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Currently, the senate has been suspended with emergency powers being held by the Premier and the four Grand Admirals, due to the current war brewing. There are still senators but they've taken a back-seat in decision-making, at least until the NMX war is concluded.
Leon Santiago: Hmm... this is true. We can't have you looking like the cats but we still need to show off our women's greater assets. I hereby amend my proposal. All female soldiers in DRESS UNIFORM will be required to wear TINY MINISKIRTS!
The next wave of posts to the thrilling conclusion to the Cirrus Station have just landed!
[Cirrus Station] She Who Speaks to Flowers - CSS Captain Kokuten and Administrator Purina Popjoy take a moment to discuss the hectic events leading up to Cassefin's return to Cirrus Research Station (with Cassefin jealously looming overhead).
[Cirrus Station] For Nothing - Kokuten confronts Laj Vinross Yu and Marrisa Cranker about their true intentions for Cassefin Montreal and the Cirrus Research Station. Kokuten is then given a difficult choice which could potentially cause everything to crumble.
[Cirrus Station] Purina Potpourri Popjoy - After the events of "For Nothing", Purina Popjoy shares a nostalgic moment to Kokuten of her life with Cassefin, who has since the previous episode been mysteriously absent from all Cirrus Station activity.
Several grueling months of work, and the conclusion still in the editing room. If you've been following the Cirrus Station or are just interested, give it a looksie.