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OOC [OOC] Acadia Discussion

Right, my character didn't notice the hole in the bottom, too concerned about the bodies around him, and instead climbed to the top, made a small hole in the rubble and is using it as a pillbox.

I'm not really a combat unit, more of a battlefield engineer, and I only have a pistol with 3 magazines to go on; the scarcity of ammo is really bad, and there is no way I can fix a truck with such catastrophic damage.

Where can I best put my efforts?
It might be best for him to try and find out what is going on by asking some of the other soldiers / medics nearby.

Right now the truck is very close to the monorail (sense the monorail followed the road) so there aren't any badguys in line of sight to shoot at. Two are dead in different nearby truck and two are in a building overlooking the clearing created by the blast. Of the two in the building one has been shot in the leg and left in place while the other is swapping out into civilian clothing for an escape.
I've decided I'll lie defensive and protect the power-armour (although it'll probably be hardly necessary, as a newbie soldier, it can be expected I won't be as tactically applied as most).
Sorry for the double-post, but this is a bit of a bump.

I'm confused where exactly some of the characters are. Some characters are clearly at the monorail, and I know Makari is near Luke, but CadetNewb's character is apparently near the truck but we have not spotted him, despite his character was at the machine-gun which Luke had just dismantled.

(This problem has been resolved).
There is really nothing left to do for the marines other than getting on-board the SugarPea. I'll let you guys continuing getting everyone on-board however you want but I'm going to put up the mission 5 thread soon which will include a short timeskip to get everyone on their way.
OK, Mission 5 thread is up.

Everyone has some time to not do war stuff for a little while before they have to go and do war stuff again.

If your character was injured extensively in 4.5, they have been patched up enough to be able to move around while on-board the SugarPea.
Titus Brutus said:
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Playing with one's self in public is often embarrassing.
Quite true, ill make sure it doesnt happen again :?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What brought that up? :lol:
...was talking about myself and my most recent post...

I'm sorry if you though I was making the comment at you.
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Titus Brutus said:
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Playing with one's self in public is often embarrassing.
Quite true, ill make sure it doesnt happen again :?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What brought that up? :lol:
...was talking about myself and my most recent post...

I'm sorry if you though I was making the comment at you.

HAHA :lol: Hardly, I thought it was particularly random. I must have missed the part where Anselm played with himself. I was just mainly being a smartass
How long do you think next mission will take Uso? I wanted to take my character over to Cirrus and I didn't anticipate for you to throw us from mission to mission like that.
True, but... any modern-day unit put through this many engagements as fast as they have would be at severe risk of being eradicated through a combination of fatigue and attrition.

Then again, it only takes a few hours to mend bones in the SARP as opposed to months IRL...
You know, if we really don't like the conditions enough, and morale severely drops, we could stage a mutiny. Chances are the NPCs would have similar ideas to our own.

It'd probably the worst military event in Nepleslian history...
tomaszavenger said:
You know, if we really don't like the conditions enough, and morale severely drops, we could stage a mutiny. Chances are the NPCs would have similar ideas to our own.

It'd probably the worst military event in Nepleslian history...

You go ahead and try that and see what Anselm and Ran do to your character :lol:
Titus Brutus said:
tomaszavenger said:
You know, if we really don't like the conditions enough, and morale severely drops, we could stage a mutiny. Chances are the NPCs would have similar ideas to our own.

It'd probably the worst military event in Nepleslian history...

You go ahead and try that and see what Anselm and Ran do to your character :lol:
Oh, dear, Ran would start in on you, but Anselm would quickly cut him off with more enthusiasm than the good Chief could manage while chomping on his customary cigar bit.

But then Ran would be interested in keeping the mutineers alive, y'know, FOAR GREAT JUSTICE, Anselm would just be having raeg-fun throwing you against several bulkheads upon you declaring yourself an enemy.
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Titus Brutus said:
tomaszavenger said:
You know, if we really don't like the conditions enough, and morale severely drops, we could stage a mutiny. Chances are the NPCs would have similar ideas to our own.

It'd probably the worst military event in Nepleslian history...

You go ahead and try that and see what Anselm and Ran do to your character :lol:
Oh, dear, Ran would start in on you, but Anselm would quickly cut him off with more enthusiasm than the good Chief could manage while chomping on his customary cigar bit.

But then Ran would be interested in keeping the mutineers alive, y'know, FOAR GREAT JUSTICE, Anselm would just be having raeg-fun throwing you against several bulkheads upon you declaring yourself an enemy.

And you are all forgeting about Alex. *ojou-laugh*