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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Not at all. She's from the Mishhu, remember? Emi's only just arrived at the station thanks to the POW transfer. If she dies now, she dies for good.
My next question was going to by why is Terrence so upset about the possible death of someone that tried to kill us earlier but he wasn't there to witness the horror of the kaserine or hallucinations of Ylfa.

How many more layers of this death trap do we have to fight through? By the time everyone makes it out someone is going to be at least half cyborg.
They've gotten... *Ahem* Close. It was more of a tease than anything, so he's still a virgin. Well, it's just business on part of the NMX. Nothing personal. Well, maybe a little personal.
I think if it was personal she would of gone farther. We've seen her try to turn everyone into a woman for business and perhaps shits and giggles.
Isn't the Sledge parked outside the station? Isn't it a bit off that they haven't tried to retake the station? I would imagine that they probably tried or something right? Or would that information be a bit of a blank space right now?
The Sledge Mama is parked outside of the station, but our characters are completely in the dark about what's happening. Given the situation, it wouldn't be a surprise that they either did try to help, or offered help, but couldn't deliver for whatever reason. It's in Mama's interest to get her marines out after all.
Minor note; Freia is still in the West Hall, not the center one that we're in. Also, I'll be getting a post up shortly. Ylfa was only referring to her.
And that' should be a legitimate worry for our characters as they try and get the loot. But worse still, another consideration is if they even know how to use the stuff. Short answer is no for most of them, but if you have some experience RPing as a Yamataian character, you could basically play out your character groping over and trying to figure it out. Even if you don't, the same can be done here. If you got questions about how the things operate to begin with, you can ask too. Our characters have yet to even file through the doorways however.
We don't seem to have a very good track record though. Only Cadet, Warrior, and Syaoran are still left of the original group that went into the NMX ship.
Pretty sure Warrior was there as well. But hey some of the people tried to cut through a brig wall with a knife <.< so not all the losses were bad.
not the whole wall, just the paneling that would be put over the wall to protect the reinforced structure that happens to be in all walls
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