Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

YSS Kaiyo II

Miles had entered the briefing part way through dragging a protesting Shasse along behind him who he'd spent the last 10 minutes chasing around trying to catch and force down to the briefing while she had argued that her sleep was more important to which he countered with, its already past 10 in the morning. "Alright Shasse are you content with yourself now?"

Miles spoke to the neko who had promptly fallen asleep standing up during the briefing to which he had ignored, letting her sleep and miss it to teach her a lesson on the issues that accompany failing to listen. "Awah, I missed it? Well I'm sure it will be fine so which teams are we on?"
"Well thats just it Shasse, I wasn't listening out for your name so I have no idea you'll need to find out on your own." Miles wandered over to join Mitsuko and his team before suiting up in his new mindy after the previous was destroyed in the aether sphere.

Shasse on the other hand took a wild guess (after suiting up and checking her HUD to find out which team she was on) and headed over to Edens group waving at Wyatt and Eden as she moved over. "Hey Eden, sorry for the abrupt message but I just wanted to thank you for all your help back in Ayenee, it really means a lot to me and I'm in your debt." She sent to Eden in a personal comm channel.
Power Armor Bay

Mitsuko's blush had faded, although now she was looking rather pale. More than usual. She made her way to her assigned armor, the outdated Mindy II covered in scratches and dings. A scar still remained along one side of the helmet, along with a sizable dent in the forehead. The Neko silently shed layers of uniform, folding everything in a practiced manner and stowing it neatly in the locker assigned to her nearby. A rather large amount of that pale flesh was now on display, as the bare Neko inserted herself into that armor, too distracted by the possibilities she was mulling over to worry about concealing herself from the many faces, new or otherwise, in the PA Bay. The newer Mindys didn't require such a lack of clothing, but she'd stubbornly refused to update, even if it would've been more efficient. And less embarrassing.

Her glasses were the last thing to be folded and stashed away, closing the locker as she finally turned that bright, glowing gaze towards the crew members rapidly assembling. Eden and Iemochi's teams were congregating around their leaders, and she was already receiving questions herself. "Teien-Shosa has suggested the Kuma. Thank you for ensuring both options were prepared, Kiseki-Hei." She responded wirelessly to Kyoi as she began wedging her helmet on, locking it into place. "No extra supplies will be required. With any luck, this will be a short trip." Mitsuko highly doubted that, but she could always hope.

Lauren was falling in line as the others settled into their armors. Murakami stepped forward, waving them towards the connecting doorway to the Shuttle Bay. Perhaps the increased size of the two Bays had some merit, as most of the crew had been able to gather here and prepare without incident, and they certainly had enough shuttles to go around.

"Kiseki-Hei has the Kuma shuttle Tsubomikaze prepped for launch at the Captain's command. Single file through the airlock, take your seats. I will be joining our pilot in the cockpit." She motioned them past her, Mitsuko's armor seeming a bit old fashioned next to most of the newer models present. Her loadout seemed to be the most uninteresting, average selection possible, nothing standing out to give them many hints about what to expect from her.
Miyabi System
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden replied to Shasse, "You're too sweet, Nitô Hei Emiko. Let's have a less bloody time out there this time, shall we?" She sounded sing-songy and in a good mood. "Team Kraken, prepare for launch. Team leads, I still need a sound-off from you!"
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was on the bridge checking over every inch of it. This was his first time being on the bridge during a mission and was not going to let anything slip past his watch. This was also the first time he was going to be around Hoshi for an extended length of time. Alastair had nerves of steel but even this made his palms a little sweaty. This was partly due to the fact he had to one up Miko. Alastair heard the stories from Miko of his misadventures with Hoshi and the fun they had together.

"See here, all ammo banks are filled. Have all weapons in good working order." He mumbled to himself while he was walking around this a data pad.
Power Armor Bay

The din and activity within the power armor bay grew more frantic as soldiers finished suiting up and attaching weapons to their armors. Hanna was waiting near the launching area while the other teams got into position, and officers scrambled to ensure that everything was in order for the imminent launch. Fortunately, it appeared that Traumapatcher-Heisho had done quite an effective job of preparing her team for launch, especially in light of Eden’s brief absence to fulfill her duties as the XO.

As she waited, Hanna wondered if Eden still felt bitter regarding the loss of her command to Hoshi, especially with the absence of her wife and daughter from the crew of the ship. If those feelings had existed in the first place, Hanna presumed that Eden had but them aside. Since her return to the ship, Hanna had seen no indication of a tense professional relationship between Eden and Hoshi, as of yet.

She hoped that it stayed that way.

