Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

YSS Kaiyo - Power Armory

With little else to do at the time being, the snake commonly known as Abart was partaking in some smalltalk with the three neko companions, just passing the time.

Soon enough however, he'd recieved orders from Boss. Orders to prep and deploy a vehicle for airdrop on the established Base camp. Wishing she'd be more specific, he wondered what kind of vehicle would be appropriate...

Whatever it was going to be, he would have to let someone else actually drive the vehicle......for obvious reasons. Despite many attempts across dozens of times and places, tails and footpedals don't mix. At times like these one of tose fancy S.P.I.N.E. interfaces would be handy....wait, these vehicles don't work with that either.....heck.

Not soon thereafter, Alistair entered the room to suit up himself, and oh so characteristically bat an eye or two at the charming neko folk present. These Belmonts were something else... At least there's Miles..... even if he's been acting weird lately.

His metal-clad fingers make a 'tink' noise as it tapped on his helmet in salute. "Belmont-Shoi. I have recieved direct orders from Boss to facilitate an airdrop of a vehicle. I am in need of assistance in this matter as i'm not capable of driving these..... for obvious reasons..." The huge armored tailtip waved around a bit at waist-height, emphasizing his point.

"Might i ask a moment of your time to assist? Won't be long, and you can still oogle the others up after."

YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

All throughout the mission Nerai had kept mostly quiet, not saying much more than necesarry to do her job.

Despite her attempts to leave it for later, the thought of Mark's situation kept running back into her consciousness. ever since that one afternoon the two had talked it over, she's been in a constant state of relief and more worry, not yet set on which one she felt more.

Yes, he was doing well, having healed up well enough to sortie again, but the thought of that demonic entity still lingering in his flesh somewhere still made her uneasy. Especially with that Emiko girl also affected by some Ayenee dark magic affliction, she didn't like it one bit. It constantly made her wonder what she could do to help, should something happen again. With all these supernatural phenomemon going around them that they didn't quite understand, she couldn't think of anything...

That sense of powerlessness frightened her..... how these things just happened with her unable to do anyhting about it. This whirl of emotions was something she'd never had to deal with before in her life, as Mark really was the first person she'd grown to truely care for, outside of family of course. And even then this sense of caring went even furhter than that. Needless to say, she was glad they weren't in Ayenee anymore. Despite the magical beauty of those lands, it had brought her more bad than good in the long run..... maybe she was getting too old for this.

"Preparing Type-30 STV for material airdrop, chusa."
Near Kuma Shuttle, Surface of Planet H, Hot Zone
Dolphin Team

Mitsuko turned her helmet towards the spot Walter had indicated, getting a visual for herself. "Acknowledged. Forward the signal to me, Hyde-Hei, and we'll bounce it off the shuttle to keep the Kaiyo informed." A distress signal? A warning? A beacon for the approaching ship? A communications relay, perhaps?

As the loud noise shook the snow off the surrounding peaks, Murakami looked away from Walter and the antenna to take in the scene. Was that the shockwave? It hadn't been quite as impressive as she'd been preparing for, but there was still potential danger. "Avalanche alert. If the landing zone is compromised, relocate skyward. The shuttle can be abandoned and dug out later, if necessary."

The Logistics Neko nodded her dented helmet towards Orion as he moved near her, her HUD keeping track of the other team members. Including Kyoi near the shuttle's airlock door. "Your findings, Hyde-Hei?" Mitsuko was loathe to depart before the mystery of that buried antenna had been revealed.
Planet H

The shaking and rumbling grew in intensity until tremors became quakes and within seconds of the quaking persisting, it became apparent to Hydra Team that the top shelf of the planet was cracking and splitting open North of the cave, just South of the mountain range. It was noticeable perhaps most of all because the crust and some subsequent layers beneath the top shelf were splitting from the deeper layers and core of the planet. In small pieces and then all at once, the section of the planet that Hydra was on was ripped from its mooring while the planet itself seemed to be pulling away from it. Hydra Team was on the part of the planet closest to Kaiyō's position on the Galactic South side of it.

