Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

Power Armor Bay

"Acknowledged." He replied simply to Iemochi when he gave his orders. William's loadout mostly consisted of a heavy melee loadout. His main weapon was his Kinetic/Fusion lance and his sword, which was made out of the hull of the old Kaiyo. His main secondary was a mass driver affixed to his left arm as well as a few more goodies stored away inside his armor.

He scrolled through his systems as the team began giving their ideas for team names. "I don't mind either way..." He replied to the others. As he spoke he held up his right hand and produced a long dual bladed lance. Once he lance was out, he drew his katana from it's sheate and held it aloft in his left hand. "I'm ready." He finally said, walking towards the doors.
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyō II

Watching Iemochi with perhaps more respect than she deemed he was giving her, the blue and white haired Chusa moved away from the crowd and to the ship. Hoshi was on the bridge soon enough and said ship-wide, "Find your duty stations within the next minute and prepare for departure." She looked to Asuka, saying only. "Systems check, bridge-wide."

Asuka chirped, "Sensors acting optimally, Chusa!" The sensors operator looked about, seeing who on the team would be the next to speak up.
YSS Kaiyo II

The smaller of the two Iemochis snuck a kiss onto her husband as he hugged her, her little arms wrapped around him for what felt like an age. She smiled, having to suppress a giggle at how Sein still sometimes focused a biiit too much. Her fingers squeezed his hand before they let go, arbles speaking. "I'll be sure to! You be careful out there, it sounds like they're doing something scary on that planet..." A little sigh to blow the worryness back. She sent one last smile forward as Mochi went about his preparations, then turned to Hoshi. "I think I would do better in the monitoring room rather than the bridge. Unless you want me to go somewhere specific for this assignment, I'll be heading that way." Her words were soft, but loud enough for the neko to have no trouble hearing them.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Riku opened his comms link to his team once again, “Kraken Team? I like it." He double checked his Mindy's systems and hardpoints, ensuring everything worked, joining William at the doors once the diagnostics were done. "I'm ready as well." He said, adjusting his grip on his primary hand-held rifle. The temperature indicator shined green, indicating it was within safe temperatures. IF he held the trigger for 8 seconds it would spew forth energy, but the power cell would turn black and would need 8 more seconds to recharge. He liked the weapon though, as it was a continuous stream of energy that would eventually turn a Mindy into nothing but slag. It was quite a beast of a weapon. Then he had his 50mm gauss cannon over his right shoulder and his missile pod on his left shoulder, along with the standard forearm weapons. His barrier shield module hummed as it stood by to be activated, ready to take fire from his enemies. He half hoped he would encounter enemies, and half hoped no one would challenge them. The armor stretched with his as he rolled his shoulders, stretching to relieve some stress as he waited for the deployment order, fiddling with his butt pack to make sure it was secure enough.
Orion had finally gotten into his specified Mindy, with two 50mm gauss cannons on his two shoulders, A gauss cannon extension backpack and countermeasure augmentation pods, Using the "shrike" load out as always. Also holding the Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Rifle, he took his position around the others in his group, concealing a bit of excitement forming. His helmet hid a small smile from His teammates, It had been too long, and he was ready to get back into the action.

He sighed as he remembered his first few weeks on the kaiyo. The never ending excitement and the numerous Elysians aboard. Edens talent for leading and Abarts special and unique ability to pick on him. And then his thoughts came back to Anastasia, he wondered how she was doing now back at Havok customs. They had been separated when she had been discharged. So he had to keep working, and hope both Elysians would be reunited soon...

"Jones-Hei, ready and awaiting orders"
The light blue winged hawk said as he snapped himself back to reality, his smile faltering a bit under his Mindy helmet.
Power Armor Bay

There were yet a few more familiar faces and names that Hanna recognized from her previous stint of service on the Kaiyō. Even by the standards of the most anti-social of young Nekovalkyrja, she had kept herself relatively isolated from a majority of the social affairs of the crew, preferring instead to toil within the weight rooms and to read light novels within her cabin. However, there was one person in the ‘Kraken’ team with whom she had forged a casually intimate relationship with, based loosely upon their identical hair colors. Hanna would feel bad if she did not at least acknowledge Muyomi’s presence before the start of the mission. There would be plenty of time for something more substantial later, but it would the least she could do given the present circumstances.

Hanna opened a private text transmission channel with Muyomi, and in a manner that belied her silent and restrained exterior, she sent her a cheerfully worded and rather informal greeting.

