed to know. As she planted the sensors for the upcoming wave, she constructed a tirade against SAINT. If they wanted them to investigate the planet, then they should be able to investigate the planet! It was only common sense, but she suspected that SAINT lacked anything resembling common sense. Far as she was concerned, SAINT apparently stood for Stunningly And Insipidly Nauseating Twits. Although she suspected that it was an insult to twits everywere. She smiled mentally at that picture.
YSS Kaiyō II

As Hoshi appreciated the replica of her Second Officer's face and nearly grabbed the beautiful fluid from Alastair's hand, Asuka spoke aloud.

"Captain! There is a ship with the registry number ISS Palm that is heading for this system, Miyabi."

"Attempt contact," Hoshi said, looking away from the slime.

"Hai!" Asuka said and then reported. "It is an unmanned research vessel."

"Whoever they are," Hoshi said tensely, "they need to exit Miyabi. Harris, I want information and fast on that vessel. Alastair, I need you to prep the team in the power armor bay for launch. Boss?"

"Yes, Captain?" answered the MEGAMI.

"Alert our away teams and give them a timer on the planet's activity."

Planet H

In everyone's ear came the familiar voice of Boss as she told them, "An unmanned research vessel has entered the system. One minute until electromagnetic shockwaves occur."

Eden said into everyone's comms, "Prepare for the un-inevitable. We have little idea how powerful or what the shockwaves will do, nor do we know where that vessel came from, so be ready."

Team Dolphin

The site looked like a disaster but there was little to be done now. Walter 2 was nearest to a small rod the size of a bunny that poked out of the ground, bent up, but still emitting a signal so weak that it could barely be registered.

Team Kraken

Eden said to her team in the cave, "I want to be deep in this cave when the shockwaves hit to take readings, let's go deeper!

Team Hydra

All quiet on the Southern Front.
Planet H Cave Entrance
Team Kraken

Care was quite aware of the time counting down, and given the lack of orders to escape the planets orbit and get out of range of the wave that the planet would produce, she had been thinking of what to do. They could jet inside and try to catch up with the rest of Team Kraken, but such orders were not given by Eden, so she knew she had to keep her own team in relative proximity. She lowered herself to the ground, stepping towards the cave as she pinged a message to the rest of those present outside. They had thought of this, right? They knew how many of them were on the surface, both in Kraken and in the other teams, and it simply wasn't possible for any of them to get out of range. The reason was clear, they were supposed to get hit by it. All the readings coming in from all the MINDY's would give plenty of information, but there was still a risk that Care did not like.

"We're staying on the surface, stay on the ground and prepare for the wave. Ping your location and remain stationary as it hits, we are unsure of the exact effects." She called out as she watched the number count down. Now wasn't a time to be afraid, so she shut down that as well. The fewer emotions, the better, she needed to be steadfast in her decision here. "We're going to take information from what the MINDY's record. Ping your location prior to the wave hitting, in case any of our sensors become muddled."

The vessel was an issue, but it was secondary at this point. It could be dealt with by another squad or, if worse came to worse, when it arrived.