Wyatt's next footfall inside of the cave landed on less than solid ground. It crumbled from beneath his feet and soon he would have to use thrusters to stop from falling. Suddenly, Eden and Mark were seeing where Wyatt's eyes had likely naturally fallen, to the place in front of them where the cave was no longer- they were looking at brightness as it shone in on them.

"Engage thrusters!" Eden said in a second while she took flight and the cave ceiling crumpled down around her last position. She spoke out to Team Kraken, "Rendezvous to safety above my position immediately!" The area around the cave entrance was crumbling downwards and the ground was gone completely within seconds of her order. Those not in the air should have been by now.

The team in the mountains would also be able to make note of the splitting of the planet from their vantage point, but the avalanche Mitsuko had aptly called by name was bearing down on them, and fast. Kyōi would be the first to be covered, along with the shuttle. They would also be able to notice that the planet had all but shed a quarter of itself within the last few moments after the, "Whumpf." They were on the majority of the planet that was now seemingly pulling away from the YSS Kaiyō II's position, going towards the Galactic North.

YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

The power armor bays were open and all three Neko were soon out of the power armor bay while Boss stated, "Orders have changed, Ittô Hei Theisilis. Belmont-shoi will be leading an away team with you on it. Belmont-shoi, for ease of assessment, please state your team name. Immediate deployment is also advisable."

Monitoring Room

Several alerts came online and showed Arbitrated Iemochi and Co. that the sensors were picking up phenomenal seismic activity before some of the viewscreens around her showed what was happening on the different surfaces of the once-whole planet.


Boss said in a honeysuckle-sweet voice to Kikios, "We are operating with a hydraulic leak on Deck 3."


Hoshi was out of her seat and had the slime in one hand as she absentmindedly squeezed it. Her other held Chlorate's shoulder.

"Shochwave has hit..." Asuka said to the bridge.

Hoshi looked to Asuka, "Full report, Jôtô Hei."

Asuka went on, "The planet has split into fragments. The main crust and some layers underneath on the Galactic South side of the planet have been shed. It looks like the main mass of the planet is displaced, now."

"What do you mean by, 'Displaced," exactly?"

"It's moving," Asuka replied, "away from us."

Hoshi replied, "I want visuals on the exposed core of the planet."

"We can't get them, there's too much debris between us."

"Gravity-hei, take us in," Hoshi added before she looked to the viewscreens on the bridge, noting the damage. "Thesilis-heisho check in with Team Hydra. Harris-heisho, with Dolphin. Let our people on the ground know what we know."

She tightened her grip around Chlorate's bare shoulder and asked, "You still with us?"
Planet H
Team Kraken
Cave System

Wyatt wasn't the kind of person to tell a joke, he knew people liked them and there were even a few he had heard and liked but he didn't tell the jokes. From what he could tell, half of it was timing - you can't give the person too long to figure out the answer to the joke but you have to give them enough time to start thinking before you delivered the punchline. Irony was maybe his favourite, people did the dumbest things when they were wrong and Wyatt had been looking at the walls more than he had been looking where he was about to place his feet...

It might've been something he could see coming but it was too late for him to guess that now as the slight disorientation hit him. It took him a short moment for it to register why there was no ground for the marksman to walk on anymore and fire up his thrusters as the earth opened it's horrid maw to swallow him whole.

Wyatt quickly orientated himself with the bright sunlight that had suddenly pierced the darkness and began zooming toward it, he zipped between chunks of falling debris as he moved - there was a loud crunching sound that Wyatt heard before the pain shot through his left arm, the minkan spiraled out of control and was pelted by more hunks of debris. Funnily enough it was the action of slamming into something that righted him again and allowed Wyatt to fly toward the light that would guide him to safety.

His armour-clad form flew upwards until he was hovering above the cave-in, the relative safety gave him time to look over where he had been hit. The metal plating of his arm was horribly bent and warped as he checked out the arm. Anybody monitoring his vitals would see the multiple fractures and breaks in his metacarpal bones as well as a break in his radius and some related trauma as he clutched the injured limb to his chest with a pained grunt.

