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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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Guess I really did pick a bad day. It's 19:22 and no one's here. Report anyone!

19:37 -- still no one. Guys, I know some of you couldn't make it, but I really would like to be able to start on time. Last time we had two players who were quite late, and it hampered RP opportunities.

19:57 -- Still no one. I'll hold out for 18 minutes more, then we're off.

20:16 -- JP is off. SP IN THE MEANTIME.
Doshii Jun said:
Guess I really did pick a bad day. It's 19:22 and no one's here. Report anyone!
Time Openings

All my openings are 20:00-00:00EST every day of the week... I'm basically open every night, as long as my internet connection is working.
... Right.

From your schedules, our best chance is about one hour on Saturday, if I accomodate everyone's schedules.

Josh, right now you're the odd-man out.

So, we need to consider exactly what we're going to do. Sounds like if we're going to make this work with everyone involved, we need to convert to single-posting, or SP.

Are you folks willing to go for this?
Think we can do something today (Sunday 9-17)? I'd have been there yesterday, but I had to work.
We can try, starting at 20:00 EST. For the sake of keeping us alive, everyone show up when you can. *sleeps*
Gah, I came from my inbox and at first thought this was the Sakura's plot discussion. You gave the topic the same name; I'm changing it now.
Just reading the last JP - some logical problems: First off, you'd NEVER bring a radio into an armory. Radios transmit energy - armories are full of explosives. Bad combination. Secondly, armories on KFY starships are Zesuaium-shielded - no radio signal will penetrate them.
... Uso.

You're telling me that radio energy is that dangerous? To general explosives? And in the day and age of the Star Army?

Is that a U.S. Army safety code I've never heard of? Forgive me if I seem a little unconvinced, but I've never heard of that before.

Also, this is the armory of the Goban -- I'm not so sure Yamatai would put the money into a medium freighter to give it a Zesu armory. But, I shall assume it did.

Luckily, not all has been revealed with the radio and its method of transmission and reception, so it's all good. Thank you for pointing that stuff out, Wes.

EDIT: Ahhhh. I think I understand a bit more, Wes. I'll fix it later by explaining the transmission device.

You guys are getting a hint here!
Yeah, electromagnetic energy (such as radio waves) are dangerous and can excite explosives.
Actually, this Saturday is lookin' kinda iffy for me. We'll see, but I don't know how soon I'll be home. I'd say, currently, there's a 35% chance I'll be here in time, but ya never know.

(I got a date *glee* Doin' the whole dinner and a movie thing.)
Note: Permanent schedule change (IN EST).

Openings Thursday - Sunday: 00:00 - 03:00

Monday: 19:00 - 03:00

Tuesday and Wednesday: NO OPENINGS
mon-thurs 21:00-23:00(GMT)
fri 21:00-4:00
sat-sun(thru oct 1) 1:00-4:00
sat-sun(after oct 1) anytime, Im open
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