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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

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Guys, Nyton is still having complications on his side of things and hasn't been able to come and devote the time here at the moment.

Usually, what I have my co-GMs do is focus on handling crew resources - because frankly, Miharu has a large playerbase - which is why you've seen Nyton of late post on the subject to things that revolved around the ship and the characters involved; while I handled the more adversarial content of this scenario (which allows Nyton to act in a semi-player-like fashion seeing he hardly has full control of the situation).

I feel he's been handling this like a champion so far, and would like to cut him the slack needed to allow him to return back on his feet. Hence, things may be slower for a bit. I would beg for your patience.

Thank you.
Thanks for being patient with me. Situation here is slowly improving although it seems some things just live to aggravate. My personal laptop is starting to have trouble starting up leading some of my more tech savvy coleagues to believe it has a corrupted startup file or something. Meanwhile the internet continues to elude our domicile and we may need to dig up our cable and lay a new one down. I dunno, maybe I'll get back to my room and find out the internet is finally there, yay.

Anyways, I want to wait another day to give Yagen and 5tar a chance to post. I haven't read any word from them since they were told to go searching for a power generator and then the bit about standing by to ambush the Armory's departing defenders.

Cora, you got a chance to react with Camellia, if not then Azumi is going to go ahead and stick her so she can recuperate a bit.

Exhack, if you want, Sayuri can show signs of regaining conciousness upon Ayumu beginning hemosynth therapy to heal her.

Moonie, I left Sora's question open to you to answer so as to establish a place to pick up. If not then I'm just going to NPC him again, especially in regards to Shouko departing in the condition she is in. I can see the good doctor being very disagreeable with her staggering off despite the brave attempt.

Kim, feel free to pick up with Sora however you want. I just got the trauma center started and treatment beginning. I may have missed something in regards to SA medical procedures. I figured since nekos regenerate naturally the hemosynth blood would help nekos regenerate faster. That seemed to me the only really effective solution aside from giving out pain killers and relaxants to help their bodies be repaired quickly. Maybe some sort of nutritional supplement to assist in the malnourishment that some would be suffering.

Tom, good idea with posting Aoiko for guard duty. I could use help with the Sekkou repairs writing. Aside from the dead crewmembers still inside I didn't think there was much else wrong with the ship besides the Aether Canceller nulling it's aether generation abilities. You've shown great initiative with writing repair situations for the Miharu so this scenario is really much more up your alley.

Okay well, that's where I'm reading at. If all goes well tomorrow then I should be able to post up the Assault Team's further advance into the seventh level. Oh yeah, quick question: Is that blast door locked in someway?
It appears to be the standard Star Army Blast Shutters.

There's no information of their specifics on the Wiki, but I recall those slide down automatically in a crisis or when a ship is in combat condition. They also need to be directly accessed to be opened.

Wes, you really have to detail those more in the Wiki. It'd at least allow you to explain with a link instead of having to explain yourself in every darned battle.

Oh, obvious consequences:
~ Blasting the door open is likely to do a whole lot of noise.
~ Normally triggering the door open might still register in the base's computer system, thus revealing an intrusion.
~ Forcing the door open probably still will register on computer.
Sorry guys, I'm going to post something tomorrow, I promise.

There's been a death in my family, so I have to be with my cousins at this time. To make sure they make it through okay.

So tonight I'll be at the wake, I'll get one up either in the morning tomorrow or if not, the evening. Once again I apologize for my lack in posts, I'll get to it as soon as I possibly can.
We appreciate the heads up, 5tar. Bests wishes for you and your family as they try to get by this.
Sorry to hear about that. Yeah I think time allowances can be made for such. Thoughts and prayers to you man.
Thanks for all the support everyone.

On another note though, I kept up my promise and I posted. But it looked like Nyton posted at the same time, if there's any errors give me a heads up and I can fix it since it follows after Nyton's next actions.
Well, there supposedly was radio silence by the point of Nyton's post... but it's fine - the narrative clearly shows it was before.

*thumbs up* No problem.
Shit, megaload of poast while I was drowning in work. Fantastic. Much to catch up on.

Sorry Kel; my initial plan was shot down by the Kotori-san. I'll work out something else.
Kotori takes after Yukari, you see? She's showing off the result of all her obsessive practice back at the Kyoto War College and is now an expert marksman!

All characters with names finishing with "-ri" also get a +10% at shooting down things.
I know that has to be the worst post I've made here in a long time, but I'm rather stretched this week. I have a TON of stuff due on wednesday and it's finals week. I didn't want to seem completely inactive and what I posted is part of what Yoroko would do. Give me until about thursday night and I should be all sorted out. @.@
Sorry guys, I know we're being literally held up at 'the door' and all but I want to give Yagen a little more time to see what he can do. Try to be patient please and don't forget that they've only been stopped there for less then a minute.
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