"Alder-hei here, I made it out" he spoke through gritted teeth as the special duty revolver was drawn from his side and checked for damage "I lost my LATR in the cave but I'm still good to go".
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Dolphin Team

The flood of data that just hit Kyoi made it feel like to her that the world was slowing down. She was slowly turning upright, in her slowed time, as her CFS yanked her towards the pilot’s seat. Her mind told her that if that avalanche caught up there was nearly no hope of escape — her power armor would be buried, and she might as well tell her suit to overload the reactor for all she would be good for at that point. The Kuma was a fair bit more durable and larger than her armor, but more importantly avalanche procedure dictated they needed cover, and the Kuma was there.

Kyoi reached the console and jerked the shuttle sideways, moving the shuttle parallel to the avalanche. Unless if the natural hazard was faster than 5,000km/hr, there was no risk to the shuttle.

Now, time to deal with the other data. Kyoi has felt the planet lurch, and currently the Kuma was telling her that the effect of gravity was lessening. Not useful now, but she needed to set the Kuma to autopilot as they ran away from the avalanche. She set it, and then got out of the shuttle.

“Move ahead of the shuttle.” she announced, an unnerving calm setting in over her voice that ended up surprising herself out of her own stupor.
Planet H
Cave Entrance
Team Kraken

When things began to shake and shift, Care knew she had misjudged what exactly would happen. Was her image something more mundane like an electric pulse that harmlessly eminated from the ground, shaking leaves from trees and disturbing the wildlife around them? She wasn't sure anymore, but it wasn't this, it most certainly wasn't this. The ground splintered and erupted and shook, decades of settled dirt and rock brought forth in a turbulent and relentless burst of energy.

She had been quick to get away from the cave and off of the ground, her MINDY's wings spreading as she rose several meters off of the ground, eyes straight downwards as she scanned around at the unfolding destruction. "Kraken, take to the sky, do not remain on the ground! Prioritize safety and survival, watch over your fellow teammates!" her voice was strong but in her mind she was struck by odd thoughts.

How localized was this carnage? Was it just where they had landed or was it taking place planetwide? It seemed far too convenient for the pulse right after they landed to be the most destructive so far, after all there were no upturned sections of earth and stone before they arrived in this large of an amount. Had their presence doomed this world, or was it doomed to die here and now regardless of intervention?

How much life had been lost, sapient or not?
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

With a quick jump Alastair found himself outside the ship. He floated in the nothingness for a moment as he collected his thoughts. He could tell things had taken a sudden turn. He had to be ready to leap into action without a second thought.

"Boss, team name is 'Rising Dawn' over" He said in a calm voice as he opened his eyes and engaged his power suit. The drones jumped off the back and hovered for a moment before reattaching to the suit. The new mounting had the drones high up on the shoulders.

He drifted out further into space and again cleared his mind. The name he had selected was from a fairy tale he had once read as a young boy. The hero of the story would always say the line, 'look to the rising dawn for when daylight breaks I shall have arrived.' Alastair did not take himself as the romantic type but something about the hero showing up to save the day spoke to him.

His eyes flashed open and the drones on his back flashed to life. The aether streams pouring faintly out of drones fanned across his back. From a distance it would look as if he had a fluttering cape strapped to his back.

"This is team Rising Dawn, heading out." He said in a sharp tone to grab attention. He flipped to one of the songs he had uploaded and began heading towards the unknown ship.

Alastair Theme Song
Team Kraken
Planet H
Cave Entrance

Riku’s shields protected him from most of the EMP shockwave that scrambled his sensors a bit, but after a few seconds they returned to normal. He had also taken cover just inside the cave when the alert was given, knowing that the rocks would give him some extra protection.

