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OOC [OOC] Acadia Discussion

Like I said, I was under the assumption Fian would be coming back to take back over the Acadia.

This is the main reason why all the PCs are on the NSS Asp right now (So I wouldn't have to play Fian's command characters on the Acadia).

Turns out this is going to be a more permanent thing. Instead of transferring everyone back to the NSS Acadia after a bunch of one off action plots this is going to have to become something more involved and serious.

So instead of just having generic action, I wanted to get input as to what players would like to see or do in the SARP setting. The plot is likely going to get renamed and Fian's Acadia PCs are going to get a chance for a send off. This is also going to mean things like more re-occurring badguys and a deeper plot than what I have planned right now (which was just supposed to help flesh out some of the backstory elements of Nepleslia while waiting for Fian).
I like the idea of getting deeper into a plot. Also the idea of keeping Uso (Harm in this case) within the plot, unless you have different plans. I really enjoy the way this plot and all of its players operate, and would enjoy seeing as many people still involved as possible. But of course its not my decision.

I made this character specifically for for this kind of highspeed combat plot, and I'm not sure that if the Acadia, (or something like it), doesn't exist if I could continue within a Nepleslian Plot.

Also, what does Fian have in mind for his new plot.

Plus, I was already under the impression that Fian was gone permanently from this shindig months ago.
Fian's new plot idea: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5936

I had the feeling that things would have to be kept 'highspeed combat' but if that is all I do I'm going to end up getting burnt out like Fian did.

There is also the 4th fleet thing which got shelved for the Acadia. The idea was to interact with the rest of the setting and rely on purely nepleslian events as little as possible. This could include things like first contact missions (If Ira ever gets his shit together), missions on Yamatai, getting the marines involved in a nepleslian game show, trying to get involved with the UOC happenings, The classic 'ocean's eleven' style heist or some disaster movie type thing (Nepleslian Volcanoes anyone?).

Finally there is now a serious need to recruit command characters for the new ship. Wazu is a genius but a terrible leader of men (which is why most of the ship is run by robots) and I don't want Uso/Harm to lead the group all the time because she's my character and I want the players to have to solve things. Ran would be great but koenig doesn't really want to continue with this job and wants to do something with intelligence work.

This means there is going to be space for a squad leader (the man with the plan) and a second in command (the one who makes sure players are continually moving forward). There is also room for some ship crew positions but focusing around the combat leaves little to do for the ship crew.
Hah. Not Sean. Believe it or not, I only got here right before you guys did. I'm only a rank ahead of you, so that's not gonna happen.
Well, I've finally caught up. Should I just insert my character like he's been there the whole time, or is there another way to do this?
Go with the 'assume they've been there the whole time' thing. He could easily have been going about his business in the background and just not talked to anyone.

You can also assume that he got whichever power armor and gear he requested.
Sorry for my absence; surprisingly there were people who actually desired my time and attention once I came home, so I've been rather busy. I'll be posting shortly.
I'm staying.

EDIT: But there's always room for a squad leader, versus a platoon leader like what Ran is. Obviously, some PCs will really have to step it up in this mission to get considered for a promotion like that.
Sorry about my long leave of absence. School was very much occupying loads of my time, but now that it's the holidays, I can try this again. I will do a much better job of staying on top of my posts this time, for sure.

Last I remember, my character Lucas Vanguard was involved in Mission 4, but I stopped posting near the end of it. Where and how can I fit my character back into the current thread?
These guys need an answer today.
Try and read all of mission 5 (or at least the first and last bits). A group of marines, not all from the same ship, ended up getting taken onboard the ASP for the current operation.

Assume your character happened to be one of those taken, post them getting their equipment, and then getting on board the shuttle. Power armor and weapons from the Nepleslian Military Equipment page are available.

I'll hold off on posting the shuttle leaving the ship for another day or so to give you guys time to post.
To the multitude of new peeps joining us, welcome. 8-)
If I may make a suggestion, it would be a good idea to link your character bio under the NSS Acadia plot on the wiki if you haven't done so already; much easier for you and others to find your character's bio.
I'll get that done, and thanks for the advice. I'm just reviving my profile now following a hiatus brought on by illness, job loss, etc...

Hopefully now, I can enjoy this universe a bit.
Sanderford said:
I'll get that done, and thanks for the advice. I'm just reviving my profile now following a hiatus brought on by illness, job loss, etc...
Ouch...that sucks :( I feel ya with the job stuff though; while I do currently have a job, it's nowhere related to what I studied in school. :?