“It is so good to see you again, Muyomi. It is good to see that you are an officer now, and I imagine that you have made many valuable contributions to the crew that warranted your rank. I took an extended leave of absence after my death, but rest assured, I am faring in good health. Take care, I will be watching your back during this sortie.”
- Hanna

An invisible weight seemed to lift off of Hanna’s chest as she transmitted the message to Muyomi. She had learned the value in fostering friendships during her training with the Danko Clan, and she did not want her lessons to go to waste.

After transmitting the message, Hanna jogged towards Traumapatcher-Heisho and the gathering Kraken fireteam. She opted remained silent in assent with the present orders of the second-in-command, but she was prepared to jump at the signal.

With her SPINE interface fully initialized, Hanna closed her eyes and fully merged her consciousness with the extensive systems of her armor. Her physical senses became seamlessly integrated with the Mindy’s AIES, granting her a panoramic and nigh-omnipotent view of her surroundings. Initially, the flow of information from her sensors was overwhelming and distracting, but the speed of Hanna’s perception quickly caught up with the unending stream of data. She filtered through the data through a combination of automatic and manual mental commands, until only the most relevant information pertaining to her surroundings displayed within her awareness.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Dokusei Kaori had simply floated on as the briefing disbanded and orders were given. Her only words thus far was a quiet "Hai" and a nod to her commanding officers. Upon entering the Power Armor Bay, the small Neko seemed to have just silently appeared behind Seinosuke. She spoke out, clearly and quietly. "I've been told we'd be working together on this outing."

The little green-panel looked up at the Neo-Caelisolan briefly, her mouth curving to the side a little. She continued briefly, walking towards the rack of ready-fitted power armor. "We'll talk more later." She carried her wafting scent away with her, moving down the line to her own shortened Mindy. The Nekovalkyrja took an about-face, and got into the open suit of armor. With the Mindy armor wrapping around her like a sarcophagus, one could catch a glimpse of a bright, almost radiant yellow set of eyes as Kaori slipped her helmet down over her head.

Running a brief set of diagnostics on startup, the scientist stepped through the initial checkups. Fully powered up, the now taller metal soldier stepped off the rack and onto the bay floor with a deep thud. She caught up with the others at the end of the bay, stopping to pick up a handheld SiZi Model 38 revolver along the way. In fact, her entire loadout seemed to be customized and rather... oddly put together. Ready to deploy, her head shifted from ally to ally waited for commands.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

The Minkan had to make do with a Mindy II during the first two missions, but following that, Walter had gotten his hands on a Mindy IV suit, with the same old load-out he used the first two missions. Like he said to Arete, he just needs to be careful with how many grenades he's shooting; when a Type 33 goes through four grenades per second, 3400 grenades can go by quickly when unchecked.

Funny thing is, though, Walter hadn't been on duty for very long, and he had technically already busted two power armors. He wouldn't be surprised if the first one didn't end up in his portfolio, that's basically one of the many skeletons that SAINT is helping him keep in his closet. The first PA was lost to a wild ride gone wrong, the second time he lost one was to whatever that ball of aether was, and now he wondered if this PA is up on the chopping block.

Really doesn't matter, not in the long run.

Using the Blacksmith's toolkit, he diagnoses his new armor. As expected, the Mindy IV is spotless, sturdy, and its software has no bugs! As expected, really, he wondered why he even bothered following Mitsuko's command this time around.

The secrecy-wrapped Walter Hyde got into his power armor, and rolled his shoulders as the suit adjusted to the heavy Type 33 launchers that nestle on his shoulders. He sheathes his nodachi blade, and dons the heavy ammo belts like two crisscrossing shashes over his frame. All in all, combined with his normal height of 6'5", it made him look bigger and taller than normal.

With the Itto Juni nowhere in sight in the PA Bay, he remained pretty silent as he watched everyone else mingle and get along with one another. After seeing this for a third time, Walter accepted that socializing's pretty normal.

... Man he felt lonely.
Wyatt began to make his way over to the PA bay along with everybody else, he noted all the familiar faces he was put into a fire team with as he took a second to look over his new mindy. There was no sentimental connection between the marksman and his previous suit that had been shredded by Aether in a foreign galaxy yet he still felt a little annoyed as he always found getting a new mindy fitted was a hassle.

Regardless he made sure everything looked right before he shamelessly stripped down, stored his belongnings and pulled his type 31 uniform over his body and began strapping all of his preferred attachments on, it was an odd choice of parts for a marksman yet it was very much a "Wyatt" loadout that allowed him to fit into whatever role he needed to.

