Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Well, it's just that I feel the urge to get things done. :)

Kai, might you elaborate on the changes your character wanted done on his Daisy? I gathered he wanted a synthetic insert, but if there's more, I can easily give you an outcome and if that ends up being successful too. We'll just have to narrate it.

Uso, my intention is not to brush you off the ship as soon as possible and good riddance (though my character does think that). I'm asking people what they want to have roleplayed out, and what they want resolved and are willing to go for narration instead.
Well, I also wanted to change out the chest plate for a more masculine one, but beyond that Kai does not know how to do the proper modifications he might want.

Really, I'm not sure what kind of modifications he'd want beyond simply increasing the specs of the suit as high as he can get them to go without killing himself in combat.
I'll see if I can get stuff done on my end. If not then I guess I shouldn't hold everyone up. I haven't been very co-GM-ish lately.
Kyou's time would most likely be spent either working as security detail (depending on how long that would take), or continuing to get settled in, since all she's really done so far is put her stuff away and find a room. I had a post-simulator talk with Masako somewhere in my future, but she did also say it wasn't immediate, so I don't know what's going on there.
I know I've sort of caused the engineering and fixing up part to lag behind.... So I'd be fine with just narrating past whatever fixing really needed to get done. But, of course, if Tom or Gallant, or other engie people want to continue with it, I'm fine with that too.
I am fine with a timeskip.

Basically - and Tom has input on this - if left to their own devices, Kyoki and Yuzuki would probably finish up the couplings and the training and get on with replacing the flanges and so on on the power systems that were damaged. It might take the good part of a week of dedicated effort, going off a similar real-world estimate, but as this is Sci-Fi and I assume there's some hilarious time-saving system around - why can't we have portable fabricators again? - probably they'd get done with it. Engineering Sprite Co. seems to be largely untapped so a few of them would probably jump in and help.

Engineering Sprite co. would probably also take care of the capacitors as well - Ozuno and Cho were already 'pulled' for the purpose. They would have been working on reinstalling them and op-testing them, then certifying their functionality. Tom would be informed of this, probably by Yuzuki, maybe by Ozuno.

Make sense? Objections?
Yeah, sounds okay to me.

I just want you guys to focus on the things you want to have fleshed out. Once those have been delineated, then we can progress through the events of our story with more direction and purpose - thus generally less tedium and boredom involved for all... hopefully.

Once the things you want done are done, then we move on.
For all those infantry involved, especially new arrivals, would it be cool if I helped move things along and just do a quick cut narration assembling folks at the simulator room? I don't want to slow everyone down so I would like to do that and then we can all proceed from there. Is that acceptable?
The GM gives his okay. I mean, it's not like they'll disobey. I hope.

Well, Kaida and Yoroko won't be there, since they're being trnasfered out. But the rest should be present.

Also, you can work in Miyoko's reply via Miharu to Nyton in your next post, if you'd like.
How large a circle does the generalization "infantry" capture here? Is Sanjuro required to participate, seeing as he is medical staff?

I just need to know this so that I can plan out a post, because I intend for him to be present in one fashion or another, either to participate or just to observe.
This'll take me a bit to type up. Sorry just been busyesque these days.

@Moonie: Wasn't planning on inviting Sanjuro but he's welcome to join in some manner. Not a bad idea though as he did some field medic work.
Yeah, that was a goodpost Blas. Two things I wanted to point out, though:

Eve's suspected model is a NH-23, not a "NH-30".

Amaya made a big deal of Kai Ashigari's death at the hands of SAINT after Kai learned of how his brother, Kenji Ashigari, had been offed.

* * *

Also, happy birthday, Matt!
Actually I missed a bunch of items that need addressing. Gah!

Looks like I need to do some minor editing to that wall 'o' text. >_>

Post-Edit: Okay tweaked it up a bit. Added some data I missed and made a few corrections.
Miharu is a SP plot. That usually stands for 'Single Post' plot.

Though, right now, we could give this acronym another meaning: Slow Plot!

Seriously, people, I think I've replied to everything I could reply to. If anyone needs me to post something, just point it out to me and I'll try to accommodate you. If not, then maybe it's your turn to post! (you know you are XD )
I dunno, is there something I missed? I mean if no one is going to take the opportunity to strike up some conversation on an open forum that requested input then well I guess we should just move on. If no one has anything else to say then I'll just post a conclusion to the meeting and send everyone off.

We could effectively bring this day to it's conclusion and be on our way to Nepleslia even. How about if there is nothing else added by Saturday we just go ahead and fast forward things a bit?
The lack of response to the briefing is unfortunate. I was hoping there'd be more in the way of ideas being tossed around, or questions raised. Either people are busy, uninspired or simply not interested.

I'd like to fastforward some, yes... but I don't know wether or not the technician people (Gallant and Tom, I'm looking at you and your henchmen) are ready to move on. There's Kel and Takuma too (Takuma, whom hasn't been posted for for a bit now).

Also, Doshii, you said you'd make a Yukari post... about a week ago. If you want to post, post I say. If you don't, then please tell me if there's a problem.

* * *

edit: whoa, Kel and Plaidmage ninjaed-in replies.
PlaidMage said:
guys i accidentally the whole wall of text is this bad

You accidentally wrote a sentence that did not make much sense either.

However, after deciphering it: no, your wall of text is fine. It has paragraphs.