Everything seemed fine for the moment, but then it appeared that the cave walls around him decided that they wanted to bury himself and all of Team Kraken who ventured further below, at the same time the ground began opening up to swallow them whole, beginning with web-like cracks and escalating into deeper fissures. His eyes went wide as the entrance began to shake and shimmy, dust and rocks pelting his CFS from above. Care shot into the sky, and Riku followed suit after sprinting from his cave cover. Behind him the ground gave way as Eden issued her order to take to the skies, his last footfall sinking about a centimeter as the ground beneath him crumbled, only being saved by his thrusters which counteracted the force and shot him into the air and away from the expanding maw of the collapsing ground.

The Minkan’s thrusters propelled him into the sky as he took a similar altitude as Care, scanning the ground as well. He looked for something, anything, he could blast to pieces with his markmanship aiming to make this stop and secure safety for his team, but as of now he couldn’t see a thing that he could do to help. The best Riku could do was keep scanning and hope this somehow didn’t injure any of his teammates. “Tanaka providing overwatch! No targets identified as of yet. This was so... sudden.” He said talking to himself more than anyone, but figured it would be good for the morale of his teammates to hear someone made it alive well out of the maelstrom beginning the to brew beneath him, maybe giving that one person the last bit of hope they needed to get out themselves. At the very least it made himself feel better and would let others know he was ready to punish whoever dare put his compatriots in danger, if anyone was behind this of course. He doubted that was the case, though.
Planet H
Dolph-OH GOD WHY?!

Come on, what are you even say- Walter Hyde looked up, feeling the tremors increasing intensity, and just as quickly finding the avalanche was fast approaching. Recalling Mitsuko's orders, he engaged his teleporter and flight systems, and got as high above the avalanche as he possibly could with the teleport and flight.

"Everyone, avalanche!" Walter yelled aloud at the comms, letting his team know that they have an impending disaster fast approaching, however failing miserably when his audio came out jacked. He checked the PA UI; his audio needed to be reset, but aside from that, everything else was okay; the Minkan even obtained a recording of the frequency he had been trying to understand. He has his suit try and work its magic to restore the audio to something with higher clarity, he keeps an eye on the status's of all of his teammates and also watching the planet from over fifty meters in the sky.

From his point of view, in a very literal sense, Walter is witnessing the planet split in half. His Mindy refreshed the audio subsystem; online and good to go. "Yare yare daze.... Is everyone seeing this? We're moving away from the Kaiyo, along with half of the damn planet!"

Walter waited for that recording of the frequency to be edited and restored; he is not going to come up empty-handed now, not when he almost got caught in a avalanche for it. He wondered how many others got out alright; apparently Kyoi-hei did, at least.
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Team Kraken
Shasse had continued watching over the immediate area around the cave after her small chat, the neko had been barely concentrating however and instead her thoughts had drifted to various other odd things. Why were they on this planet looking for strange waves, why was her body against her since their excursion to Ayenee and why didn't she get Alastair to cook her food that morning.

So many questions and strange thoughts filled up her head, clouding her mind and blocking out all outside happenings, including the warning of an approaching wave. Before she realised what had happened the blue neko was thrown off balance and quickly engaged her CFS only to find the mindy behaving strangely. In her day dreaming Shasse had missed the part about electromagnetism messing up her suit for a moment, and being startled suddenly by a tremor hadn't helped her remember any faster.

"Oh this must be one of those things they told us about, what was I meant to do again?" She thought to herself scrabbling to move away from the cracking crust of the planet without the aid of her flight systems. Of course being a synthetic war machine she was equipped with her own gravity manipulation ability to fly but, who remembers how to think in a panic situation.

Hearing Care's words in her head seemed to jog an instinct however, soon after the rumbling and tumbling had begun Shasse had a light-bulb moment and floated into the air. "Well, that was certainly interesting and kinda fun actually. Next time I'll be ready though." She said to no one in particular looking around to try and spot the other two who had remained outside with her. There was no way she'd get off easy this time, distracted on the job and almost losing a lot of expensive military equipment so soon after returning home, she expected a harsh talking to at least and possibly a suspension from active duty. But that would have to wait for the snowy haired neko who had already begun zipping around to regroup with her team.

