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OOC [OOC] 5th XF OOC Discussion

So, can I get a ruling on any ships that can be taken in by the Anri? Otherwise I'll just be pulling in large numbers of Lamia 2's and SS pods.
At work so I have to be quick---

Use your perrogative Soresu dude. I trust you.
The Lorath can't call "Dibs" on 5th XF gunships.

Dibs does not work here. XP

You can pull in the YSS Sheridan and perhaps NG-X5-91. The Sheridan is where Kotonoha-heisho is right now.

Others which may have parts are NG-X5-05, NG-X5-18, NG-X5-94, and NG-X5-95, but only 2 Irims or so can be restored from these hulks. Some hulks may be only a nacelle left or so.

The Arashi are likely lost causes.
My schedule for this weekend:

It is mah birthday on Saturday!!

Friday night: Dinner with friends but I will on later this evening.
Saturday: Likely be on in the morning: Going to the Portland Brewers Festival and out with friends to celebrate. I may stagger on at some ungodly hour.
Sunday: I will be here, that is after I recover from the hangover...

This weekend I plan to:
-Finish the Ascendancy
-Work on the new 5th Wiki
-Chase down my GMs and share with them the new fleet configuration and plans for our future.
I realize that I have a lot of wiki work to do...I am aware of it and am going to have some time to do so.
Andrew said:
I realize that I have a lot of wiki work to do...I am aware of it and am going to have some time to do so.
This is something any SARPer can help with, though. It shouldn't be just us admins keeping the wiki in order.

EDIT: I did about half of the page updates for you.
I think some are listed under our Fleet Configuration on the wiki. Right now I am working on a new fleet configuration which has things a little bit in flux there.
NOTE: Eriko will receive the death penalty (the sentence for illegal ST uses) if someone finds out about what just happened with Miho. Yamatai takes people's rights to their own mind very seriously and traitor or not, she was a Yamataian citizen.
Doesn't the act of actively and conscientiously betraying Yamatai dissolve her rights as a citizen? It sounded to me like she'd already given up any claim to being a citizen of Yamatai.
In addition to that, Miho's actions cost the lives of 110,000 civilians. While I understand how strict the law is, Yamatai might just have cause to decide that this is an exception.

And if it's the death penalty, perhaps I should have Yaichiro's "parents" executed or fleeing execution...hmm...
I would also like to point out that she ERASED Tange Misato's ST back-up, therefore in violation of this law as well as betraying her nation and her fleet.

By this logic, this would make Eriko in the right for restoring the back-up, interrogating the traitor and executing her for her actions against Misato and the nation.
Any comments on the Bizranko post?
I have to read it more throughly once I'm not running around the house. I'll get back to you. =)

EDIT: I did finally read through it. It was different. I'm curious what Tonsho was infused with to alter her body. o.o
There was body altering? I must've missed that in my undeniable disgust at the stupidity of the traitor's actions which has gotten them all killed bar Tonsho. That said, it'd be simple enough to ST her into a new body if there was any altering going on.

Now excuse me while I go write the traitor's names on some bullets XD
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