As the frantic activity in the power armor bay subsided, Hanna received a response from Muyomi. The cyan-haired Neko processed the contents of the message quickly, yet the mention of Asuka took her by surprise. Hanna made a mental note to contact the red-haired Neko, but she could not help but to wonder how possessive Hoshi was over her many, many girlfriends, especially Asuka.
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PA Bay------>Tsubomikaze

A shuttle...? Walter's been on those before, but this is the first time he gets to be in one for a mission. He wondered why they're doing that in the first place, since they could always just descend into the atmosphere in their power armor. These Mindy's are just that tough. He considered that maybe, maybe, they're on a fetch quest to find someone down there. It's just a hunch, though, it may be just formalities or for the saftey of the ship.

The Minkan didn't forget Arete's words as as he boarded the shuttle. It's just a little joke, but Walter wanted to live up to that the best he could; he'll try to not even get a scratch on his armor. With that thought, he-

Walter hit the lip of the entry door on the forehead with a audible thnk. He stepped back, and it finally clued in that he's kind of too tall for this shuttle.

"Yare yare daze," the young Hyde grumbled. For a brief moment, he gave up hope on the possibility of any mission going right. Only briefly, though, as he made sure to duck and take a seat in the shuttle, keeping his head from touching the ceiling.
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Wyatt gave a brief nod in response to Shasse's wave, he may not have been the most forward person in social settings but he wasn't such an asshole that he'd ignore a direct hail, the fact that he was one of the few people that knew about a certain... condition... that afflicted her, he was even more inclined to pay close attention incase things began to go awry.

Regardless of who he was making mental portfolios on, the marksman made his way over to Eden's team near the bay doors where he leant up against a wall with his rifle resting over his left shoulder as he delved into his own thoughts.

He really did think Kraken was a bad name, what was next? naming a team "Cthulhu" and then the next one "Nyarlathotep"?
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Power Armor Bay

William checked over his systems one final time before he turned back to the other members of his team, particularly Sacre. "Are you ready for this?" He asked on a private line to the medic. In her HUD, William's face popped up in a corner of her screen. He gave her a small smile, then added. "Any ideas on what is going on down there?" He asked as he moved out of the way for the first team to launch.
YSS Kaiwo II
Monitoring Room

Arbarbles sighed as she eased herself into one of the comfortable chairs, looking upwards towards the projection in the ceiling. On display was a brilliantly starry 'sky', and the amazing glow of the planet near the edge of the screen. She smiled a bit - some things are always amazing to look at. Her hands rested atop her swollen belly softly; she winced as a response came from the inside. Looking down, the Iemochi woman spoke, "You two are getting ready to join us, aren't you? It'll be a couple months still..." Not much seemed to be going on up here, at least. The infantry teams were preparing for planetfall, a few people on the bridge were warming up the equipment and making sure it was ready to go. Didn't this room have a console or something to operate systems with? Eh, it's probably something that needs Megami's help. It'd be easier to ask later, after the mission's over.
YSS Kaiyo II

Chlorate had been watching the briefing from the back. She knew she would be part of the bridge crew again, and she confirmed this by checking and seeing that her name was not listed under any of the ground teams. She proceeded to the bridge after Eden told everyone to suit up.

Kikios didn't see her name on the datapad either, so she walked to the engineering deck. She was curious to see if any other engineers would be remaining on the ship this mission, as it was kind of lonely last time, mostly being by herself.
Power Armor Bay

Seinosuke nodded, passing in front of his team, giving them a look over as he headed to his station. Trained soldiers, all of them, Hoshi had done well selecting her crew as always. "Excellent." The emerald-eyed man muttered, dawn-toned wings trailing behind him as he stepped to his own PA.

A tiny voice, Kaori, emanated from behind his blind spot, causing him a little start. "Oh - indeed. We'll be working together for the foreseeable future. See you out there." A reassuring grin graced his lightly bandaged face, watching her disappear as he checked over the PA.

Deftly, as if it had only been yesterday he'd slipped inside, Mochi hopped into the Mindy. With a shock, he recalled the last time he'd been in the weapon, he had been literally boiling alive with the SOFT team. Not a good memory, not at all. The scientist hoped it wouldn't rub bad luck on his team.

"Hydra it is then." He spoke decisively, the HUD flickering to life and broadcasting to team members as their names popped up against one side of his field of view. "Get ready to board our shuttle and deploy. Let's show off how quickly we can mesh, mhm?" The armored man flexed his arms, rolling his shoulders so the servos strained backwards, sighing as if putting on an old coat. With a few clunking steps, he was in position.
Power Armor Bay

As Seinosuke spoke, William turned and watched as people began boarding the shuttles. He waited a moment, before realizing something rather important... His 8 feet tall armor wasn't going to fit inside the 6.56 feet tall shuttle. "My armor won't fit in the shuttle." He said over the Hydra squad channel.