Team Dolphin
Miles had wandered around with his nose to the floor so to speak, in actuality the minkan had been investigating anything that seemed unnatural, scanning and documenting everything he found for later research. Being a scientist and a medic, he often had a lot of free time on his hands when waiting around for a life threatening injury he could call out to Sacre to fix. It was this juicy data that he spent most of his time anaylsing and reading up on to further understand the universe, he couldn't help himself.

Standing around on the strange surface of this seemingly random planet, Miles hadn't waited for something to happen and had begun gathering his reading material for the next few days. Walters comment on his ability as a medic was reassuring in a number of ways, it showed that the minkan trusted him, and also showed that he was definitely considered the "next best stand in". If it was a choice between him and a top level singer to perform a concert it was an easy choice, when that singer wasn't around he was the backup member who was pushed to the front and told to do good.

As the commotion picked up with just your casual planet splitting open along with a lovely little avalanche the minkan simply sighed to himself hovering in the air, he honestly hadn't expected it to be a simple mission but this was beyond ridiculous. "Walter, what did you say to that little antenna to trigger all this mess, hope you didn't insult it or anything." He said dryly, sure his brothers could have pulled off the joke, but Miles was less concerned with his comedic ability and more with the mountains of death going at them from every direction with avalanche and an earthquake over 9000.

"One of these days I have got to apply for an office job away from the fresh air, no sir, recycled air for me all the way into my old, old age thank you very much." He mumbled trying to out maneuver the various hazards that presented themselves.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Sweet mother Pythushun...... In all her years, talks about planet-destroying artillery and weapons of absolute shittons of mass-destruction weren't new to Nerai'tha, but a blanet goin boom entirely on its own accord is something none of these folks have seen before, even her.

"Hai. Cancelling airdrop." With nothing more than a few swipes of her control panels, a comm link to team Hydra was established.

"Team Hydra, come in. Captain demands full-team status report asap!"


Power armor bay
Team Rising Daw-wut?

"Understood. Joining up now." As Abart'huse replied to the incoming change in orders, he noticed Alistair jumping the gun and blasting ahead of everyone. This was gonna be something..... Turning to face the opened bay hatch, he quickly waved to the three Neko, gesturing to come along. As soon as they were ready, the snake flared up all the aetheric thrusters lining his mindy armor, including the tail ones. Within mere seconds, he'd caught up with the very exited Shoi.

"On your 4, Shoi. I'm assumin' that ship over there isn't over for tea?" As their original mission entailed scouting out a mysterious planet, Abart had brought out his full-on assault gear, which also happened to be the kit he would always have with him, even if his LASR was all he used most of the time. This kit, as per usual, sported the usual gauss+mini missile combo atop the shoulders, supplied by a general equipment pack between them.

An LASP and a variety of flashbang and scalar grenades adorned the waist, while additional ammunition for his handheld weapons sat tight under the durable ellipsoid shield on his left arm. As this shield hadn't left his suit for over a year now, ever since it was installed, Abart thought it would be reasonable to add a bit of style to the otherwise bland purplish surface.

As such the shield had two jet-black lines cunning across the two sides, one of which had been highlighted with yellow hazard striping. Two similar, smaller lines wete applied inderneath the two eye lenses on the facepaint. Subtle, but recognizable. Not like anyone else was going to use that suit anyways, right?

"Let's see if we can borrow some sugar regardless."
Team Hydra

Ittô Juni Iemochi whistled in some admiration and awe as the whole fertile orb that was this planet began to shudder and rumble beneath his metallic heels, admittedly this was the first earthquake he'd ever experienced.

Wasting no time, Mochi kneeled down into the dirt as it scuffed around the knees of his Mindy, the crunching of foliage rustling loud without the background chatter of comms in his ear. Placing a palm flat to the loose earth, Sein closed his emerald eyes for a moment, tuning out for a moment to experience and remember the feeling.

