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OOC [OOC] Acadia Discussion

Wasn't there a character that went nuts and started shooting up the Acadia (and crew, specifically Ran Rui) before? I feel like I should remember it...

Oh, Uso, you've got some major typos there, brohan. That malformed link is burning my ocular depressions.
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Wasn't there a character that went nuts and started shooting up the Acadia (and crew, specifically Ran Rui) before? I feel like I should remember it...

One of the ladies was macking on Fian a few months back, so Fian had Ran escort her to the brig for breaking regulations. She tried to fight free and succeeded in doing so after breaking Ran's leg and getting shot twice. So the Chief put out an alert through the ship and ANOTHER newbie shot her. With an HHG. That was loaded with RED shells.

Suffice to say there wasn't much left.
Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Wasn't there a character that went nuts and started shooting up the Acadia (and crew, specifically Ran Rui) before? I feel like I should remember it...

Oh, Uso, you've got some major typos there, brohan. That malformed link is burning my ocular depressions.

Eh......Cyber........ Alex is my character.........
Blackbird Lore said:
One of the ladies was macking on Fian a few months back, so Fian had Ran escort her to the brig for breaking regulations. She tried to fight free and succeeded in doing so after breaking Ran's leg and getting shot twice. So the Chief put out an alert through the ship and ANOTHER newbie shot her. With an HHG. That was loaded with RED shells.

Suffice to say there wasn't much left.

I... I was... alluding to it vaguely in jest... not confusion...

Shotjon said:
Eh......Cyber........ Alex is my character.........

I know, I wasn't referring to Alex, but the idea of a mutiny...


Hang on, is it just me or has everyone just started to assume I'm an idiot?

What the hell is going to happen now? Please get this moving some USO. Got so bored that I started another character on another site.
Titus Brutus said:

What the hell is going to happen now? Please get this moving some USO. Got so bored that I started another character on another site.

Why didn't you start another character on this site?

Anyway I am moving Alex to the Cirrus guys so do not expect me to post here anyme. I am still watingn for confirmation from Moonie. When I got it there will be a goodbye post in mission 4.5 then. Have fun and make Acadia a good name!
Titus Brutus said:

What the hell is going to happen now? Please get this moving some USO. Got so bored that I started another character on another site.
Patience dude. It's the holiday season IRL so it will slow down for a bit. It will pick up soon.
In case anyone hasn't seen it, everyone's favorite green haired cat-girl now has artwork: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:uso

And the VOID armor just got new arts too!: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ne ... ical_armor

More seriously though, It looks like Fian wants to start a new plot which means the Acadia is going to get shut down instead of having me temporarily run things till Fian gets back.

So what do people want to see / do in the future? Also if you have any ideas/comments/concerns let me know as I need to start thinking about how to transition things into something more long term instead of a series of action oriented plots.
I was under the impression Fian was starting a new plot under the assumption the Acadia would keep on going.
Originally the plan was that I was just running things until Fian got back to give him a break.

Now Fian is having a new plot so there is going to be another round of 'who wants a character transfer' This plotship will continue but I don't think I am going to keep the name Acadia for it. At the very least I'm going to try and direct it more towards the 'interact with the rest of the setting' plan for the 4th fleet.

Uso, you're nuts, bonkers. Fian is starting a new plot, definately under the assumption that you or someone else will continue to moderate this one. This is just... what the heck, man?