"I'll just fly alongside." He added simply before stepping back and allowing the other members of his crew to board.
Sacre shook her head in reply to William's question. "Simper Gumby. And I have no idea. I'm a doctor, not a physicist." She replied to him privately. Sacre listened to Seinosuke and nodded. Team Hydra it was. It wasn't going to be a comfortable fit for Sacre as well. However, she could effectively lower her height. She considered the problem for a moment. "'The enemy's gate is down.' You'll fit easily enough on your back. If something goes wrong, then you can hit your jets to get free. If something goes wrong, then a few scorch marks will be the least of our problems." She suggested over the Hydra channel.
YSS Kaiyo II
PA Bay - Doors

Riku Tanaka looked around as Kraken Team began to muster around their ordered doors, spotting someone approaching near him. Might as well make a friend while they had time. He allowed someone to take his spot as he shifted positions so he ended up next to Mark. He held out a hand with a friendly smile, mainly out of habit, though redundant since their faces were covered. "Santo-Hei Riku Tanaka, fresh from training." He initiated the introduction, hoping to get a handshake and the beginnings of a friendship aboard the ship so he wasn't constantly alone, and not just someone to have his back and vice-versa.
By the bay doors....don't open em hal.

Mark stayed uncharacteristically quiet for most of the time, but found himself addressed. it was a pleasant surprise, and he gladly shook the hand.

"Nito-Hei Mark Oaklen, despite the rank, this actually isn't my first time in a military. Good to meet you Riku, how's the military life so far?", Mark asked as they waited.

The interaction was a good distraction from his thoughts and the whiny voice of Orias in his head. She'd been very much that way since the incident during the dimensional jump. The ex-demonic being now just a voice, and one who had a very colorful vocabulary. after shaking Riku's hand the 6'2 man which was only enhanced by the armor, rolled his shoulders, particularly his changed arm which carried his shield.
YSS Kaiyo II
PA Bay - Doors

Riku returned his hand to the Aether Rifle. "Military life has been better than civilian life. The adrenaline rush is much more satisfying than the boring, repetitive life of politics that my father wanted me to go into. I'd much rather be in some power armor than some government suit." He looked Mark over once, taking in the figure so he could identify someone other than Teiien Eden on the battlefield by a simple glance. "You said this wasn't your first time in the military. Where else did you serve?" He asked, slightly tapping his foot in anxiety as he waited for the mission to hit full swing, ready to prove to not only himself, but the entire crew, that he was worthy of serving on the Kaiyo.
"I served in the NMSC for five years, the last two as an officer. I was a Merc for the Skyguard in the USO for four, or five months. Actually started my own military out there, but I got attacked by L'kor on a survey mission. In the attack I suffered a blow to the head that caused me to have amnesia. I stayed with the crew for six months as a civilian while I recovered. Before the Kaiyo's departure to Ayenee I took the offer to have a ST copy made. I'm actually the copy. Though I enlisted and was on the last two missions prior to this.", Mark said a little odd feeling at actually telling someone his past. He never had before, but it meant he had experience he could put towards helping his comrades. Mark just realized how much he'd already done in his life, and he was only 22.
Shuttle Bay

Mitsuko had moved near the Kuma shuttle by now, waving her team inside. Lauren had already found her seat, and now the Logistics Neko was just waiting for the last few stragglers so she could join their pilot in the cockpit.

"Team Dolphin will be ready to launch momentarily."

She then sighed inside her Mindy's helmet as one of the crew members she was rather worried about encountered an issue. When his head encountered the shuttle, rather forcefully at that. "There is a reason the Star Army of Yamatai manufactures its soldiers within certain parameters, Hyde-Hei. Perhaps you would be more comfortable remaining behind?" In the brig, perhaps? Or his own universe? She kept these thoughts to herself, although her tone was easy enough to read.
YSS Kaiyo

Shasse smiled sheepishly under her helmet, "Hai Eden Shosa, I'll try to keep the blood to a minimum this time eheh." The little neko dashed over and joined the rest of the team, bouncing on her feet already getting pumped up for the next adventure. Moving over to stand beside Wyatt she tried to strike up a conversation, "So, about what happened before with the whole, tried to kill you, I'm really sorry about all that but do you still want to be friends, I mean it would be bad to hold grudges as partners but I completely understand if you still resent me after that."

Seeing Shasse get to her shuttle safely Miles shook his head smiling, "Well I'm glad she managed to find her way there, she's Edens problem now." He said to himself going over to his own shuttle and taking a seat near Walter. "So Walter, if that is your name. Last time I saw you you were yelling at my poor neko friend who couldn't see what was in front of her, let's here this story of yours then since you're definitely not the guy I worked with a few months ago."