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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Just wondering. Since Tom appears to be MIA... I was wondering if I could just start posting in Mission 4 while I wait.
It should be. You can even have Rin react to the fact that more enlisted people are coming to Miharu. :lol:

Or observe Sanjuro getting his ass handed to him by someone thirteen inches shorter than him.
I'm a little out of circulation, could someone give me a pointer as to where to insert Kai into the new chapter?
Aendri: Apologies about not having that JP up yet. I'm trying to clean house while my wife rests. I'll get to it today.
If you can insert it earlier than a post that's already up, I'll just go ahead and go. That way you don't have to worry about it.
Ummmm ... I'm not sure I can, actually. I'm not very sharp with the moderator powers. Lemme edit it up now.
Kel: We should meet up for a JP so the two can leave together. And gossip and eat good sushi and apple ice cream.
how about....

Does anyone know which character is where?

Or perhaps someone who needs another character to interact with?

I've been working on other projects, so I'm somewhat lost. I wish this was something easy, like combat. XD
It's the next day, Kai, post breakfast, so you can pretty much gave Kai do whatever. Maybe he's back to tinkering on fixing his Daisy. After all, it's doubtful he'd have had been done the previous day, especially with the custom work he was planning to do on the suit.
Or, Nakamura can be somewhere close-by to Yamada and the dueling enlisted (Kurohoshi, Ashitaka). You can definitely approach Yamada and wow her socks off with Kai's sharp looks or something.

Or just, y'know, talk to her. If that's his thing.
I be ignored D:

Uh... if I were to post for the new day/thread thingy, how much would the condition of Miharu have changed, engineering-wise? Still a boat load of stuff to do or what?
Darn it, Kyoki. I know you counted on Tom to interact with you. I was counting on the very same. That said, sorry.

By this point, most of what Miharu needs is maintenance work and a degree of jury-rigging to get things running... because the damage taken isn't really something that can be fixed out of spacedock.

Many sprites are probably busying themselves fixing various 'things'. This said, you can choose for Rin to join in (you're welcome to make suggestions on what you think would need attention post-battle), but seeing new supplies coming in Rin could also help arrange what comes in, help fix some of the damaged armors (Wish is still kinda messed up, for example) and such.

Seeing no rigid scheduling was made yet, it seems up to your character to determine where her talents would be the most useful. Either you can start something on your own, or approach another player character and ask if you can help out.
No needs to be sorries! Things sometimes don't work out according to plan, so it's okay!

Hmm... now to think of something for her to be up to....
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