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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Okay folks. JP backup is out, and I'm not going to be JP ready for a week or two.

To compensate!

We will be switching into SP entirely, for that time. Please post in-scene if you haven't already, and I'll be posting a big GM post tomorrow at mid-day.

I'm really sorry about how things turned out these past two months, but I really think that with this solid playerbase we have, we can totally get through this.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I was there but apparently no one else was...
I waited 10-15 minutes for a response from Exhack and recieved none.
I really want to get in on this RP but i feel like JP won't work with me So i give my character to Exhack as a NPC(If needed) until further notice.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Samuraipizzaman, Protip: Ex calls for a JP earlier than it actually will be.

Posts are coming in, and I haven't forgotten anyone with my GMing.

If I have, like... tell me.


Also, in other news!

I've decided to consider having some sexy jeep action this Friday, but I want to see some consistent SP before I commit to it. People who show will get to RP, and I will GM for everyone who does show up (including you, Gamer).
Might post early morning/ammend posts early morning.

Also, Zalus. You coulda been a contender, if you'd like, ducked, or even flown down the side of the building and hid yourself until shields came back.

This was the roof/landing pad of a rather large terminal tower, after all.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

JP, Saturday nigh at 10 PM EST. We'll run until about 1:30 AM of the Sunday, and try to get through this mission in as satisfactory a manner as possible.
Goods news everyone! You're reading this in Prof Farnsworth's voice!

Now, I was recently given two weeks of unpaid vacation, which will allow me to JP almost every night as needed, and output a constant stream of SP.

It all starts this weekend.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Another JP, Saturday, July 18th. 9:30 PM, with a similar cutoff time.

Ideally, I can end the mission by next weekend, and GM some nice shore leave RP afterwards.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Exhack said:
Another JP, Saturday, July 18th. 9:30 PM, with a similar cutoff time.

Ideally, I can end the mission by next weekend, and GM some nice shore leave RP afterwards.
Not sure if I'll be able to make it. I'm working that night.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I'll be around for it, just don't expect me to be on Vent. I have company over that I absolutely hate, but cannot tell to leave. (Family.)
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

At home on lunch break. But, I maybe a little late depending on how things turn out. They've been dropping hints at the possibility of me working a little later then my norm today.
SP parts are up. It's unlikely we'll be having a JP this weekend or the next, so get cracking on those posts! The scene will advance every 3-4 days until we finally reach the destination.
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