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NH-29 Nekovalkyrja (Brainstorming)

Although it could be strangely E.T. like. What bizzare images that conjures.

Now, there would be more effective ways than that, for one thing, all the 'mother' Neko would need is a sample of the 'Father' Neko's DNA, and then combine them. This DNA could come in any form, but something like the blood brothers ceremony springs to mind as an intresting way.
Well then another idea for the Hormones. Why not add something in the NH-29 model's interior design. Make a small gland inside of them, or something along those lines as for the hormone idea. Maybe make a small machine within them that also releases the hormones, so instead of taking external injections, they have it introduced into the body straight from within?
Again, that is time and energy that would have to be devoted to creating and maintaining the orgain as well as designing and intigrating it when it would be simpler to just code it all into the DNA.
bleh fine fine, but it's not that hard to add something like that to a system...and its not really all the much time. But whatever *shrugs*
Even considering that this would only take a few seconds to form it would have to be replicated millions of times, taking millions of seconds and a lot of resources.
Uso Tasuki said:
Even considering that this would only take a few seconds to form it would have to be replicated millions of times, taking millions of seconds and a lot of resources.

Well this could also be said about giving them hair or breasts or a lot of other things that are just for show. But I'd rather not get into this so I'm backing out of it right here.
Each of those have their own use. There is no need to have something on the NH that can be replaced by a smaller and better system.
Name their use besides visual pleasure. Also name why they just don't make all neko's look identical but spend time randomizing them. Wouldn't it be less time consuming? it's all about appearance and you know it. All those seconds spent customizing add up as you say.
The breasts on the NH serieeapon contain the organs used to create chemicals. They used to be used to make and store CRT fuel. Hair cusions the skull as well as provides a temperature control element for the head.

It is illigal to create two nekos that are exactly identical. Even if there was a standard neko template people would want to customise it anyways.
Fuel in the chest... isn't that a bit of a soft spot to hit and rupturing one of those would cause.... what exactly? (Like if she took a bullet to the breast.) Hair isn't that much of a cushion and we are talking about neko's here they are already strong enough to withstand a normal blow to the head without the little protection hair would give. And as i see it Neko's already have a heating problem and would need to expend heat more then keep it in.

(Dropping out of the conversation after this post but I'd still like to know what would happen if ya pop a neko's chest....)
No one uses incindary bullets anymore so as long as they don't make a comeback a NH really dosen't have much to worry about when it comes to getting shot in the chest where she may or may not be storing CRT fuel. The latest NH does not store CRT fuel anymore as they use a gravity trick to fly.

I also think you are underestimating the value of hair.
If you want to drag this out more you can get ahold of me on YIM KaytoStyles, I could go on for awhile. And ask yourself this,

"Is it not possible to impliment a more effective protection then hair with the tech standards in this world we are talking about?"
There may be better protection but it would not be as effective in controling temperature, the hair would be a fine balance betwen use and asthetics.
There you go then, a place to add a storage for Hormones. Simply place the machine or gland in a neko's breasts. I mean geez, it was already used to store fuel. And by the way, not all amunition is incindary bullets these days, yet a good spark from metal scraping on metal, or the heat caused by a bullet punctering metal is enough to set off a car full of gas. ((correct me If I'm wrong about the incindary bullets, I'm not really sure)) But back to the Hormones. Not that I'm taking Kayto's side just cause me and him are together and all, but he does make a good point. There has to be some template or something along that line, so that a neko can be somewhat the same in frame, yet different after being customized. Each frame of a Neko can have a hormone gland installed into the breast before they are customized, just like they have thier internal organs put it, as well as everything else. Again, I revist my topic of making that which we are trieing to humanize, more like humans, and less like machines.

Edit: And by the way Uso, about the hair topic. Hair actually adds no real padding to the top of the skull. The top of a person's skull, the bone, is actually the weakest bone in the body. So the Neko would have to have a tougher skull anyways. Hair adds no padding, all it is meant to do is to shield the skull and the skin of the skull from the sun, to add a somewhat decent temperature control item to the head, ((Mainly to keep heat in, not out, as hair is a insulator.)) The hair is to thin to be really effective as a padding, unless you have a rather large afro. But even then, it adds no real padding to anything that would actually be of any harm to the skull.
The thermal energy in a bullet is not enough to ignite most materials, they have to be covered with WP in order to set off something like that. Sparks comming off metal are also highly unlikely as a source of ignition, that is why WP covered bullets were developed during the world wars, they needed a weapon that was capable of igniting the hydrogen inside of the airships that were bombing Britan. Conventional bullets won't do a thing.

Again, there is no reason to create a hormone gland. The CRT fuel thing was back during the NH-7 series weapons. Current models had advanced transutation capabilities because of their nanomachines. Reguardless there is still no need for hormones, the NH series weapon was originaly created without those kind of hormones so a NH would never have to experiance her period. Why bother with hormones when you can just program it in? It would only needlessly complicate things with no benifit to the NH.
But again, the whole idea of the NH-29 model is to make the Neko race more human correct? Why wouldn't you want them becoming more human slowly? First a machine induced period, then slowly the race becomes more and more human, offspring being born with the gland already, until the entire race have them.

And Uso, I was just talking with Tomoe, and he corrected me. But Incindary rounds are mostly only tracer rounds I believe, atleast thats what I'm going on him for. My specialty isn't the rounds usually, its the guns themselves :P
Why would you want them to have a period in the first place when you can just use a switch or timer in the genes themselves? The goal is to make the less like weapons and not just make them carbon copies of humans.

Considering the type of weapons used here there aren't really any tracer rounds anymore because they just aren't needed.
Well incindary rounds are tracer rounds. And actually, sparks can ingnite fuel, thats why you see tank shots on cars cause the car to explode ((Actually experimented with this in a car junkyard once. It was a old rusty ass car and I was itching to test the theory :P )) The gun I used was a .9 mm a friend of mine had. So Nyah Uso.

But back to the topic of the thread. I never said to make them carbon copy, and in no way will the neko race be a carbon copy anyways. A few things borrowed from another race isn't a carbon copy. Neko's will still have everything else they usually did right? Just got a few added things. And by the way Uso, Periods aren't what all men make them out to's just a annoyance more times then we go postal on everyone.....^_~
Again, incindary rounds aren't used anymore (in this RP) because they just aren't useful.

Seriously, with a male more or less guiding the creation of the latest NH do you really think he will want them to have a period?
Bah, I could say something but I shall withhold my comment ^_^;

I think it would add a new aspect a bit to the race. There was another race I would have loved to see during thier "Time of the month" But oh well I guess. Regardless, it really comes down to Wes, but again I think it would be a bit better for my idea, though your idea as well does have it's better points Uso.