"It looks like we're a safe distance." He murmured without opening his eyes to the shorter scientist beside him. "Let's check in with the others once vibrations have stopped." Blinking a few times in succession, the Elysian pushed himself from the dirt with a little grunt, gesturing to her. "I'll keep an eye on things if you want to document the quake. William and Sacre haven't raised an alert so it looks like it missed us."

Sweeping that experienced gaze across the clearing they remained to occupy, his focus centred on the last direction the other teams had checked in. 'That must have been close by.' he pondered, remembering that his duty was with keeping his team operational first before helping the other leaders. They couldn't move during the shakes for fear of fissures, on the ground at least. Sound-offs could wait.
Team Hydragen

Kaori paused her forward scientific march as the initial tremors rattled their way up her legs. It was just a little unusual. Coming to a halt, she raised two fingers on her right hand up as a silent signal to the others that "somethings up".

It wasn't long, however, before the tremors escalated into a full on earthquake. As the earth below her feet started to shift, Kaori fell gracefully up the hill near the other scientist, bracing herself against it as the unusual situation veered into a completely new threat. The Nekovalkyrja drew her Si-Zi revolver, holding it near to her chest as she looked onwards at the widening crevasse shearing through the planets surface.

She had no digitall communications to the rest of the team, but at this point it wouldn't have mattered. In her helmet, she muttered her confusion and curiosity to no one higher than herself. Then, after a moment, she relayed a telepathic message back to Iemochi. The message was surprisingly strong and clear unlike her normal soft quips, and came without a hint of fear. "I'm watching. Could this weapon deployment, or did we walk in on a natural disaster? "
YSS Kaiyo II
Chlorate's shoulder was cold and metallic. Upon Hoshi's grip being tightened it stayed as it was, remaining sturdy and firm, not have the feeling of skin or any squish to it. The gynoid looked down and examined her body, seeing that she had not shut down. She responded
"Affirmative, Chusa Hoshi. Was this the final shockwave?"

"I'm on it," the bird said. She scurried out the door and went to the stairs, running up to the third deck. "Which room is it in? The Upper Engineering deck?" she asked.

Team Hydra would soon be swept up in the escalating and thunderous explosion of earth from earth as a quarter of the planet, the quarter they were on, expelled hard and fast away from the core and broke into thousands of millions of pieces below them. Hanna, Kaori, Leeta, and Iemochi were thrown far, nearly to where the atmospheric layers had once ended. Leeta and Hanna had been killed with the lack of foresight some of the other teams had utilized, as she was still on the ground as the planet shattering occurred. The Juni was in less than an optimal state, or at least his armor was, as he had been caught off-guard by the explosive dismemberment of the planet. Light red warning signs blipped out on both legs and both arms, while his chest and helmet were both an orange color.

He had been squashed between two large pieces of the planet's crust, both larger than any building on Yamatai, that had been ripped from their mooring by the effects of the wave. Despite the terrible circumstance, his armor had protected him to an incredible degree. He was lucky to be alive. Kaori's right hand had been crumpled between the large segments of terra when she was pulled from where it had once been and her own HUD showed it as black.

??? H

Golden yellow circles of light glowed in a hexagon from the core of the planet and emanated, pulsing brilliantly as it began to glow brighter, now orange. Emanating even more brightly, they began to enliven more fully as Eden witnessed what was beginning.

"All active assets, get out of the area of that!" Her visuals on the hexagonal pattern of energy signatures showed themselves in a corner of everyone's HUD. "Follow and track the remnants of the planet!" She made her way away from the center of the planet which was now moving at a substantial rate due Galactic North and away from the Miyabi system's star and Kaiyō. She was flying in tandem with the planet's remnants, above its pole and the mountain range Team Dolphin was currently on.

The avalanche was the least of anyone's problems, truly. Despite that, it was still a problem as it completely buried most of Team Dolphin, including the Kuma and Kyōi. Anyone not in the air was underneath half of a mile of snow and anyone not half of a mile up in the air was somewhere in between.

Walter would be able to decipher, "Victory...route...position, Eucharis actual!"

YSS Kaiyō II

Boss said, "No, in a maintenance conduit toward the bow of the ship, near Ketsurui-shoi's room. It will only be accessible through the VIP Suites due to the nature of the rupture."

