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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Doshii Jun said:
Shit, there's an archive I have?

Supposedly, but it's no big deal if you've lost it. I know a way to get it back.

That said, I'm currently addressing archiving. I'm looking at this subforum of ours and I'm starting to find it a bit cluttered. Before archiving our more recent stuff, I think it'd be more important to address the stuff we have missing from the Prelude, Mission 1 and Mission 2.

Today, I sort of got back into book-keeping and gave my Kotori wiki a semi-overhaul. Miharu is probably going to benefit from the same because I feel the page's layout hasn't aged well.

Anyhow, just pointing out I'm working on stuff backstage.

Oh, Nyton, post away and get your people moving. I think you're all set.
I will, I just need the time. Yes we're pretty much set I'll just get to it when I can. Sorry for the delay. Work last night was unending.
I'm going to need some more activity from 5tar. Sumaru is currently taking point with Nimura and stands as being pivotal to plot advancement so far.

Not to mention I'd like to keep up the 'everyone posts per day' clip we've been going at... and apparently lost when we were dealing with wounded.

Nyton, whenever you come up and see Sumaru hasn't been posted for in a day, please fill in for him.
Okay everyone in the Bishop power armor team.

I'll need posts from all of you. It doesn't need to be in the order Nyton put out, though it's probably best if you make those next posts action declarations.

ex.: "Kai activated his armor's stealth and dashed forward on Nyton's command, moving to do this and this while thinking Yoroko had nice legs."
Will do, just need some time. I've been having the busiest of weeks with work running late almost everyday. Plus my laptop for whatever reason doesn't want to bring up all the important sites I need like hotmail and my bank accounts. I still have lots to do on my off time too like hitting the gym and working on promotion points.

Expect a post tonight/today. I should be able to get that done while working at the MWR this evening.
Don't worry about it, Nyton. I'm trying to coach and encourage people into posting and trying to reach the middleground in helping the plot progress at a steady clip... not being a slave driver.

You do what you need to get done. Thanks for the heads up.
Sorry for not posting throughout the entire week. There were many pointless senior activities for high school as well as being sick for a few days. I still have two weeks till graduation, so I'm not out of the woods yet. My schedule will, should, be a bit better this week, expect for my sister's wedding this weekend and relatives robbing me of all free time XD!

So I'm not dead! At least Takuma is incapacitated, so it's not too inconveniencing.
Takuma: "My hand! My haaaa~aaand!"
Ichigo: *croaks* "I'm missing a third of my torso, a leg and a arm. You have no right to complain!"
Takuma: "My haaaa~aaand!"

Thanks for posting Yagen. Everything should be fine... and yeah, Takuma being incapacitated should demand less attention from you in exam period.
I'd like to have posts for Kai and Sumaru's actions today in reaction to Nyton's orders. If no post are done by tomorrow, both are going to have to be autoed by Nyton and me.
Okay everyone, don't panic. I have..... A PLAN. I just need the time to write it out but I gotta go to work. Just give me some time.

Fred, you're a monster. XD
I think the stuff grabbing people is Eve being tricky and Telekinetic. if not, Kai just burned the shit out of whatever the hell is wrapping up his legs.
Summer's gotten things really busy with me, sorry for the trouble. I got a post in as soon as I could.
There, posted. I had to auto Sumaru and he's not doing so well - especially with Eve turning her attention to him while he was already busy.

Nyton, I know Eve being around has you all enthusiastic, but your posts are very long and full of contingencies that makes it very hard to actually know what Nyton is presently doing. I would greatly appreciate it if in subsequent posts you'd try to put a separate emphasis on what Nyton does, and his thought bubbles.

Thinking and analyzing is fine, and I enjoy reading it... but with all that stuff along with the other players also needing attention it gets a bit overwhelming and I end being confused and gloss over specifics. Thinking up contingencies is fine too, but that also ends up getting a little loss over the sheer 'wall of textness' I'm having to deal with. For now, I sort of interpreted Nyton firing half-blind (his 360 vision inside the suit isn't that effective at the moment).
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