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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Well, you can have your character ask - that doesn't necessarily mean you will or won't get what you ask for though.

Also, we're in a military alliance with Yamatai right now. The Defense Arrangement Treaty of the Alliance of Signatory States, otherwise known as DATASS, means we're obligated to help them. It never exactly says in what manner however, so that means the squad can 'go get help'. Personally? I'd like to immediately keep going deeper into the station, though what will happen next is up to you.

Moving on though, it's plot audit time. I got some questions to ask, and you can either answer here or send them to me in PM if you'd like to keep stuff private. Also, you don't have to answer all of them either; just focusing on the ones you feel are most important to you is just fine as well.

1) What do you like most about the plot?

2) What do you like least about the plot?

3) Do you feel your character is ever left out?

4) Is there anything I can do to keep the plot fun and enjoyable?

5) Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?

6) Do you have any questions for me at all?
It seems that plot audits are every other day.

1) There's plenty of killing and explosions and very little time spent on touchy feely crap.

2) Terrence. This problem still hasn't been fixed since the last time and if anything it's gotten worse.

3) Nope.

4) Sigma did promise neko fan girls if I injured enough neps and since throwing Terrence at that militant was more than enough, an ETA on the letters would be nice!

5) The pace is pretty good, I like it anyway.

6) Nope nothing at all. You do a good enough job at answering questions.
74 inches, I have a few errors I need to fix on my wiki page. Which is why he had to get a extra tall Mindy or he wouldn't fit since the average is 5 feet 4 inches tall inside.
1) I like a lot about the plot, but I think the thing I like the most is we're free to mess up if we want to, you're not holding our hands and making us succeed.

2) That no one has offered to turn this into a manga...but on a serious note the lack of diversity of enemy types in a single engagement, though that's partly the settings fault.


4)Keep being you.

5)I think the pace is just fine. Both in posting and how much time passes in a single post.

6)Are you going to turn this into a manga? XD
Aw come on, you like him on that "annoying, little brother" level, surely?

1. Well, everybody's getting a share of the bad-assery. No one's sitting around looking useless or excessively bad-ass in comparison to everyone else, so that's good.

2. Haters. The haters be real.

3. Like I said in numero uno, everyone's getting a fair share of usefulness as long as they post.

4. Just keep up with your general machinations, I like how this is going.

5. I have way more time on my hands than everybody else, I think, so I should probably keep this to myself.

6. Not at the time of my posting this.
Ok, post is up!

Since you're new here @Briggs , I'll fill you in a little bit on the situation. Since the Yamataians are under attack while we're there, we're obligated to help them due to a treaty. However, our own nation doesn't like them too much due to the numerous war crimes they've committed in the name of self interest in the past. For Kelly in particular, asking her to help defend them is the same as asking a Jewish person to aid the Germans in a place where WWII stopped as everyone tried to deal with the aliens that suddenly started showing up. Except, it's to fight others of her kind when said aliens have backed off for a year or two. If you got any questions, feel free to ask.

Also, I suggest hopping onto the IRC from time to time - you may enjoy the chatting there.

Now, focusing on what you all got to arm yourselves with however, remember that you all have access to Daisy I accessories and Daisy II accessories. If you decide to change armors for a Mindy 2 and its gear however, keep in mind that though it's got more firepower, it has a huge signature that anyone can detect. Remember, we're in a huge armory where there's power armors in racks as well as weapons everywhere. Unless it's something uncommon or strange, it should be there.

Also, I'm going to introduce you all to the Status Report page - with luck, it'll make keeping track of everyone and their own personal armory's worth of weapons easier to keep track of!

With luck...

I'll update it with everyone else's stuff as soon as your posts are down!
Oh, cool! I suppose Terrence is going to stick with what he's trained with and stick with the usual infantryman gear for Yamataian infantry.

White Knight, eh? Always did like Knights.
So is Terrence such a bleeding heart for every species or just the ones that are willing to talk to him for a little bit?
He's just a guy trying to live by the morals his parents bestowed upon him, which is more than some can say in Nepsleslia. He hates Squids, if that makes you feel better. But then they're supposed to be the apathetic antagonists of Star Army, so...
Terrence's favorite cat was created by the NMX so clearly he can't hate them or else he wouldn't have met whats-her-face.
Oh no, Nekoes he's okay with. It's the Misshu he's got a problem with. For obvious reasons, I suppose.
The same as Mark's, I imagine. They're the enemies of the known galaxy, they brainwash those they capture and use them as reproduction cattle, and they have an ingrained wish to dominate and exterminate. You know, same as everyone else, but Terrence takes it a few steps further, takes it personally.
Mark doesn't really have a problem with squids. He was created to kill the same people to fight with so he had to fine a substitute.
Just because you're "supposed" to hate something, doesn't mean that you have to. I doubt we are all mindless drones without opinion. People can have various degrees of prejudice. In Max's case, my guy was a cop before and he's seen what people can do to their own people. While yes he believes that the Cats are evil, he believes its an inherent problem with the universe and not one species in particular.
Hand-held firearm: LASR
Left shoulder: Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder Capacitor
Right shoulder: Ke-M2-W2907 Countermeasure Augmentation Pods (Ke-M2-W2907-ARMA Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance)
Left leg: Ke-M3-W2710 Mini-Missile Launcher Pods (Warhead: WickedArms AM-M5-MF or Ke-M2-W2703-MFMA Multi-Function Missile Avoidance)
Right leg: Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods (Warhead: Ke-M2-W2908-MSAP Multi-purpose Shield and Armor Piercing)

Well. there's Terrence's loadout. Sorry for not being very specific earlier, in hindsight, that seemed like a dick-move. So here you go! Now I can feel good about myself again.
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@Shadow - the Barrier Shield module is for earlier model Mindy 2's that didn't come with a full body shield, but wrist mounted Jackal Style ones. I listed the Mindy's accessories as well since @Briggs got himself one.
Really? I found it on the Daisy page. Okay, I'll fix this quick-like. Got any suggestions? From what I can see, it's compatible with a teleportaion unit and Hyper-space fold drive. Are those a little too over-top, unnecessary, or will one of them work?
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The older model Daisy sports its shield generator in the shoulder, but the Daisy II moved that elsewhere. The teleporter, I don't recall being compatible with the Daisy, since the fusion system couldn't charge it fast enough. Are you sure you're not looking at the Mindy's page? Keep in mind you could go for shoulder missiles if you're not in the mood for the 50mm cannon there.
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