It began with him attaching a missile pod to each shoulder, then a fully charged capacitor for each leg and a fusion generator on his back. Once that was done, Wyatt moved around to the front and climbed into the suit, the familiar squishiness of the suit's innards felt leagues better than the formalwear he had been crammed in prior. The minkan pulled down the helmet and rolled his shoulders, before he threw out a few quick jabs to test the synchronicity,
everything was looking fine as far as he could tell.

Moving over to the weapons rack, Wyatt strapped his Xiphos to one hip and a CFWEP to his lower back before strapping a special duty revolver to his other hip, he shouldered the LATR and cycled it between modes. "Alder-hei, green across the board and ready to go, Shosa" he began speaking before giving his opinion on naming the team.

"Personally I think Kraken sounds like a dumb name" he spoke with a monotonous voice as he cradled the LATR in his arms, "although I don't have a better suggestion so whatever is decided on better be set in stone"
YSS Kaiyo II

Mitsuko kept an eye on the crowd of soldiers, most piling into the ship to prepare for the upcoming mission. Her expression was composed, although her eyes did narrow at the silent message she received. A colonist? This was something they were keeping from the Enlisted? She only met Eden's gaze for a moment, those tinted glasses keeping her eyes from glowing distractingly.

"I do not recall anything similar, Teien-Shosa. Although I participated in several rescue missions with the Eucharis, in this fleet. Is there anything...more specific I should know, Shosa?"

She began compiling a mental list of possible suspects. Marcus Rodia had frequently mentioned his agricultural abilities, making him stand out in her mind, considering where the Kaiyo had just been.

"However, the description of the phenomena we are expected to encounter did remind me of the Crystalloids we briefly covered during my initial interview."

Mitsuko didn't believe they were likely to be involved, but it was prudent to share any available information. It was easy enough to send the data she had along with the wireless communication. They had stumbled upon the creatures randomly once, why not again?

After a moment she turned to gesture into the ship, since most of the crew members had boarded by now. "Teien-Shosa, I would like to formally file multiple complaints related to the current condition and/or civilian status of several members of your crew. Should I preemptively fill in the 'Rejected' status and forward them myself, as usual? Or would Hoshi-Chusa prefer to personally deny them herself?" Mitsuko wasn't quite sure what to expect from the new Captain.

"Additionally, I was planning to transport my squadron by shuttle, and only deploy PAs if they are deemed necessary on scene. Will this be acceptable, and do you have a preference for which of the shuttles we utilize?"
YSS Kaiyo II

Mitsuko frowned as most of her questions went unanswered. Nothing unusual there. She was only irritated for a moment, before she was distracted by the search for new information.

"Planet H...records show it was indeed visited by the Eucharis. But no, that was before my time."

She had joined the next year, just in time for the assault on the NMX Nest. Where they entered through the sewage lines. Lucky her.
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden shook her head, saying telepathically, "No matter, I was really hoping that something had been shared with you. I believe the Raccoon shuttle, YSS Maltese, is in use while two of the three Kuma: YSS Tsubomikaze, YSS Tsubomi, and YSS Orphan City are free for use, though. You will have to ask Kiseki-hei as Boss tells me she is prepping them. Thank you for the naming scheme for the shuttles, by the way, Juni." With a smile, she added, "We will take into consideration personnel changes. You are free to take leadership of your team at this time. Safe travels." She saluted and nodded to Mitsuko. The tall Shosa was waiting for her to say more, ask more, or leave. Eden was itching to command her own team soon, likely all in the power armor bay. Her golden eyes started scanning the slimmed crowd.

Meanwhile, Muyomi sent out a digital message to Hanna:

Hello, Hanna. I love hearing from you and being able to talk to you again so much!

I think you should talk to Asuka. I know she wants to talk to you.

I will be hoping for the best outcome this mission, as we all do, and will be striving alongside you to achieve that!

YSS Kaiyo II

Mitsuko flushed as those names were announced. She'd only picked two, and the Shosa had taken things in a direction she hadn't exactly expected. "Ahem...the Tsubomikaze will be fine, th-thank you." She saluted, then fixed her cap after bumping it, before finally scurrying into the ship. Murakami would head for the PA Bay once she'd composed herself, filing her complaints to the ship's MEGAMI for later perusal.

What did Planet H have to do with this? She tried to remember what had happened to the Eucharis before her arrival, taking this time to check the records she was allowed access to while she moved through the new ship.
YSS Kaiyo II

Care would do a headcount of the members of the team as they arrived, her head busy sorting information such as their communications and making sure absolutely everything was ready. It was not a job she expected to be noticed, between the fact that much of it was automated, it was more of making sure everything worked, making sure there were no hitches or faults. While it may seem redundant, it was better to check the automated system every time and have it never fail than to forget to check it once and have it collapse. First was naturally making sure that Team Kraken was ready to go. Unfortunately Eden herself had not arrived to take full charge, and without further direction she feared that she was setting up the team to wait in anxious preparedness.

