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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Sorry i didn't make it. I had college til 14:40 then work from 15:00-23:00 EST. when i got home i had to do my homework and it was 2:00 in morning by the time i was done.
[OOC] ATTN: Bahram Wing

This is your new plot structure.

What is it and how do you get it?

So that I'll be able to more regularly balance IRL and RP, all Bahram Wing JPs will be conducted on Fridays, at 9:30 PM EST. This is so that I am able to JP between four to six hours in this session, and so that you know when official, mission-related JPs occur. The scheduling thread will be used for reminders, cancellations and planning special 'social setting' RP that isn't a mission.

I'll also be radically changing the way I storytell with your characters, using what I call 'ready time' JPing. Each session will only include the characters who are able to make it to the JP, and will be a sort of microcosm in the grand scale of the mission. SP posting will advance objectives and the progression of the mission, and JPs will be 'encounters' with NPC enemies, attacks on specific targets and anything that requires immediate attention by a GM.

Basically, the JP is meant to represent a specific scenario that occurs during the mission, ostensibly assuming that all the characters present were 'ready', or unhindered by the conditions of the battlefield. When the JP ends, this scenario ends and if it ends with a player leaving, I may have to resolve it through a GM decison.

However, I will not penalize players who need to leave with a reasonable excuse (will accept 'brb blowjob', 'gtg significant other calling to bed', 'bbl about to sleep on keyboard', 'gtg vomit', etc...), nor those who abstain from joining in the JP because they don't want to jump in on a situation (Hell, if I have enough abstainers, I can even double up on JPs for you guys. NO TRIPLES.). Ragequitters cannot expect the same patience and understanding.

Your PCs are all the controllers of humanoid fighter jets/laser gunships, so I'll be leaning towards the latter, especially with the heavy ECM frequent in many of the battles you'll be facing. But I'm starting to digress...

Friday night will be the only night I will run these combat JPs, since I am unhindered by work and classes at those times, and many of you should be getting home right around then anyway, even on the West Coast.

In SP, the plot is meant to advance. Don't expect any major plot revelations in a JP (unless it's briefing or something that makes sense in context) or the situation on the battlefield to change very radically. SP is the bread of this plot, and JP the delicious filling.

Oh, and I almost forgot.

Update your character bios. When I get a credit card in a month or so, I'm going to put a hundred to two hundred CAD into some comissions, and players with well-written, up-to-date biographies will be prioritized for these.

I will be watching.
Been exhausted, and my stomach was killing me all day. So I slept most of the day so I likely missed the Jeep, if it happened today. :\
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling




9:00 PM, EST. We end this, TONIGHT.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I almost wet myself.


Oh wait, there it is.

Exhack, you owe me new panties.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I'll be there at 10pm. Got to close tonight. But I'm ready to kick some bitches.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

JP, this Friday, 9:30 PM.

Announced. Be there, don't miss it.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I might be in Baton Rouge, or back in New Roads eating at Ma Mama's (apparently a really nice restaurant) But I'll try to be there.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Thanks a no go on my front. Still in florida and internet is iffy at best.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Thanks a no go on my front. Still in florida and internet is iffy at best.
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