Space Outside the ISS Palm

Muyomi and Madoka set their ASBR on its biggest mode and cut into the Palm's hull.

"This should be right over the CIC. Who's taking point?" Muyomi asked once the hunk of the hull tumbled and flew out into space with a kick from Madoka.
Outer Space

Alastair watched as the planet his friends had deployed to split apart. "Oh no," he said softly to himself. His HUD lit up like a christmas tree as all the team reports started to flood in. Reports of KIA, MIA and damaged Mindys scrolled in front of his eyes.

"Captain, update on plan of action. Should we engage the unknown ship or move to the planet to assist?" He asked in a calm yet stern voice. Personally despite the risk he would go rescue his friends without a second thought. He hoped everyone was OK such as Miles but especially Shasse and Mark who he has grown fond of recently.

"Give the order and my team shall get to work." He again spoke over comms to Hoshi.
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YSS Kaiyo II

"Damn it!" Gravity swore under her breath, snapped out of her brooding by everything around her going to many pieces of shit! Some killed, some injured. Stay cool! Take a deep br-.


There had to have been something she could have done! But no, she'd been too busy wallowing in self pity! Damn it! She'd fucked up somehow, she just knew it! She wanted to protect them, load them aboard and take them away to safety, but she found herself helpless and unable to lift a finger.


Resisting the urge to scream, the Neko slammed the throttle forward and raced upwards, trying to go above and around the majority of the debris and find a way down into position.

Fuck this planet! She needed to be rounding up her friends!


Well damn, that didn't work at all did it. And now she, ironically, was buried. She broadcasted a signal stating that she was alright, and sighed as how silly the situation was. Now though wasn't the time to contemplate the irony of the situation. Now was the time to get out. She would overload her reactor, but...that's a silly thing to do.

Tools, Kyoi. Tools are the most important part about being SAINT. It's not how much force you can leverage against the enemy. That's the military's job. Your job is to outwit the situation you were given. Heat. Heat melts snow; heat will dig you a tunnel out. Once the tunnel is dug your CFS can fly you out. But how do you get heat here? Some plasma weapons would be useful, but she didn't have a SiZi or a-

But she did. In fact, she had something better than a SiZi, right in her hands. She had her rifle, built for taking out targets at a long range. But an uncommonly used function included a medium-range energy gun, which was usually used when the enemy got too close for comfort. However, the energy here didn't matter. What mattered was that the energy would convert to heat, unlike a scalar pulse. She pulled the trigger for the energy firing mode, very gently, just to see how much snow melted. And if it seared a tunnel in the snow-

Well. She had her way out, didn't she.
Not Near Kuma Shuttle, Above Surface of What's Left of Planet H, Cold Zone?
Dolphin Team

Mitsuko rocketed into the air once it was clear this was something more than a shockwave and avalanche. Most of the team had quickly relocated as well. Although since Kyoi had decided to remain with the shuttle, she was going down with it as well.

"Kaiyo, we are abandoning our position, and what's left of this planet, to obtain a higher observational position." She sent orders to her squad to not just rise above the ground, or the snow, or the mountains, but to enter low orbit if possible.

"Recommend full evacuation of planet, destruction of incoming ship with extreme prejudice, and moving the Kaiyo and crew to a safe distance to observe while waiting for reinforcements. I am quite comfortable declaring this situation above my pay grade, Captain."

As the mostly garbled transmission was bounced from Hyde to Mitsuko, she sighed and forwarded it to the Kaiyo after her recommendation. Including another one, a private one, for the Captain herself. "...I recommend contacting the YSS Eucharis and its captain, if possible. If they are unavailable, Jalen Sune of SSS, Helen Klein of SAINT or Taii Sakura Blueberry of the YSS Firebird are high priority contacts to ensure proper backup while containing situation."

If she had heard Miles pining for an office job, she would've reassured him that no matter where he tried to hide, unfortunately, fate would find him. Trust her on that one.