"Team Kraken is a lovely name, Mark." She responded with a positive pitch. "Unless there's serious disagreement I believe we can accept it as our team name, I'm sure Eden will enjoy it." Her eyes briefly shot to Wyatt, though with a lack of view to her eyes which lacked the ability to appear critical, it was an empty gesture, and she simply ignored his statement. Making a sound that seemed like a mimicry of clearing ones throat, she spoke once more. "I'll hold back on giving direct instructions about what we will do as we currently do not have directives, but I would like to reiterate the dangers of what we may run into. While the pulses that we have been told about seem to occur on a regular and predictable basis, we have to be prepared for if that schedule changes. Especially if we interact with what is causing them, stay together and keep your ears open, report any anomalies that appear as they occur." She was naturally unsure of what was causing the issues, but she knew that if it was a specific thing, it might have side effects secondary to the pulses they were there to investigate.

She shifted comms, directing a message to Eden. "Eden-Shosa, your team, dubbed 'Kraken' is prepared and ready in the Power Armor Bay."
Miyabi System
YSS Kaiyō II

When engineering had given the clear, the ship was soon moving south of the sector, away from the galaxy's core. When they were in the system Miyabi and were moving towards the planet, a verdant green and watery one, they were given the orders from Eden.

"Stop with equipment checks." Eden was in her armor by this time and looked to her team, "Kraken is my team's name. Team leads respond on comms with your designation. Kraken will take point. Boss, open the bay doors. Chusa?"

Hoshi replied, "All clear for your departure, Shosa." She looked to Gravity, who was steadily piloting in orbit of the planet, now.

Eden saw the bay doors open for both the shuttle and power armor bays on her HUD and in front of her and spoke.

"Good, ready to deploy in the next half minute, Kraken. Stretch and prep. We've been waiting for this for awhile."
“Order understood, Juni.” Kyoi stated. “Shuttles are ready for launch. Do you think we need to carry extra supplies? Munitions, maybe? Or spare equipment?”

...why did she care again? Preparation never hurt, but...surely Mitsuko had that covered. The little mouse-like Neko was nothing if not thorough, as Kyoi knew from records. Unlike herself...who frequently just improvised when necessary. At least this meant the team could make requests for spare gear.
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Gemini star fortress

All throughout the meeting, one quiet Separa'shan stood somewhere in the middle, being unsucessful in blending into the crowd. Such a thing is pretty hard to do with a 12ft snaketail sticking out everywhere. The friendly neighbourhood snake, more commonly known as Abart listened to the briefing, and shot the Chusa a firm nod in acknowledgement.

While it may have been hard to tell with the whole briefing going on, Abart seemed to be a bit....'odd' compared to usual. Somehow she snake seemed to lack his usual spark of energy he'd have about him. That chipper tone in his voice, the exited moves of his arms, the restlessness of his tail. It all wasn't there today. While others had suffered quite a bit of damage in their previous Soranomizu mission, either mentally or physically, maybe a combination of the two, he on the other hand had barely done a thing. Sure, anyone would be grateful to get out of such a tight bind alive, let alone unscathed, yet somehow it didn't strike Abart as particularly fulfilling.

It was something that had been on his mind lately.....what exactly he was doing. Over the....what was it..... 9 missions he'd run on thus far, all of his actions could mostly be summed up as 'being there', with nothing particularly noteworthy coming to mind. Of course, he was just doing his job. Following orders when he got them, doing the dirty work here and there, all the usual stuff, but that sense of fulfillment he had gotten in the earlier months of his employment had slowly sipped away with every sortie.

Why he felt like his, he wasn't sure. Maybe the whole soldier gig was starting to become routine to him, simply going through the motions to get things done and getting it over with. Or perhaps it was him starting to feel the impied responsibilities and expectations of his rank, and noting how recently hadn't really done much to deserve this position? Perhaps even a combination of the two. Whatever the reason was, there was no denying his overall modd these days haad devolved from the usual 'yay' to more of a 'meh'.

As the many paneled people filtered off the docks and into the ship itself, Abart simply followed along. Here and there he caught a glimpse of Nerai, carrying a stern, focused face throughout the situation. Ohboi. Having know her for so long, Abart knew that whenever Nerai looked like that, she had something on her mind......the two snakes might just be fairly similar in that regard. Recieving Hoshi's message, he was notified that he would remain on standby as backup when needed. Such a thing was pretty much his specialty at this point. Oh well.....