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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

@Syaoran @Semjax @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey

Ok. My post ended up way, way bigger than I intended and moved us forward far too quickly, so in the end of the day, I cut a good hunk of it away to keep things simple. Right now, decide on where your character is going, and I'll post again in a much more timely manner. Remember, the time between posts is supposed to be 3 days at max, but we can and will move faster if we're all up to it. And fortunately, things are looking up at last!
Ok, so it's Mark, Max and Richard who are going to Providence with Kelly, while Edgardo and Stripe head to the armory with Ylfa? And how about you @Semjax ? You doing ok?
My bad! Also, I'm still running short on time, so I'll post either much later tonight, or tomorrow morning and get the armory moving.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey

Ok, the armory post is up! Also, for those of you in Providence, I suggest trying to figure out where you want to go, or at least make a suggestion as to what kind of things you'd like to look for. You guys can discuss this both In-Character, or Out of Character here in the OOC if you'd like. But get going! At this point, I won't be ushering either group to any particular venue, though the story still does have a certain direction.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Shadow

Post up guys. Remember what I said earlier - you guys in Providence are going to get to pick where we go, and there's a lot to choose from. Since some of you guys just got cybernetics, it wouldn't hurt to take a look at a place that offers them to learn more. If you want your characters to have a drink and some grub, that doesn't hurt either. Though, if you're all indecisive, I'll just pick something I think is interesting and we'll go from there.

@Professor Chibi

I hope you'll find a plot that tickles your fancy! Remember to stop by the shoutbox or IRC channel to ask around or chat.
Damnit. I got called in, so I'm going to push the post back until later tonight. Likely around midnight, west coast time when I'm back home. Sorry guys.
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