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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Mola said:
Sitting against the main body of the digger one for each main cardinal point were explosives, with big timers reading 4:55 on them and then dropping lower every second. If they couldn't defend the digger, no one would have the digger.

-O- !

I thought it was Omegas objective to destroy/capture the machine?
I have head trauma @_@
No seriously I went to a hospital

Koku, did that picture of Mr. T say 'Your Awesome' as opposed to 'You're Awesome'?

Sitting against the main body of the digger one for each main cardinal point were explosives, with big timers reading 4:55 on them and then dropping lower every second. If they couldn't defend the digger, no one would have the digger.


Well...if it's obvious they are going to lose, perhaps this is something they could do...although, I doubt command will like it.
int BulletsFired = 0;

public static void main()
System.out.println("FOR THE EMPEROR!!!");
While (True)

Hehehe, sorry I had to.
Yaranaikaedit: With confirmation from Fian, Fian and Soreta's Epsilon 2 squad has exactly 6 men.

aimed for the head, and fired. The Omega squad marine yelped in surprise as his head disintigrated

he jammed Rico's blade into the back of an Omega trying to slice one of Adrian's squad mates in two with a longsword.

He charged his PPG and released a split second before he landed square on the Omega's head

Oops. Now Epsilon two only has Fian, Soreta and a single poor soul that would die a horrible death real soon.

FIANEDIT: i'm still in school, dont kill me untill I get back home.
Istvan... is fighting like a demon..... He's lost an arm, and doesn't seem to care too much... benji had better hope he has LUCK
More aether-y death. Yay. And I swear, if Benji's on my team next round, and he pulls stupid shit like that again, I'm gonna blast his ass into next week.
Istivan is nutts, Charlie will do no such thing and I promise I still have tricks up my sleeve...
Fian! Oh noes! I wanted to kill Soreta!

P.S. I was in a phalanx, not an AIR2.

P.S.S. Mola, dude, there IS no command squad any more. Rather, there's a single ill-tempered Geshrin diplomat with three enemy Marines still in the room with her.
Soreta is still the "command" in the area... XD

anyway... they'll all be mauled here in a bit... no worries...
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