Star Army

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Ooohhh, so I am epic failing with that post. K, I'll delete it and get a new post in some other time. Too tired at the moment

Edit: Okay, I must REALLY be failing hard at the moment. I don't see an Aendri post at me, at least not within the past 5 pages. Sorry if I missed it....
I'm still waiting for other guys to post. Tom and Abwehran Commander come to mind. Heck, maybe even Yukari could chime in.
I would like to apologize for my recent lack of forum activity.

Got put on the 'dink' list, since I was not getting qualified fast enough on certain qualifications. My chain of command told me that I had to be off of it by Friday or they would pull my liberty card, so most of my week's been busy running around and getting training and ganking signatures off of people. I just barely passed the test even so, but my liberty and free time are secure again. Huzzah!

I should have a post up sometime within the next 24 hours.
I apologize for the lack of posting. I was getting used to my new class schedule.

I pretty much have a busy week:
  • Mondays:
    • 2 Classes from 8am - 10am
      1 Class from 7pm - 10pm
    Tuesdays and Thursdays:
    • Work from 10:30am - 2pm
      Class from 4:20pm - 5:35pm
    Wednesday and Friday:
    • 2 Classes from 8am - 10am
      Work from 4pm - 9pm

Of course with the way my boss is I normally end up leaving late on lunch schedules and/or working early in dinner schedules which interferes with plans as well.

Either way, I'll try to post in between all of this and homework/studying.
Thanks for the update, Matt.

* * *

Can I say "Yuzuki is made of win"?

That last post, with her tutoring others on what the fabrication system could do, was neat. what I enjoyed most, though, was how she told Rin she'd show her for the next one. It definitely makes her look the part of a more responsible big sister/person in charge.

I liked it.
The more I read the more I think of How good of an idea it would be for the Miharu to hook up with Origin. I know it's a very self-whoring thing but I keep think "Origin has the Perfect solution for that problem!"

Anyway, Abwehran, did that little message get sent to Kai? I'm not sure whether or not he would have been informed to get ready for that.
Can I say "Yuzuki is made of win"?

That last post, with her tutoring others on what the fabrication system could do, was neat. what I enjoyed most, though, was how she told Rin she'd show her for the next one. It definitely makes her look the part of a more responsible big sister/person in charge.

I liked it.

Since nobody answered me I took Matt's silence as a yes, and went ahead and started on what Masako ordered for Kai to do.
Yagen, I believe Kel's character Miyoko sent a message to Takuma.

You've been sort of scarce lately. In the datacore investigation you only put in token participation.

Which is why I would like to ask the following: are you doing okay? Are you busy and would rather have Takuma turned into a semi-NPC? Or do you think you can be active enough to interact with Miyoko so that Kel will - at least - not have posted himself into a corner?
Ah, this is a hard post to answer. Things have been busy for a while now so I fell behind on the story and haven't had a good chance to catch up. I just read through the entire officers' meeting so I think I can handle posting a bit more. I should have been more verbal about not being able to post so I apologize for that ^^;.

I see what you did there.


Now for my thoughts, which mostly concern Kyoki. I think, since we are now the only two concerned, we ought to be able to do a quick JP or Etherpad up to a certain point on these capacitors. Something I've noticed is that this time, Time has moved a little differently. That officers meeting probably took an hour or so of people sitting down and discussing Plot. We've taken roughly the equivilent of twenty minutes, maybe.

I want to make up the time, in-game. Sort of. Which is to say, these next couple of posts should put us right back on par with the rest of the world, probably replacing some of the juryrigged electrical stuff behind the panels and around the maintenance tunnels near the portside multipurpose bay.

Is there some time you will be available, Kyoki?
Kel, Yagen, I have not forgotten you.

I'll be truthful: with the datacore, I handed out most of the information I was hoping to release, and then some. I hadn't planned on more.

However, your characters are researching further for things I did not actually plan for. That's actually great - I applaud the initiative and your characters wanting to cover more ground.

However, I must make sure to reward your effort and interest with something that will make sense. For example, I've had the 'Blue Rift Expanse' search stewing at the back of my mind for a couple of days now - the lag for Miharu's search is really more like me stalling for time, y'know? :D

I think I had something fleshing out which might appeal to Miyoko's more sciency background. Maybe I can post it up this friday.

* * *

Also, I'll admit to not expecting to have Miharu be able to fold - according to Tom's estimates - in 'several' hours (meaning more than a couple).

With 70+ thread pages that have been going on since last August, I'm starting to feel we're stretching the downtime period. I'm not sure this is all that fun for everyone involved, and I'm no longer sure of how entertaining I can make this be for you guys.

I'm considering a timeskip.

As your GM, I'm going to ask you to provide me with some metad directions as to what you hope to accomplish with your characters presently; things you want to get done. For example, Miyoko and Takuma are looking up the Datacore; I know that much.

What about the rest of you? I'd really would like to put more focus on a list of things you would like to do. Them on, we'd then move on with the plot.

How far? I'm unsure. As it is, timeskipping could involve narrating how Wazu was left at Nepleslia, that Miharu then successfully got a spot in an NDI spacedock, and we'd end here and go for Mission 5... perhaps starting with Miharu just shy of entering the Blue Rift Expanse or something.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
I can write an epilogue post (or do a short JP with whoever is up for one) about Wazu if you want to skip past the visit to Nepleslia.
I'm fine with a wait for the extra info. As for Miyoko's activities during a timeskip, you basically nailed it. She's going to be drilling the datacore for anything potentially useful she can find out about the situation at the rift... just about to the exclusion of all else, including things like 'sleep,' unless somebody gives her a gentle shove in that direction.
Kai is most likely to get back to the armor bay and finish the repairs and modifications to his Daisy, test it out, and getting it working satisfactorily.

Beyond that, He has been researching guns that he'd like to order, which Doshii informed me Miharu is actually capable of replicating if Kai were to do something like buy temporary rights to build a few of them, But then again, we keep going on about how we don't have enough raw materials on board to do stuff like that.
Well after the security sweep paranoia was sated it was just going to be a matter of strategy sessions and poring over the original datafile information to pick at any details not covered in the briefing. Those could be done just as easily during the spacedock at Ether as it could enroute to Nepleslia or anywhere else before the final mission. I would need Matt for possibly a JP going over the data plus maybe a little final tweaking with Kotori. Can't think of much else but just because I've been quiet doesn't mean I haven't been thinking. Sorry for the thinking taking too long though.